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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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tweetiaa said: 383570_4312673834578_346499539_n.jpg

Hm, I know it might be heard a bit delusional, but is it possible that he was talking about Sora?! Though we already know that Sora said she's not excercising to looked skin and get her perfect body figure [in her interview for ugly alert] but somehow I feel that Teukie was mentioning her, probably worried because she looked so skin these days! what do you think FDs? kkk... :)) :)) :))

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Guest Yi0481

@sachixia wahhhh... that's quite revealing. I don't believe you are over thinking things... seems quite real


By the way do you have the link to thw site u got the screenshot from? Wanna read his answer to the following question!

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Guest sachixia

怡 (Yi)



wahhhh... that's quite revealing. I don't believe you are over thinking things... seems quite real


By the way do you have the link to thw site u got the screenshot from? Wanna read his answer to the following question!

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Guest huey

@josan >> LOL we share the same thing kkkkk

did u see the blossom right??? At the past when Teuk at radio he love cherry blossom... many ppl wonder what is that meaning but this is the best answer.... as far i know.. many people in Korea (in relationship) loves to spend time together in "blossom" or spring season.. i dont have to say anything but now i've get the BEST answer from uri Sora ^^

@reveramess or sora >> thanks for the answer ^^

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Guest mywebfoot

Sora looks amazing - her face has leaned out so much, and she looks all woman. I am so happy for her!
GEEK interview:I like how he is so firm on saying that "I wrote this for my love." Taking him at face value - unless Teuk was seriously double-timing during WGM production, there was only one woman in his life during the time he wrote Only U. But if he is to be believed, he also completed Only U 'while nursing an ailing heart'. That could mean either he had an unrequited love, he was rejected or he had a love, but was sad about it. All of them, to me at least, could mean that he was considering some kind of relationship at that time. However, looking further down the road, after enlistment, after The Promise, he put up a very interesting Cyworld post with a part of Sora's forehead in it. (LOL). So I don't think he is nursing any heartache from the WGM period... meaning then... either they got together later than we think or they are still in hiatus until he comes back from army! 
Some updates about the TeukSo FF/e-book I am writing


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Guest huey

i dunno if someone share thi b4 or not some part he said about this >> "healty and lose weight" and sora got on news too before ^^

translate cre >> llaine97

Teuk:All right.Summer is coming.There's many people exercising,losing weight for the purpose of body figure.Don't like that.Must be healthy.

r#利特我们等你#国防电台翻译part.7 “在很努力的工作,昨天也是一直到凌晨。”人也晒黑了~空腹吃香蕉拉肚子脸色发黄还被调凯的我们可怜的朴一兵~昨天也是到公演结束都没吃饭,还好善良的日饭姐姐有准备零食全部让给小可怜了

source : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2358729245
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Guest tweetiaa

peishi0408 said: tweetiaa said: 383570_4312673834578_346499539_n.jpg

Hm, I know it might be heard a bit delusional, but is it possible that he was talking about Sora?! Though we already know that Sora said she's not excercising to looked skin and get her perfect body figure [in her interview for ugly alert] but somehow I feel that Teukie was mentioning her, probably worried because she looked so skin these days! what do you think FDs? kkk... :)) :)) :))

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tweetiaa said: peishi0408 said: tweetiaa said: 383570_4312673834578_346499539_n.jpg

Hm, I know it might be heard a bit delusional, but is it possible that he was talking about Sora?! Though we already know that Sora said she's not excercising to looked skin and get her perfect body figure [in her interview for ugly alert] but somehow I feel that Teukie was mentioning her, probably worried because she looked so skin these days! what do you think FDs? kkk... :)) :)) :))

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Guest lolowaw

We know that Teuksora follow each other Style in (Color Model design movements and signs) I always see teuksora hints be exact match to their events which happened with them in the program wgm or outside the program......... This picture someone said  Lt follow taeyeon and some members said Lt have nostalgic memories to Nami Island .......... For me it remained a puzzle\ mystery There's something more than Nami Island , at that time the vision is not clear to me...........and has remained in my mind a question (to What Lt refers by this Flowers)image
<국방홍보원에도 봄이 왔어요> http://demaclub.tistory.com/1330 봄을 만끽하고 계신가요?국방홍보원의 봄을 소개합니다. 아름다운 봄날,어울림을 찾아주시는 여러분 행복한 오후되세요~♥When the Ugly Alert series announcement appeared the atmosphere of the series characterized by an atmosphere of spring and falling Cherry Blossoms and I said it is possible to be a crossing snapshot it do not have a connecting with Lt's image, but after I watched the series and found that the director appears in many of scenes cherry trees and falling Cherry Blossoms (You can be sure of that) Try to pay attention to the atmosphere of the series is full of flowers and flowering trees.......
There are more scenes in other episodes, but i did not put here, and I have remembered Lt when he supports Sora in Dream High 2 in a propaganda video of the series and even he is in a place far away from the limelight he did not forget and think in a beautiful smart way,  to support  Sora somehow in her new series.Lt's Photo appeared in 17-4, and the series announcement of Sora appeared in 7-5, after the Photo by 20 days , How did Lt knews that the atmosphere of the series and its background are with falling flowers??? (Who is the person who told him??) , and noted that Lt in the two images showed the ground to show the flowers falling on the earth BLkNaC7CYAAeuQ7.jpg:large
This is not only but Sora also followed Lt in this photo smart lovers and smart ways follow

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Guest Yi0481

@sachixia thanks for the link :)
@mywebfoot, <3 your insight. You really articulate thoughts so well, I couldn't say it better.
FDs, am wondering - remember Sora cried in the van on the way to the film festival (or something like that) during the 4 month strike?
Wonder if that was when he told her he wrote the song...... and let her listen to it before everyone else :D
Because if he released the album in July, he should have started writing much earlier in the year, right? And they'd still need time to record, to master the tracks, etc...... /:)

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Guest lolowaw

[FANTAKEN] Kang Sora with ANGELA (Verveny)
the place (the restaurant) is beautiful , stylish and chic I think Lt will be jealous and want to go with Sora also to this place. image


Then they went to the corso como cafe

The important thing is that teuksors always do not forget V sign , do you notice something in general the degree or level of sora's happiness is the same degree or level of Lt's happiness, the meaning if Lt was happy in level 50% Sora also 50% and if he sad and worried much 60% she is also to have the same expressions and degree....... (a my i right) ?
The important thing now that both of them are happy... 

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Anyong FD....good to see u guys thans to lolowaw for give this pic of sora eating something,and I thinks she want to make sure his prince not to worry about her in military like you guys said before teuki send a message during army radio :D how sweet he is still care about her healty

when I see sora in that pic do you see she wore strip tee and i thinks teuki ever wore that too but sora has a smart way to disguise it with use her blazer :)>- what do you thinks guys??????

1.for sora have a good meal dear dont make a worry your prince

2.for prince teuk dont worry to much about your princess just do it your duty well,because we can handle to take care your princess :)>-

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Guest mayza11

i want post something, but i don't know what i want to write.. so i want to tell about how teukso change something in my life..
this story start since middle in 2012, march or april, i forget, kekeke..
i know sora since her 1st film, 4th period mistery.. but i don't know super junior or leeteuk..
i've heard their song but i don't know the singer..
since i watch teukso, i start learn about them.. and then i become their fans..
since i know teukso, i meet people like teukso too, and they are fighting dimples.. (i love you so much)
i found this site, i found their fanpage in facebook and twitter, their blog from their fans,,
i start learn english so that i can communicate with you guys... and now my english develop very well and faster..
previously, i seldom use my phone to online, and now i use my phone just for online to check their news..
and now my day will feel empty if i don't read their fanfic, their news, and your post...
for the last i wanna say,,
i love kang sora
i love leeteuk
and i love fighting dimples..

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Guest kulot

Leeteuk excerpt translation from HIM Magazine

Excerpt Trans from HIM June Edition:

"In the training center, I received an award for becoming the 'Shooting King', and came out from the army for 4 nights 5 days vacation, and since then, I haven't been able to go out. Honestly, I had thoughts about going on a trip with Super Junior members when I go out for vacation, but they were busy going to South America for concerts. I felt sad in middle of this, and also had nothing to do so I went to the sauna, and stayed home, zoning out. Ah, on the last day, I met up with Yesung and played. Because of his nearing enlistment date, Yesung was unable to go to South America. Were there any advice I gave him? Yesung is in public service... I told him to go to work and leave work well, and also to endure well. (laugh)."

*RT Only
Trans by youngwoonjungsu (@NKsubs)

Excerpt Trans from HIM June Edition (2) - We asked him to give an advice to soldiers newly in training.
(Park Jungsu) "Me? Haha... I had a 'weak' image, but after coming into the army, my body has become very good. There may be some who are afraid of the army, but I think they will feel more comfortable if they think 'If Leeteuk can do it, I can also!'."


Trans by Youngwoonjungsu (@NKsubs)

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