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[Drama 2012] God of War 무신


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Also, the women in this drama suck.   Seriously they do.  
Song Yi is now so psycho, she thinks she'll just get divorced and like magic Kim Jun is going to be by her side. He even told her flat-out that he wasn't interested in her and wanted to marry another woman. She didn't even blink. Has she ever once thought about what he wanted?
In the scene where she was ranting to her father, he was clearly in pain (I thought he was going to have a heart attack then and there), and again, she didn't even notice. 

And An Shim. She knows he already lost one woman. So what does she do? She tells him she loves him and they get lovey-dovey. Then she say's "See ya ,sorry I can't come and marry you." How selfish is that? .

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Guest Joongbo4evr

Oh, what an episode. Today really was Song Yi's episode. She conveyed a new form of strength today-- and that is her ability to admit and recognize her weaknesses and mistakes. There were some nice dialogues today too. I, for one, was satisfied with this episode. :)

I'll try my best to do a short recap by today.(Because I do want to include some of the things they said and can't really do that at this moment from memory). But for now, just toward the end, what Kim Joon says about how he was not a human before, merely a possession, an object, that was ordered whatever way wanted-- the master of that possession, gave him freedom. Gave him sight but instead of returning that favor, he instead continued to cause matters that were deemed ungrateful. Then he asks An-Shim to leave the room--so he can take his last departure. But she says she will not leave as she will follow after him. And she wants to see his last moments if he does want to continue on this path. Then Kim Joon gets up and gives his bow to Hapha (its his thought of giving a bow to Hapha, I presume) and then as we, saw, he takes the dagger and positions it to stab himself

Of course, we know he won't do it (Right? We have 11 episodes left, you can't stab the main character!)

 Its making more sense to me now how these last few episodes are leading up to the new arc. Right now with the state the Dobang is in-- the possibility of Hapha's stepson coming into power seems quite dim, in my opinion. He is quite very young-- and also this is perhaps when Hapha will see no other option than bringing his second son into the position. Because having Kim Joon as a prospective heir to the leadership position is also out of the question for the current time with all that has been revealed and all that has been done using him as a cause.

When Hapha's second son does come into position, we can expect a lot of bloodshed that's for sure. Also I agree with some that yes, indeed, I was wondering for a while, "when is Kim Joon's rise to power going to come?" But then it hit me, we have been seeing him rise to power. From the position of a slave, he went onto being a commander, officer and now he's promoted in a very high position. So we haven't seen him at the top as being a Hapha, but we are seeing him rise.

Historically, if the sources are right, history only records Kim Joon as being a slave who rose to a high position of being Hapha's right-hand man and then assasinated that Hapha (this Hapha is Choe Hang, aka Man Jun aka present Hapha's son). He ruled along side the King for something decades-- but I guess we really won't be able to get into the meat of all those events-- just some few. And to me I think that is understandable, though, I fervently wish they had escalated the speed a little bit more with some of the earlier episodes.

Whatever the case may be, I look forward to what there is to come. :)

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Guest drea007

Im on vacation and currently on the way to Walt Disneys Anomal Kingdom with my son and Joongb4evr your recap was delightful. I will watch the episode if I ever find the time during this weekend. And I also agree we have seen KJ rise but I wat the big shebang soon.

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Guest Joongbo4evr

Sorry for double posting, but just went over to MBC main site and found that the preview has been posted. I will try to sum it up (they didn't have the preview at the end of today's episode).

Preview 40

The written preview's title is: "It seems its time to go."

According to the written version, Yang Baek finds Kim Joon, drags him out from committing the crazy act of killing himself and tells him that if he must, then to die front of Hapha. Hapha gathers the whole family together and it seems he has decides to give Song Yi the punishment deemed for her crime. Everyone is shocked at the fact that Hapha would give his own daughter, poison. (Video preview shows)-- He sends over poison for her to drink. In one point Song Yi says how all she wanted was to be loved by one man, Kim Joon. It seems tomorrow's episode will be the death of Song Yi as we see her drinking the object that will be the death of her. And we see Hapha breaking down.

Honestly...I don't want Song Yi to be met with such fate. I had now hoped that Yak Seon's death would bring a new dimension into her character and bring some interesting changes. Yes, you may call me crazy, inane, and delusional. I didn't like (totally disliked) many of her actions and her decisions, however-- she was still a character, deep down, I cared for and wanted the best for (which is why I wanted some development and changes in her character). And so death seems cruel, even though I am well aware her crime of taking part in killing her husband isn't any small feat-- but anyways, I guess, what Song Yi said in today's episode is coming to a fall. "If one commits a crime, they will surely get punished. Either in this life or in death."

@drea007: Have a wonderful vacation. Stay safe and cool! And yes you are right, we all are awaiting for that big bomb to fall. The day when he will put on that military Hapha suit and glare a hole through the screen. -_-. Hopefully it isn't too far off. Because with the few episodes we have left, we really have no time to dawdle. And I am pretty sure there is going to be no extension and also sure that the production of GoW is also very well informed and aware of that fact. So yes, looking forward to it all, with a heart that is trying to keep low hope and just taking the good in and analyzing the faults to a degree that is all aligned by this little fan's humble opinion. :)

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Wow, I am stunned Song Yi dies by poison she deserved it but still.... Joongbo4evr as always you are the best  @drea do have a wonderful vacation I went to Disney world in Florida  My kids had a ball all that walking I lost 10 pounds win win for everybody weeee lol

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Regarding the part about Song Yi, I heard from a history buff that Choi U's daughter in real life was caught having an affair with a slave.   One time KYS had a wild party with many women under ChoeU. SongYi got mad and ran to ChoeU and said she will become a monk. ChoeU got upset so he sent all women from the party to exile.
After this, KYS found that SY had an affair with a slave, but SY found this first so she framed her husband and have him killed.
Much later ChoeU found out the truth and regret killing him, and killed the slave who had affair with SY, and sent SY away and did not see her rest of his life.
Choi Manjeon, who later becomes Hang will be U's successor by the recommendation of Kim Jun, and because of this, Hang and Jun got along.  After his son Cho'e Ui succeeds him, however, things go sour later on.

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Guest Joongbo4evr

@dramafreak-13: Oh, thank you for that bit of history. Interesting. I was looking around to find info on Song Yi, but my searches deemed unsuccessful.
Also in regards of the earlier post you made about the women in the drama, I would like to share some insights along with you, if that is okay :).

To some extend I agree with you. I find that both characters you mentioned, when first introduced held much caliber. When I first saw Song Yi, she seemed like a clever woman (not so much intelligent but clever, in my opinion). When I first saw An-Shim, she seemed like a hard-working woman. I find, in my view, these two women have a lot of qualities that could really make them very spectacular characters (and we have two actresses who are playing them magnificently, at least in my book)-- -but somewhere mid way, it seems as if the writer decides not to explore those qualities and characteristics that the characters of these two women possess. It is a writing fault. It is a weak link. But, in my opinion, it doesn't deteriorate the value of these two figures from the drama entirely.

I really wish we could have explored another side of Song Yi, like have her play a part in the court politics. Have her play a part in her children's life and see her raise her son as the next heir and her daughter as the next mother of the nation. I had hoped for it a little, but then when I saw the writer wasn't going to explore those possibilities, I dropped that hope and decided that Song Yi's character has now become only to serve as a catalyst to Kim Joon's development.

As for An-Shim, she wasn't going to play a bigger role than what she was entitled to, that I knew. She was presented to be as her name represents. "An-Shim" , peace of mind-- she was there to be Kim Joon's peace of mind, his one place to go and rest, letting all his worries go (as the deeper meaning of her name was explained to be in episode 29/30).

When An-Shim confessed to Kim Joon, she knew he was going to leave very soon and thus asked him to remember her. However by the time it was time for him to leave (he stayed there for a couple of months, if I am not mistaken) she rejected his offer because of her family matters. When Kim Joon proposed to her and asked her to come with him, he had asked what situation is she in that she can't tell him about it. At that time An-Shim's family was not in a good spot and she couldn't leave knowing that she might have to sell herself off in order to save her family. And that is why in episode 30, she told Kim Joon that if fate wills they will meet again and that she will think of their time together as only a dream.

She didn't reject him just because she suddenly didn't want to go. She rejected him because she couldn't go. And from there she became Hapha's concubine to save her family. And then despite having deep feelings for Kim Joon and wanting him by her side, she tried, at least to a point, to stop him from getting himself tangled in her matters. --- I do fervently hope that An-Shim and Kim Joon's relationship gets tied up soon. I like them, but hey, there is only so much staring and misery I can watch. So I do hope things tidy up between them and we have a close and Kim Joon finally gets a family.

Overall, I find that the writer lost the opportunity to really make these women shine in a different light. However the characterization of these two women weren't so dim-witted to the point where they don't have a spot in their viewers' hearts. Well, at least to me. :P. They are still two characters who, I find, played and continues to play a valuable spot in the series. -- This is all just simply my understanding, I am just adding some of my views and thoughts to some very interesting point you made, :).

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Oh, and here's a fin part.  There really was an affair between Ahn Shim and Kim Jun.  Choi U found out about this, and understandably got furious, and exiled him.  He later told him to come back a few years after that
People think Song Yi is pretty?  I actually think she looks ugly

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Guest Joongbo4evr

I don't know if anyone still would like or need this-- but I ended up doing a pretty detailed recap of episode 37. I know its been a week. So subs are out many places. But since I already started, I didn't have the heart to delete it all. So I finally finished today. And here it is. Hope it helps someone, anyone.

Episode 37- Recap

End. Whew. This took me a while. I admit I went into a little bit too much detail. But there were some points I felt I really wanted to share with you all- so got carried away there.

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Guest drea007

@joonbo4evr if you were close I would kiss you. Thank you for the recap!!! Never apologize for them I look forward to reading each one.

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That was one very emotional episode, I have got an headache from all that crying. I doubt SY will die next week. Can't believe i actually felt sorry for her. But give it o the actors of this drama they are all awesome.

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Guest Joongbo4evr

Is the kind of love Song Yi had for Kim Joon, truly love, at all? It really makes me wonder. How can everyone see this as an affection of love when clearly it is ruining people's lives and bringing death upon the on whom wishes to keep such feelings at heart? Till the end, I was unable to get in touch with how deep Song Yi's feelings were for Kim Joon. Was this all worth it, Song Yi? No matter what she did it wasn't going to bring Kim Joon to her. To some extend she must have known that. She had to know that and that is why she still futilely tried to convince him.

In today's episode Hapha really regrets not having listened to Song Yi. He keeps on saying to himself that he should have listened to her then (about giving Kim Joon to her) and then such things wouldn't have happened. This really shows how they thought they had full authority of these slaves lives. Because he was a slave at that time, it didn't matter what he thought, wanted, or felt-- just because his master wants him, despite all odds, he should have been given--is what is being presented here. A slave never has a choice and that is why Song Yi was even so confident in demanding for Kim Joon.

Also today and yesterday's episode-- Hapha says, "Why is it Kim Joon had to be born as a slave?" --So if Kim Joon was of noble birth then perhaps it would have been easier for Song Yi and his fate to be destined together-- But also, if we look from a different window-- if Kim Joon was of noble birth and he didn't want Song Yi's hand in marriage--then Song Yi wouldn't have been able to demand for Kim Joon so fervently. It would have hurt her pride a lot more. But because he was slave, automatically she felt she had the authority to make him hers. And literally chased him for years. She really believed that ultimately he would be hers.

If you love someone, shouldn't respect and honoring them be one vital point? And if you respect and honor someone, isn't it only right to hear what the other party has to say? Song Yi never once listened to what Kim Joon had to say. She never tried to understand him. She only listened to what she had to say. And only heard that part of his conversations that she wanted to hear. -- Yes toward the end of her time, she did acknowledge that Kim Joon never did return her feelings, but that affirmation still didn't stop Song Yi from pursuing this tragedy.

Episode 40 - Brief Summary.

Hapha orders that the whole family should go to the temple and pray. So Hapha's whole family goes, but the purpose behind this is to give Song Yi a chance to repent for her sins and get ready for the fate that awaits her. The poison is given to her. But Song Yi rejects the poison two times saying, "Bring it later." She recalls her years of loving Kim Joon. She has a talk with her father and till the end she asks her father, "Please take care of Kim Joon." Her father is dumfounded by the intensity of her affections for Kim Joon. Song Yi's children beg their grandfather to spare their mother, but to no avail. Everyone begs, but Hapha is steadfast because it is what he has to in order to keep the balance in the Dobang (for keep his political stance strong). Hapha's wife is shocked by how dangerous Hapha can be-- to the extend of giving his daughter poison. (Also the poison to be given to Song Yi- Hapha specifically ordered the main physician to get one that will be as painless as possible.)

Kim Joon has been summoned to the Dobang and told to stay in his chambers until Hapha decides his punishment. Kim Joon is blaming himself for all this-- as the core reason for all of this is because of him. He asks Hapha to give him death. But Hapha says if death solve all problems it would be great, but it doesn't. So Kim Joon is confided to his chambers awaiting for the decree. An-Shim has also been moved back (I think, I missed some parts in today's live). She hasn't been interrogated or told of any punishment, but no one knows what decree Hapha will summon.

When Song Yi rejects the poison for the second time, Hapha tells Park Song Bi to call Kim Joon. He tells Kim Joon that it seems Song Yi is waiting for him. He orders Kim Joon to take the poison to Song Yi. However-- even though Song Yi has been buying time like this, we see that she already has a set of poison prepared for herself. Regardless when Kim Joon comes, she is told of his presence. She opens the door and says how for the last time she wanted just once see Kim Joon.


@drea007: You're welcome. And thank you too. :)
@libby5602: The past weeks' episodes have all been an emotional ride--in terms of sadness. I hope they finish this event that they started with Song Yi-- meaning since the idea of her death has been presented, let it happen and soon. Or else all this build-up, tears, and agony would be a waste. Agree with you, the actors and actresses are doing a great job.

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