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[Drama 2012] I do, I do 아이 두 아이 두

Guest yeohweping

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After the last two episodes am team tae kang all the way ....... i disliked how the doctor attacked ji an at least she didnt lie to him and to be honest this pregnancy happened before they even met ... i dont know why is he upset ..... maybe becoz she missed their dinner date and i dont like he treated her .....  i was all for the doctor before but not anymore ... at least tae kang cares for both the baby and ji an and the doctor is selfish and hes only thinking about him self 
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This contains spoilers for the most recent episode!

First of all,  I want to start off by saying that I like this drama a lot! I think KSA is a wonderful actress and I've loved all of her work. But, I really want to address the issue with the doctor. I know a lot of people aren't liking the doctor right now and I get that. However, I want to ask everyone a question. How many guys do you know  that would handle this situation more graciously than him? I mean, he was dating JA and found out that she was pregnant with another man's child. That's not something that most people would acceept in an instant and honestly they would probably be a lot harsher than how he was. He WILLINGLY took it upon himself to break off their engagement/wedding (whatever they had) because he didn't want JA to be looked badly upon (at least that's what i understood from the last scene and preview). I mean i'm not saying he's an ideal guy- but he's representing the most real life aspect of this issue- which is far from ideal. Plus, I think if things were going towards marraige for them she should have told him about TK (regardless of if she was pregnant or not).

With that said, however, I want JA to end up with TK. But, I think TK needs to really grow up first. Sometimes, when I'm watching his character I forget he's past the the age of 18. When he is able to mature I think he will make a wonderful match for JA. I'm looking forward to how things pan out in this wonderful show! :)

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This contains spoilers for the most recent episode!

First of all,  I want to start off by saying that I like this drama a lot! I think KSA is a wonderful actress and I've loved all of her work. But, I really want to address the issue with the doctor. I know a lot of people aren't liking the doctor right now and I get that. However, I want to ask everyone a question. How many guys do you know  that would handle this situation more graciously than him? I mean, he was dating JA and found out that she was pregnant with another man's child. That's not something that most people would acceept in an instant and honestly they would probably be a lot harsher than how he was. He WILLINGLY took it upon himself to break off their engagement/wedding (whatever they had) because he didn't want JA to be looked badly upon (at least that's what i understood from the last scene and preview). I mean i'm not saying he's an ideal guy- but he's representing the most real life aspect of this issue- which is far from ideal. Plus, I think if things were going towards marraige for them she should have told him about TK (regardless of if she was pregnant or not).

With that said, however, I want JA to end up with TK. But, I think TK needs to really grow up first. Sometimes, when I'm watching his character I forget he's past the the age of 18. When he is able to mature I think he will make a wonderful match for JA. I'm looking forward to how things pan out in this wonderful show! :)

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The doctor obviously fell in love with JA. That's why he's reacting in this way.

He's confused and hurt but let's see what happens.

As for TK, he's supposed to be in his late twenties - 28, 29? He should have a

change in image soon and be more serious. He's going to be a father soon. But

whatever, he's so super super sweet and adorable. He lifted JA up to bed without

hesitation and cleaned up her place without whining. What a dear! And I'm sure

JA feels something for him but when will the feelings be revealed?

The outfits JA wore in the drama so far - found this in baidukimsuna.Wish my wardrobe

is like that! Wow! Wow! Wow!  Hope that the fan who posted this will not mind sharing

this with us at soompi.



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This contains spoilers for the most recent episode!

First of all,  I want to start off by saying that I like this drama a lot! I think KSA is a wonderful actress and I've loved all of her work. But, I really want to address the issue with the doctor. I know a lot of people aren't liking the doctor right now and I get that. However, I want to ask everyone a question. How many guys do you know  that would handle this situation more graciously than him? I mean, he was dating JA and found out that she was pregnant with another man's child. That's not something that most people would acceept in an instant and honestly they would probably be a lot harsher than how he was. He WILLINGLY took it upon himself to break off their engagement/wedding (whatever they had) because he didn't want JA to be looked badly upon (at least that's what i understood from the last scene and preview). I mean i'm not saying he's an ideal guy- but he's representing the most real life aspect of this issue- which is far from ideal. Plus, I think if things were going towards marraige for them she should have told him about TK (regardless of if she was pregnant or not).

With that said, however, I want JA to end up with TK. But, I think TK needs to really grow up first. Sometimes, when I'm watching his character I forget he's past the the age of 18. When he is able to mature I think he will make a wonderful match for JA. I'm looking forward to how things pan out in this wonderful show! :)

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This contains spoilers for the most recent episode!

First of all,  I want to start off by saying that I like this drama a lot! I think KSA is a wonderful actress and I've loved all of her work. But, I really want to address the issue with the doctor. I know a lot of people aren't liking the doctor right now and I get that. However, I want to ask everyone a question. How many guys do you know  that would handle this situation more graciously than him? I mean, he was dating JA and found out that she was pregnant with another man's child. That's not something that most people would acceept in an instant and honestly they would probably be a lot harsher than how he was. He WILLINGLY took it upon himself to break off their engagement/wedding (whatever they had) because he didn't want JA to be looked badly upon (at least that's what i understood from the last scene and preview). I mean i'm not saying he's an ideal guy- but he's representing the most real life aspect of this issue- which is far from ideal. Plus, I think if things were going towards marraige for them she should have told him about TK (regardless of if she was pregnant or not).

With that said, however, I want JA to end up with TK. But, I think TK needs to really grow up first. Sometimes, when I'm watching his character I forget he's past the the age of 18. When he is able to mature I think he will make a wonderful match for JA. I'm looking forward to how things pan out in this wonderful show! :)


I agree with you that in the beginning it was all for show. However, I think that the doctor actually liked JA and even JA was willing to give the doctor a chance (considering she was buying lingerie for their date makes it seem pretty obvious that it wasn't JUST for their parents). I mean let's say IF JA had not had that medical emergency and actually went on that "date"- we might be wondering who the father was. However, I think with more episodes we will understand the doctor's true nature and I suppose that will be a better time for me to judge him. You maybe right and he might actually be a selfish jerk who just wanted his own happiness and didn't think of JA, but as of right now he hasn't gotten on my nerves. As for JA telling him the truth- I'm glad she did, it definitely made me like her character more.

To be honest, I was was always hoping that TK and JA would end up together. However, I just wanted to put my opinion regarding the doctor because I actually like his character, even though I don't think he's good for JA. We are all entitled to our opinions and I'm glad you shared yours with me! :)

I totally understand why you are on TK side, I just hope he matures some more as he is going to be a father.

I hope my opinions aren't offensive to anyone. I just wanted to contribute to a show that I like very much! 

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Guest jan75_tsang


I enjoy reading all of the comments from this thread.   Everyday is like a year waiting for next ep of I DO I DO. 

This is just my theory of the drama. 

1. The doctor of course won't give up on JA so easily because he is attracted and perhaps love her already.  Previous ep has reveal that ES loves baby and often visit them if he is stressed out.   He would eventually approach JA again after realizing that he loves her regardless if she is carrying another man's child, moreover, depend on JA would agree to marry him.  He loves too much to let her be a single mom and also pretend to be the father of JA's child in from of JA's parent.

2. JA finally realize TK being so kind and nice to her because he has suspected that she is carrying his child.  As a proud  and independent career woman, she felt TK is too immature and not ready to become a father and a husband.  Furthermore, JA assume TK will take responsible and marry her out of obligation and does not really in love with her.  She told TK that he is not the father, therefore, TK could be free and moved on.  She might takes ES offer to be his wife so her parent would be off her back.  She fool herself in believing that she could happy with ES, however, she still has feeling for TK. 

3.  TK feels he is off the hook from after JA informed him. For some reason he gradually realize he has feeling for JA durring some moment he spent with JA.  He might act nonchalantly around JA , but deep inside he is jealous toward whoever JA would end up with. TK find away to meet ES trying to see if he is would be a good husband and father  and accidently sense something is not in sync. 

This is my version of how the drama would unfold for the love triangle.  For the business control take over conflict between JA and Nari, well, it is another theory I am not ready to post it.


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Guest Yurichin

light blue font is spoiler assume

are TK trying to suicide in next episode?? I saw picture from madeM where Jang woo in the edge of the bridge...wow, I would love to if he's trying to suicide in desperate of getting JA and thinking that the baby isn't his, this is gonna be epic haha....

really can't wait next episode, why always craving for next episode?? oh no I Do I Do syndrome.

I really confuse with JA attitude toward TK, sometimes she's very cold and mean to him, sometimes she smile like TK did nothing richard simmons her off, don't know I feel there's something hidden in JA's and TK's mind that unrevealed...like she smiles when TK said about the that night that his feeling is sincere, and in the second episode she's think back when she and TK in the elevator (did she feel some electricity when TK touch her? ^_^), and the last when TK made her breakfast, so cute...:)
And TK no different, when CB told him that he likes JA, he denies, but he always worry about her and thinking that she's pretty, but sometimes he acts like he scared of her, and sometimes too he act to lecture JA. Someone comment that he/she thinks that TK and NR have more chemistry, but I don't see those sparks in Jang Woo eyes to act, more like TK admiring JA ??.
What's going on exactly everyone?? did you guys noticed it too???

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Guest etee7114

Ooooo...it's really so nice to read everyone's thoughts on this drama.  I guess after the recent 2 eps, a lot of you are in the TK line.  I'm trying to stay neutral for now and I'm also trying not to get sucked into the 2nd lead syndrome blackhole.
So far, this drama has an interesting premise but I've found the execution so flawed it is preventing me from wanting me Wed-Thusdays NOW.  In the hands of a better director, this might be truly awesome but so far it's staying in the good category.  When it tries to have subtle and poignant moments, they end up being dull.  And when it tries to be a rom-com, it does get OTT crazy. 
No to my other point.  Didn't this piece of work get a creative award or something?  Here I am thinking that now the TK-JA pairing is established, how creative is that?  JA gets knocked up by a much younger man/junior employer (technically speaking they slept together before TK joined the company).  JA gets pregnant and ends up with the father of the baby.That's mighty predictable to me.
TK-JA scenes: There are some tender moments but there are way more crazy, hitting, slapping moments.  JA is always taking to TK like he is not her equal, and he probably isn't in terms of experiences and maturity.
ES-JA scenes:Actually their discussions always seem more sane.  So up to this point, JA treats the DR with more respect than with TK.
So on that note, I can't wait for TK's character to develop and grow up because for me, it's so difficult to watch their scenes especially when JA does not treat TK as her equal.

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Guest Yurichin

etee7114 wrote: » In the hands of a better director, this might be truly awesome                                                               

Yea me think so too, before this drama aired, I'm checking my princess's rating, and  wasn't that high, in the name of Song Seung Hun and Kim Tae Hee, no effects. Flaws seen clearly in the early episode (so many), even it's decrease but I still seeing it in 6th episode. Why oh why, Koreans are smart and the competencies so hard and cruel (that's why many Korean stars having suicide) so don't go to the imperfectness please...I Do I Do fighting!!!!. This is my Fave actress's drama, sure I want to see her at the end of the year receive awards. *praying*

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Guest jastinel

Every Wednesday @5:30 pm i go to church to have novena and I always include KSA to my prayers, I pray that even this drama is receiving a low ratings, KSA can still have the award that she deserve. She is brilliant in this drama, i`ll be sad if all her hard work will not be recognize.

I love that photo above, so ES will get to meet TK next week?

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Thanks for my Sun-for (Suna forever) family members I had a delicious meal~^^
Although it’s been a few days~~! Say hello and thanks to you~ take a bow~^^

That day we had a lot of scenes which will be aired on the following day T.T keep shooting for nearly 30 hours without sleep! T.T

If there was no snack of Sunfor family bring~ I don’t how would I be~~!
Filming drama is so hard and have to run everyday as ever
When will this situation be improved?

Even couldn’t sleep and don’t have time to eat properly~~!
Therefore, all of staff and actors who are trying their best~~!
Please support them~!
To make them don’t feel exhausted till the end~!!!

Today we also shoot the scenes which will be aired next week here and there~!

And create our own memories ~~^^

Hope that everything will go smooth and finish healthy and safely~~^^

Wish you a happy day ~~~^^^^

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Guest reedtrip82

light blue font is spoiler assume

are TK trying to suicide in next episode?? I saw picture from madeM where Jang woo in the edge of the bridge...wow, I would love to if he's trying to suicide in desperate of getting JA and thinking that the baby isn't his, this is gonna be epic haha....

really can't wait next episode, why always craving for next episode?? oh no I Do I Do syndrome.

I really confuse with JA attitude toward TK, sometimes she's very cold and mean to him, sometimes she smile like TK did nothing richard simmons her off, don't know I feel there's something hidden in JA's and TK's mind that unrevealed...like she smiles when TK said about the that night that his feeling is sincere, and in the second episode she's think back when she and TK in the elevator (did she feel some electricity when TK touch her? ^_^), and the last when TK made her breakfast, so cute...:)

And TK no different, when CB told him that he likes JA, he denies, but he always worry about her and thinking that she's pretty, but sometimes he acts like he scared of her, and sometimes too he act to lecture JA. Someone comment that he/she thinks that TK and NR have more chemistry, but I don't see those sparks in Jang Woo eyes to act, more like TK admiring JA ??.

What's going on exactly everyone?? did you guys noticed it too???

I think JA is just amused by his charm (her smile is short but cute) and at time annoyed by his present because he know her intimately at her most vulnerable stage and she even admitted it if she had not been drinking that night she will never lower her self to even consider him but im sure she doesn't hate TK, she just to proud to admit it , therefore she act cold towards him. I notice when ever she hurt him emotionally on false accusations she admit wrong said sorry and if she hurt him physically she worry about his pain. It goes to show JA is in a mist of wanting to remain aloof and collected but couldn't stop this girlish feeling and for someone in her age for a younger man ... it bothersome .

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Guest Yurichin

Rival onscreen bts joke ^_^

임수향, 김선아 턱밑에 주먹질? 귀여운 하극상 ‘친분과시

: TVReport

*Kyeopta :), no sign of 16 years age gap*
Lee Jang Woo picture
이장우, 실물로 보니 이렇게 훤칠하네 :starkr

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Were they goofing around? You're right. You can't see

the big age gap. Real envious of Suna. She really has

such a youthful look. Thanks for the pics, Yurichin.

Look at her fashion sense -  showing the super alpha

girl. She is gorgeous, right?



남성 팬보다 여성 팬이 더 많은 여배우, 옆집 언니 같은 친근함과 푸근함이 매력적인 배우, 명실상부 대한민국 최고의 로코퀸. 여러분의 머릿속에는 어떤 배우의 이름이 떠오르시나요? 드라마 <내 이름은 김삼순>을 통해 통통한 몸매로 아메리카노와 라떼 사이에서 고민하는 현실감 100%의 대한민국 여성을 연기한 김선아, 그녀가 2012년 또 한 번 로코퀸에 도전했는데요. 극중 도도하고 시크한 구두 디자이너로 세련된 커리어 우먼룩을 선보이고 있는 <아이두 아이두> 속 김선아의 완벽에 가까운 오피스룩의 진수를 살펴보도록 하죠.


강렬함이 돋보이는 비비드 오피스룩

극중 구두 디자이너인 슈퍼 알파걸 황지안의 오피스룩은 화려함과 강렬함을 동시에 보여주고 있는데요. 그녀의 패션이 이렇게 화려하고 강렬한 이유는 바로 비비드한 컬러에 있습니다.


레드와 핫핑크, 그린, 옐로우에 이르기까지 매회 비비드 컬러의 룩들이 빠지지 않고 등장하는데요. 화이트와 블랙 등 베이직한 색상에 익숙한 오피스룩에 산뜻함과 강렬함, 유니크한 재미는 물론 포인트 아이템으로 활용할 수 있다는 다양한 패션의 재미를 느낄 수 있습니다.

스카프를 활용한 입체적 스타일링

여름이 될수록 간편해지는 스타일링, 그래서 스타일이 밋밋하거나 너무 단출해지기 쉬운데요. 그럴 때 스카프를 활용해 스타일에 변화를 줘보는 건 어떻까요?


스카프의 패턴, 색상, 소재, 길이감, 연출법으로 전체적인 룩의 분위기도 다양해질 수 있다는 점. 세련미는 물론 캐주얼룩이나 매니시룩에도 부드러운 여성미를 더할 수 있으니 스카프 하나로 더욱 스타일리시한 스타일을 연출할 수 있겠죠? 드라마<아이두 아이두>를 통해 변신의 변신을 거듭한 김선아. 화려하고 입체적인 스타일링은 물론 숏커트 헤어와 스타일링을 완성시키는 완벽한 몸매까지, 친근함을 넘어 스타일에 자극을 주며 완벽한 로코퀸으로 돌아왔는데요. 드라마보다 그녀의 스타일에 더 눈길이 가는 이유, 그녀가 야심차게 준비한 최고의 스타일링 때문이겠죠?

Credit - daum kimsuna

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Hahaha, WdLandsTX, love your thoughts.

Yes, perhaps you are right. They might not

be married to JA but she will have both of them

helping to raise the baby - hence, the title, I Do I Do.

She said that to both of them .... hehehe.

Also love the idea that TK's mum is Mdm Jang ....

wow, she's supporting her future daughter-in-law

without her knowledge. How sweet!

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