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[Drama 2012] I do, I do 아이 두 아이 두

Guest yeohweping

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Guest jdkk09

The TK character is still a bit too immature and childish.  He has moments of maturity, like when he shows concern for her.  But his responses are a bit over the top, kiddie-like.  It should be interesting to see how he develops once he fully realizes she's pregnant.  The OB/GYN got shot by a cupid's missile and is now in love?  I don't know that seems a bit too fast for someone who played the field and definitely didn't want to get married.     

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Guest -yuoi-

BTS for yesterday episode by Made M (apparently they noticed too how often Tae-kang is beaten on the show)

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Guest rebecca55

http://www.vingle.net/posts/22019-Live-Recaps-I-Do-I-Do-EP-6 LIVE RECAP tonight of I do I do episode 6 in 15 minutes!!! Do not miss the latest of this great drama!!!

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Guest *alodia*

DISCLAIMER: please take my translations (?) with a pinch of salt. I'm still learning Korean and I just want to try this out (since I've been translating for my mom when she's watching beside me - and she's not here right now). also, I haven't seen episode 3, 4, 5 aside from the live viewing and haven't really read a full recap of the previous episodes, so I might miss some details that were already covered on previous episodes. also please not I'm very sleepy because my classes today started really early! :(

Off we go to EPISODE 6!!!
TK: Where are you not well?JA: Just a tumor they found
JA: Do you know that this is all because of you!!! This is all because of you, do you know? I said do you know this is ALL because of you!
JA: How are you going to take responsibility?
ES: Are you rejecting to meet me?JA: Sorry.ES: Frankly speaking your really good!JA: I made a foolish mistake.ES: So, JA: I don't knowES: Are you playing with me?JA: yeah. anyway we are just from a matseon.ES: I bought this to give you. Throw it away or do whatever you want with it.

TK: Hello. Your design, i really tried to look for it... at the police station.JA: You... leave...
TK: I really confirmed it.CB: could be a different man (who impregnated her)TK: 99% it's me.CB: ._________________________ don't give up life this easily
father: let' sgoTK: don't tell dad. i have to confirm it first.CB: ok.
Ahjummal if you need anything else just tell me.xxxxx

JA: Father, honey, let's eat.(ROTFL @ TK's imagination!!!)

TK: Oh hot hot!JA: Hey!TK: What kind of woman are you? xxxFather: what are you doing?TK: from now on take care of the kid, and cook soy bean pasteJA: xxxTK:what are you doing?  I'm your husband. JA: So?TK: If you beat your husband....JA: what? what will happen?
Na Ri: JA: Na Ri: See? A veteran designer like JA is ____. I'm looking forward to it.JA: Yes.
employee: Director,do you wnat coffee?JA: Yes. Esperso. Ah, no. Milk. please.
emploee: when pregnant...1. ____2. ____ go to the bathroom a lot of times.3. food - something that they dont usually eat suddenly have cravings.
JA; pig's feet? i don't eat that kind of thing.
employee: but, who's pregnant?
*Father was deceived by the real estate company. someone owns the house they bought. (sorry too lazy and too fast to translate per sentence)
CB: I have to tell TK.Father: I will tell him. ____.CB: even soFather: if you tell him a word, you'll die.
Employees are liking Na ri (not sure), thinking she's cool. studied in the US etc.
JA: What? Collaboration ____?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxTeam leader man said something about her kid drawing a family picture... without a husband??? not sure... 
JA: no it's ok.ES: Look. Just look.
Madam: JA: Yes. But why are we here?Madam: In the future _____JA: I'm okay.Mada: ... image making.... (she wants to buy JA clothes for her image). How's this? Try this on.
NR: Mother, you also go here?Madam: You also go here?NR: Madam: Wow! So fashionable. Looks like a different person. Let me take a look. How's it?NR: looks good.

Madam: ____________JA: Mam, can you give me time to think about it.Madam; why?JA: there's something complicated... xxx (Madam: why?JA: ---
* too fast*
but madam said something that an opportunity like that may not come again.

Madam: Driver Kim. I'm going. Ah, director Hwang. No. President Hwang. xxxx. Why? Because I selected you. I'm going.JA: be careful

JA: Are you stalking me right now?NR: xxxxxxJA: I'm quite tired today ... can we..........NR: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (i don't want to listen to nari! lol)JA: NR: listen carefully. xxxxx (i gave up! she speaks fast! my brain and hands not working well together with Nari)JA: xxxx

Madam: (what she said earlier. haha)
JA: just a tumor. and will be ok after operation.JA: milk. white milk.
TK: Medusa 9on the phone)CB: why on this hour?TK: i don't know too.CB: take it.TK: no!
TK: Hello? what? yes. yes. yes.CB: what is it? xxxxTK: she's asking me to buy pig's feet (jukbal - spelling?)
JA; come in.TK; yes.
JA: sitTK: yes.
TK: here's the pig's feetJA: what kind of man are you not helping me (???)TK: ah, right.
JA; are yo not eating?TK: no, i'm okay. why on this hour? xxxJA; have you find my shoe design?TK: xxxJAl xxxTK; JA; especially this pig's feetTK; xxx if you have something to say say itJA: yes, i have something to say. if you hear, don't regret it.TK: i will not regret. tell it to me.

JA; forget it.Tk: ey, why???
JA: i have nothing to say.TK: thesre isJA: doyou knwo anything?TK: i'm just curiuousJA;; i just wnat (?) pig's feet just go.TK: ah. i'm going crazy. hey i'm not going to regret it. i swera.
TK: what are you going?JA; are you not seeing it? xxxx why are you not going yet?what are yo doing? not going?

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Guest *alodia*

JA: you're good at thisTK: xxx father.JA: father?
TK: the kid's shoes. JA: this one?TK; what are htose?JA: My first product.
this is a shoe i dreamed of making (???)
TK: then, why does it have to be shoes? i mean why not bag or something
JA: does it have to have a reason?
JA: to me shoes is magical... 
JA: xxxx that's the best thing for me.

JA: hey! you!TK: hey, that's not me! xxxx

CB: xxxxFather: what a bastard!xxxx

TK: done. where did she go? i'm done! oh...xxxx
TK: she looks pretty!(awwww!!! i love tae kang's smile!oh noes! her list!!!)
what will TK do? write write write reasons to keep the baby! please!!

OMG!!! My mom's correct. she told me yesterday TK will end up cleaning JA's house!!!!!!

TK: ___ can't ____ can't ____ can'txxxx
JA: Mom, are you here?
Awww at the food TK prepared!
TK's note: You don't have anything on your ref.... xxxxxx
JA: xxxxx . Let's see.... AWww! So spicy!!! xxxx pepper... xxxx (letter: face xxx)

AWWWW THE SONG!!!!! I WAS DOING AN MV FOR JA AND ES USING THAT SONG!!!!!!!! Didn't know i was looking for love!!!!
(so i didn't hear anything from JA and JH's conversation because got too excited with the song!!!!)
JA: you both are really similar.JH: show here our pose.
OK i'm taking it back. JH may not be a bad mother.
CUTEE!!!! her imagining a little Ji Ahn!!!!
little ji ahn: ey, dirty!!JA; what si dirlty? what is dirty? where are you going? were?little JA: try and catch me.

JH: xxxxxJA: xxxxJH: xxx
my brain's shutting down... what time is it??? my korean limit is just 50mins.... :( i can't focus anymore.... :(
YEAH!!! she's writing reasons to keep the baby!!! but i can't understand them anymore.. sorry... :(
scary... xxx... but a little... just a little... i'm curious.

TK: why are you carying heavy things? good morning.
JA; what's that?TK: did you have a good weekend?JA: yes.TK: xxxxJA: xxxx also is that kimchi jjigae or dwenjang ji ggae.TK: ah, spicy things.... xxxJA: well, not that bad (???)JA; appointment with my parents. xxxx i'll call...xxxx

meeting...nothing's sinking in... :(
TK: what will i do?JA; you? you clean.TK: clean? where shall i start?

debate....nothing's sinking in... plus too technical....
ES: can't.... there's no choice... 
ah, debate about Pro life vs. _______.

ES: yes, mom. now?

CB:TK:CB: so, what about your baby?TK: i'll take resposibility.CB: what?TK:CB: do you really like that women?>TK: are you crazxy?CB: come to your sensesTK:like. who said sho likes who? just a littl e curious

*my head hurts now!*

Oh noes! Their parents set them up??
JA: looks like you are having a dinner here too.ES; yes.JA; wait. xxxx. xxxx.ES; just xxxJA: xxxES: don't you want it? it seems good.JA; see you at the hospital.
JA: father, i'm here.father; they are es's parents. greet tehmES: i arrived.

*oh no! elderlys talking. me tired and sleepy. nothing's coming in. elderlys taking is already difficult as it is*
JA: sorry, but we....ES; ji ahn.JA; we'll go outisde. we have to talk about somehting, just a moment.Father: xxx

JA: why?> who can't. Who xxxES: i have something to say...JA: xxxxxES: is it that easy? xxxxx Do you knwo how xxx that day? i like you! (everything about you?) 
ES: i can't go ahead with this wedding.xxxxx

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Guest *alodia*

Sorry for my lousy translations. THAT was one heck of a difficult job to do! I don't think I'll do it again! hahaha.
I still don't know how to overcome my 50-min Korean limit. :'(

Thanks to http://www.vingle.net/posts/22019-Live-Recaps-I-Do-I-Do-EP-6 too! I had to confirm if Ji Ahn told Eun Song about her pregnancy and attempted abortion. I hear words here and there like pregnant and hospital (abortion is a new word for me, so it was difficult to figure it out) but i just can't make out their conversation. 
I irk at what i've written about. Does it even make sense? Haha. I guess it's only good to read it while the drama's airing. It looks weird and senseless reading it alone. It made me really tired and hungry. But it helped me to understand the dialogues more because I tried really hard. But the thing is, I didn't feel the drama much because i was too focused on understanding and translating the dialogue in English (which is not even my native language, so it's more difficult). Unlike, say, yesterday's episode when the feeling was really strong.though i must say, tonight's episode is really strong too. but i didn't have time to spazz about it... >.<

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omg i just finished ep 6 and am the scenes where TK & JI AN are imagining were so cute LOL ..... but i cringed at the parents meeting am sick of her parents trying to chav it down her throat like seriously people .... i missed the beginning of the show like 20 mins of it so i will wait till the comes out so i cant watch it again i enjoyed that he read her list and cleaned the house for her hes such a cutie while the doctor might turn nasty !!!!!!!!!!!! what do you guys think ???

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Guest Yurichin

Omo omo...I'm strange....this episode....Wow...sooo  gooood .....\^__^/

*alodia* : thank you for translating....fighting!!! hehehe..

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Guest sleepyheadsparadise

this is a big proble, for eun sung as well not just because he's in love with ji ahn but also because he's an obstetrician. urrghh... technically they are seeing each other and just like a surprise slap on his face he finds out he's pregnant! - not with him.will he be selfish and suggest abortion or will he be a prolife advocate just like a good doctor that he is?
awww... poor eun sung...
this better not happen to me.. 
if i were ji ahn and got pregnant i'd surely be in a crisis as well in a eun sung angle kind of way because i'm a nurse... 
but anyway, very nice episode... my heart's aching for everyone...  

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Ooooh, what did the doc say to her? Call off the marriage plans?

And what a sweet TK. He carried JA to bed and tucked her in.

Soooooo sweet and he cleaned up her place!!!!! Boy, which

guy would do things like that .... and cooked her breakfast.

Gosh, TK is super super sweet. Is he in love with JA? 

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Guest tvm4nia

huhuuuuuu mediafire please..cant download torrents....x-x" wanna see TK sooo badly....gumawooooooooooo Xx

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Guest jastinel

Thanks Dia for the translation and semifly for the torrent link!

Ep.6 was daebak!  the first few Ep. made me want to watch only KSA scene and everything about TK makes me feel bored. But now, I`m starting to love our OTP and I can see great chemistry already. Since the age gap is 11 yrs, I had a hard time to imagine KSA and JW in their romantic moments but now, I`m totally sold in their romance. I can`t wait to see the remaining Ep and I hope this drama can get higher ratings cause it also deserve to be a winner.

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Guest forever_MaotsuJun_

what the hell is wrong with soompi site? anyway, I have NO idea that their age gap is 11 >_> can they just like make her age 33? ._.

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