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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Honestly, when I saw her on the previous episode I sensed that there is something about her.  I ignored it until I read the link to a webpage of a blogger talking about her exuding negative vibe.  There are people that because they hide their true self so much that the hidden personality can't help but leak and there are people that could sense the negative vibe.  Anyways...Let's wait and see on the next episode on how she will be.

Does anyone have the link to that blog?? I know is somewhere in this forum but I tried to find it and it was impossible... and I so want to read it again!!! (I agreed with the blogger a 100%!!!). I don't like Donghae/Eunseo couple at all (because of her!). I't's has nothing to do with me hating her (that  would be ridiculous since I don't really know her) but I don't like her... I just don't! 

The other three girls looked so natural and espontaneous... they were great.

I watched half of the raw episode (I didn't understand a single word, of course)  but I didn't want to continue watching... if everything gets so awkard then I don't want to watch it  twice so I'll wait for the Eng sub version of the episode... And I won't make any comments 'till I watch the full episode (well, only one, I don't think Eunhyuk is a bad guy!!... SuJu fan mode on XD)

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Since The other couple on WGM will not be filming due to Eunjungs injury does that mean there may be an hour of Dimple couple again? In the past even though they had taped episodes they could show they didn't. I remember when there was an MBC strike a few years back they didn't show the episodes that were filmed. So even if there are some episodes of woo jung couple in their hands they might not air it. I'm thinking it will be 1 hour of DC again. This time we know there is the fortune teller,the double date,and house warming with that couple. I'm hoping there's some DC alone time also.

In this episode did leeteuk say that Eunhyuk was crying in the end? seemed that was what was said.

How akward was that whole thing? Could see all of them were like what do we do now and felt bad for Sena. I think EunHyuk running after her was good. I would have liked it if all the ladies went over to her. If they are friends then i would have gone over to my friend who is crying. Again maybe they did. With editing we don't know what really happened.

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Guest Emmy_Chloe

Does anyone have the link to that blog?? I know is somewhere in this forum but I tried to find it and it was impossible... and I so want to read it again!!! (I agreed with the blogger a 100%!!!). I don't like Donghae/Eunseo couple at all (because of her!). I't's has nothing to do with me hating her (that  would be ridiculous since I don't really know her) but I don't like her... I just don't! 

The other three girls looked so natural and espontaneous... they were great.

This one ? -> http://the-exalted-rambles.blogspot.com/2012/01/we-got-married-ep-15-lee-teuk-kang-sora.html

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Guest carrots98

eunhyuk and eun so matched really well.for her to do that to sena (answer the call) and eunhyuk to ask the girl to answer some other girl's call is so rude.I felt that she just added a pinch of salt to Sena's bruised ego.to be rejected on national t.v. is quite a stir on her emotions and mind u,by someone she idolize as suju member.what a shame!!!!he is not my bias and im sorry to all his fans but this just show who he thinks of himself.i still can't forget during ss4 when sora said she wanted to do all those things she asked them to and when sora backhugged eeteuk he called sora ambitious.during that time i thought i percieved it wrongly that  for sora to plan and do all those stuff for eeteuk is a great achievement or something....they are suju ,universal star and everybody loves them but at the end of the day after a long hours of work they are all like us..plain human beings without supernatural powers.

i'm sorry for my irrelevant and out of topic rant but i was too upset of the turn out of this show.PLEASE BRING BACK OUR DC COUPLE and produce another show for SUJU,don't include them in WGM.

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Guest Emmy_Chloe

are u my soulmate?!!my long lost twin?how can u speak my mind exactly....kudos for being brave!:huh:..but i didnt keep my expectations low,it was very high actually due to the(unaired!) hug scene ....and what about lee teuk supporting hyuk via twitter while leaving sora to be bashed and insulted??!!

Heh I guess when it comes to MBC, it's wise to keep the expectation low. I feel like I'm in the early stage of mourning for the demise of the Dimple Couple. (This is my personal opinion, no one has to agree with it). Their chemistry just getting weaker and weaker by each episodes. And to think that we have to endure another episode of double date, with the hair-flipping princess, no less.

If there's one station that managed to get it wrong every single most of the time, it's MBC.

And last but not least, for me, there's nothing negative of calling a spade, a spade.


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Guest teuksoralover

Okay.  I have so many thoughts about this episode --- let us just be positive about the next episode because just like what I said earlier --- atleast this whole blind date things is OVER. Sora asked the boys for a favor & the boys asked for blind dates in return.. They both got what they wanted. I would leave it like that.

@fightinglala - to quote what you said, "And yes Teuk it's real. We believe. We have faith that Teukso if freaking real as well."  I am with you. I have faith too! After reading the tweet about saying out loud that WGM is real, my cheeks just started to ascend. So yeah. Just believe. :) lol.

And I would just like to share my thoughts about this tweet:


CREDIT: http://sup3rjunior.com

If I am interpreting it right, he basically said that if it is scripted then the whole thing would end good like a fairytale. I guess this is him further telling us that what he does on the show is real and not some fake affection towards Sora. Am I reading it right guys? Let me know if I am dwelling into this too much.

@tainocchi - I think the chemistry he was talking about is his chemistry with Eunhyuk at variety shows not exactly with Sora. Even we all want from that it his chemistry with Sora, right? :) I think I read in a tweet that eunhyuk replied to that tweet and said that of course his chemistry with Hyung is daebak and everything he does with Teuk is fun.

@natali - I like it too.. I like the fact that he tweeted right away after the broadcast just finished.. That means he watched it live, right? So he really takes time to watch it.  I think that is so nice to think about that he likes his stint of WGM. Good for our couple. :)

@KQI88 - I kinda agree with you about Hyuk not being professional on that matter but it is what it is now. It has been broadcasted and damage is done. Poor Sena. :(

As for me, DON'T JUST GO FOR LOOKS!  lol. Eunseo is really pretty but my impression of her is still the same BUT I am still giving her a chance on the double date with teukso. :)

On the other hand, I know we are all done by the Lee Minjung issue but I just can't help but post this.


Notice on his tweet to Donghae that he really did not mean any harm when he tweeted about LMJ.  He just admire her heart. We can all give it a rest and think that Sora is still the first lady. lol. And it was nice of him as a leader to say that he should be blame if they think there is a bad guy. Good leader. :) I admire him for that.

Even Master number 1 is on the defense. :) (Sorry, last post for this matter!)


And about Sungmin following Sora.. it seems really like Ryewook was jealous about it that.


So I am really assuming that Sora's relationship with the brother-in-laws are not just show but also outside. :)

I am not sure if you guys have seen this.. I saw this pic on twitter. During the concert, Teuk's solo -- of course he performed the same thing.. Fans were saying that he is serenading the fans but he KISSED his own hand. Lol. I guess he doesn't wanna make Sora jealous. lol. What do you think FDs? :)


Thats all! Sorry for the long post. Got carried away.

CREDIT(Pics): http://sup3rjunior.com

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I think when the subbed episode comes out it will make us all feel a bit better about this episode. I do think Leeteuk and sora were more MC mode than couple mode but that was their choice also. The little interaction they had was sweet...especially the dance part but i found them standing too far apart and not couple like enough. I think they both feel it's better to be like this while others are around and hopefully their closer behind the scenes or when alone.

OOHH someone said the tweets between Eunhyuk and Leeteuk were damage control.....I hope not and I hope it was just 2 suju members talking to each other about what was shown on the show. I hate to think it was to try and help eunhyuks image.

Just a few words from a womans point of view: Lee Sena is cute,petite, and the only fault if any I can find is her age of 30-31.

She may look younger but in reality men want the younger more beautiful arm candy type. Lee Sena also did a bit of a sexier dance

that too throws off some men. The skinship-kissing his hand may have been an unexpected wow for the moment thing but Eunhyuk may not like the girl that is so direct with affection.(even though he seemed to enjoy it).

They did say he was the non drinker,non smoker good boy type so the stuff Lee sena did may not have been things he liked.

Eun so if you watched was very simple..no nailpolish,long hair, feminine fluffy outfit, simple beauty and soft spoken. To a man that

is sexy in itself. What my point is Eunhyuk isn't a bad guy..he just made poor judgement and didn't think of what his actions will do to Lee Sena emotionally.

Who knows she may have a age complex or this type of thing may have happened to her before and so she got emotional due to that. I know I cried each time I watched that scene...I can feel her hurt in not being picked. But remember Eunhyuk and Kyuhun weren't picked initially in last weeks episode either. That was humiliating to them...but since they are variety show veterans they handled it with jokes and handshakes and dancing-goofing around. The PD's should have edited out the crying part and continued with when she was okay. There was no need to air the tears.The ending of the episode had a sad vibe and to the already upset DC couple fans it didn't help. I guess the PD's will find out..if we are upset they for sure are getting comments in Korea on their website.

Thanks teuksoralover for your post..love it!

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I think when the subbed episode comes out it will make us all feel a bit better about this episode. I do think Leeteuk and sora were more MC mode than couple mode but that was their choice also. The little interaction they had was sweet...especially the dance part but i found them standing too far apart and not couple like enough. I think they both feel it's better to be like this while others are around and hopefully their closer behind the scenes or when alone.

OOHH someone said the tweets between Eunhyuk and Leeteuk were damage control.....I hope not and I hope it was just 2 suju members talking to each other about what was shown on the show. I hate to think it was to try and help eunhyuks image.

Just a few words from a womans point of view: Lee Sena is cute,petite, and the only fault if any I can find is her age of 30-31.

She may look younger but in reality men want the younger more beautiful arm candy type. Lee Sena also did a bit of a sexier dance

that too throws off some men. The skinship-kissing his hand may have been an unexpected wow for the moment thing but Eunhyuk may not like the girl that is so direct with affection.(even though he seemed to enjoy it).

They did say he was the non drinker,non smoker good boy type so the stuff Lee sena did may not have been things he liked.

Eun so if you watched was very simple..no nailpolish,long hair, feminine fluffy outfit, simple beauty and soft spoken. To a man that

is sexy in itself. What my point is Eunhyuk isn't a bad guy..he just made poor judgement and didn't think of what his actions will do to Lee Sena emotionally.

Who knows she may have a age complex or this type of thing may have happened to her before and so she got emotional due to that. I know I cried each time I watched that scene...I can feel her hurt in not being picked. But remember Eunhyuk and Kyuhun weren't picked initially in last weeks episode either. That was humiliating to them...but since they are variety show veterans they handled it with jokes and handshakes and dancing-goofing around. The PD's should have edited out the crying part and continued with when she was okay. There was no need to air the tears.The ending of the episode had a sad vibe and to the already upset DC couple fans it didn't help. I guess the PD's will find out..if we are upset they for sure are getting comments in Korea on their website.

I agree about Hyuk not being a bad man. Like i wrote before he did not have to chose Sena but as a sumbae on variety shows he should have handle things better. 

EDIT: And at first i thought the twitter messages were sincere but if i think about it...just seems like damage control, not saying it was not sincere, maybe they thought about killing two birds with just one stone. The guys are from the same group, they could call, send sms, meeting in person, if the intent was just to support Hyuk. They did not have to make public. 

But i agree, the subs will help clear things so we may have a different opinion after ^^

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Guest teuksoralover

Heh I guess when it comes to MBC, it's wise to keep the expectation low. I feel like I'm in the early stage of mourning for the demise of the Dimple Couple. (This is my personal opinion, no one has to agree with it). Their chemistry just getting weaker and weaker by each episodes. And to think that we have to endure another episode of double date, with the hair-flipping princess, no less.

If there's one station that managed to get it wrong every single most of the time, it's MBC.

And last but not least, for me, there's nothing negative of calling a spade, a spade.


 Please don't be upset. :) As for me, I don't think their chemistry is going away. It is more of like, getting more comfortable now. Teuk even said last week that they are not the main characters on that day. I think it is so applauding of Teukso to give way like that to them. Who does not want more airtime, right? I guess this how they pay back FJ for helping them during their first meeting.. FJs has done a lot for teukso during the early stages. lol. Just thinking about those episodes makes me happy. :) Some might say that it got weak because we haven't seen them alone for the last two weeks but Sora backing up Teuk all the time against the brothers.. I think it got stronger. Just be patient and continue to be a fighting dimple. :) lol

High five. :)

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Guest lallinachan

Is it only me that miss Akane_tran so much?? Akane, wherever you are, we FJ miss you and your amazing posts! Hope you are not buried under hundreds of pms^^;;;

to be on the topic, I want to say this:

1) I don't think that because SuJu are using twitter, they are not being onest with it. I actually think they used it and not other things, because they only wanted to share their toughts: Eunhyuk is admitting he was something of a jerk, and probably (knowing how much he is sensitive, YES! he is!! even if today he didn't show it) he was feeling very bad for it. Teukie had to encourage him because he pobably had guessed he was feeling miserable for it! Sungmin too joined to assure him. I don't think it's supposed to be fake, just because it's for anyone to see. I'm not defending Eunhyuk, he behaved bad, I'm saying: let's not forget that SuJu usually wants to be honest with ELF.

2) now I want to say, Eunhyuk have done wrong, I agree with everything you said: he said they were all his ideal type, and then he behave like a stubborn child? Not seeing he is hurting a girl pride (because I guess it was more pride then romantic feelings, but still pride is very important in my opinion too!!). If wanted to be serious with Eunseo, he could have waited for the show to end, and met her outside the show. Anyway, he did wrong, he felt sorry for it, he asked to be forgiven.. he is feeling bad for it right now too... so isn't it enough? I feel sorry for him too, he was kinda shoked to see her cry, so I guess he learned a lesson today, he was with a girl that was not used to tvshow and all their littl rules, so he must have guessed he was not being funny at least. I guess he'll be a better person from now on ;)

Just picking a few of the most recent comments to reply to...

1) It was so awkward to see her cry, no jokes. I actually -hoped- that it would be scripted, because otherwise... aughhh... crying... awkward..! D: Bad. (Yup, that was my brain when I watched, I actually put my hands in front of my eyes for a bit.) I'm glad Eunhyuk was like: ohhh...crap. And went to him and then got hit (keke). But I have to say, I think Sena was definitely one of the ones showing stronger affection/dedication, so I guess I can understand why she might cry? If not out of heartbreak, just out of embarrassment? (At least, I'd imagine so, I can't imagine having a heartbreak over a FIRST MEETING in front of CAMERAs... but that might be just me and my never having been in front of a camera. Derp.?) Anyway, it was awkward D:    I basically agree that it's different to have shown dedication and be rejected and being rejected by first impression. Oh Eunhyuk... ;;;;

Agree with the Sora (oh will my fangirlness ever stop? I hope not) and Eunseo comments. I think it's okay to like people for their looks even off the internet (although going into a relationship, especially a serious one, based on that is definitely a risky idea)... anyway, I don't hate her. Actually, doesn't anybody think it'd be sort of haughty of her to not pick up Eunhyuk's second call? I mean, that implies that she knew for sure that Donghae would call her... and... sort of rude of Eunhyuk? Anyway, the viewers know because of the editing and stuff that Donghae liked Eunseo, but if you think about it, Eunseo would not know. Donghae was incredibly shy: in the song he handed flowers to EVERYONE and in the car he was pretty (REALLY RATHER) quiet. Couldn't Eunseo have thought he was just naturally cutely bumbling? Idk, but anyway, just a different perspective. I actually understood most of what she did I think. She didn't pick up 2 times when DH called her, but after the whole awkward Sena crying affair and the Host Couple being like: hey, call -again- Donghae! Not to mention she chose Donghae as her first choice ANYWAY... I mean... wouldn't you switch as well?


Anyway, ultimately it's a show....

And I miss my exclusive Dimple Couple. At least me worst fear of the sogeting dragging out to 3 weeks is over. (...Unless they have the double date next *groans*.... I can't wait for DC exclusivity again TO BE QUITE HONEST.)

TOTALLY agree with you. Really I know I'm getting the "kind nurse" image, but I think Eunseo was put in a rather embarassing situation here: two idols like SuJu are fighting over her. She likes One better, but when they are alone in a car, she try to have eyes contact with him, and he doesn't look at her at all. She must have felt like "does he really like me? Or have I misunderstood"? So when she see that the other one try again to get her, she must have felt flatterd, if not rude orvain to turn him down. I guess when she realized Donghae wanted her for real, she was again in a embarassing situation like "if I come back to him, they would think bad of me"...

I'm not saying she is all tenderness and goodness, but I can guess there are motives behind her action, that are not to be blamed so much. I may be totally wrong of course, still, I'll give her another chance.

Donghae maybe was too shy, and was misunderstood for being cool. I can understand her for mistaking his behaviour.

sorry for my blabbering LOL!

High five!!! let's celebrate teukie's twitter rather brief  appearence, and Sungmin joining Sora in the SuJu twitter family!! XD YAY!!

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Guest teuksoralover

Is it only me that miss Akane_tran so much?? Akane, wherever you are, we FJ miss you and your amazing posts! Hope you are not buried under hundreds of pms^^;;;

It is not only you.. I actually miss AKANE_TRAN's post lately.. AKANE_TRAN whereever you are.. come out! Please post more. You've been missing in action lately. Where are the goodies? COME OUT! :) lol. Just kidding. But seriously, where are you?

Anyways, whoever is interested.. here is Sora's interview with the cast of DREAM High 2. If someone can give a rough translation. Please. Thank you.


And why did the old guy held Sora's hand for a bit. lol. :)


sorry for my blabbering LOL!

High five!!! let's celebrate teukie's twitter rather brief  appearence, and Sungmin joining Sora in the SuJu twitter family!! XD YAY!!

High Five! :) I really think we should celebrate that. She is the only girl Teuk & Sungmin follows. She is SJ's twitter family. Sungmin does not even follow Hyorin(his partner). lol.

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Well i think he touched just to show his appreciation for her. What i see in a lot of variety shows is that the people tend to show affection by grabbing hands. I see it a lot in Happy Together, mainly with the actors. And the guy was talking about Sora being a hobae(junior) so he probably was complementing her ^^ but is just a guess XD

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Guest lallinachan

has someone posted the raw episode? I waited for semi-fly download, but she did not posted it.... Where can I rewatch the epsode?

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Just read MBC is on strike. Oh boy D=

Less than a year after going on a strike but failing to obtain the resignation of MBC president Kim Jae Chul, the MBC labor union has decided to go on strike once again for the same purpose.

MBC labor union members participated in voting from January 25th – 27th , aimed to decide whether to go on strike to force the resignation of MBC president Kim Jae Chul.

Of the 1,010 labor union members, 783 members casted their votes, 69.4% were for a strike while the remaining members were against it.

The labor union felt that despite airing their grievances over Kim Jae Chul being a puppet of the Lee Myung Bak administration and interfering with the neutrality of the station in their strike last April, nothing has changed. The labor union also asserts that there has been a massive clampdown on freedom of the press. Thus, they have decided to go on strike again to get Kim to step down and return MBC to a more normal state.

The strike will be begin at 6AM local time on January 30th. A representative from the MBC’s labor union stated, “We should always present an honest and accurate broadcasting to viewers, since we serve viewers with neutrality, as the nation’s public broadcaster.”

So how does this affect you? For a start, some variety shows, dramas and news programs will bear the full brunt of this shutdown.

Variety shows and dramas that are outsourced to 3rd party production companies, will not be affected in any way by the strike and are likely to be aired as scheduled.

An example would be currently airing MBC dramas, “The Moon That Embraces The Sun” and “Lights and Shadows“. This will come as a huge relief to viewers of these programs.

But for variety programs like “We Got Married“, “Infinity Challenge“, “I Am A Singer“, etc, which are largely produced by in-house MBC staff, they will be affected if there is a prolonged strike.

MBC has meanwhile reacted strongly with a statement, “This is an illegal strike and we will not hesitate to press charges based on company rules if it goes ahead.”

Source: Allkpop

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Guest teuksoralover

has someone posted the raw episode? I waited for semi-fly download, but she did not posted it.... Where can I rewatch the epsode?

I'm waiting for the raw episode too. Maybe if I watch it.. I can observe my teukso better. :) Does someone have it? Semi-fly, where are you? lol.

KQI88 - Not a good news. :( I hope this strike does not escalate into something bigger.

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I promise this is the last time I am going to talk about this episode and whatever happened to it - and after this, I may go into hiatus and just return to this thread after the airing of episode 17 - with TeukSora only.

Like what someone had mentioned earlier (sorry too lazy to find out who did) - damage has been done - and EunHyuk is aware of the damage he had done. Teukkie and SungMin would be lying to themselves if they honestly think EunHyuk did a great job! What is so great about being that way? Again, like what someone had said (I think everything I have been referring to was posted by KQ188) EunHyuk, being in a lot of variety shows like LeeTeuk, should have done better. He took the whole situation personal - trying to prove something????

EunHyuk may have been foolish by ignoring Sena - but DongHae is more foolish for trying to intrude into the already coupled couple - EunHyuk and EunSo; and even more foolish is EunSo for leaving eunHyuk for DongHae. She could have rejected EunHyuk when he first called and waited for DongHae to call her. Come to think of it, EunHyuk's first choice was Sena and the second is EunSo; why in the world did he call EunSo first then? To stir something up with DongHae or to prove that EunSo would easily get swayed because the guys are Super Junior? So, whoever goes to her first, since it is Super Junior, should be okay? And what's with her response to Sena when Sena tried to call EunHyuk and she aswered the phone? I read somewhere here the translation that says "stop calling". Isn't that too rude?

BTW, didn't EunHyuk even remember what they discussed before the girls came? If they happen to like the same girl, it is okay -- but it all depends on who the girl likes! EunHyuk already knew EunSo likes Donghae!!

Anyway, I think SungMin is the most adorable and likable amongst FJ - mature, not playful, very athletic and full of talent. I guess YoSool saw that in him immediately - when he first offered to do his performance and not join the rock, paper, scissors.

Sena would probably not guess in any variety shows anymore - lesson learned! What a pretty lady - not looking like 30 at all! She is the prettiet of the 4 girls and the one with the best personality is Shin YoSool - bubbly!!

WGM - gives missions to couples! This is the worst mission ever!!

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