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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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darksmurf already finish since last week ... how come you'd be that late?? hahaha...

sorry for what?? ignoring my post?? hahaha.. forget it.. i don't even know why I wrote it... :lol:

Rooftop's previews quite hilarious, I need drama to brighten up my mood ... who knows..maybe the story'll sucks after that...hahahaha....

Yaa cinggu ... don't you have any other thing to do except keep lurking here?? well.. I don't ... hahaha

wheeew! D@## that shaman’s curse?!?!!! I thought I’ve lost the file I painstakingly worked on yesterday!!!!! phew.gifphew.gif

Got to go chinggu! See you later! muah!

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darksmurf already finish since last week ... how come you'd be that late?? hahaha...

gabjumz ... got the raw link ... :D

peipei78 ... but DS sub .. still not 100% QC .. usually i wait till the "blue bar" (you know what i mean, rite?)

goes alllll the way to 100% :blink:

i plan to watch Fashion King ... i like that guy from SSK .. ;) hope it's interesting ..

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Boohoo! Conference is boring! Thank God this thread is still alive. Annyeong peipei78, gabjumz, Bambiina, kelcy and all chingus!!

TPM & TMETS for me is like Earl Grey tea & Capuccino. Love both. But totally can't go together or you end up throwing up. So am keeping them at different corners and visit them regularly. It's just that for the next 3 months or so I will be having more TMETS drink. Heh.

Hee.. Anyone watching Rooftop tonite? Let's spazz together ^_^

P/s :: Am also the minority at the speedo thread. Aaa. What to do. I don't love hot guys in speedo.

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gabjumz ... got the raw link ... :D

peipei78 ... but DS sub .. still not 100% QC .. usually i wait till the "blue bar" (you know what i mean, rite?)

goes alllll the way to 100% :blink:

i plan to watch Fashion King ... i like that guy from SSK .. ;) hope it's interesting ..

yea i know...if you waiting for until 100% QC ..it's forever... at least fans editor is readable and also not bad either..

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Peipei - I guess I need some lesson from you, my vocab also quite limited but lately I don't know what bug bit me... aishhh..

I guess I need hug from all mooners here... me missing my king, me missing my sleep and now life is a mess....

:haih: last nite woke up at 3 and continue watching til morning... now sleep deprived thus the "black mood"

 Bambiina, sorry to cut your post.

Here is a   BEAR  HUG   just for you =)

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Guest Fidelity

As much as I'm looking forward to the Rooftop Prince, that drama is going to remind me of how much I miss TMTETS and especially KSH, blah.

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Boohoo! Conference is boring! Thank God this thread is still alive. Annyeong peipei78, gabjumz, Bambiina, kelcy and all chingus!!

TPM & TMETS for me is like Earl Grey tea & Capuccino. Love both. But totally can't go together or you end up throwing up. So am keeping them at different corners and visit them regularly. It's just that for the next 3 months or so I will be having more TMETS drink. Heh.

Hee.. Anyone watching Rooftop tonite? Let's spazz together ^_^

P/s :: Am also the minority at the speedo thread. Aaa. What to do. I don't love hot guys in speedo.

wave back to Azuwaza ... ^ . ^

even tho mr. speedo showing lot of skin.. doesn't mean he can beat the fully dress Hwon. hahaha

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Never even dare to uncover the MYSTERY or you will end up as...........A SOUR GRAPING LOSER!!!! crazy.gifcrazy.gif Bwhahhahha! :P:P:P

Kekekekekekeke... love you....

Received a message from my sis (she doesn’t really watch KD only once in a while when she visit me so we did marathon of TMTETS but she joined me when I was at eps 10 or more couldn’t remember we rush because she had to go back to her hometown)... she message me

First Message...

“OMG, help me” I replied


Oh no I tot must be some kind of SOS message...

Second Message

“I miss The King. How la? Maximum Impact wo, kenot work la”

Kekekekekekkekekekeke, she didn’t copy because she didn’t bring her HD she tot she doesn’t need to... and now kekekekeke. Well that’s The moon influence on someone that doesn’t really like korean drama and hate historical drama..

*bwahahaha* me, too ... trying harrrrd to breattthhh .. breattth .. jussst ignore ... skip & scroll down ... but jussst cant stand it ... soooriiiii peipei78 *kekekeke*

see those articles & news i posted ... that is also represent A FACT B)

Ahh... Are sure you get from reputable sources? Are you sure you didn’t make up all that? Kekekekekekekeke it is hard to believe that something with no substance can generate such revenue... are you sure you are not talking about some other moon? Is it really our Moon?

Boohoo! Conference is boring! Thank God this thread is still alive. Annyeong peipei78, gabjumz, Bambiina, kelcy and all chingus!!

TPM & TMETS for me is like Earl Grey tea & Capuccino. Love both. But totally can't go together or you end up throwing up. So am keeping them at different corners and visit them regularly. It's just that for the next 3 months or so I will be having more TMETS drink. Heh.

Hee.. Anyone watching Rooftop tonite? Let's spazz together ^_^

P/s :: Am also the minority at the speedo thread. Aaa. What to do. I don't love hot guys in speedo.

Well I am gonna watch Rooftop – but the problem is I am still dreaming of my King. How la?

TPM – need to find the other 2 episode kekekeke I stopped at eps 22 for no reason.. hehe. Like TPM and love PSH (just can’t stand the heroin – because of Shining inheritance, she’s good just that I still hate her character in Shining so can’t quite separate that with TPM – my bad)

Bambiina, sorry to cut your post. Here is a BEAR HUG just for you =)

I seriously need this......

BTW – Speedo?????????????????????? Man in speedo????????????????????? How come I miss this??? How come I dun know meh????

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As much as I'm looking forward to the Rooftop Prince, that drama is going to remind me of how much I miss TMTETS and especially KSH, blah.

totally. hence, I chose to watch The King2Hearts instead. cause got Ha Jiwon. one of my fave unnie too ^_^

cant you guys believe that I didnt even watch Ep20 with sub yet. though it has been a week already :lol:

I think I'm going to watch it tonight while waiting raw vid for TK2H :P

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BTW – Speedo?????????????????????? Man in speedo????????????????????? How come I miss this??? How come I dun know meh????

bwahahahaha.... it's from next door Drama...there is one scene from one of the lead actor... you know..swimming scene.. wearing SPEEDO instead of short pants.....people got crazy especially the gutter girls...who loves to see ..whole lot of skin..skin and skin...hahahaha ( like Alexus.. which suddenly turn in a speedo addicts..) .. of course except wuri jjeona... Hwon...he is HOT enough even in his King grab... :wub:

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Ahh... Are sure you get from reputable sources? Are you sure you didn’t make up all that? Kekekekekekekeke it is hard to believe that something with no substance can generate such revenue... are you sure you are not talking about some other moon? Is it really our Moon?

sweatingbullets.gif i swear Bambiina they are not based on my feelings only ... those reporters/writers really just expressing their sincere opinions ... i didnt put them under gun point to write those articles ... ( crazy.gif write or i'll shoot !!!) ) *kekekeke* :P

i'm also waiting for official english translation .. dunno when will be published .. hope not too long :rolleyes:

or other novel from TMTETS author, i will also interested to buy ... hope we can have more info on this ..

azuwaza163 ... chingu !!!! i'm also minority there .. love LSW, too ... but JSW just captivates me since Thorn Bird .. *siiiigh* watching FOTG allllwaysss makes me hunting for food after ... those delicious - mouth watering - dishes .. yummm !!!

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I love the finale of this drama, kept repeating the episodes again to watch.

BTW, does anyone know where i can download the full Good Morning show broadcast yesterday 20th March 2012, they have a full report on the farewell party.

anyone pls? thanks

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I love the finale of this drama, kept repeating the episodes again to watch.

BTW, does anyone know where i can download the full Good Morning show broadcast yesterday 20th March 2012, they have a full report on the farewell party.

anyone pls? thanks

me, tooo :wub: .. leaving you with such a sweet-feeling ... i hate sad ending or depressing drama ... so this one jussssst "all-things-bright-and-beautiful-perfect" ending !!!

about the clips ...

i havent seen it so far .. but you can check socolasua92 - YT channel from time to time ... they're constantly updating their clips ;)

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kelcy... Kekekkeekekek..

Peipei *serious tone* I love man in speedo... :w00t:

By the way I thank god that nothing bad happen to My King like losing one leg or became paralyzed or losing his brain or eye sight... You know how those writer and PD like to wring out every ounce of our simpathy and never really give us true satisfaction (like in WS jun shang lost his eye sight, illjimae - I am not sure if he die or not, legend of the four god female lead die, chuno die, blind etc etc )..... I thank god for the perfect ending of TMTETS...

If let say my king loose one leg, I am definitely gonna be bitter for the rest of my life (heheh exaggerate much). I wonder why they make such ending? why blind? Why die? Why do they like to see us suffer and not get true satisfaction?

I wonder till today

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i am so pathetic....my husband downloaded the entire 20 episodes as a surprise (and there I was thinking (a) I wasnt being obvious with my obsession and (b ) he didnt notice ) - However...there's no subtitle at all.. :unsure:

but you know what the sad part is? - I could tell him what they said !! Every scene (in epi 1 , anyway which is where we're at) - without any help! And I dont speak Korean! Isnt that just too too sad? hehehehehe - i am so obsessed that watching a 20 epi drama back to back with no subtitle is not daunting at all.

And that husband of mine must have had a chat with Azuwaza's husband- because his parents came, and he took them out, and he told me to stay home so I can watch "the moon the moon" (as he called it) ! Ok dear you can play as much golf as you want now! :wub:

And a shout out to Azuwaza- good luck with the pregnancy! Remember- no asamboi! Only ginger!

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My husband too, he is so happy that I found a new love, new addiction (after so long - I gave up KD). because now I don't really notice if he is at home or not. It's either I was too busy downloading, looking for sub, searching for re-cap or busy in the forum playing words with some school girls (kelcy, peipei and pansy? The rest I know are old ladies which have nothing better to do :lol:)

I am not sure if I'm considered lucky that I took the chance to download this drama and now I'm a mess.... In Delightful way of coz Or Is it a curse which I should have avoided?

I am re-watching from eps 1 tonight... Now that I have all the 720p copies.

YM pimple look sooooooooo huge ^_^



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My husband too, he is so happy that I found a new love, new addiction (after so long - I gave up KD). because now I don't really notice if he is at home or not. It's either I was too busy downloading, looking for sub, searching for re-cap or busy in the forum playing words with some school girls (kelcy, peipei and pansy? The rest I know are old ladies which have nothing better to do :lol:)

I am not sure if I'm considered lucky that I took the chance to download this drama and now I'm a mess.... In Delightful way of coz Or Is it a curse which I should have avoided?

I am re-watching from eps 1 tonight... Now that I have all the 720p copies.

YM pimple look sooooooooo huge ^_^


*quoted image*

dearest bambiina,

thanks for the compliment saying I'm a school girl...yeeaaahhhh....hahahaha....thank youuuuuu ...mwuuaahhh...

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Guest Starlitelet

I am also sincere in expressing my opinion. You can express your opinion anyway you like but to assume something base on your opinion is wrong.  We know that TMTETS is crappy by your standard but what I don’t like is the way you are trying to generalize everyone actions according to your opinion (regarding the ratings).  

You continue to force your opinion on us and try to pop our balloon.

I wonder what drama do you think deserve all the glory?

Sorry to all Mooner here, I don’t mean to disturb the peace here, I came in late into the thread so that I could avoid “these”.  I only want to share my craziness with those that are still in withdrawal mode.  I know that mostly those that left behind are those that really love the drama. This way I can avoid posting by people who are not really interested to watch the drama but watch it for other reasons. I guess I was wrong those that don’t really like this drama still hang around the thread ^_^.

Promise no more “defending” comment by me though how tempted I am. I want peace in the thread.


I am not assuming that TPM is more organized than TMTETS based on my sole opinion. I know that TPM is more sophisticated than TMTETS based on the concrete presentation of characters/storyline. Hence, I am baffled at the rating. And how do you know that I'm generalizing? Do we need to make a poll to show you that it's not just me?

I am in no way saying that you may not like/enjoy TMTETS. By all means, go ahead ^^. That's you sincere opinion after all.

I mean - hey, I admit that I have liked several dramas because they were moving/heartfelt, but I also know when to admit whether the work/project is credible or not. In this case, TMTETS possesses neither for me.

If it works in the pathos direction for you, then that's great! I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion on the subjective matter.

To be honest, I don't think any drama deserves all the glory. That's a bit too much, no? Besides, I'm not a critic anyway. Though, I do know when the drama has many faults. It doesn't take a genius/critic to see inconsistencies in characters/storyline.

Also, if I can pop your balloon/love for TMTETS simply from my words then you don't have enough confidence/belief that it deserves all the glory.

Sorry if I sound rude, but you're pushing my button with the whole peace disturbance thing.

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