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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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lummy said:
viyra said: gdara123 said:

I just watch Episode 22 and I noticed that PJS was a little bit annoyed when they talked about wedding dress, check his expression at 0:13-0:16. I'm not sure which drama Sora was referring but when PJS told her he saw that drama she feels scared with him, by how he expressed the word " I saw it " really makes Sora feels worried with his jealousy


When I watch Dream High 2 the character and some scenes where almost taken from DC moment do you think PJS felt upset seeing those scenes done on the drama of Sora. Basically he wanted that memories to be shared by both ofthem and somehow seeing that drama and watching a scene that has similarities to them, I felt he thought Sora was not sincere in her actions to him since she also do the same scenes in her own drama. THe scenes which was almost the same with the DC moment was filmed when they were already on strike during February and those scenes that has tango and confession somehow might affect the feelings of PJS. This is my opinion only


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I just watch Episode 22 and I noticed that PJS was a little bit annoyed when they talked about wedding dress, check his expression at 0:13-0:16. I'm not sure which drama Sora was referring but when PJS told her he saw that drama she feels scared with him, by how he expressed the word " I saw it " really makes Sora feels worried with his jealousy


When I watch Dream High 2 the character and some scenes where almost taken from DC moment do you think PJS felt upset seeing those scenes done on the drama of Sora. Basically he wanted that memories to be shared by both ofthem and somehow seeing that drama and watching a scene that has similarities to them, I felt he thought Sora was not sincere in her actions to him since she also do the same scenes in her own drama. THe scenes which was almost the same with the DC moment was filmed when they were already on strike during February and those scenes that has tango and confession somehow might affect the feelings of PJS. This is my opinion only


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That cut from WGM actually leads me to different conclusion:
Super busyTeuki had watched all Sora's old dramas ;)  even though he told some fan on twitter that it has been a thousand years since he last watched a drama  =))
waaaaaaah .. It's really healthy to share your thoughts about your bias couple kkkkkkk

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viyra said: lummy said:
viyra said: gdara123 said:

I just watch Episode 22 and I noticed that PJS was a little bit annoyed when they talked about wedding dress, check his expression at 0:13-0:16. I'm not sure which drama Sora was referring but when PJS told her he saw that drama she feels scared with him, by how he expressed the word " I saw it " really makes Sora feels worried with his jealousy


When I watch Dream High 2 the character and some scenes where almost taken from DC moment do you think PJS felt upset seeing those scenes done on the drama of Sora. Basically he wanted that memories to be shared by both ofthem and somehow seeing that drama and watching a scene that has similarities to them, I felt he thought Sora was not sincere in her actions to him since she also do the same scenes in her own drama. THe scenes which was almost the same with the DC moment was filmed when they were already on strike during February and those scenes that has tango and confession somehow might affect the feelings of PJS. This is my opinion only


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Hello FD's! It has been awhile...been internet free for the last couple of weeks due to travel and I am so glad to see our wonderful thread alive full  of head on discussions of what we think and reminisce on what we enjoyed and how they captured our hearts. I am also glad that those who know how keep on sharing their  fan arts/videos and updates on our couple and their awesome direct encounter with our Sora. Hats off to you dear FD's!

Back reading ( and yes I have to backread a couple of pages) I saw a number of new members and I would like to welcome you all for delurking and joining this awesome thread. I  hope you continue to  share with us how and what you feel and give us insights that may open our eyes to new things that we may have missed from before.

@viyra I am also glad you are doing better....I hope you stay healthy despite the winter weather .
I read a couple of questions raised and issues opened for discussion....and I would like to give my opinion....but I hope you forgive me If i am not able to do in its proper sequence....am still kind of dizzy...but i have missed this thread so much I would like to try to get on with it.

Let me start by stating that I am sure we all know that they both accepted their part in this program because they know it can help their career.... but I am sure they are also aware that this is a chance for them to  meet someone who they can  potentially like and pursue a relationship  with...after all they are both single....they are both quite attractive and young....and yet very busy in their respective careers  that it must have been difficult to find that extra time where they can develop a personal relationship with someone.

With regards to some questioning the sincerity of Lee Teuk's actions at the very start when he seemed so overeager to show Sora how he felt....I agree that given Lee Teuk's experience in variety shows and real romantic relationships...people who knew him tend to question whether what he showed was a true representation of his feelings for Sora or if it was something that he thought of because he wanted their show to succeed.  I am sure we all have different perceptions of his true feelings at this time....mine is that he was so infatuated with Sora from the very start that he acted like an school boy doing all the tricks he can think of  to impress her....There was no doubt in my mind that he really liked her  when he saw her standing on stage looking so pretty and elegant at the same time....otherwise why was he so speechless? why did he stammer? why can't he ask the proper questions and do the proper thing like ask her to come forward and sit with him? Even his FJ's wondered why he was acting like a fool....Also if you have noticed , Eunhyuk often has to drop Sora's name in their radio program because of Lee Teuk's frequent browsing about her in the internet....and no doubt, a number of instances where Sora's name is mentioned frequently in their conversations... which is why Eunhyuk keep on teasing him about her....Were there any instances in the past where Eunhyuk did the same with SISTAR and Bora when they did the show together where they were supposed to be married with child? If there is, I have not heard of it....so enlighten me if you have heard of any. This only goes to show his interest for her goes beyond the show...

Sora seemed overwhelmed at first, but  she seemed to like him also otherwise she would not look so happy and radiant during their meet-ups....if you have noticed....Sora looked  more beautiful when she was with Lee Teuk than when she was with his partner in the drama she was shooting with...she also seemed so elated and eager to be with Lee Teuk right away after shooting her drama that she did not wait for her stylist to finish what her stylist  needed  to fix  with her dress while inside the store,  instead she was so eager to come out and talk with Teukie with the twinkle in her eyes and that beam in her smile....she was interested and she showed it in a subtle way....which is what I would have done as well....if I am with someone I really like.

In short...I believed that the two of them were truly attracted with each other...How can others miss it,  I will never understand...the way they looked  at each other...the way their gazes locked...it was something difficult to fake nor recreate no matter how good of an actor you are....and we all know that Teukie is not an actor and Sora does not consider this show her regular drama....because frankly it is not.

I maybe delusional but at some point I thought  Lee Teuk was probably really bent on spending more time with Sora even outside of WGM...why else did he quit his SUKIRA radio show? Even Ryewook was asking him why he was quitting so early when his army stint is 10 to 11 months away...He said he wanted to have more time to rest right?... I am sure it was because he wanted to spend more time with her...but then her drama got in the way...If some of you were reviewing their tweets at around Christmas time 2011....you will see that Lee Teuk was tweeting whining about how he has nothing to do and he is feeling bored and that Sora was tweeting about how busy she is with the drama. This was also the time when they did the MC job for the year end show when Lee teuk seemed so distant at times...and when Sora gave Sungmin his birthday cake. I am going to go on a limb and say that at this time....Lee teuk was making the assumptions that Sora understood his plans(quitting his show to have more time with her, and that he got disappointed that it was not possible because she got involved in the drama that occupied most of her time) I am sure that it also did not sit well with him that during this time she got to spend more time with good looking guys like Jinwoon and JB(?) ...which awakened all the jealousy cells in his body. He became insecure....he knew he had competitions and he was not sure if he can match up....If you watch the strong heart episode with 2 AM on it ...you guys will probably understand better what i am talking about.....and will give you a better insight of how good of a variety performer he is ...but when it comes to issues about Sora....it was difficult for Lee Teuk to be very professional about it....his personal side comes out...there were times in this episode where I wanted to give him  a hug and tell him that he has a good chance with Sora and that he should continue with what he started. I wanted to pat his back and reassure him especially when they asked Jinwoon who he would prefer...Lee Min jung or Sora...it was painful for me to watch his face at that time....

What happened during the strike? We all do not know....I do not think they communicated much....but I am sure that they have thought of each other a lot... In my opinion a couple of things came to light during the strike....1. Lee Teuk realized how strong his feelings were and he was thorn between continuing with what he feels or to stop it even before it starts to avoid getting hurt 2. He understood that being with Sora , whose unique beauty and physical attributes can magnetize men and women alike...he is in for a stiff competition and he was not sure if he can man up to that ...not without reassurance from her that she feels the same way...then he learned about the meet up with Sungmin...and his confidence eroded some more. As for Sora...she realized she missed Lee Teuk....she tried to find ways to understand him and his psyche....and i still believe that at some point she learned something about him from someone and I am assuming it is Sungmin. Do you guys still remember the Baeksang awards show where Sora received the award for Popularity? She was being filmed for WGM at that time....that was where she expressed how much she missed their home and their fishes and how she wants to meet up with everyone as soon as possible....this was the part that made me realize she must have felt something deep for Teukie as well....Looking at some footage of her at the red carpet and the awards show itself...I noticed how sad looking she was at times...she was somber...not something you would expect from someone who is receiving a big award especially when you are in the company of other big named stars like JGS and MYC....at times I thought... I see her looking through the crowds probably wondering if Lee Teuk will pop out ...from somewhere with flowers in his hands for her...she must have felt disappointed in a way that Lee teuk was not there...anyway that was what entered my mind watching her wearing the blue green dress to the awards show....with the sad smile on her face.

Okay I think I have to stop here...I have to eat lunch or else I will not have the chance to do so later...I will comment on my perceptions about the after strike and how i thought Sora was able to keep her cool and patience with Lee Teuk and his antics and jealousies.

Glad to be back here and hope our tribe will continue to increase. Good day FD's! FIGHTING!!

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Guest lolowaw

the fourth partDear members of this thread I know it is too long post, but please be patient, I have a pointI really respect all your opinions but I'm in this part I agree with you about  sora, but I have a different vision from you about Lt I will try relaxes you and will answer all the questions were be Confuse@viyra unni sweet heart, I think that the 22, 24 had disturbed you I'll give you my answer@ozzy dear you asked how Lt Episode 23 dayback & In Episode 24 he was changed (through my experience I will answer)
Thirdly he was very interested in sora wanted to know the truth about everything he wanted to know whether sora thought of their relationship or not In strike and particularly what is going on between KS & SMn ooooh why do you want to snooping if you do not care about her.Again, people as Lt personality when they be impressed with a girl &wants her, they shows their romantic side and if they do not get the result that they want they feel that their dignity and their manhood had been humiliated that's why  they  change their strategy, this time Lt strategy relies on (selfishnesscold  feelings, He is Foxy  ........ I mean a guy shows the girl he is not interested in her and is far from her and avoid staring at her the more she looked at him he turned his face Lt was avoiding her gaze, and at the same time he was gazing at her like before the strike when sora doesn't focus in his face ,(this avoidance of eye contact comes from the reproach he can not be gazing in the eye of the person who wanted to reproaches or does not want his looks expose his true feelings) this strategy or plan anger & stimulates the girl to do her best in order to attract the man to her and gets the attention and interest of the man, girls do not like to be neglected (cold feelings is the act of man and the reaction of the girl is running behind the man) and I've seen a lot of this stuff from Lt...... Sora basically have decided to increase her speed and be the effective side .... but Lt remained suspectParallel to this cold from outside he is boiling inside from jealousy and limited patience (Lt does not want this side to be shows so as not to reveal his true feelings) example of Contradictory actions In Episode 22 he shows his jealousy on SMn but  he did not ask sora in ep 22.23 immediately (Episode 22, 23) I think the 2 ep was filmed in the same day  because Sora and Lt in the same clothes......... He waited for the next week episode 24 he ask her..... In EP 22 we have seen Lt was far from sora and try not to draw near from her trying to show his embarrassing...... Believe me, he was not awkward, but pretender , and I will prove to you that he was pretends :A-Lt was thinking of sora in these times1 - when watching TV2 - when he passes in the street3 - early morning (when he wake up)4 - On Saturday, the Five o'clock at the time of filming5 - Tension when other programs appear6 - When I look at the pictures, which we picked up (sora opened her mouth wide impressed)He Was asking how is she nowoooooooooh Lt you've Spent every day the whole day thinking of sora  and now you Dealing coolly  B- he tried to take off his clothes to show sora his body and he was happy because Sora realized the change that happened to his body (as if he wanted to say you did not loved me before because my body was not muscular,Look at now ) that's why ( he began to say  so you like muscles)C- Asked Sora what she want to do when they are far away Sora said I want to travel with u waht about you oppa he said (Do you remember the tango dance ..... etc.) sora Said that tango dance is long... samba more difficult we wear (bikini) see what he said (let's dance the samba) he said in the dark room that he wants to dance with her ​​in order to become close to each otherIs it reasonable person have embarrassing from the girl at the same time, he wanted to take off his clothes to show sora his muscles, Is it reasonable person sat far away from the girl and was shy wont draw his closer & Think deeply what's behind the tango dance which filled with Skinship  Actually he thought deeply how to make both touching thier body If you have a real cold feelings & you're not interested , why did you think of something makes you closer (unless you want her badly){hey pretender}  for this I say he was pretending like someone cold and uninterested.
EP 23 @ozzy I will try to answer your question ....In this episode Skinship was very hot making  Lt dayback he became flexible & returned take care in sora therefor he massage her feet and was gentle with her as ​​usual he even refused that sora do Massage to him but there is always but look what did she do in this pictureimage492893578.jpgLt was very approached  to sora in this picture as if he wanted to hug herbut Sora did not give him a chance  (do you know that the men becomes angry when they neglected in bed, sora remained static she did not even turned her face to him to tell him Without  words( Excuse me I'm awkward and shy )We know that they understand each other from language of the eyes and signalseven I personally bothered because she was static  I know what's going on in Sora's mind but  (definitely, Lt will think that Sora does not want him is it because of SMn) I think Lt Spent the whole week thinking how to avenge his dignity......... the answer came in ep24,25 Here Lt returned to his strategy (cold man) and this time decided to ask sora directly on her and SMn's meeting..... Believe me, what happened in the car make matters worse (his jealousy exploded) although  we see him laughing but inside he is burning and Showed that he is dealing with sora insensibly but he did not lose hope ,in ep 25  Suddenly asked her about the time they spent together and what FT tell them , and if Sora changed her thinking now, and whether it was time she felt that there is something wrong & told her if there was no skin ship this leads to divorce...etc was giving introductions to * mention SMn again (like telling her did SMn the reason) he was returned to the first Lt before the strike and as he will die to get the shipskin ....  sora's exit from the room made a disappointment on his face but Sora surprised Lt with a small party and birthday gifts that refreshed him a little bit ( But he remained embarrassingly like taking a gift from a friend not a lover) he side (I am very grateful to you, why did you do this, do not do it)
I do not blame Lt (when the person's feelings confused) begins flops do not know whether to be optimistic or pessimistic, cold or excited. Sora's Kiss wasted a half of Lts fears but remained a big block SMn &The fact that sora is an actress
in ep 26 The atmosphere is very exciting but he still pretend a little cold but ,at the same time, sometimes he forgets his plan...... Sora is smart and know how to behave, in this ep Sora corrected the mistake that happened in the end of ep 23 I think she knew and thought about how to avoid the error and correct the situation  When she told the photographer that she wanted to do something and she turned toward Lt, Lt's looking at her as if he say sora finally you do know what I want (my plan succeeded) and then we saw this wonderful moment happenedimageLt asked Sora  about the singer here Sora wanted to be playful with Lt to see his jealousy again Sora said SMn Lt reaction as if to say for the sake of God, what is it with SMN and although she said this does not mean anything for Lt , he said it seems to mean a lot..... SMn became a ghost that follows Lt
in ep 27 many things happened make me for sure that my words correctly (Lt someone pretender  Does it make sense for someone who does not care to remember and did not forget the smallest details after months (when he shook hands Sora's mother told her I'm (camdory) and raising his eyebrows as if he say I playful man the (Nickname that you gave me in Episode 21) .and when they was eatting FIL say did you know but oppa must take good care of her Lt Immediately say( Yes, of course), (Why yes, of course???, you're cold with her and is not interested !!!!!) Sora's father began to give a lesson to Lt how to deal in relations here Lt said how can I press Sora...... Why do you ask the FIL don't you have friends can helped you (but you are afraid to press Sora in wrong way and then lose her) how is more than the parent knows the keys of sora's heart , feelings and natures Will guide you to the right wayAt the end of the ep 27 Lt sat down and breathe deeply as if he were in a difficult exam (why) it was  a meeting within a program  What made you breathe deeply?and as if you had succeeded in test,Is it possible that Lt's tension is similar to sora's tension?(cold man pretender)
in ep 28 Lt decided to remove this rock and put sora and SMn in the face of to see what they will say and behave and the language of their bodies and their eyes (test) and with the utmost selfishness & cruelty only to reassures himselfPuts SMn and Sora in this kind of test is the biggest proof that Lt interested and looking for the truth as he said when SMn is leaving (Thanks for SMn it means a lot to me), what is the thing that means a lot to you, Lt (because SMn removed Mount from your jealous heart)
in ep 29,30 In this episode returned to the first Lt before the strike here he was  make her was make sora laughing and interested in her  (but I still see some fear and warned), there is still doubt in Lt's eyes (is she act)......  Despite this he taken her to the place she loved the Han River and then went to camping trip and make the barbecue, although he did not know making barbecue but he tried to make it because Sora told him in Episode 2 that she wanted to make barbecue.
in ep 31 We know that sora in her natural life, do not cry unless for the people who she loved them or people very dear to her heart like her parents like when she cry in ep 21(Miss her mom) Sora's message and her tears (especially when she cried) that moment Lt realized How much he is dear to sora's heart  and feelingsHere disappeared the look of fear and doubt (for this he said I am selfish and remorse)Lt was not the only one who did not understand sora's feelings until the last episode Sora same thing (she said I did not know that the shoes bear these meanings to him) Sora smart she paid attention to the cold way & how he was avoid her gaze, his change was clearly but she did not understand that this is just a plan from Ltooooooooooh Tueksora has been a long journey beautiful and full of events, people affected such as beautiful dream tueksora's feelings  like this song

I'm sorry and grateful to every one how read my long post 

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 @janpyo - glad to see you back again -  and thank you for the concern.  Everyone's been complaining about the bad weather we are having here in the US.  We are a little lucky though - ours is not as bad as what the East Coast is experiencing.

Glad to hear everyone's opinions - healthy, that's right - the kind of discussion we are having.  We don't have to agree - don't have to disagree either.  But one thing is for sure, both were attracted to each other from the start - and LeeTeuk's reaction the first time he saw Sora as she was climbing up the stairs at the theater is evident enough of his amazement.  Just like what he said in his letter in episode 31, he never thought a very beautiful woman like Sora would come to his life.  And I don't think he lost interest - not even once - on Sora.  I'm sure he looks forward to their filming every week but due to his busy schedule (more of his) and the nonsense strike, time had gone passed them - without accomplishing much.

I'm sure their current situation (PJS being in the army) is putting both to a test - and I definitely believe they are in communication with each other - and they let us know by giving us bits and pieces of their interactions.  One thing PJS has to work on is his insecurity - he has to learn how to trust Sora - trusting Sora is also trusting himself.  The ever-jealous Park JungSoo - I guess that's the reason I continue to stick to my belief on why Sora seem to be changing gears as far as her being a celebrity is concerned.

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Guest tweetiaa

viyra said: @tweetiaa - is there a way you can get a close-up of what PJS wrote on the board?  I am guessing it might be the same as Sora's  new ava - just over the board thinking - for someone who's missing the Dimple Couple.

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Guest mywebfoot

Hello all

I tried to see if they were drawn by the same person.

It’s quite hard to get a sample of Lee Teuk’s handiwork. The pic where he is holding it up is part of a series of pictures of SuJu drawing, so I’m sure that is his work. That is the key comparison point.

Now, the pic of the whiteboard is a pic of work attributed to him by a third party, but it also seems similar to the first picture. 

 I tried blowing up the first pic to see what he was drawing, but the resolution is too terrible, so instead what I have done here is making the clear pic from Sora’s tweet MATCH the other pics in terms of quality and color. This is the result you see in the topmost picture. 

Something about the distribution of light and dark spots, the kinds of lines used indicates a similarity of style.

Not conclusive, but certainly…. possible. :)

EDIT: Forgot to add that Sora's Doodle pic is also unique. It can't be found anywhere else on the internet. As @luvallkorea says, that one is "genuine from DC Factory" :D

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tweetiaa said: viyra said: @tweetiaa - is there a way you can get a close-up of what PJS wrote on the board?  I am guessing it might be the same as Sora's  new ava - just over the board thinking - for someone who's missing the Dimple Couple.

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Guest luvallkorea

mywebfoot said: Hello all

I tried to see if they were drawn by the same person.

It’s quite hard to get a sample of Lee Teuk’s handiwork. The pic where he is holding it up is part of a series of pictures of SuJu drawing, so I’m sure that is his work. That is the key comparison point.

Now, the pic of the whiteboard is a pic of work attributed to him by a third party, but it also seems similar to the first picture. 

 I tried blowing up the first pic to see what he was drawing, but the resolution is too terrible, so instead what I have done here is making the clear pic from Sora’s tweet MATCH the other pics in terms of quality and color. This is the result you see in the topmost picture. 

Something about the distribution of light and dark spots, the kinds of lines used indicates a similarity of style.

Not conclusive, but certainly…. possible. :)

EDIT: Forgot to add that Sora's Doodle pic is also unique. It can't be found anywhere else on the internet. As @luvallkorea says, that one is "genuine from DC Factory" :D

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Guest tweetiaa

huey said:
tweetiaa said: viyra said: @tweetiaa - is there a way you can get a close-up of what PJS wrote on the board?  I am guessing it might be the same as Sora's  new ava - just over the board thinking - for someone who's missing the Dimple Couple.

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tweetiaa said: huey said:
tweetiaa said: viyra said: @tweetiaa - is there a way you can get a close-up of what PJS wrote on the board?  I am guessing it might be the same as Sora's  new ava - just over the board thinking - for someone who's missing the Dimple Couple.

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Hello! Hello! *Wave* FDsContinue on from @luvallkorea and @mywebfoot - spazzing and delusionalme 

 "the dots" of Sora's ava.

Sora ya did you handmade chocolates and sent to Oppa on Red Day? He needs sugar for his intensive musical rehearsal ^___^

Following the view of Sora's doodle on a wax paper, come this hypothesis of the wrapper for the chocolates to JungSoo. JungSoo too happy - ecstatic received this, somehow, somewhat had to spew out somewhere, there goes to the board (that's if the drawing on the board is his). Timing wise yes, 1-2days earlier than Red Day but... as of @luvallkorea's opinion could be/have to be earlier due to JungSoo's vacation. Or perhaps sent earlier instead on 14th Feb not to be too obvious? 
*Red Day - in korea it's the opposite of Valentine's day tradition, it is the day where girl gives out chocolates to guy- specifically to their love ones - Oppa.
Well, the chocolates may not be seen (or  can't be seen since can't be too obvious), but the hand drawn wrapper can ! ^^ Sora can be very creative here with self drawings on a wrapper (perhaps) and using it to wrap her handmade chocolates to Oppa.. (can ? can ? can?)
Then to go further, perfect occassion or timing to write letter to Oppa as well!!! ^____^SHE said she will write letter soon to Oppa (MBC Variety Awards 121229).Could this drawings a form of letter to Oppa?Could this be as well Letter + Special drawn Wrapper + Chocolates for Oppa? ^____^
There.. my spazzy delusional day....Annyeong. 

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Guest jungsora2love

When watching Avtar I remembered those images do not know why



121003 Leeteuk Twitter Update: tried doing such a thing??^^

i’ve never once tried doing such a thing??^^ㅋㅋ







Kang Sora Pixar Visiting




Episode 24

Planning for the wedding photos

wooow Similar in everything

Even exotic drawing talents of our TEUKSORA make me smile :x :)>-



I think they're family, father LEETEUK , mother SORA and four fish lee teuk so ra and dog + cat    happy family


Miss them
Waiting for any sign of them these days

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Annyeong pretty FD's...

After few days been lurking n busy...many good news has been posted here.

@lolowaw gomawo...u r chincha FD, I like ur details about jungsora.

while been lurking I watched strong heart ep 153-154 about LT enlistment. Honestly I was a bit disappointment by LT statement when he said "love does not exist". As much as I want Jungsora to be together somehow I worried if uri Sora would get hurt. Mianhe pretty FD's...although I didn't know about LT or Sora very well but I can tell that Sora "really" love LT from the first time their eyes met until their final episode where she sacrificed herself to stayed. But somewhat after their speech in MBC awards n PJS musical signs/hint I feel a bit relieved. Hopefully we heard something about them together, maybe some pics.


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Guest najwa85



@viyra @shymaldita28 @tweetiaa @cindypl0408 @playerkbd @mywebfoot @luvallkorea @jungsora2love @zeez @gdara123 @lummy @ozzy

I've been reading your posts all morning.

I enjoy and respect  and love all your opinions. we are FD after all, so as long as it means that those two are real in ralationship, thinking about one another ,bringing the worst and best out of one another ,or even unconsciencily thinking of one another i’ll take it and be happy with it i think all of us think the same so no censoring  our thoughts ; say it all here in our home share your frustration, anger, disappointment ,Hope, laugher, cry ,info, fear or dellusion .it just means that we care.


@Lolowaw you can be as long or short as you want or as non sansial as i am being now it’s all good it’s all healthy for our soul and heart missing  so much our DC.i enjoy reading your posts


@janpyo and @huey  you translated my feelings and thoughts in words thank you


@K_craze  i hope PJS get promoted so sora can keep her promise and visit him. It would be real good to know they’re together not just speculating about it.


Bisou hugs for all FD make us dream and maintain our hope.


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