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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest mywebfoot

Hello everyone
Been lurking, super busy, working hard on finishing off the FF... and here it is. Thanks everyone for staying with me till the end! 
The Agency Series, Ch 15 http://mywebfoot.tumblr.com/post/44848130448/chapter-15-recompense

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Guest lolowaw

@kaiskloset Saidas promised voting daily now. a routine before i go, tackle the day's work and errands me being a child laborer-hihihi that's what i call myself to tease my appa.
and YES! all the ladies and fighting dimples youve mentioned are Sora-ra's fans through and through hehehe hi5! we may love Teuk and some of us are already Suju ELF but we love Sora more... earlier in the thread ive mentioned that leader-nim Teuk already have his own armies of elf worldwide,  and that being said, Sora needs all our support.. more... so Aja! Baby, if you in front of me i will give you a big and strong a hug,until you were choking hhhhhh coz as if you like in my heart this is what I mean sora need us more than Lt now, we must put her at the top now I do not mean in this vote because it will end up (which I mean for the voting in the future We were able to put sora in first celebrities rows) so as not to say that sora depends on Lt's fame  , she is now like small baby need all the love and support and care until she become big (famous),who else her beloved family support her, [(we) her fans]Lt famous all ready,we know that he has many (Thousands) fans and they are very strong even he is in the army he is safety, but the one outside& need us is Sora .Hold on, this day remained, who forgot to vote come to voting now thanks to all soras fans & a big hug to all of youIt was a fantastic effort from you (We are tired) but Sora worth it ,and sorry to bother you in the past few days (I was someone obtrusive and annoying).@viyra My dear Sweet heart (unni) several  days have passed and you did not seen are you ok (are you sick or in trouble) dear I was very worried about you, where are you?I'm sorry, I did not ask about you but you are in the memory & heart.

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Guest lolowaw

mayday to everyone in this thread soras fans, PSH Fans became effective within an hour got 3000 votes, Be careful do not think that is a big difference in the vote and that Sora safely (PSH Fans also powerful) continued to vote until the end.fighting

5위  icon_up.gif 1569♥ 강소라 ♥Profile4%123,399 점6 위NEW
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FDs just dropping by...argh..I am so going to be late at school..
Sora talking about The Promise on her interviewtumblr_mjc0prbo3k1ry330fo1_500.jpg

I think she mentioned Kakaotalk on this one…kkk..*wink wink

Sora talking about the “bobo” (kiss)? argh..if only I can understand Korean and if only I can read the captions!!


To watch the full video..click here..  http://ent.sina.com.cn/s/j/k/2013-03-08/10403872560.shtml?wbf=title

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Guest koreanway88

hi fd's! just want to thank @ luvallkorea for translating part of the interview of sora abt teuk that playerkbd posted.i dont know how to repost it here from twitter... fellow fd's sora disclosed that she n teuk occasionally call each other on the phone to keep in touch...am so happy! i have been a lurker for a long time but am just so ecstatic to hear it from sora..i hpe somebody post the part eng translation of luvallkorea in this forum.i want to shout! woot woot!

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Guest noona1430269773

hi fd's! just want to thank @ luvallkorea for translating part of the interview of sora abt teuk that playerkbd posted.i dont know how to repost it here from twitter... fellow fd's sora disclosed that she n teuk occasionally call each other on the phone to keep in touch...am so happy! i have been a lurker for a long time but am just so ecstatic to hear it from sora..i hpe somebody post the part eng translation of luvallkorea in this forum.i want to shout! woot woot!

Yup...yes..yes....me too, I just read the trans in Twitter kudos to luvallkorea 4 e translation , I think we should celebrate , I'm so hype now.....wooohoo!,,,,...fds aren't delusional.Sora's looked mesmerized in the interview...love this interview so much.

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Guest kulot

[Trans - Part 1] 2013 March 08, Sora Interview with Sina. "Dialogue with Kang Sora: Have regrets towards Lee Teuk, Like Tony Leung, Wei Tang"

(Translated by luvallkorea, English from Chinese article)

* Some sentences are paraphrased for grammar.

新浪娱乐讯 一部《Sunny》(又译《阳光姐妹淘》)让很多观众认识并爱上了那个率直有义气的大姐大,《Dream High2》又让大家看到了一个热爱音乐的女孩,《我们结婚了》中被SJ利特小心呵护的小女人更是让她的人气飙升,她就是——韩国演员姜素拉。
From her movie [sunny], many audiences came to love a lovely loyal 'big sister (leader of girl group), [Dream High 2] everyone saw a girl deeply passionate about music, in [WGM] we saw a 'humble girl' (woman who lets the guy lead) blessed with great care by SJ Lee Teuk. Her popularity soared even more, she is Korean actress Kang Sora.

A few days ago, Kang Sora had an interview with Sina. She expressed during "last kiss" with Lee Teuk she was very reluctant (to part with him) and felt more regret/pity that she was not able to ask him to "take care" before he enlisted. She also expressed she liked Chinese actors like Tony Leung, Tang Wei, Zhang Ziyi, while Sora's mum is a big fan of Chinese kungfu shows.

Sina: Let's first greet our friends online.

Sora: Sina friends, how are you? I'm Kang Sora.
Sora: Hello, very happy to meet everyone. Sina friends, it's my first time meeting you, my name is Kang Sora.

Sina: Many Chinese fans know you through [sunny]. Does this movie have any special meaning to you?

Sora: This movie ranks above all the works I wanted to do. It is also a very unique/special work.
As there were actresses in the movie, more so all the girls are the same age group, it was very enjoyable during filming. This movie gave me many memories.

Sina: In this new movie [Paparotti], your role is a high school student. What's the difference between this role and your role in [sunny]?

Sora: In [sunny], Chunhwa is different, she is a loveable who likes guys but there is no love line. [sorry i don't know how to phrase this] This role exceeds all of my expectations, a lively, lovely role.

Sina: Which role describes you most?

Sora: Talking about my lively character, my role in [sunny] is most similar. But if you are talking how 'unexpected' or caring I can be, my role in this new movie is more similar.

新浪娱乐:在《Dream High》和《帕瓦罗蒂》中两次演学习音乐的学生,角色会不会重复,对自己的唱功如何评价?
Sina: In [Dream High2] and [Paparotti] both of your roles are music students. Do you think the roles are repetitive (duplicative) and how do you rate your singing (ability)?

Sora: I love to listen to music. A common thing in both shows is that both characters are terrible in music however hardworking she is. As both characters had no 'achievement' in music, I felt they were similar to me: that is, love listening to music.

Sina: Last year you received the Best Couple for Variety for WGM, do you keep in contact with LeeTeuk after his enlistment, how/what are your feelings?

Sora: [WGM] is different from other variety as it does not have any script, it's 'live improvisation'. We only expressed as how we like it. I think we received the Popularity award because I let down my fears (burden) and was able to express ourselves comfortably. Also I'm very thankful to Lee Teuk because it is also due to his good fortune/blessings. Thank you. ^^

Sina: [WGM] How did you feel when LeeTeuk gave you the kiss in the final episode. It moved many people.

Sora: Then, I only after 4 seconds, realised 'this is a kiss ah'. At that moment, I thought this screenshot can't be uploaded to the internet! My hands then was like that (gesturing). Because my hands was like that, I looked very silly.

In reality, during the last episode I was very reluctant and sad, to add LeeTeuk would enlist after filming "WGM". I felt more regretful because we also didn't had time to drink and the chance to tell him "to take good care of yourself".

Sina: Do you still keep in touch with LeeTeuk who is in army now?

姜素拉:联系的话,偶尔会用手机联系。不久前去看了他主演的音乐剧《The Promise》。 他变得更男人了耶, 早这样多好。
Sora: We occasionally contact each other by phone. Recently, I watched [The promise]. He became more masculine, if he was like this earlier, wouldn't be it be good/lovely.

Note: [To be cont'd] Sorry will try to translate the rest asap.

*take out with full credit


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Guest kulot

kang sora is such an amazing, lovely, pretty, adorable, humble and honest lady..i love her more and more..she never fails to amazed me..i love the way she answered all her interviews.she never denies that they still in contact until now..waahh such a beautiful feeling knowing how our lovely couple always be there even husband is still in his military service,,Boom was right being a soldier is good chance for dating..at least the media won't just focus on them..i have many things in my mind now..i just don't know how to express it..what i know is i'm very much happy tonight..kekeke after the most tiring day, this good news makes me more alive...LOL..this is all i can say..good night pretty FD's^^ Annyeong..
cr:NuJe Sung

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Guest dee15

I am so happy today watching and reading Sora's interview. I talked with all my lovely FD sister about it and we have party because of this, even when I am in the middle of important meeting...
@kulot I love the picture that you post... So Sora is wearing PJS shirt? The shirt is so similar and I think he gave the shirt to her... with all the hints that they gave to us I am sure that they are in relationship. This shirt is one of the proof, so Sora already have 2 PJS clothes, 1 was a shirt that she wore at their last episode, the other one is the one in the picture.. Love it   :x
@huey yes, that was absolutely secret V-sign  ;)

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Guest lolowaw

What's this?

6위  icon_down.gif 1569♥ 강소라 ♥Profile3%2,622 점5 위NEW
7위  icon_up.gif 1182송혜교Profile13%2,267 점8 위NEW
Is this a joke again?Are they decided to keep voting for another week?Can any one answer me I'm confused?If they decide to extend the voting for one more week (dear lovers are you able to do it this time and put sora in the first place) It's easy this time a small difference between sora and the first place.I do not want you to get bored (attaaaaaaaaaack) Voting  wooooow see Fans place (1,2,3,4,5) how active they are they are like bees do not get tired...... if we do not vote strongly for Sora she will remain in sixth place and possible down to Seventh place Or maybe not catch them.
Wake up

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Guest lolowaw

Lee jae Hoon farewell party before enlisting in military & Kang Sora

Pay attention at (the exact minute 2.20 and 3.00)O my god Like a brother (oppa)to sora, but even lee jae hoon like a brother we will smell smoke fire hhhhhh=))Reminds me in Episode 25 when Lt was jealous of SMn because Sora chosen SMn to be her brother.

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Guest lolowaw

The cute members of this thread (help me)
Are they made an open vote this time (I think so and I hope so) Can anyone answer me?I will be crazy.Do not Leave me & sora alone
Soras fans where are you? are you voting ?????Time will pass
:!! \m/ ~X( :(( =((

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Guest josan

Sora: Then, I only after 4 seconds, realised 'this is a kiss ah'. At that moment, I thought this screenshot can't be uploaded to the internet! My hands then was like that (gesturing). Because my hands was like that, I looked very silly.

sorry for cutting the post, but this 1 is shouting at me. I replayed that kiss part over & over again & they actually just repeat the kiss which i think just lasted 2 seconds. but the part where Sora signaled that the kiss can't be aired was cut.  meaning the kiss was rather longer than what was aired. Kyahhh... I'm wondering why did they cut it? OMG! Help Me! I need to find that video. 

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Guest josan

lolowaw said: The cute members of this thread (help me)
Are they made an open vote this time (I think so and I hope so) Can anyone answer me?I will be crazy.Do not Leave me & sora alone
Soras fans where are you? are you voting ?????Time will pass
:!! \m/ ~X( :(( =((

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Guest lolowaw

@josan @longing4spring  & All soras fans in this thread Dear Babys , I do not want her in fifth place I want her to step up to the first (Let us unite and vote for sora day and night) Vote continuously like the sun that never absent on the planet ask for help from your friends to vote this time we will not accept the fifth place please fightingWOW,WOW,WOW I screamed from happiness We are very strong see within an hour Sora reached for the Second place goooooooooooooooooooo we are SunlightPay attention to the ather actress's fans they are very strong not like PSH Fans do not let them beat you

1위  icon_na.gif139송지효Profile30%26,672 점1 위NEW
2위  icon_up.gif 3569♥ 강소라 ♥Profile15%13,631 점5 위NEW
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