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[Drama 2012] Dr. Jin 닥터진


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Guest Pheonixia

Many dramas don't have a love line, particularly Jdramas, and Jin don't have a distinct love line. Jin came from a Manga, that was probably geared toward the male audience. Hence less loveline, more medical, thrills and history incorporated. When it was made into a drama, it is geared toward 'family' audience. Any gender, ages can watch it. Because the tone of the drama was mostly revolve around faith, hope, losses and mutual love. Jin guesses that the Gisaeng, Nokaze was the ancestor of his girlfriend, so throughout the whole thing, he rejected her love, and attempted to find her a husband so she can continue the lineage. As for Saki, Jin did fall for Saki while working with her, but because it was a Japanese drama, it was shown mildly, unlike Kdrama with intenseness. Jdrama tone for love is very, calm and sweet, less tense compared to Kdramas. Furthermore, Jin is very accepting of where he is. He don't know when he'll go back to the future, or stuck there forever. But when he was back to the future, he accept it as well, and went to search and see if he changes any history. If he was to stay in the Edo period, he was preparing to love Saki and be with her as well.

Saki, though she fall for Jin, she was more a career minded woman. She knows that Jin has someone from his time, and is very understanding of it because she don't know when he'll go back, or stay there. In old time, girls who are of age, were to be married. Unlike other girls, Saki had plan A and B. A was to confess and see if Jin accept, if not, she'll focus on her career as his assistant. And she chose B later on, even before the confession.

I never read the JIN manga. But thank you for enlightening me. Even tough Saki and Jin did not have a loveline in the Japanese one, I can understand it. It does seem to make the 'medical' part of the drama more trivial I guess......but I wish there was one. I still like Saki's character better in comparison to Hong Young Rae....of what we have seen so far.

Saki's brother, is important because he has the connection to the key players that Jin can use for his journey, he as well is part of the rebel, soldier? I don't remembered since I watched it months ago. He's a leader of his own samurai clan.

Sakamoto Ryoma... All I can tell you is read his wikipedia. lol. He is very interesting, like Lee Ha Eung.

In the original Jin the whole part with Saki's brother and Ryoma confused me. I did not understand that Saki's brother was with the rebel soldiers.

For Ryoma's character I did research him. But, my point was that....I should not had had to do that. The writer should have explained his character better in the drama...so people who are not familiar with the history of Japan could understand. But, then again maybe this drama was only geared towards the Japanese.

In order to understand the story more, you have to understand the Edo era. This is one of those story where you can easily adapt it to any history, because the concept of the story is just, a doctor going back time and cope with the turmoil era he was thrown in. And how he's connected to all key pieces of that turmoil era.

I never studied the Edo Period, but I also got the feel that everything was connected. I am still waiting to see if the Korean version can display this connection well. The plot fit the Japanese drama because it is something that actually happened. I don't know how they will do that in Korea.

They already told you that he's a doctor, a brain surgeon, they don't have to tell you everything else, because it's a drama, they have to cut down time, and shorten it. Because most of the story will take place in Joseon era. Heck, I can tell you that you'd only get the future scenes in the beginning and in the end, so don't even bother with it. All it does it tell you how the story is gonna start, or how it end, and how he ended there. How the loveline is connected to it to make it more interesting. Stories, dramas, don't get technical, unless it's a really a medical drama in future era where it's teaching you certain tools. Don't even bother at knowing what kind of a doctor Mina is, and such and such.

I agree with you that they don't have to tell us everything. But falling back on the argument that it is a drama....gives the writer an excuse to be lazy. I would have liked to at least know if Jin Hyuk in the future was head neurosurgeon. I do hope that it shows more of an explanation for the future scene as the drama progresses. So far the future scene in this drama was lacking the most. I thought the writer spent too much time on the Jin Hyuk/Mina loveline in their apartment. I wish they used less time on that.

The fetus shape tumor is what got Jin to time slip. You'll connect to it toward the end. lol, so don't worry about it. It's funny how everyone is questioning the whole drama with just 2 eps already. So I guess, all the confusion was made so from the beginning to show you the whole story later. Though Dr. Jin took a different approach from Jin, in that, it is starting out focusing on the history side, showing you all the players, and laying out the foundation, while the JPN version started out with Jin, connecting to the people, by deciding to give medicine a push, curing epidemics. Japanese Jin, he didn't wanted to change history so much that he neglected the epidemic, until he saw people suffering. It helps that the actor was great at emotional scene. SSH... I hope he improve later on. Anyway, it is only 2 episodes so far.

I know it is just two episodes. My random rant just shows how invested in the show I am ^_______^ (I waste too much time). I also hope that like the original Jin the connections between everything are woven together better. I am anticipating some things....while keeping hope in my heart that the writer does not screw up the plot too much. There are many things that interest me in this version.

Young Rae don't owes KT anything. So what if they're engaged. His dad doesn't even want to have association with her family I bet. Since she's a Soron (correction please). An opposition of his family, and of lower class. That's why she kept a distant from him. She is someone who has her pride as a girl, and a person. And knows her place in that time era. She don't dare to look up to him. Though KT is a son of a concubine, his status is still higher than her.

I have read similar thoughts some where else too. I still disagree. In most drama's the main actresses get to fall on the excuse of not knowing that the second lead also loves them when continuing their love line. In this way they are 'naive'. Yong Rae doesn't have that excuse. She is engaged to him, even if it was something the family forced. Being engaged to someone else does count for something. Compared to now....the value of being engaged was greater in the past. It was where two people, or families, knew that they were already tied together. Breaking the engagement was close to taboo. Yong Rae does not value her engagement. I can understand that.....but also she must keep in mind the social implications that go along with that. How will her family be affected if she breaks that relationship. She does not 'owe' KT love...though looking through a historical viewpoint that can be argued too at a societal level (considering the fact that he helped the family on numerous occasions). In the past engagement meant a woman/man was already 'claimed' and after that nothing broke the engagement unless one party died. At most....since she is engaged so obviously knows KT's feelings for her even though she does not feel the same.....because of her engagement she should at least tell him straight up that she does not love him instead of dragging him along. I hope the writer in this drama does not go that route. It would have been easier if she had not been engaged and the plot would have still made sense. Though.....it is still the second episode.....so I am not sure how the writer is going to use her 'engagement' in the whole plot.

It does not matter whether the dad likes her family or not. He obviously had to agree to it in order for the two families to get engaged. Or maybe it was something that was done when they were younger.....? Actually plotwise it would make more sense if they were engaged at a younger age....and that is why she doesn't like him but he feels responsible for her.

Thank you responding by the way. I really love discussions.

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Guest Pheonixia

RT @The_little_pear

I'm writing this because I saw some negative comments about Kim Jaejoong's sageuk tone in Dr.Jin.

If you search '김재중 닥터진' on nate, you will see this sentence 김재중은 안정적인 사극톤과 캐릭터 소화력을 보여 눈길을 끔, which means "Kim Jaejoong is attracting attention with his stable sageuk tone and the ability in character digestion," in the small paragraph right beside a small photo of Kim Kyungtak. That small paragraph is to explain why the term '김재중 닥터진' is searched.

And in this article, http://news.nate.com/view/20120529n03501, his tone was praised as '1, 2회에서 김재중은 무난한 사극톤과 카리스마 눈빛 연기 등을 선보이며 일단 합격점을 받아냈다.' = In episodes 1 and 2, Kim Jaejoong showed a comfortable sageuk tone and charismatic eyes acting, receiving passing mark.

So, what I want to say is that, unless you're Korean, please don't judge Kim Jaejoong's sageuk tone.

But if all you want is just to dig up dirt up, I have nothing more to say then.

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Well, I've found a new drama to look forward to every week.

I agree about the comment that the music is just alright. Actually, I don't remember any of it except for Jaejoong's ending song.

Everyone's acting is good to great IMO. I don't understand the fuss and bashing.

Great drama so far.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:45 pm, Posted by admin 0 | Drama Casting & News

Park Ha-sun visits Dr. Jin for extended cameo

Topics: cameo, extended, Hasun, Park, visits

I’m still iffy on Dr. Jin, MBC’s new weekend time-traveling medical fusion sageuk (Episode 1 was SO uneven), but here’s something to look forward to: Park Ha-sun, who earned quite a bit of praise playing gentle-hearted Queen In-hyun in Dong Yi, will be appearing in a guest stint on the drama.

With her role spanning two episodes, it’ll be longer than your regular cameo, and it sounds like her character will be a featured player in her episodes. Park will be acting as a “special gisaeng” who plays a key role in Dr. Jin’s (Song Seung-heon) development of penicillin. Huh, so they’re just going to alter history, are they? I wonder if the drama will try to explain all the logical loopholes that form when its title character jumps back in time and does things in 19th-century Joseon that contradict history. (I do appreciate how Queen In-hyun’s Man deals with the concept of the shifting realities and histories when its hero’s knowledge of the future changes his actions in his own time period. But then again, I pretty much appreciate everything about that show.)

Park Ha-sun will have a loveline with Lee Beom-soo, who plays the quirky character of Lee Ha-eung, a relative of the royal clan despite his profligate ways who becomes Dr. Jin’s Joseon guide-friend-sidekick. Ha-eung is probably my favorite character so far, so I’ll be glad to see him getting a little loving; on the other hand, Park Ha-sun won’t be sticking around for the whole series, so it can’t be too much of a romance.

I’m a new fan of Park Ha-sun; I thought she was good in Dong Yi, but since I didn’t watch that show aside from an episode here or there, it was High Kick 3 that showed me how versatile and committed an actor she is. I wasn’t sure I’d be sticking around for the rest of Dr. Jin, but I’ll want to catch her appearance.

Park’s stint begins in Episode 6, which airs June 10.

Via Sports Seoul


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Wow, I must have not been paying complete attention because I didn't even know Lee Bum Soo was cast in this drama until I started watching it!!!! I'm so glad he is getting a lot of screen time because he's definitely a star on his own. <3 LBS!

Anyway, I usually stay away from medical drama because I get super queasy from the graphic-ness of the surgeries, so hopefully I can make it through — at least I plan to.

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@Nirvana: Thanks for the background info on Jin.

This is like "He who can't marry" versus "kekkon dekinai otoko". Both were equally good and each has its own flavour. I will watch Kdrama's Dr Jin with the same attitude. No basis of comparison but for the lack of emotional intensity and romance in Jin, I know I will find it in Dr Jin.

It's only Ep2. Give Dr Jin a chance. If you are not required to wriite a 500word critique essay for your term paper, quit comparing. It's difficult to enjoy and criticise at the same time.

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Guest Megamissy

I found no problem but enjoyed watching TSDJ,don't expect the drama to go full swing with only 2 eps.TSDJ is a Kdrama not Hollywood movie so expectation don't be too high. There is a saying 'One man's meat is another's poison' my advice is stop watching if you do not like it, choose a drama that suit your taste.

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Guest 89lavender

i just watched ep 1 and 2..and i loved it..i found the story is interesting and myterious..since i dont watch j version so i dont know the rest of the story..i kind of confius about the fetus thingy..can someone kind to explain to me about the fetus and it relation with dr jin....

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IMO, I think the pacing is fine up till now (haven't watched the Japanese one). I loved how they transitioned from past to future then back to past. Perhaps, I would have liked a little bit more background on Jin's present time life. Though, I understood all the transitions, and they felt pretty smooth for me.

That's the problem. They didn't show enough of the present time to show how he was like before they time shifted him to Josen. They wasted time showing him trying to propose to his girlfriend. I found it lacked depth. It just started so there's no large issues yet but a lot of minor issues showing their lack of detail. And I don't know if you consider it large or not with a doctor runs off before he finishes treating his patient. He cut his patients throat to let in air and he leaves him like that? He might as well be operating on a patient and after he's done he tells the patient to sew himself back up again. He normally would have an assistant to do the minor jobs, but there's none in Josen. As a doctor, he should do his job properly. And why is his patient up and running with his throat cut open with a hole? It's so fake!

Also lacking in detail was SSH's reaction to finding himself in Josen. The whole city was changed. There's no buildings anymore, only villages. And SSH's reaction is to look at grass? He should be stupefied by the disappearance of his hometown of Seoul. I don't think it's SSH's fault but due to the directing. The director usually tells the actors how they should act out the scene and the actor produces the expressions required.

I don't get how it's incestuous? Jin isn't related to Mi Nah or Mi Nah's counterpart in the Joseon era. The correlation seems very fitting in this case. He has instinct connections to the Joseon version due to his connections and recent memories with Mi Nah. It will add more impact in the future if it's done correctly.

It's may or may not be incestuous per depending if he marries her and have children but I still find it very disturbing. How would you feel if he was the daughter's lover. But then he becomes the mother's lover? But in this case the great great grandmother's lover? I find it very disturbing especially with the effects it will produce. She might end up becoming his great great granddaughter who his future self will be screwing O_o. That would be incest. Even if he gets transported back to the future before his relationships develop any further than just dating, I still don't like that very much. Jin would end up having romantic feelings for both the great great grandmother and the great great granddaughter. But like I said it would be like having feelings for both the mother and daughter if the time jump was removed. It's disturbing. Worst would be screwing both the mother and daughter.

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RT @The_little_pear

I'm writing this because I saw some negative comments about Kim Jaejoong's sageuk tone in Dr.Jin.

If you search '김재중 닥터진' on nate, you will see this sentence 김재중은 안정적인 사극톤과 캐릭터 소화력을 보여 눈길을 끔, which means "Kim Jaejoong is attracting attention with his stable sageuk tone and the ability in character digestion," in the small paragraph right beside a small photo of Kim Kyungtak. That small paragraph is to explain why the term '김재중 닥터진' is searched.

And in this article, http://news.nate.com/view/20120529n03501, his tone was praised as '1, 2회에서 김재중은 무난한 사극톤과 카리스마 눈빛 연기 등을 선보이며 일단 합격점을 받아냈다.' = In episodes 1 and 2, Kim Jaejoong showed a comfortable sageuk tone and charismatic eyes acting, receiving passing mark.

So, what I want to say is that, unless you're Korean, please don't judge Kim Jaejoong's sageuk tone.

But if all you want is just to dig up dirt up, I have nothing more to say then.



^hmm... well there's no question that jaejoong has the sageuk tone down... =D>

now the FLOW is another matter entirely. :-? sageuk speak is slower and enunciated. if u see all the veterans u can clearly hear the words spoken. while jaejoong has the tone down pat, he is still speaking in "seoul speed." meaning what you hear is how jaejoong usually speaks in RL. of course it has been toned down some but not enough so as to be a true "sageuk tone" hence why some people are stating that his sageuk tone is awkward.

think of it as a song analogy, you have one song with the same lyrics and same score, now how you interpret and deliver the beat and rhythm of that song is what varies in determining "seoul speed" and sageuk flow. if you want a sageuk flow, the song would come across as more of a ballad-mellow, measured and clear. while a seoul speed in this case would come out as a rap song, fast and words are strung together. ;)

in fact his problem is like the opposite of han hyo joo in dong yi. when dong yi was airing, a lot of people stated that han hyo joo didn't have the sageuk tone. in han hyo joo's case, that is true, she did not have the tone, but she had the flow. quite literally jaejoong's opposite, wherein he has the tone, but not the flow.

haha, in short, the only thing in contention is the speed in which you deliver the lines :P

i hope this made sense some? :-S

but anyway, the drama is just two episodes in, there's lots of room for improvement. :D

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Guest Pheonixia



^hmm... well there's no question that jaejoong has the sageuk tone down... =D>

now the FLOW is another matter entirely. :-? sageuk speak is slower and enunciated. if u see all the veterans u can clearly hear the words spoken. while jaejoong has the tone down pat, he is still speaking in "seoul speed." meaning what you hear is how jaejoong usually speaks in RL. of course it has been toned down some but not enough so as to be a true "sageuk tone" hence why some people are stating that his sageuk tone is awkward.

think of it as a song analogy, you have one song with the same lyrics and same score, now how you interpret and deliver the beat and rhythm of that song is what varies in determining "seoul speed" and sageuk flow. if you want a sageuk flow, the song would come across as more of a ballad-mellow, measured and clear. while a seoul speed in this case would come out as a rap song, fast and words are strung together. ;)

in fact his problem is like the opposite of han hyo joo in dong yi. when dong yi was airing, a lot of people stated that han hyo joo didn't have the sageuk tone. in han hyo joo's case, that is true, she did not have the tone, but she had the flow. quite literally jaejoong's opposite, wherein he has the tone, but not the flow.

haha, in short, the only thing in contention is the speed in which you deliver the lines :P

i hope this made sense some? :-S

but anyway, the drama is just two episodes in, there's lots of room for improvement. :D

Thank you for your explanation. I am still confused though X////X. I am not a Korean speaker so I cannot really make my own conclusions. But how can someone be judged on the speed of their speech? Like how people speak now-a-days in real life....some speak slow, some fast, some mumble, some speak loudly, etc......

My point is that language does not change significantly over time, especially in the way it is expressed or conveyed. Maybe it has become the standard norm to have a proper tone and slow speed when acting in a sageuk......but does that mean in reality that in those days there were not a whole bunch of variations in speech speeds.

I actually read dramabeans review.....so in the second episode I payed attention to his speech speed.......I noticed he did pace his speech....though not significantly. Most of the time he was speaking in a commanding tone.....I can understand why that would have to be fast. When he spoke to Yong Rae he slowed down though, and became more soft-spoken.

I don't like sounding biased....so I apologize if I am. I did notice though in the first episode when he spoke to his father he was speaking very fast.....but his father (who is a veteran actor) was speaking at a slower pace. But he corrected that too to an extent in the second episode.

Anyways, I am no one to make any judgement calls....because I am not a linguist or a native Korean speaker. It just seems most of these complaints are coming from international fans so I feel a bit iffy. Koreans think his speech is fine (?). But if you can find an article or review in Korean about his acting in a negative light I would appreciate it.

The biggest problem I see with his acting so far....is his body movements. He needs to move more naturally.

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Guest timpa

As someone who watched (and really loved) the J-drama Jin I don't have a huge problem with comparing...As long as people don't give away potential plotlines for the characters. I would prefer not to see term paper long posts comparing it though.

The thing I don't want to see and shouldn't see in here is someone talking strictly about the J-drama. This is about Jin the Korean Drama, if you have problems/issues with stuff from the J-drama I think there's a topic over in the foreign drama section.

So that out of the way I thought there was some good elements to the first two episodes, but definitely room for improvement. Usually when I watch K-dramas they appear to have better 'production value' than most J-dramas, but something about some of the way Jin has been shot/filmed came off kind of cheap or low-value to me. Especially the scenes in the hospital in the future. Maybe it was the lightning or how it was filmed, but it looked like a daily drama quality of filming.

Another issue I have with dramas sometimes is when they cast actors I kind of wish they wouldn't go directly into a very similar role almost immediately after a drama ends. It seems like they basically transported the evil minister from Moon That Embraces the Sun to be the same type of character in Jin... and he brought the eunuch over to the dark side with him lol.

I also really love Lee Bum Soo, but maybe because History of Salaryman is still fresh in my mind, but I keep seeing Yoo Bang :)

I was in for the long haul as soon as the remake was announced so I'm interested to see how things play out. Especially since I had much more knowledge of the time period the Japanese version took place in (from lots of samurai animes or movies from the Bakumatsu Period). I'm not as familiar with what was happening during this time period in Korea so that interests me as well.

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RT @The_little_pear

I'm writing this because I saw some negative comments about Kim Jaejoong's sageuk tone in Dr.Jin.

If you search '김재중 닥터진' on nate, you will see this sentence 김재중은 안정적인 사극톤과 캐릭터 소화력을 보여 눈길을 끔, which means "Kim Jaejoong is attracting attention with his stable sageuk tone and the ability in character digestion," in the small paragraph right beside a small photo of Kim Kyungtak. That small paragraph is to explain why the term '김재중 닥터진' is searched.

And in this article, http://news.nate.com/view/20120529n03501, his tone was praised as '1, 2회에서 김재중은 무난한 사극톤과 카리스마 눈빛 연기 등을 선보이며 일단 합격점을 받아냈다.' = In episodes 1 and 2, Kim Jaejoong showed a comfortable sageuk tone and charismatic eyes acting, receiving passing mark.

So, what I want to say is that, unless you're Korean, please don't judge Kim Jaejoong's sageuk tone.

But if all you want is just to dig up dirt up, I have nothing more to say then.



^hmm... well there's no question that jaejoong has the sageuk tone down... =D>

now the FLOW is another matter entirely. :-? sageuk speak is slower and enunciated. if u see all the veterans u can clearly hear the words spoken. while jaejoong has the tone down pat, he is still speaking in "seoul speed." meaning what you hear is how jaejoong usually speaks in RL. of course it has been toned down some but not enough so as to be a true "sageuk tone" hence why some people are stating that his sageuk tone is awkward.

think of it as a song analogy, you have one song with the same lyrics and same score, now how you interpret and deliver the beat and rhythm of that song is what varies in determining "seoul speed" and sageuk flow. if you want a sageuk flow, the song would come across as more of a ballad-mellow, measured and clear. while a seoul speed in this case would come out as a rap song, fast and words are strung together. ;)

in fact his problem is like the opposite of han hyo joo in dong yi. when dong yi was airing, a lot of people stated that han hyo joo didn't have the sageuk tone. in han hyo joo's case, that is true, she did not have the tone, but she had the flow. quite literally jaejoong's opposite, wherein he has the tone, but not the flow.

haha, in short, the only thing in contention is the speed in which you deliver the lines :P

i hope this made sense some? :-S

but anyway, the drama is just two episodes in, there's lots of room for improvement. :D

Let's not forget that KT is a sergeant. Most of the time, he speaks to his soldiers, and he can't speak in a slow speed when they're rushing to catch someone. Most of the scene we've seen him are of him speaking in scenes that require the speed to be quick, like chasing the rebels, speeding up the process of beheading Jinhyuk. When he was with his dad, and Young Rae, he slows it down. And, even LBS character sometimes speaks in faster speed. It's just that, JJ is a bit tense when he speaks. Most of his scenes are of him commanding his soldiers, a commander has to have that fast speed/intense tone. Well, in all the ancient time dramas that i've watched, from Cdramas, Jdramas, to Kdramas. Commanders are always intense and speaks in faster speed than everyone else. Just my 2 cents on this whole JJ sageuk speech is too fast problem.


Regarding Young Rae. Young Rae's family, was on the same rank, probably before it goes down. So they were engaged at a young age. It said so in some of the articles. After her family fell apart, she lower herself down as well. Now his father probably don't want to have anything to do with her family, and his father probably won't care if he is engage to her, because he's the son of a concubine. He has the title, but no merit because all of it are given to the legitimate son. Who will take over the family. KT is of higher rank than Young Rae, but lower than his older half brother. Even if they are engaged, Young Rae still has to keep a distant because she's a girl. She has to keep her pureness, and a distant. And she was written as someone who don't show her true inner thoughts. And a lot of things happen to her family, so it kind of make sense that she doesn't try to rely on KT, rather, keep it to herself and try to solve things by herself. Saki is similar, I recalled. But Saki gradually shows it once she finds herself in love with her job, saving lives.

Young Rae will probably have scenes where she's closer to Jin because he is of her rank, and not as KT's. Societal classes are more important in KR Joseon history than JPN edo period.

This is all there is in Edo period http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edo_society

Joseon era has similar classes, but much more intricate due to the Yangban class. Their rankings.

Note on the view of women in Edo period, and the one in Joseon era


I think that might help others to not compare the two. You can compare them in terms of quality filming and set up, but not really storyline. As it will be so different, cause it has to follow the culture of the era.

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You can't edit post on the new Soompi? OTL

Anyway, I agreed with @phoenixia that JJ is still stiff in movement, and his eyes is sometimes too intense or too stuff. He needs to relax a bit. I hope the veteran actors give him some points and he improve later on. That's usually the problem with most actors, especially idol actors. They are stiff in movements.

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Guest Pheonixia


Regarding Young Rae. Young Rae's family, was on the same rank, probably before it goes down. So they were engaged at a young age. It said so in some of the articles. After her family fell apart, she lower herself down as well. Now his father probably don't want to have anything to do with her family, and his father probably won't care if he is engage to her, because he's the son of a concubine. He has the title, but no merit because all of it are given to the legitimate son. Who will take over the family. KT is of higher rank than Young Rae, but lower than his older half brother. Even if they are engaged, Young Rae still has to keep a distant because she's a girl. She has to keep her pureness, and a distant. And she was written as someone who don't show her true inner thoughts. And a lot of things happen to her family, so it kind of make sense that she doesn't try to rely on KT, rather, keep it to herself and try to solve things by herself. Saki is similar, I recalled. But Saki gradually shows it once she finds herself in love with her job, saving lives.

Young Rae will probably have scenes where she's closer to Jin because he is of her rank, and not as KT's. Societal classes are more important in KR Joseon history than JPN edo period.

This is all there is in Edo period http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edo_society

Joseon era has similar classes, but much more intricate due to the Yangban class. Their rankings.

Note on the view of women in Edo period, and the one in Joseon era


I think that might help others to not compare the two. You can compare them in terms of quality filming and set up, but not really storyline. As it will be so different, cause it has to follow the culture of the era.

Thank you for all the information. I enjoyed reading it and it gave me more perspective.

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Guest Pheonixia

To everyone who is complaining about my 'essay' post....I apologize for posting it. Other posters randomly came in here and made statements like 'The original JIN is better, etc.' so I did not know it would be such a big problem to compare the two.

I just wanted to let my thoughts out....because this is a remake. I will try not to do that again.

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I quickly found out it bored me. The only character that made me fall for them was Saki. She was so cute and innocent and ready to learn. I really liked her character and the actresses acting. It frustrated me though that there was no love line...and JIN rejected her and even tried to run away, by closing shop, because of her love. I gave up watching the rest of JIN on that episode.

I thought the Jversion was interesting. I liked the medical parts. I also loved how Jin was so devoted to his fiancee. Hence his avoidance of Saki and also his fear of disappearing back into the future. He can't promise her a future and he can't forget his fiancee either. I thought it was enduring of Jin. "The love that transcends time". Even if they were 100 years apart, he would still love her. Also, I don't think he closed up shop because she liked him. I think there were issues with money and government who was against him practicing western medicine. If you put yourself in the Edo era, you will also think Jin was barbaric by cutting up people. It would be very controversial. He's saving lives but he's cutting up people to do it (unethical?). I also liked his fiancee's quote to him "God gives us trials so we can overcome it".

I'm hoping there's going to be more depth added to the drama, but I won't keep my hopes up too high after watching ep 1.

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Guest Pheonixia

I thought the Jversion was interesting. I liked the medical parts. I also loved how Jin was so devoted to his fiancee. Hence his avoidance of Saki and also his fear of disappearing back into the future. He can't promise her a future and he can't forget his fiancee either. I thought it was enduring of Jin. "The love that transcends time". Even if they were 100 years apart, he would still love her. Also, I don't think he closed up shop because she liked him. I think there were issues with money and government who was against him practicing western medicine. If you put yourself in the Edo era, you will also think Jin was barbaric by cutting up people. It would be very controversial. He's saving lives but he's cutting up people to do it (unethical?). I also liked his fiancee's quote to him "God gives us trials so we can overcome it".

I'm hoping there's going to be more depth added to the drama, but I won't keep my hopes up too high after watching ep 1.

I also thought the original Jin was very interesting. Although Saki was my favorite character and when she didn't get Jin (and apparently had to settle with being a career woman), I felt for her. There were many awesome and amazing things about JIN. I also love how the supporting actors acted when shocked at Jin cutting people open. That drama overall had fabulous actors, music, and production.

I also hope that the Korean version goes into more depth instead of making it another loveline plot. We already have too many of those. Though KT and LBS's character are drawing me in to watch more. ^_____^

Fighting Dr. Jin!

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