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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest malonowa

Harper's Bazaar Magazine September 2012 Issue - Leeteuk http://sj-world.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=75411”

LT could be a Calvin Klein underwear model.

He is just so ... JUMMY!

Pervy thoughts starting again!

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Guest pinnavinna

it's official, choi min is nothing, eventough he had kissed with sora. but her husband is more than just chocolatate abs, he's like the whole package of an ideal husband. you've got to hold on to her soraaa! 2years waiting for forever love journey :D

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Anyeong FDs....
I don't know whose ring or which ring it was however I do know this....LT was trying to put it back onto Sora's finger when SM entered. LT had the ring between his thumb, middle and ring fingers wanting to slip it to Sora's ring finger...but at that moment Sora move her hand away....Its a very telling incident to me...very much like a GF and BF would be doing....
BTW, anybody knows what happened to SM's hand? did he break it?

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Guest rntheatre

Just watched the short episode. They're really good in doing what they do judging from the posters here. We don't know if it's real or not. We can only assume and feed our inner desires for the couple (like any other couple that we bet on). 
Now for the review. If we peg/compare their relationship to the real world relationship, LT's jealousy is in the normal stage of their relationship. There are jealous type of people and there are two things that can address that: 1.) If they are in a relationship LONG enough to cultivate trust. Herein, I mean years of having a meaningful relationship. OR 2.) Accepting that you're partner is a jealous type and adjusting your behavior towards it. For the first part, LT and Sora has been in contact for short months or a year (Forgive my ignorance). They have their own schedules and may meet once or twice a week. Furthermore, acting or being a celebrity will throw you in a mix of different kind of people that can incite jealousy from your (virtual or real) partner. With that premise, I understand that LT has not cultivated that foundation yet and he is in the process of building one. For number 2, I think that Sora is handling LT's jealousy really well. As long as it is not destructive, jealousy is a sign that the person values you and wants you as his or her own only. Some people like that attitude (me included). It gives you a sense of being needed and modifying your actions/reactions in response to jealousy will also build a strong foundation in the relationship.
I love the way Sora said "Leeteuk-ssi". When I heard that, I blurted out, "Oh Shi*". I know that tone. That tone means "You're in trouble. I want your immediate attention. And be sure you have the correct response." I heard that plenty of times and once it reached my "anvil, stirrup, and hammer", I dropped everything that I've been doing, run towards "The Voice", and stand in "Attention.". When asked, always give the correct answer to diffuse a very volatile situation.
Overall, the episode is nice. It's a bit of a reaffirmation on the part of LT. He is the color of the couple. Sora, as always, is Sora. The girl is definitely trying hard to make it work well (from the 1st ep up to this one). I'm not saying that LT isn't giving the effort. How should I put this? Sora is the bedrock of this couple. She's been the model wife, in my opinion. She always defers to her husband. That is a plus point in a patriarchal society in Korea (correct me if I'm wrong but most Asian countries operate in this notion). Nevertheless, if Sora has ideas, she is suggesting it and not forcing it, then quickly turns to Leeteuk, for him to assess and make the decision. On the other hand, Leeteuk, as what I've said, is the color of the couple. He brings in the dynamics that makes this couple a "never boring" duo. I agree with Leeteuk that, as men, we need to take good care of our women. Treat them well. Give them what they need and want. This two, almost opposite characters, make this relationship tick.
And finally, I subscribe to the philosophy that "Women makes the relationship work." Or not work. If any woman wants to end/continue a relationship, they hold that key.I believe in the never ending patience of women (it may have it's limits but the difference between men and women are light years away). With that, they deserve to be love and respected.

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Guest pinnavinna

rntheathre said: I love the way Sora said "Leeteuk-ssi". When I heard that, I blurted out, "Oh Shi*". I know that tone. That tone means "You're in trouble. I want your immediate attention. And be sure you have the correct response." I heard that plenty of times and once it reached my "anvil, stirrup, and hammer", I dropped everything that I've been doing, run towards "The Voice", and stand in "Attention.". When asked, always give the correct answer to diffuse a very volatile situation.

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Howdy FDs,

It's been a long while since I visited.  How's everyone doing???

And WOW, I see lots and lots of new FDs. WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!

I miss you all so much! I haven't posted anything because I have been very busy with my daytime job. However, I do have something to share with you all today. Now, since most of you are all focused on what GRAVE-DIGGER-TEUK was holding in his hand in the recent episode, I have made a video for you FD-Detectives here. LOL. OMO, I find this episode so funny and yet I loved every bit of the TRIO conversation (Poor Sungmin, GRUDGY-TEUK is being very mean. TEUK, when are you going to get over that JEALOUS mind of yours?? [-( ). LOL. Well, check out the vid below. Hope the FDD syndrome is not too severe after this vid.

Anyways, I would like to believe that Teukie is actually finishing up all his current shows and projects so that he can go on his honeymoon with Sora before he goes for his enlistment. I mean, do you all remember he told Sungmin (via phone, during their commute to Nami Island) that he and Sora will be going somewhere in September so they can't attend Sungmin's musical??? So I think, they'll be going for their honeymoon next month and right after Teukie will leave for military. It makes sense right? lol. Meanwhile, it is nice to be back for a bit.

Once again, welcome to all new FDs here. Hope you all enjoy our big family. We should all support our DC for the coming years, at least until Teukie returns from his military duties. (Teukie, I will salute you when you leave and please come back as a good husband for Sora! I'll be waiting for your good news (**Wedding**) then. kekeke


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Hello FD's, finally we got to see our couple after weeks of deprivation. I know , it is frustrating and annoying that it was cut down to 15 minutes. Just keep in mind that they are interacting more than what was shown and in the end that is what is important for us right?..
@rntheather , i couldn't agree more. Even Lee Teuk knows that Sora is the voice of reason in this relationship and is showing far more maturity then he does most of the time which he acknowledged to her dad. It amazes me where she  get her wisdom, patience and understanding in some trying situations like this. Of course it helps that you really like your partner (can i say love?) and that you have an insight on how his mind work.....and like most of us here...she is probably aware of some of his hardships and difficulties early on in life and understands where his insecurities are coming from....still ...it is never easy nor is it fun to have the person who mean a lot to you doubt your sincerity and honesty.....and i hope for the sake of this budding relationship Teukie can come to grips with his emotions and put his self in Soras' shoes and look at things at her point of view. The Fortune teller is right....Sora maybe in her early twenties but her mind and heart is in her forties....
and Lee Teuk is showing once again his contradicting character far from that of a responsible leader who analyzes conflicts and provide resolutions. He has shown his childish behavior once again which i hope will be the last time because clearly it has affected Sora this time and maybe really hurt her feelings. I know men always want to feel like they are in control of any relationship, it makes them feel important which they are...but he must realize that Soras' feelings are as important as his and therefore she needs to be nurtured and trusted at the same time. Your are right...maybe even though they have known each other for more than a year( counting from the first time they met at SH) their interrupted and occasional  meet ups  have not provided a strong foundation for Lee Teuk because he clearly has some baggage in the past that he needs to confront and finally get rid off. I am hoping Sora's maturity and strong feelings for him will make him overcome these hang-ups without jeopardizing a potential beautiful life in store for them in the future. 
and FINALLY!!!!....Sora showed some jealousy in a very concrete form.....i think her sadness at the end after Sungmin left is not just because she is upset that Lee Teuk ambushed her with a meal with Sungmin.... i think given the history of his jealousy, the location of the restaurant and an announced friend joining them for the meal....It probably crossed her mind that the friend could be Sungmin.......i think to some degree, her annoyance  maybe because she is also jealous of how Sungmin painted Lee Teuk 's interaction with some girl groups which most likely is also the reason why she heeded Teukies ' invitation for her to watch their live show later on...probably .to see for herself how her husband not just perform on stage because she has clearly seen him do it before...but also see how he behaves with other beautiful girls.
Although i am very sad that we are counting our days with them....with his enlistment looming...do not forget FD's that this may just be  the beginning of a natural and maybe more normal interaction between  them....this may give them the chance to know each other better and develop a mature and long lasting friendship and love.....and although we for sure will be emotional about it...let us not forget...that in the end this maybe the best thing that can happen to them and ultimately to us.
So cheer Up FD's! And to our Muslim sisters here hope you have a great celebration and @lenyscyn hope you enjoy your vacation!

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Guest lennycsn

@lazyme2day misssssss youuuuu! im still holidaying and plan to lurke for a while but seeing you here i cant help to come out to greet you. :-) how have you been doing?

anyway, it was quite clear that sora was really fuming with teukie. In fact, this is the first time i see sora got angry that way to the extend teukie was actually fidgetting and tip toeing around the time bomb. LOL. he couldnt see eye to eye with her. yes, he is digging his own hole and jump into it. the funny thing is, both sora and sungmin were bickering on the topic that teukie got trap in his own meeting set up. sora was really pissed off and sungmin add oil to the fire. lol and yes, sungmin took revenge on teukie for fooling him.

frankly speaking, this is the shortest episode i have ever seen. never would i thought they sacrifice DC time after the beautiful wedding photoshoot episodes. I thought they will value the couple. oh well, lets see what mbc has in mind after this.

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@lennycsn: I MISS YOU TOO!!! Wow, you're still vacationing? LUCKY. I'll be vacationing soon in September. How have you been? I've been busy and was sick last week with a flu. Well, I'm all better now. LOL. But need to re-adjust my sleeping pattern. Eversince the last TeukSo project, I have had lack of sleep. So needed to sleep early for health reasons.

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Guest pinnavinna

lazyme2day said:

Howdy FDs,

It's been a long while since I visited.  How's everyone doing???

And WOW, I see lots and lots of new FDs. WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!

I miss you all so much! I haven't posted anything because I have been very busy with my daytime job. However, I do have something to share with you all today. Now, since most of you are all focused on what GRAVE-DIGGER-TEUK was holding in his hand in the recent episode, I have made a video for you FD-Detectives here. LOL. OMO, I find this episode so funny and yet I loved every bit of the TRIO conversation (Poor Sungmin, GRUDGY-TEUK is being very mean. TEUK, when are you going to get over that JEALOUS mind of yours?? [-( ). LOL. Well, check out the vid below. Hope the FDD syndrome is not too severe after this vid.

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Guest monmon16


said: Anyeong FDs....

I don't know whose ring or which ring it was however I do know this....LT was trying to put it back onto Sora's finger when SM entered. LT had the ring between his thumb, middle and ring fingers wanting to slip it to Sora's ring finger...but at that moment Sora move her hand away....Its a very telling incident to me...very much like a GF and BF would be doing....

BTW, anybody knows what happened to SM's hand? did he break it?

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lazyme2day said:

Howdy FDs,

It's been a long while since I visited.  How's everyone doing???

And WOW, I see lots and lots of new FDs. WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!

I miss you all so much! I haven't posted anything because I have been very busy with my daytime job. However, I do have something to share with you all today. Now, since most of you are all focused on what GRAVE-DIGGER-TEUK was holding in his hand in the recent episode, I have made a video for you FD-Detectives here. LOL. OMO, I find this episode so funny and yet I loved every bit of the TRIO conversation (Poor Sungmin, GRUDGY-TEUK is being very mean. TEUK, when are you going to get over that JEALOUS mind of yours?? [-( ). LOL. Well, check out the vid below. Hope the FDD syndrome is not too severe after this vid.

Anyways, I would like to believe that Teukie is actually finishing up all his current shows and projects so that he can go on his honeymoon with Sora before he goes for his enlistment. I mean, do you all remember he told Sungmin (via phone, during their commute to Nami Island) that he and Sora will be going somewhere in September so they can't attend Sungmin's musical??? So I think, they'll be going for their honeymoon next month and right after Teukie will leave for military. It makes sense right? lol. Meanwhile, it is nice to be back for a bit.

Once again, welcome to all new FDs here. Hope you all enjoy our big family. We should all support our DC for the coming years, at least until Teukie returns from his military duties. (Teukie, I will salute you when you leave and please come back as a good husband for Sora! I'll be waiting for your good news (**Wedding**) then. kekeke


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I can't helped to rewatch our short DC episode again and again. After watching it again for several times (to make sure am I to delisional or not) I still believe that they are in relationship, like in the first stage of being a real couple. 
And from this episode I also conclude that our handsome and sexy Leeteuk actually is a very conservative, possesive, jealousy, and some times childish person, and like @janpyo said LT behaviour is contradictive with his image as a leader of a large number of group. Meanwhile our beautiful Sora is an only child (which is alot of the ony child person is spoiled and inmature) mature women, who can compleatly understand her partner very well. 
From my experiance (as a married women), what LT behaviour in front of SR is his real behaviour. Maybe he can act as a wise leader, an easy going person, talkactive and good MC, a fun person, that because his job and his duty. As a man with a lot of responsibility, he have to show that behaviour, but with SR, he showed his real characteristic. U know, man will showed his real character when he fell comfortable with his partner. Man will show that when he feel secure, when he feel that this women won't leave him and can accept him wahoever he is. I am not trying to say the bad things about LT, we can also see that he is a very romantic person,responsible, polite  and really care of SR, sometimes very shy and I think that's why SR fell for him. 
But the good things in this episode, SR finally showed her true feeling for LT. She showed her jealousy and her anger which is we never seen before. She also express her disappointment because LT didn't trust her. I think with this event LT learned about something very well. I knew that he felt very sorry for SR and SM, especially when SR said sorry to SM with what happened during the lunch time, for me this is showed that SR is sorry for SM because he have to see directly when they are fight, and I think SR didn't realize that she can't control her feeling this time (this is good because made me believe that they are real ;) ).
Btw, with Woonjeung couple will leave WGM soon, I think new couple will show in a short time, if I am not mistaken it will be one of Mbalq member (don't know his name) and an artist (I also didn't know her name). But the good point is we will have a DC episode little bit longer and hope we can see their doing their honeymoon..  
Sorry for the long post   



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@Lazyme2day!!! At last you're out from you're lurking mode and gave us something worth spamming!! I've realised earlier that Teukie is making a gesture of handing over something to Sora but i'm not sure what is it.. Somehow your video is making it clearer and confirmed! Its a ring... I'm not sure what ring but seems like he's trying to wear it on his index finger just like FIL and MIL wears their wedding rings. LOL...
Somehow, i realized from your video as well.. the ring that Sora wears on her index finger is not there. So is he trying to wear hers? Measuring the size for the real ring probably? :D :D :D
Glad to see a few FDs out from lurking mode which made me out as well. And of course, welcome to the new FDs!
Btw, anybody realized Teukie's expression change when Sora got up from her seat to apologize to sungmin on what 'happened' earlier which probably referring to the 'open' argument and discussion, etc. It looks like , "Oh, i'm in deep trouble' kind of expression. bwahaha~ (evil me)
Another few days to saturday and i'm dead waiting for the swimming pool episode. I need to see the angry Sora more! She's cute! hahaha... I love girl's power ;D

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Guest AnneDee07

founs this on twitter:
@DCLover10045: “@/NKSubs: WGM announced that Leeteuk/Sora will end soon but said"they plan to cont till he goes to army."

I think LT really trying hard to use as much time as he could in WGM. Despite his very bz schedule, his enlistment, he still make time for WGM. He's already wrap up on SH/SK and etc. but not for WGM. For me, this is a strong evidence that WGM for him is not only a show, but it means something else. As much as i want to denied that he's going to enlist soon, i rather enjoy the last remaining episode of our DC. Whatever happened in the future between them (be it in relationship or not) i would still thanked them for the laughter, the smile and the happiness they brought in my life. I would still support their career and i wish them all the best especially for LT in military soon. *sobsobsob*

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Guest k_craze

@lazyme2day  I'm missing you too. How not to miss when you always give us goodies everytime you have time to post.  If you did not highlight the action of LT taking out a ring and trying to pass to SR, I would not have notice. I'm bad at this.

Anyway, I dun think he will fail, he can always give to her during their personal time :)

A bit of disclaimer on my end, I changed my userpic which I took from Baidu, I found this very nicely drawn by their user, if it is not allowed, please let me know.

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Anyeong FDs...

I'm new in this thread and have been following and looking for answers about DC for about 2 weeks now after no WGM DC airing for three weeks and end up in this forum..
Last night (12.30am to be exact), lurking from all your posts, my DELUSIONAL MODE is driven again most especially after seeing the video made by @lazyme2day I screamed many times covering my mouth with pillow so as not to wake everyone (already sleeping time, my parents and siblings were sleeping already)kekekeke.. i can't help myself from doing it bcoz of that simple gesture LT made... i know I'm delusional but why does he tried hiding it from SM if its not only for the two of them?.. it just shows that this couple is for REAL!waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. and with all the confidence this couple is showing lately they (LT&KS) are owning V sign for sure. Evidences: SR's necklace V, muzak V signs and LT always talking about V neck and V shirt (nami island episode) ingki V sign and many V signs during MCore (credit to the FD members posts in this forum).. wwwoooooww! they're becoming more bold with their actions. and I think WGM staff knows about their current status bcoz they keep editing DC sweet episodes (hug when they won Woojung couple episode at DC house) and many highlights, maybe to protect the couple?hehehehehe

THANK YOU 1000000x to the admin! this forum is enormously GREAT and had a lot of fun reading from all the members posts, gifs it makes my heart flutter!

sorry for long post! off to mall i'll be watching Expendables to divert my delusional mind..     :D :x :D

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