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If you notice someone staring at you, do you stare back?


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Guest moo_lah

Of course I stare back.

I tend to think I have the ability to intimidate anyone with a glance, especially children.

What I never seem to notice at the time is that this 'intimidation' is just creepiness unsure.gif

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The "stare-back" thing is very effective... Like once, I went into voyeurism-mode and saw through my binoculars a woman staring at something. So I looked at where she was staring, it was a dude picking his nose. The dude then counter-stared the woman. But since he had such a sixth sense of being stared at, he stared back at me with his eagle eyes while still picking his nose... It shocked me like an invisible sniper shot...

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I never stare at people, it makes you look stupid and disrespectful, especially when they keep starring in your eyes

starring and direct eye contact is a form of aggression and domination, if your not careful some may take it as a threat and could lead to a confrontation

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Guest Lauvable

i kinda stone in their general direction and try to figure out if they're actually looking at me or at someone/something near me.

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I just stop dancing, put my shirt back on, and nonchalantly return to my grocery shopping like nothing happened.

Or, I just pinch myself hard to keep from falling asleep again and snoring too loudly during the church services.

Or, I try to play it off that I really wasn't trying to watch Mannosuke eating his sub sandwich. I try to focus instead on that rich guy's wallet just lying on the floor next to the randomly-dropped meatball.

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I've realized that people are not staring at me, but at my SUBWAY sandwich.

Must be all the onions and banana peppers.

you and your subway...

LOL sorry i just had to bring it up.

i swear i know someone exactly like you. i know i say this every time i see you in the forums, but man... there is this guy i know that exerts the same demeanor, has the same tone of voice, shares the same sarcasm/type of humour, and LOVES subway almost as much as you do...


anyways yea i dont stare back at someone that stares at me. because that would just be creepy, and i would be a hypocrite for being creepy to someone else if they were just creepy to me. :D

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If it is someone I know, I ask them what on earth they are doing before I tell them to stop.

If it is someone I do not know, I will pretend I do not know and glance around. Then I will suddenly look at them straight in the eye haha It throws them off and they usually just look away. It is only creepy if they keep on staring at you, or smile at you when you look at them. Awkward!

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Guest wesling123

If its a kid then I would widen my eyes and look at them in the eye Mwahahahah :w00t:

but if its not then I would just ignore it even though it creeps me a lot

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Guest panda_07_ice

If its a kid then I would widen my eyes and look at them in the eye Mwahahahah :w00t:

but if its not then I would just ignore it even though it creeps me a lot

I swear i've done this one! and the kid was soooo amazed! :P

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Guest Wingedbunny

Not really unless they keep staring in a very invasive matter. I was on the train once and this super huge eyed fifty something year old lady was standing really close and staring dead straight at me. It was so creepy and super uncomfortable so i moved to another part of the train.

I don't like to say anything because it because they might not be staring at me in particular. I mean i sometimes space out completely and people might assume that i am staring at them when i am...not really in that world at all. More really really deep in thought.

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Guest SNSDJiang

Depends on who is looking

If its a kid i just look back and try to smile (i generally look indifferent)

if someone my age...i just look once then look away (cuz it feels awkward)

and if someone older i look back till they look away :D

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Not really unless they keep staring in a very invasive matter. I was on the train once and this super huge eyed fifty something year old lady was standing really close and staring dead straight at me. It was so creepy and super uncomfortable so i moved to another part of the train.

I don't like to say anything because it because they might not be staring at me in particular. I mean i sometimes space out completely and people might assume that i am staring at them when i am...not really in that world at all. More really really deep in thought.

Ooooh, I get what you are saying - especially that second part. When I was on the bus, this old dude looked like he was staring at me from across the aisle but when I purposefully waved my hands in front of me in a certain way, he didn't react or flinch. So I guessed he was really just spaced out, deep in thought. But then, the bus driver braked suddenly and while everybody braced themselves while the bus lurched forward, this guy keeled right over and sprawled all over the floor with that same look on his face. Turns out, he wasn't really spaced out in deep thought - he was just passed out, dead drunk.

Man, it was embarrassing because it was only at that moment that I realized that this guy was my friend. Haha, guess I was a little drunk myself.

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