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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest k_craze

The thread is so quiet. Are we morphing over the pending end of our couple which we know is inevitable?

Anyway, here is something that I want to share about the personality of an Aquarius woman in love.

Marked by an open mind and inquiring intellect, Aquarians are equally generous and in their personal relationships. People with this zodiac sign are born from 20th January to 19th February. So if you are dating an Aquarius woman, here is what you can look forward to.

TIP: Know your Aquarius girl - ask her the right questions. Try 'Tell Me Honey...2000 Questions for Couples', the best-selling book available from Amazon.com.

The one trait of personality perhaps which makes an Aquarius stand out from the crowd is a keen, inquiring mind. They are interested in getting into the heart of everything and knowing how it works. An equally curious bent of mind marks the Aquarius woman as well. So starting a conversation with your Aquarius partner on the first date should not be a problem if you reveal an interest in culture, science, travel, social issues or a host of other topics. On the other hand you could bore her into leaving if all you can do is crack silly jokes and stare at other women around your table. An Aquarius woman is cultured and well-read so it is necessary for you to display some evidence of your own intellectual interests if you really intend to catch her attention. While it would be fun to engage her in broad-ranging discussions, take care to steer clear of controversial topics until you get to know her a little more.

An Aquarians good taste in cultural pursuits extends to appearances as well. She is most likely to be good looking or at least well groomed and fashionable. While she does not follow the dictates of the fashion runway, her individual style is highly becoming and appropriate to her personality. So when taking out your Aquarius girlfriend on a date, take care to turn out in something smart and proper to a special occasion. This is not to say that you should go hunting for a three-piece dinner jacket, but that you should think twice before turning up in your worn-out jeans and faded T-shirt.

Aquarians are not particularly well-known for a high emotional quotient. For all her intelligent personality, they are rather detached from the messy world of feelings and like to maintain an emotional distance even with people they are fond of. So if you are expecting your Aquarius girlfriend to respond with the ardor of a Scorpio or the sensitivity of a Cancerian to your romantic overtures, you have a long wait ahead of you. Your girlfriend may be witty, charming and an excellent communicator but may not be very keen on allowing you unrestricted entry into her emotional self.

Like their emotional detachment, Aquarians don’t care very much for physical intimacy too. For them love is all about sharing ideals and projects as well as taking part in lively discussions. Sexual love is interesting so long as it offers a chance of attractive theories and hypotheses but the actual practice is something many Aquarians may shy away from. This also perhaps why, Aquarians want their partners to be good pals first and lovers only after that. In fact many Aquarians may welcome the idea of open marriages which would imply the minimum of restrictions associated with the institution.

The reason why most Aquarians prefer to distance themselves emotionally and even sexually from their partners is an ingrained need for personal independence. This is probably due to the influence of Uranus which is one of the two ruling planets of this Zodiac, the other being Saturn. Those Aquarians ruled by Uranus are unconventional, original and take pleasure in eccentric modes of thought or behavior just to emphasize their highly individualistic bent of mind. For these people, any kind of rules or limitations imposed by external agents is an anathema. So if you are serious about your Aquarius girlfriend, try not to hedge her in either with social norms or your own expectations. This is because as soon as she feels that her individuality is being compromised in this relationship, she will want to fly away. Giving your girlfriend enough room to follow her own pursuits and keep her own social circle will assure her that you understand her need for personal freedom and thus can be trusted as a partner.

Interestingly some Aquarians reveal very opposite traits. With Saturn as their primary ruler, some of them are conventional, highly disciplined and rather strict about money matters. Where they find common ground with the other strain of Aquarians is in possessing an incisive mind and the ability to look into the future. So whether your girlfriend believes in following a straitlaced corporate career or has colorful Bohemian tendencies, one thing you can be sure of is an active intellect beneath the appearances, striving to make sense of several things at once and coming up with its own propositions for the betterment of the universe. Not for nothing are Aquarians known as the visionaries of the zodiac.

It is this forward-looking bent of mind which makes most Aquarians generous and broad-minded. Mean and petty natures are abhorrent to them as are selfish minds concerned merely about themselves. So if you want to impress your Aquarius girlfriend, make sure she sees a humane and fair-minded side of your personality. And the best part of this effort means that whether or not you get to keep your girlfriend, it will surely help you to be a better person.

The Symbol of the Aquarius is the Water-Bearer and quite appropriately too, considering that people of this sign are eager to bestow the gifts of new thoughts and ideas on humanity. Aquarians are determined to make the world a better place and here the watchword is ‘determined’. This is because while being open-minded, Aquarians can become quite obstinate too when met with opposition to their ideas. Similarly you may be surprised by the stubborn streak in your Aquarius girlfriend when you suggest that her way of reforming the community library is not the only way and you have a better one. This obstinacy may be the result of the fixed sign that Aquarians bear.

While an Aquarius woman is unlikely to impress you with unflinching devotion or fiery passion, she will open out previously unknown vistas of ideas and thoughts in your life. With a lively, fun-loving and intellectually stimulating companion, you will find the world a much more interesting place to live and love.

This "On the other hand you could bore her into leaving if all you can do is crack silly jokes and stare at other women around your table. " really stands out when I read the article.

cr : http://futurescopes.com/aquarius/2032/dating-aquarius-woman-when-you-fall-love-aquarian-girl


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Guest lennycsn

Good morning and greetings from malaysia. finally im back from vacation. Thanks @janypo . saw your post. :-)

just to update all on whats happening on the other side of the world. apparently the chinese fans made a protest to mbc on the DC short time slot in wgm and they received feedback from mbc this morning i guess. mbc asked for understanding as they have their own difficulties. Being avid DC fans, i think the chinese fans are going to continuously flood the webpage. mainly because they feel DC and WJC are unfairly deprived at the expense of new couple. to add more salt to the injuries, news released for the last couple of days are inconsistent. hence, the trust on mbc is greatly reduced as far WJC concern. it was initially announced that WJC will go in 2 weeks time then it turn out to be this week is their last slot. so, the speculation and implications splash over DC for fear mbc will end DC's filming too. the issue is not about DC leaving soon since we all know that LT will enlist sooner or later. it is the trust on mbc deterioate fast from its own act.

thanks @koreaTSL for organizing the honeymoon project. sorry i cant join the project as i was away. Many malaysians are away because of eid celebration for our muslim friends and also time for vacation for others. thanks for dropping by to inform us. will join any projects for DC in the future. DC and FDs Hwaiting! :-)

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Guest mywebfoot

Saw this on Tumblr today. It's a picture of Teuk and Dong Hae wearing the \SuJu letterman jacket that Teuk gave to Sora. Not sure when it was taken but judging from the hairstyles and Hee Chul's presence, it was before WGM.


Another bit of Tumblr goodness. Sexy photos of Sora and Teuk edited together. NSFW


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mywebfoot said: Saw this on Tumblr today. It's a picture of Teuk and Dong Hae wearing the \SuJu letterman jacket that Teuk gave to Sora. Not sure when it was taken but judging from the hairstyles and Hee Chul's presence, it was before WGM.


Another bit of Tumblr goodness. Sexy photos of Sora and Teuk edited together. NSFW


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Guest kokohourse

Hi monmon16,


I am a fan of Leeteuk from Taiwan. I found your fantastic record via web and forward the post onto Baidu(China) website with  attaching the source.

By the time, there was a member informed me that the hard-working record has created by your group. And we do really hope to receive your consent to translate 

the record into a Chinese version. You will definitely still have the copyright in the future.

Hope there will be more Sapphire blue members forever!!


Much appreciated your support.

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Guest pinnavinna

i do believe that no such thing called coincidence. things happen for a reason. and so with our Dimple Couple. there's a reason behind our DC's paired up. there's a reason behind all the things that happened in our DC's first meeting, which we don't know yet. but for now, i can only say:   for them : it's the sweet memory that they gonna remember for the rest of their lives, whether they ended up to be real or notfor us :  ....... (feel free to fill the blank, because you all have your own opinion i bet, for me it's reminds me about how 1st love feels like) :D

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tabindex="0" class="uiHeaderTitle" style="text-align: center; font-size: 16px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px; outline: none; line-height: 20px; min-height: 20px; vertical-align: bottom; font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "Kang Sora's Wonderlands for F/W Muzak 2012
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Cr: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.336452119780428.81936.105190449573264&type=1

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Guest monmon16

kokohourse said:

Hi monmon16,


I am a fan of Leeteuk from Taiwan. I found your fantastic record via web and forward the post onto Baidu(China) website with  attaching the source.

By the time, there was a member informed me that the hard-working record has created by your group. And we do really hope to receive your consent to translate 

the record into a Chinese version. You will definitely still have the copyright in the future.

Hope there will be more Sapphire blue members forever!!


Much appreciated your support.

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Guest malonowa

I was reading LeeTeuk's interview from the 

Harper’s Bazaar Magazine September Issue

article on http://sup3rjunior.com and the following Q and A came up.  I almost fell off of my chair with excitement!

Q6) I haven’t even start asking and (you) touched the love subject yourself. Thank you. (laughs) How long is the last relationship? *Note : or rather, the reporter is asking how long have you not been in a relationship?*

Leeteuk : Is it almost one year now? Ah, (I’m) blushing now… I had been too honest right! (laughs) During that time I only cared about work. My whole mind is filled with “Must be a success”, because the schedule is too busy, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday are all packed, not even a single rest. After schedules ended all (I) want is to rest. The next day (I) had to leave house again at 6 or 7am, if I slept any longer, I will feel that the clapping are going to disappear. But in the standpoint of a girlfriend, no matter my schedule ends at 2am or 3am, we definitely have to meet, this way it then can be considered dating. I wish my girlfriend would understand me, I only knows work, by the looks of it I (know) I can’t date anymore. But because it’s now time for me to go to army, (I) realise I want to care about people now, but after looking around my surroundings, there is no one left.

id="post-196099" 120823 Harper’s Bazaar Magazine September Issue – Leeteuk [TRANS] August 23, 2012 at 6:16 pm | Posted in Interviews, Leeteuk, Magazine, Wonderboys | Leave a comment

Related posts are found at the end of this post…

Q1) When the newly released 6Jib <Sexy, Free & Single> title track song got Number 1, on twitter (you) wrote “It’s like the last present for the first half of my life”. Is it because the enlistment in the second half of the year is coming?

Leeteuk : Unknowingly (I’m) already 30 years old. When thinking of my enlistment this year, at first it feels distant, but slowly it starts to get real, and a little fear gets into my heart. (Being) a trainee for 5 years, an idol for 8 years (I) really worked very hard, be it group or individual I feel that I had already accomplished a lot (for them), and (I) was thinking that after I came back from army, all the things will not disappear. That’s why (I’m) positively thinking this way, because during this period (I) did a lot too, now it seems like have to divide among the groups. <STARKING>’s PD said, “You’re so annoying now.” (laughs)

Q2) Super Junior is a “Individual yet Group” representative of a successful group. Members work actively in different sectors, for your case is being the active MC for weekend variety shows. In variety sector the image that you portray seems to be your original style, or it originates from the fixed singer image of yours. Do you feel any place that are regretful regarding on this?

Leeteuk : So all the people who known me cannot imagine me participating in variety. Because I’m the type to play a piano and sing. (laughs) However I don’t dance very well like Eunhyuk, neither do I sing well like Kyuhyun. So (I was) thinking, I became MC because of the glory from it. Even though (I) started variety for this reason, initially I was upset with the thinking “This is not you”. But slowly through variety, my pessimistic and always complaining character of mine starts to change, and starts to enjoy the charisma of Variety. (MC) should feel the same common language with the guest and audience. Slowly (I) had learned to lower myself down, and connect with the others.

Q3) Following the MC activities pathway, rather than saying (you) want to participate, (I) feel that you want to master this variety sector more.

Leeteuk : The show starts at 9am, one hour, one hour, slowly climbing up, and now becoming the main MC for weekend prime time Variety Shows. During this process I keep pride in myself, and, becoming an idol MC, it’s my first time liking this too. Continuing the (MC) activities till 50-60 years old is my goal.

Q4) But becoming an MC, (I) heard that one will get the “Talking disorder” (laughs) *Note : It means one will be unable to stand silence/awkwardness*

Leeteuk : It became a big problem. (I) can’t stay silent, must always keep talking. The same goes for today, the topic is endless with the staff whom (I) met for the first time. Because if (I) don’t say anything and stare blank, I will be afraid that the atmosphere will be awkward because of me.

Q5) But if that’s the case for every situation, as the time for oneself is already not enough, isn’t silent moments more appreciated?

Leeteuk : That’s why if things ended and I was left alone, I will feel lost and don’t know what to do. Is it because of this, that’s why I don’t have a girlfriend? No, is it because of this that cause the breakup with my girlfriend? (I) will think this way.

Q6) I haven’t even start asking and (you) touched the love subject yourself. Thank you. (laughs) How long is the last relationship? *Note : or rather, the reporter is asking how long have you not been in a relationship?*

Leeteuk : Is it almost one year now? Ah, (I’m) blushing now… I had been too honest right! (laughs) During that time I only cared about work. My whole mind is filled with “Must be a success”, because the schedule is too busy, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday are all packed, not even a single rest. After schedules ended all (I) want is to rest. The next day (I) had to leave house again at 6 or 7am, if I slept any longer, I will feel that the clapping are going to disappear. But in the standpoint of a girlfriend, no matter my schedule ends at 2am or 3am, we definitely have to meet, this way it then can be considered dating. I wish my girlfriend would understand me, I only knows work, by the looks of it I (know) I can’t date anymore. But because it’s now time for me to go to army, (I) realise I want to care about people now, but after looking around my surroundings, there is no one left.

Q7) Success is important, (but) in life, it seems like (you) have not had the satisfaction of having someone who understands you well enough that kind of chemistry.

Leeteuk : This kind of things, I only realised it now. Because not working after 5 years and 3 months of radio DJ, the time between 10pm – 12am are now free. From that day onwards, (I) started exercising once again. Anyway since I do not have anything else, if my schedules for that day ended, I will go exercise, then for sauna, only then will return dorm, (I) don’t want this too. Can (I) say that (I) really feel the loneliness now? That’s why I’d been contacting other people these days, even after schedules I will go meet them no matter how tired I am.

Q8) During the concert you were playing the piano and singing at the same time, and sometimes compose some music. Everyone says that they don’t know Leeteuk has this side of him. I personally feel that your voice is great when singing. At first I don’t really like the singing ability which sounds like reading, but the voice is so pure that it is very charismatic.

Leeteuk : People get excited at times, but voices won’t. (laughs) During concerts I will play the saxaphone, will also play the drums, there’s a lot of performances like this. Is because (my) dancing or singing is not very good, that’s why I want to excel in music instruments. I want our FANS who came to see us, recognize our hardwork. Composing is purely based on personal improvement. This time is my 3rd self-composed song, radio logo song I had composed before too. It seems like I can’t use words to describe the happiness of composing songs. Plus, whether the song is meant as a present for someone else, it’s always either words that I wish to tell FANS, or when I am thinking of the person I like. When letting others hear it (I) will also say “It’s composed when I’m thinking of you” (laughs)

Q9) Even thought artists are not some famous world class people, but Super Junior this group had brought a great influence to the teens, so if keep thinking “This is my life, what does it have to do with you”  this attitude will make you very tired.

Leeteuk : Looking back when I’m young, (I) want to be a singer because of  Seo TaiJi and his children, follow other people’s hairstyles, wear clothes which other people wears. Because of this mindset, I start to ponder should I start showing a positive/good image of mine for the sake of my fans? Artists/Idols are not famous people. But as what Kang HoDong hyung said before, although (we) don’t depend on the country to live, but we still manage to get the love from the people, because under some conditions we are considered as famous people too. If I am dating now or drinking outside, saesang fans cannot follow me. Majority of them are female students. But if it’s on tv station or the gym, they will say “Oppa please exercise well, I’ll see you an hour later”

Q10) If we talk about influence, now not only in South Korea, Super Junior had very big influence even till the Europe. Although happy, but still feel stress.

Leeteuk : I am very grateful that I have this opportunity to enjoy this dame. If it’s about the fear, then it would be how lonBaidu Teuk Bar (小蕾,歪歪)g this fame could sustain. Popularity is like rice wine, if the rice boils up it will sink down, otherwise it will floats. The people whom I see them as “idols” when I was a kid are all now not very famous. I will also have that day someday, so (I) keep thinking, am I able to take it. Thus even if it’s one exchange, I will try to find another different lifestyle.

Q11) First time seeing you evaluating your own life. (laughs) Sorry Sorry basically is a dance song, and also a song which makes people feel that it’s a group with many people.

Leeteuk : XX who choreograph XX dance, had choreograph for us a very great dance routine. Yoo Young Jin Producer said if there’s a rubbing hands motion it would be better, therefore Nick changed the dance slightly, and this became the main point of the dance. Everyone of us is full of passion, (we) trained hard for 10 hours, 12 hours. Until there is no energy left. If this song did not get popular, Donghae will be going back his hometown Mokpo and be a fisherman, I also decided to enlist army. Luckily this song became very popular which gave us what we had today.

Q12) “Must always walk till the end” seems like Super Junior is almost achieving this goal. Plus this time Kangin is also back to participate in this album. Although (I’m) not sure whether is there any sadness, but it feels good to be like this.

Leeteuk : When Kangin is in army (he) didn’t see the members for a very long time. From our point stand we all wished Kangin would come back visit us frequently, but from Kangin’s point, he feels that he let the members down, thus he did not come back often. Whenever I saw Shinhwa on TV, the feeling is very great. The hyungs often tell us this when they saw us “(SJ)’s thinking is very similar to ours.” When we get old can we still be together like them? This is why I would always ask the members to gather in the meeting room and said “You guys can have different thinking now, but this time just believe in hyung and follow hyung, and move forward. Kangin is now back, and also fully prepared for this new album. So let’s do well together!” (I) will also say this to manager hyung “I know the upper level (in the company, meaning their boss) had not made a decision yet, everyone must be racking their heads, but we (SJ) had decided to do this.”

Q13) What are you doing when you are alone? Looking up the internet (laughs) and enjoying this fame.

Leeteuk : It’s not that stressful. Once I made a police report because of saesang fans. But I won’t think that way now. Even if I forbid them to follow me, they will still follow, so just let them be. It’s not like this, I think I will follow them instead. I really did. Once before filming on a saturday night, before meeting the director, because there’s still time left, I turn back and follow this 7-seater rented vehicle by saesang fans. Finally the driver get off the car and shouted, “Ah, Leeteuk is following us. What to do?” (laughs)

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malonowa said: I was reading LeeTeuk's interview from the 

Harper’s Bazaar Magazine September Issue

article on http://sup3rjunior.com and the following Q and A came up.  I almost fell off of my chair with excitement!

Q6) I haven’t even start asking and (you) touched the love subject yourself. Thank you. (laughs) How long is the last relationship? *Note : or rather, the reporter is asking how long have you not been in a relationship?*

Leeteuk : Is it almost one year now? Ah, (I’m) blushing now… I had been too honest right! (laughs) During that time I only cared about work. My whole mind is filled with “Must be a success”, because the schedule is too busy, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday are all packed, not even a single rest. After schedules ended all (I) want is to rest. The next day (I) had to leave house again at 6 or 7am, if I slept any longer, I will feel that the clapping are going to disappear. But in the standpoint of a girlfriend, no matter my schedule ends at 2am or 3am, we definitely have to meet, this way it then can be considered dating. I wish my girlfriend would understand me, I only knows work, by the looks of it I (know) I can’t date anymore. But because it’s now time for me to go to army, (I) realise I want to care about people now, but after looking around my surroundings, there is no one left.

id="post-196099" 120823 Harper’s Bazaar Magazine September Issue – Leeteuk [TRANS] August 23, 2012 at 6:16 pm | Posted in Interviews, Leeteuk, Magazine, Wonderboys | Leave a comment

Related posts are found at the end of this post…

Q1) When the newly released 6Jib <Sexy, Free & Single> title track song got Number 1, on twitter (you) wrote “It’s like the last present for the first half of my life”. Is it because the enlistment in the second half of the year is coming?

Leeteuk : Unknowingly (I’m) already 30 years old. When thinking of my enlistment this year, at first it feels distant, but slowly it starts to get real, and a little fear gets into my heart. (Being) a trainee for 5 years, an idol for 8 years (I) really worked very hard, be it group or individual I feel that I had already accomplished a lot (for them), and (I) was thinking that after I came back from army, all the things will not disappear. That’s why (I’m) positively thinking this way, because during this period (I) did a lot too, now it seems like have to divide among the groups. <STARKING>’s PD said, “You’re so annoying now.” (laughs)

Q2) Super Junior is a “Individual yet Group” representative of a successful group. Members work actively in different sectors, for your case is being the active MC for weekend variety shows. In variety sector the image that you portray seems to be your original style, or it originates from the fixed singer image of yours. Do you feel any place that are regretful regarding on this?

Leeteuk : So all the people who known me cannot imagine me participating in variety. Because I’m the type to play a piano and sing. (laughs) However I don’t dance very well like Eunhyuk, neither do I sing well like Kyuhyun. So (I was) thinking, I became MC because of the glory from it. Even though (I) started variety for this reason, initially I was upset with the thinking “This is not you”. But slowly through variety, my pessimistic and always complaining character of mine starts to change, and starts to enjoy the charisma of Variety. (MC) should feel the same common language with the guest and audience. Slowly (I) had learned to lower myself down, and connect with the others.

Q3) Following the MC activities pathway, rather than saying (you) want to participate, (I) feel that you want to master this variety sector more.

Leeteuk : The show starts at 9am, one hour, one hour, slowly climbing up, and now becoming the main MC for weekend prime time Variety Shows. During this process I keep pride in myself, and, becoming an idol MC, it’s my first time liking this too. Continuing the (MC) activities till 50-60 years old is my goal.

Q4) But becoming an MC, (I) heard that one will get the “Talking disorder” (laughs) *Note : It means one will be unable to stand silence/awkwardness*

Leeteuk : It became a big problem. (I) can’t stay silent, must always keep talking. The same goes for today, the topic is endless with the staff whom (I) met for the first time. Because if (I) don’t say anything and stare blank, I will be afraid that the atmosphere will be awkward because of me.

Q5) But if that’s the case for every situation, as the time for oneself is already not enough, isn’t silent moments more appreciated?

Leeteuk : That’s why if things ended and I was left alone, I will feel lost and don’t know what to do. Is it because of this, that’s why I don’t have a girlfriend? No, is it because of this that cause the breakup with my girlfriend? (I) will think this way.

Q6) I haven’t even start asking and (you) touched the love subject yourself. Thank you. (laughs) How long is the last relationship? *Note : or rather, the reporter is asking how long have you not been in a relationship?*

Leeteuk : Is it almost one year now? Ah, (I’m) blushing now… I had been too honest right! (laughs) During that time I only cared about work. My whole mind is filled with “Must be a success”, because the schedule is too busy, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday are all packed, not even a single rest. After schedules ended all (I) want is to rest. The next day (I) had to leave house again at 6 or 7am, if I slept any longer, I will feel that the clapping are going to disappear. But in the standpoint of a girlfriend, no matter my schedule ends at 2am or 3am, we definitely have to meet, this way it then can be considered dating. I wish my girlfriend would understand me, I only knows work, by the looks of it I (know) I can’t date anymore. But because it’s now time for me to go to army, (I) realise I want to care about people now, but after looking around my surroundings, there is no one left.

Q7) Success is important, (but) in life, it seems like (you) have not had the satisfaction of having someone who understands you well enough that kind of chemistry.

Leeteuk : This kind of things, I only realised it now. Because not working after 5 years and 3 months of radio DJ, the time between 10pm – 12am are now free. From that day onwards, (I) started exercising once again. Anyway since I do not have anything else, if my schedules for that day ended, I will go exercise, then for sauna, only then will return dorm, (I) don’t want this too. Can (I) say that (I) really feel the loneliness now? That’s why I’d been contacting other people these days, even after schedules I will go meet them no matter how tired I am.

Q8) During the concert you were playing the piano and singing at the same time, and sometimes compose some music. Everyone says that they don’t know Leeteuk has this side of him. I personally feel that your voice is great when singing. At first I don’t really like the singing ability which sounds like reading, but the voice is so pure that it is very charismatic.

Leeteuk : People get excited at times, but voices won’t. (laughs) During concerts I will play the saxaphone, will also play the drums, there’s a lot of performances like this. Is because (my) dancing or singing is not very good, that’s why I want to excel in music instruments. I want our FANS who came to see us, recognize our hardwork. Composing is purely based on personal improvement. This time is my 3rd self-composed song, radio logo song I had composed before too. It seems like I can’t use words to describe the happiness of composing songs. Plus, whether the song is meant as a present for someone else, it’s always either words that I wish to tell FANS, or when I am thinking of the person I like. When letting others hear it (I) will also say “It’s composed when I’m thinking of you” (laughs)

Q9) Even thought artists are not some famous world class people, but Super Junior this group had brought a great influence to the teens, so if keep thinking “This is my life, what does it have to do with you”  this attitude will make you very tired.

Leeteuk : Looking back when I’m young, (I) want to be a singer because of  Seo TaiJi and his children, follow other people’s hairstyles, wear clothes which other people wears. Because of this mindset, I start to ponder should I start showing a positive/good image of mine for the sake of my fans? Artists/Idols are not famous people. But as what Kang HoDong hyung said before, although (we) don’t depend on the country to live, but we still manage to get the love from the people, because under some conditions we are considered as famous people too. If I am dating now or drinking outside, saesang fans cannot follow me. Majority of them are female students. But if it’s on tv station or the gym, they will say “Oppa please exercise well, I’ll see you an hour later”

Q10) If we talk about influence, now not only in South Korea, Super Junior had very big influence even till the Europe. Although happy, but still feel stress.

Leeteuk : I am very grateful that I have this opportunity to enjoy this dame. If it’s about the fear, then it would be how lonBaidu Teuk Bar (小蕾,歪歪)g this fame could sustain. Popularity is like rice wine, if the rice boils up it will sink down, otherwise it will floats. The people whom I see them as “idols” when I was a kid are all now not very famous. I will also have that day someday, so (I) keep thinking, am I able to take it. Thus even if it’s one exchange, I will try to find another different lifestyle.

Q11) First time seeing you evaluating your own life. (laughs) Sorry Sorry basically is a dance song, and also a song which makes people feel that it’s a group with many people.

Leeteuk : XX who choreograph XX dance, had choreograph for us a very great dance routine. Yoo Young Jin Producer said if there’s a rubbing hands motion it would be better, therefore Nick changed the dance slightly, and this became the main point of the dance. Everyone of us is full of passion, (we) trained hard for 10 hours, 12 hours. Until there is no energy left. If this song did not get popular, Donghae will be going back his hometown Mokpo and be a fisherman, I also decided to enlist army. Luckily this song became very popular which gave us what we had today.

Q12) “Must always walk till the end” seems like Super Junior is almost achieving this goal. Plus this time Kangin is also back to participate in this album. Although (I’m) not sure whether is there any sadness, but it feels good to be like this.

Leeteuk : When Kangin is in army (he) didn’t see the members for a very long time. From our point stand we all wished Kangin would come back visit us frequently, but from Kangin’s point, he feels that he let the members down, thus he did not come back often. Whenever I saw Shinhwa on TV, the feeling is very great. The hyungs often tell us this when they saw us “(SJ)’s thinking is very similar to ours.” When we get old can we still be together like them? This is why I would always ask the members to gather in the meeting room and said “You guys can have different thinking now, but this time just believe in hyung and follow hyung, and move forward. Kangin is now back, and also fully prepared for this new album. So let’s do well together!” (I) will also say this to manager hyung “I know the upper level (in the company, meaning their boss) had not made a decision yet, everyone must be racking their heads, but we (SJ) had decided to do this.”

Q13) What are you doing when you are alone? Looking up the internet (laughs) and enjoying this fame.

Leeteuk : It’s not that stressful. Once I made a police report because of saesang fans. But I won’t think that way now. Even if I forbid them to follow me, they will still follow, so just let them be. It’s not like this, I think I will follow them instead. I really did. Once before filming on a saturday night, before meeting the director, because there’s still time left, I turn back and follow this 7-seater rented vehicle by saesang fans. Finally the driver get off the car and shouted, “Ah, Leeteuk is following us. What to do?” (laughs)

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Hi FD's!!!
@mywebfoot thanks for the sexy pic of our couple....they do look like they really belong together!
@melanowa, thanks for the article....we all know that LeeTeuk is giving the fans some lip service but we all know who he whispered " I love you" to. BTW , his pics in that article are just gorgeous....maybe finally he is becoming the confident , leader Teuk that I am hoping for, for our Sora.
It is a Happy Friday again for all of us and an exceptional Saturday on the horizon.Can not wait to see what they will show in this episode. I am glad that the last one showed us how comfortable and couple like they are and how Teukie is mindful of how Sora reacts and feels and is willing to talk about it. I believe a healthy relationship between couples is based on being able to talk about  their issues and I am glad Teukie understood the tone of Soras' voice despite her denial about what she was feeling at that time. And i really hope this is the last time the Sungmin issue will be brought up because clearly  Sora only have eyes for Teukie. It looked like in the end Lee Teuk  was able to go past his jealousies and understood the coincidence of the their meeting.
 Let us all have fun with our delusions.....after all it is in these delusions that we get to experience the joy of joining them in their journey in the future! No matter what people say no one can take away the joy,laughter,happiness and excitement these two made us feel as we see them meet, care, miss and fall for each other. Whether it is a reality now or in the future....i believe they have started a good foundation for a strong ,sustainable, enduring and loving relationship and they shared some of those moments with us .  I will continue to  hope, to dream , to  become delusional about them  because by doing so...it proves I am part of humanity who thinks about good things, and touched by good feelings of friendship and love and I am proud of that. I am also proud I am part of these wonderful forum where people exchange their ideas, discuss their feelings and voice out their opinions for the love of both of them. 
So let us go with our couple...let us join them in their ride and together let us experience the wonderful delusional world of Dimpledom. FD's  FIGHTING!!!!

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i'm sorry if being rude to you  but i must say that this is the first time i've met people that have such a bad personality like you
* sigh

we are responsible for our own delusional !!
we don't need you to keep on and keep reminding us about what kind of "relationship that they might have" which can't be ascertained by me,you or another FD's
even if Leeteuk and Kang Sora didn't become lovers someday we might be "disappointed" but we are responsible for those "feelings"
but hey, still plenty of time left you know , and they also still have many opportunities to become such a cute couple ^^ (wich i believe they will :P :-* )
so dont rejoice too quickly just based on what is written on the interview !
Leeteuk is someone who is careful with what he says.!!
but thank you for your attention , :)
Since you've been so "kind"  to remind us bout the things that are not necessary i will definitely put you in my prayers when i go to sleep kkkkk^^
:-* ;;)

btw please change your ava it's 2am in here and your ava scared the hell outta me, :-q

greetings to all the FD's
love y'all


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Guest malonowa

About article I posted. I really missread.
So sorry everyone!! Cause of that I gave basher a gap into our forum.

I read "how long have you been in a relationship?"
That's what caused the excitement.
Fudge! Sorry again.

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mzbcf hello..welcome home. So glad we got a new member here. Again ! We can see everyday there are more n more TEUKSO lovers! That we call delusional....
btw, as FD shipper , we alert that if there are fans offcourse there are also antis so let it be...dont bothered....keep thinking positive n give our couple the best support....welcome home 
ps:as im here....just take a peek to another couples beside our Teukso...WOW DAEBAK! Joongbo couple n jokwon n ga in couple...their thread already reached such amazing pages! Eventhough they arenot in WGM anymore but their fans still can manage n make their thread always alive....DAEBAK!!!!
=D> =D> =D> im sure in their thread also have alot of intruders right! but they dont mind n bothered ! they keep move on n support their couple.....that a real delusional!!! SO TEUKSO LOVERS keep give our couple the best support n keep the Fighting Dimples Delusional alive... :x :x :x

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@malonowa Regarding the Harpers Bazaar's article...lets us just focus on the positive stuffs instead. I like his answer for Q8. "....Plus, whether the song is meant as a present for someone else, it’s always either words that I wish to tell FANS, or when I am thinking of the person I like. When letting others hear it (I) will also say “It’s composed when I’m thinking of you” (laughs)." 
In my delusional mode, it just affirms the song Only U is for our bride.
To me,Leeteuk is playing it safe.He's playing the maybe /maybe not games with all of us. It could be his way of protecting his other half i guess. We'll just have to wait & see then if ever he will confess.I guess we would only know after he's done in the army.

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