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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest VenyLoveDC

It is really cute for someone consistently trying to pour cold water to calm people down.  But I just want to say, don't fool people with any photos of Leeteuk with other females!  You don't know them only reflects your ignorance, but it doesn't mean they are ex-gfs of Mr PJS.  The girls you posted are also artists!  For example, IVY in the picture with a drawn heart (no clue if you added this heart to convince us they were once a pair).  This IVY was a former JYPE trainee and debuted in 2005.  Her ex was famous because that bad guy released the so-called scandal tape and caused IVY to stay in hiatus for some years.  Also, I know you don't trust official announcements, but SM did clarified the circled ear ring issue which you still used as a false proof to say TY was an ex.

Please do some homework and learn more about the artists in the K-circle before accusing a girl to be Teukie's ex.  They can sue you for spreading false information, especially if they had entered into commercial contracts specifying no "scandals".

There must be reasons that Teukie had to say goodbye to his four ex-girlfriends.  No matter what, an EX means past.  I know you are trying hard to keep us develop a bad image on Teukie.  I don't know what you will gain from being successfully convincing us.  But let me tell you, when a woman falls for a guy, she will forgive his past, regardless this past was a pleasant or unpleasant one.  

Following your line of reasoning, please keep your virginity for your future husband/wife and stay alone until you are going to get married.  Don't come to make friends or enemies with anyone here in soompi.  We don't want to be accused of being your ex in future when someone stupid like you simply screen capped our replies to you and then said we were once in relationship because we bothered to waste time on you.  Please rest in peace.

You GO Girl!!! I'm a big fan of u :D

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Guest lennycsn

Before the blue carpet starts tonight, just want to share with you all on how dorky is our Teuk Shillang. I literally @-)  DISBELIEVING!!!


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viyra said:

LeeTeuk's smile - that smile is quite evident - he is hoping to see someone special at a very memorable place.

Should I anticipate?  I would just believe that since they are in the same place and both have cellphones with them, they would be able to find a way to see each other - even secretly.  Two Fighting Juniors are on guard - DongHae and KyuHyun.

I won't be sad if there is no news of them getting together - I would believe they were able to get together.  It really is impossible not to.

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TeukSora BIFF watch: day2

Still waiting our TeukSo reunion @

 the red/blue carpet  2nyt kekeke...

miracles please dear Lord...

updates cr : via twitter of

hiedi (@nhb19)

Posted Friday 5th October 2012 from Twitlonger 

From the info I got from DCinside gallery, Sora will

 attend Buil Film Awards at Haeundae Grand Hotel

 and Apan Star Road (one of BIFF event) today

 5.10.2012. T

he red carpet for Buil Film Awards will start at 6.30pm

 followed by the awards event at 7pm. Meanwhile, the

 Apan Star Road will start at 9pm. For tomorrow

 6.10.2012, Sora has stage greeting for Merida. 

See the link and attached pics below for further infos:-

Buil Film Award: http://www.busan.com/w2010/builfilm/index.html

Apan Star Road : http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-58-irja9BY4/UG0cD9PGF_I/AAAAAAAAEy0/BVMu_LTvRvE/s1600/57975_525630670796467_43933373_n.jpg(crdt:@azwinaa)

http://twitpic.com/b14lwj (crdt:dcinsidegall)

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Hello FD's :-h ,

I still marvel on Sora's Red Carpet Appearance, So REGAL..... these shots particularly captured my eye...there is mystery on it  ;)


I've got a feeling they're together right now...building memories together to cherished after, while LT's on duty......

 Remember this tweets ?


[TWITTER] 120923 Kang Sora twitter update

[Trans] Merida stage greeting at Seoul COEX Megabox finally end! I'll see you later at Busan~~

@reveramess: 코엑스메가박스를 끝으로 메리다 서울 경기 무대인사끝! 나중에 부산에서 뵈요~~

Followed by LT's tweet :

[TWITTER] 120923 Leeteuk twitter update

@special1004: 我爱你
[Trans] I love you. I want to see you.
@special1004: 見てみたい懐かしいです。そこに行きたいと思う。私たちの思い出を作りたい。私はそこを愛し好き

When I see it, it seems nostalgic. I think that I want to go there. I want to make our memories. I like and love that place

WGM, was the start... but they (DC) undoubtedly had good memories well-founded while meeting for the show (& secret meeting? :-) .I saw a clip in Hello Baby Show , one of his wife said (He have 4 wives on that show -4 those who don't know :-) ) LT confessed to her that QOUTE: "Everytime LT meet Sora He always Feels that there is butterflies in his stomach"
I know one sayings:if you're in-love 
 ~~  You have got my stomach in knots, my head in the sky. And my heart... You have got my heart in your hands. ~~ LT's instinct came out in WGM...you will not see those acts on his other shows...only with Sora, as the tarot reader said...DC meet without love concept but the attraction is too much that LT can't handle it, it's understandable since He's not an actor...Sora was unreadable, but still the interaction is undeniable strong for both of them...I hope it's not only me who feels it :-

V SIGNS  That's what I love about SUPER JUNIOR -LT is not only a leader for them...The group regards their leader as big brother~~HYUNG~~LT works hard as a leader, I guess it's time for them to show that in some simple way...Doing V signs is their act as appreciation and acceptance for whatever DC is having right now.It's their mission...I'm sure^^ Well, I just hope DC can endure being apart...Two years sure is a long time, but then in any way there's always hardship in a relationship ..

Everybody have past...That's why there is

th?id=i.4827698605916839&pid=15.1  There is somebody who poop out bringing past everytime FD's in high spirit for DC, "People only bring up past because they're intimidated by the present." INSECURE,I understand ...Who will not?? With KANG SORA...PJS BABY PRINCESS...whoever who can't get over to the past is a total loser...Sorry,but facts hurts...a total L-)
I closed my ramblings with this qoute" WHY WORRY ABOUT THE PAST, I'M SURE THERE IS A REASON THEY DIDN'T MAKE IT TO THE FUTURE"...... :D :D :D

FD posers pls. let us join hands to make our 1000 pages craze'Hope those silent lurkers will join our discussion...don't be shy sharing your thoughts..We may not have same sightings,but I'm sure We all do have one in COMMON....We did enjoy our DC interaction & We Do want to  BeLiEvE that they are ReAL.....
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Guest alamna30

It's been a while since my last post but I visit this forum everyday checking for some updates. I love all the pictures of Sora btw. She's elegant and lovely ..and we're all wondering what is Leeteuk's reaction, right? ..


I bet he's drooling!  :D


..looking forward to more pictures of our couple during BIFF.


oh I forgot to say Hi to all FDs esp. to all Filipinos.  :)

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I've been crazily backreading this thread since I've came home, I just had 4 hours sleep...   I-)

not complainin' at all [-X

As a matter of fact, I'm enjoying it ;)

If U want to see our flat ?



It's kinda like this....:D :D :D

I guess my kids become super excited..'coz mom not been home 4 days^^

GTG FD's....Need to clean first!!! Hope when I come back ....More Goodies to backread then ^^

This thread & all FD's & KS+LT & SJ's, am surely addicted ....Love U guys^^CHAO....

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Guest VenyLoveDC

Roses are red my love,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet my love,

But not, as sweet as you.

This pic really means something is it?? Cause when sora raise the rose , she smile brightly... Like when last year she made the v-sign she also smile brightly! :D seems like this two really make me go crazy in a Good Way of course ;):))

Btw , seems like the blue carpet has started!! Uri baby princess really absolutely STUNNING , GORGEOUS , FABOLUOS & SEXY Today!!! Omo... Omo... You're one lucky guy PJS!!! I'm so in love with her!!! I'm straight btw... :D

http://pic.twitter.com/NON5gwPf cre : @MissEika @twitter

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I found this in tumblr Credit goes to chiyokosadness

Airport fashion skinny jeans with tuck in shirt on the front but side and back shirt was tucked out...Since Sora picture was taken on the 4th and Leeteuk pic was taken on the 5th did he copy her style so that it will look like a couple style..hmmm

I never saw Leeteuk to have a style like this shirt tuck infront only..

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Guest lennycsn

She looks like a Greek Goddess to me!

pics credit to owners.

Sorry if it is not clear. Just for some preview. Later you ladies just post the individual pic.

Try click here for clearer images

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Hi guys, my new fanfic finally done.. Hope U guys don't mind if I post it here, and if you want to read another fanfic just go to my blog http://mybiasdimplecouple.blogspot.com/
Thanks before  >:D<


"Good morning darling...Time to wake up..." Leeteuk kiss Sora forehead to wake her up
"Oppa.. What's time is it? Sorry, I woke up late.." Sora feel a little bit embrased
"No problem... I loved to see you sleep. You look so pure.. I just love it." Leeteuk landed a slight kiss in Sora lips, than said "Let's go for breakfast, after that let's fun..."
"Give me 10 minutes. I am ready then."

"Eat again...You'll need a lot of energy today..." Leeteuk told Sora
"What are we gonna do today Oppa???" Sora told Leeteuk ceriously
"What do you want to try? What about we try practice golf first, after that swimming, and couple spa..It sound great right? Agree??"
"Sounds great. I always want to try playing golf. I never do that, but seems interesting. Swimming off course, love it..." Sora can hide her happy face
"Good, now eat well..." Leeteuk told while feeding Sora...

"OMO. It's really fun Oppa.. Thank you.." Sora told Leeteuk and right away gave a cheek kiss to him after they finish their couple Spa and on the way for lunch
"Only cheek????" Leeteuk tease Sora

Suddenly, Leetuk phone rang

"Hallo..." Leeteuk talked to someone on phone
"I am already at Banyan.. Where we gonna meet?"
"Let's have lunch at Granum dining room, than we talk..." told Leeteuk to mysterious man on the phone
"Oke, I'll be there soon.."
"Thanks Hyung..." Leeteuk close the phone

"Who is it Oppa?" Sora a little bit curious
"Just wait for him oke, now where we gonna sit?"

Three minutes later....

"Good afternoon Sora-ssi, Leeteuk-ssi... Nice to see you two here.." Someone great them in the restaurant
"OMO. Good afternoon PD-nim" Sora greet the person
"Have a sit Hyung. I intentionally invite you here. We need to discuss our last shooting. When is it gonna be on air? This Saturday right? The first episode will be the photoshoot scene, meanwhile the second episode will be with Sora parents. Is it right? " Leeteuk opened the discussion
"Yup, we will divided the film into two episode. We only have you guys and Eenjeung couple for the show, so each of you will get around 30 minutes duration." PD-nim explained to them

"Oke... now, we come to the real problem.We'll be honest to you Hyung. We're a couple now, real couple. I love Sora and Sora love me. We're not virtual anymore and I will not hide it in front of camera, no...It will be so hard for us if you asked us acting and pretend that we are not fall in love each other. I can not. I don't know for Sora, but I am not good in acting. I can't act Hyung, you know about it. So, if you asked me to act that there's no love between us, I can not do that." Leeteuk tried to be honest
"I got it. What about you Sora-ssi?" PD-nim asked Sora
"Ehm, every time I do for filming something, I can act well, but when it's not involving the feeling that I have. But now, same like Teuk Oppa, I think it will be hard for me to act that we're not a real couple." Sora answered with hesitations.

After a minute,  finally PD-nim said something

"Oke, now, I got what's the problem is. I already have a feeling that you two have something when we went to Nami Island. And I believe that you two have a real relationship since that. Actually the problem is you two are too obvious in screen. I can feel real love there. There's no ackward between you, so natural. The way you two holding hand, the way you hug her is too natural. To be honest, a lot of couple in WGM also go natural when they are doing a skinship, but you two is different. That's why I asked both of your manager to talked to you guys. What I asked is don't be too obvious. I just want to keep the mysteries between you guy, I have to keep the curiosity of viewers." PD-nim tried to give them his point of view
"So, what we have to do Hyung. Give us a choice." Leeteuk said
"I'll offer you two options. One, we will strict to the first plan, to have you guys, until the enlistment, but we will cut off your duration, maybe only 8-15 minutes every episode. Second, let's give up and make a preparation for final episode. I'll try to get a new couple as soon as possible. Btw, I'll be honest to you guys, I have to cut off Eeunjung couple. Next week will be their last shooting. We have to do this because the T-ara controversies. I don't wanna cut them, but the management want it and I can't refuse it. Right now, we are in the hurry for preparing the new season for WGM. I already got a new couple. Actually I am not satisfied with this, but this is the best that we can got and I just hope they can build a good chemistry. Back to you guys, so which one that you're gonna choose?It's up to you. Btw, did both of your manager knew that you guys come here together and talk to me?" PD-nim explained the situation

"No. our manager didn't know. I have an initiative to talked to you. They already talked to us separately yesterday and we fell very depressed  after that. You know what I feel Hyung? I fell that there will be a lot of obstacle in front of us. It's a rocky road in front of us. It's really tiring Hyung. That's why I need to talk to you to find out what you really want from us. For me, and I think it's also for Sora, WGM is the only way for us to openly date. Honestly, I can not openly date outside of WGM. I have to get an approval from my company and I think Sora's company also. In WGM, I can show my real feeling with WGM shooting as an excuse. I choose the first option, let's do it until my enlistment, but make it short. We can cut all the sceene that you guys think too obvious for viewers. I really hope that we still continue this." Leeteuk begged to PD-nim
"Oke. I'll considered it. Actually, I already have another new couple. Their first episode will be show in the next three weeks, so with three couples, I can devided three of you, but you two get a shortest duration. Good.. I am glad we solved our problems. But remember, please try to be not to obvious. Btw, congratulation for both of you. You're the second couple who really date because of WGM, and I am glad that my choice was right." PD-nim said
"Thank you Hyung. We'll tried our best." Leeteuk said
"Thank you PD-nim, sorry to give you a trouble. Sorry.." Sora also said thanks to PD-nim
"Oke, I'll think I have to go. Both of you, enjoy your day..See you next week when we filming. I'll tell the schedule and the location. If you guys had an idea, give me in the beginning of the week. See U."
"See you Hyung." Leeteuk told him while shake his hand


"Oppa...Can we do that?" Sora sounds so worried about their plan
"We can do it darling, trust me. We can do it. I thought our fans will be very happy if they know that we became a real couple, but I know we have to keep the curiosity of viewers." suddenly Leeteuk feel a little bit tired after their meeting with WGM PD-nim
"Oke, lets do this.. Fighting..." Sora tried to cheers up Leeteuk
"Fighting... Now, forget about that. We still have 3 hours before we back to reality. What you gonna do now?" Leeteuk tried to forget the problem right in front of his eyes
"Honestly... I am so tired Oppa. After learned golf, swimming and relaxing in Spa, I think I am sleepy now.." Sora said while yawning
"Oke, let's go back to our room and take a nap. I miss to hold you though." Leeteuk said with smilling


They just tried to forget the problem that shows in front of them. They know the real separation is in front of their eyes. What they want to do is just enjoying every little time that they have, to show their feeling each other..


****to be continued****
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