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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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I kind of expected less TeukSo moments today so i'm not much disappointed. What i'm happy about is that the blind dates are finally OVER. and i really hate the last part. as much as i love and adore fighting junior, i want to see more of Dimple couple time ALONE. after all that's happened, we'll finally be seeing that. yes, i think there will be TeukSo next week. this isn't the first time WGM didn't show a preview for next week's episode. let's all be positive. :)

On the other hand, i don't know why  MBC management  chose Donghae - Eun Seo. As of the moment, there's no chemistry between the two of them. It's just painful to watch them together. Too awkward. Unlike TeukSo, who were also awkward when they just started but you can already see at that time, there's already a 'spark'. I honestly think that Eun Seo chose Donghae at the end just for Sena's sake. Eun Seo looked unhappy after she left Eunhyuk and went to Donghae's side. I kind of liked Sungmin - So yul better. Maybe MBC's doing trial-and-error? According to @kyuhaebiased in twitter: "Donghae & Eun Seo in We Got Married is still temporary, their inclusion in WGM will be determined upon viewer's ratings 4 weeks after episode broadcast as stated by MBC Production Team. [cr: 月亮草L_1932]"


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Guest chikuma

There are no preview for Woojung couple also.So i will still positively think that our couple episode  will air next week..the air time for this episode also is more than 1 hour if i'm not mistaken.

Must wait to see with sub to understand what they are talking about..

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Guest teuksoralover

teuk asked them if he and sora look good together.

then when taking the photo, a pink said "you are even hand in hand".

BTW, thank kaelstorm for the translation. :) I guess I will just anticipate for this. Accdg to this vid, they are sweet. :) Gotta wait.

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This isn't the first time WGM didn't show a preview for next week's episode. And as far as i know, they haven't announced any special show that will be aired next week. I know we are all hungry for more TeukSo moments but let us keep positive vibes in this thread. Oh yes, i agree, WGM should just stick to Teuk-Sora. Fighting juniors (and the rest of the brothers) should just occasionally appear and reveal Dimple Couple's secrets. It's more fun that way, just my opinion. :D

BTW, i liked the fact that Sungmin followed Sora on twitter. The brothers building friendship with Sora (and vice versa) outside of the show is a good sign. This means that Teuk and Sora are much closer than what we already know :)

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Guest lallinachan

I kind of expected less  TeukSo moments today so i'm not much disappointed. What i'm happy about  is that the blind dates are finally OVER. and i really hate the last part. as much as i love and adore  fighting junior, i want to see more of Dimple couple time ALONE. after all that's happened, we'll finally be seeing that. yes, i think there will be TeukSo next week. this isn't the first time WGM didn't show a preview for next week's episode. let's all be positive. :)

On the other hand, i don't know why  MBC  management  chose Donghae - Eun Seo. As of the moment, there's no chemistry between  the two of them. It's just painful to watch them together. Too  awkward.  Unlike TeukSo, who were also awkward when they just started  but you  can already see at that time, there's already a 'spark'. I honestly  think that Eun Seo  chose Donghae at the end just for Sena's sake. Eun  Seo looked unhappy after she left Eunhyuk and went to Donghae's side. I kind of liked Sungmin - So yul better. Maybe MBC's doing trial-and-error? According to @kyuhaebiased in twitter: "Donghae & Eun Seo in We Got Married is still temporary, their  inclusion in WGM will be determined upon viewer's ratings 4 weeks after  episode broadcast as stated by MBC Production Team. [cr: 月亮草L_1932]"


Well, I agree that Eun Seo surprised me when she chose Eunhyuk, but maybe we'll know her motivation when there will be the subbing. I don't think it's that normal to always have feelings at the first meeting, so maybe she was insucure, or wanted to repay Eunhyuk for his insistence, a girl can feel flattered by a guy always trying to get her. And I think her chosing Donghae at the end is kinda sweet, she probably wanted sena to have another chance. So, maybe it's because I always tend to see the good in a person, I don't think she is to blame for her actions. But like you, I liked Sungmin - So yul better. That really was an enteresting combination, a pity that they'll not be a WGM couple. But still, I think I'll watch Donghae and Eun so. Donghae is really into her, did you notice teukie told him to join her in the dancing? Teukie must have guessed Donghae is really taken by the girl. That genuine feeling... would make the difference like in teukso. <3

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I like the maknaes (Kyuhyun and Princess no 4 - can't remember her name) . Sweet, Innocent and relaxed. Not overdoing it. Taking things lightly but I can see that they enjoyed each other's company. So refreshing.

Sungmin and Princess No 3 are natural. They probably will last forever it they got married. Mutual understanding and respect I must say.

But still, I really disappointed with less TeukSo moment 2 weeks in a row. Sucks.

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Took a while today to get everything organised but here are my notes of today's episode. I have some thoughts about this episode but I think that will be in another post later. Just this for now:

Brief Recap

So this week we start off with a quick recap of what happened last week before the girls start demonstrating their respective talents.

Think EunSeo was demonstrating the use of some dialect while Sena said that coz she's bad in aegyo she had been practicing using the Korean word game/ rhyme thing. It's the one where one says something and with the last word of that sentence, create another one using that as the sentence's first word. She picked HyukJae as her partner for demonstration.

I don't really understand all of it, but I could understand/catch 'bear' and where there are bears involved, there is bound to be cuteness!

ROFL!! The hitting!! First once, then twice, then thrice! ROFL!! HyukJae's like "Why am I getting hit?" LOL!! HyukJae ah, you've trained that arm of yours enough so that you can bear the weight of your entire body on that arm. What is a little punching on it? As skinny as you are, I think Sena's arm is only 2/3s the size of yours!

Haha! So there's more to what Sena's prepared to do. She and Hyuk swops sides so she's now on the side where she didn't get to hit. 

HyukJae ah. Your endurance through the hitting was worth it wasn't it? Now you're getting kisses on your hand not once, not twice, but thrice! Even your Teukie hung got to his feet and was making so much noise coz of it! ROFL!!!

SoYool too did an aegyo act but her "phone call" with SungMin was adorable! It made Kyu and Hyuk's fingers curl so Hae had to smack the rigidity out of their joints. See?? TeukSo aren't the only cringe-worthy ones! LOL!!

After that, everybody breaks up into their groups to talk about partner choice. Teuk and his brothers downstairs, while Sora and her gal pals remained upstairs.

SungMin x SoYool gets formed first and like I said before, it would only be expected of Teukie to use this opportunity to pay them each back in their own coin what they did to him on his first date with Sora. Made them look into each others' eyes while holding hands? That is EXACTLY what he makes MinYool do! LeeTeuk, LeeTeuk… Tsk tsk. LOL!!

Next is HyukJae and Sena. Hyuk's TOTALLY displaying his gummy smile and I don't think I have seen as much of the top of his head as I am seeing it today. Hyuk's "punished" with the pet name task so both he and Sena have to come up with a pet name on the spot for each other. Now my dear. THIS is EMBARASSING!!

HyukJae and Sena are REALLY cute! Bear-incess and Bear-ince! But I actually do think that they look compatible and I'm the one with the HyukJae biased!!

DongHae REALLY likes EunSeo! He cannot even LOOK at her!

LOL!! KyuHyun!! Is this how you hold someone's hands?? No wonder you got criticized by Teukkie!

FJ all drove to today so now we get to see part of the SuJu's fleet of cars.

DongHae is REALLY awkward. He's just sitting there waiting for the signal for them to go without saying anything. EunSeo tries to help by attempting conversion and even offering him a sweet but he's just alternating between monosyllabic and silent. Wah! Lee DongHae! Where's all your usual cheekiness? Hmm?? Hmm??

The same brand of awkwardness is present in HyukJae's but at least the gap is being filled by a little bit of conversation and awkward laughing. And Lee HyukJae! Stop showing me the top of your head! I know what it looks like already!

Min's car is blue? I half expected pink somewhere. Kidding! =P But SoYool's really very open and very forward. She comes across as a bit brash sometimes but I think she's a refreshing change from the usual demure "hee hee!" type of girls that we see.

I actually don't know what to say about KyuHyun and YeonJoo. I mean, I think they look nice enough together but I personally do not get a vibe from them that they will work out. The rest, maybe… But hmm. We'll see.

Bowling alley! TeukSo gives each potential couple a challenge. Unless there's a strike, there are usually two throws to a game so the girls will take the first throw and the guys, the second. The guy in winning team gets a kiss from his partner.

TeukSo go first but Sora gutters the ball. Teuk manages to down 7.

Bear Couple is upt! Sena gutters the ball and now she has to do her whole bear act again to encourage HyukJae to an all-kill. Half-hugs given this time! 

The pose at the end after HyukJae had his turn in bowling? So cool! But ended up with ONE PIN! ONE!! ROFL!!

Hae's turn with his EunSeo. He's like explaining her that she needs to stand her, glide the ball whatever way etc but then gets told very unceremoniously by Teuk that she already knows it all and can bowl 200! Aigoo! I'm embarrassed for you now ah DongHae. >_<

Think I missed KyuHyun and YeonJoo. Sorry Kyu!! >_<'''

SungMin actually turned to TeukSo to confirm that he will get a kiss if they win! Aii! MEN!

As usual, Lee HyukJae hijacks SoYool and kisses SungMin instead. I thought Min was going to clobber Hyuk's head in with the bowling ball! ROFL!!

After SungMin got his kiss from SoYool, he turned to Teukie and told him "You're jealous aren't you?" ROFL!! Teukie said something in response to that but I was too busy scream-laughing at Min's statement that I missed catching it. Oops! =P

The girls all get a dance time as well! LOL!! Talk about reenactments! This whole laundry list of 'things to do on a blind date' is looking to turn into traditional SuJu couple hazing.

EunSeo gives me a really princess vibe with the constant hair-tossing and all. Sometimes I wonder if she is really like that or if she is only this way because of the program coz Sora is not like that and the rest of the girls, even though they all have very distinctly different characters, they do not come across as being half as vain as she does. Then again, most of our groups of friends will have members that are not quite the same as we are. But yeah, it is because of this princess behavior that EunSeo is not really sitting well with me. Personal opinion.

HyukJae ah. You REALLY should rein your nottiness in even if it is for a bit. Even if this is a preliminary mid-way pairing, EunSeo's with DongHae! Stop getting in the way! *kicks!*

Sena's chair dance!!! The way she got derailed when HyukJae butted in reminds me of the way Sora got derailed from even starting 'Oh!' when Teukie butted in with his over-enthusiastic "well done". When they asked her to redo a portion of the dance, she had to start right from the beginning and couldn't remember everything exactly wither. Kinda like how Sora had to do her version of the SuJu medley dance and the brothers had to adjust to her instead of her adjusting to them. I guess they are actresses and doing what they are doing for a reason, idol boys!!

SoYool's really the most and daring one out of the lot. She actually each guy out during to dance to 'Lady Marmalade' with her. But she ended up with a 'no-no' to each of them. Think only SungMin got approved. Heh! =P

The girls all opted for sexy dances but YeonJoo comes across as being the most awkward to me. Maybe because she's the youngest and hasn't got the look as yet. Aww! The final move at Kyu! Keke!

Hmm. I didn't quite catch that but what about SungMin was YeonJoo talking about? Kyu looks a bit deflated while Min is looking a wee bit embarrassed.

Wah!!! DC takes the stage and ALL the brothers go into acting mode! ROFL!!! What is with all those poses??

So now Dimple Couple's take on Lady Gaga is turning into a mass all-dance/act stage?? OMG!! The CHEESE!! I agree with Sora. What -IS- this?!?!

I like how Sora beckons her husband over to her. Twas very quick, very brief, but it was a "come come" sorta wave.

HyukJae ah, forget about acting cool at the back please? All that false modesty!

So the successful couple will get an invite to Dimple House?? Teukie! Repeat! I didn't catch that!! O.O

And yay!! MinYool is formed!!

Teukie's addressing EunHyuk by his full name, Lee HyukJae. Somehow I like it better like this.

Oh no!!! HyukJae called EunSeo but she refused to take his call so no go!

Lee HyukJae ah!! You are being a REALLY notti boy!!! You called her a second time?? And omg! She answered! Poor DongHae/Sena!!

Nappeun Namja!! BAD BOY!! I TOTALLY agree with the caption! You're a BAD BOY Lee HyukJae!! VERY VERY bad boy!!

Poor DongHae. He just asked Teukie who EunHyuk was when Teukie asked him if he's still friends with HyukJae. DongHae only knows Siwon. Lee HyukJae! I have NOTHING to say about you now!

Lee HyukJae! You are a REALLY NOTTI boy!! DongHae called EunSeo a second time and you took out the battery in her phone so that she couldn't take the call!

ROFL!!! KyuHyun called HyukJae!! I think KyuHyun did it coz the atmosphere changed after HyukJae went for EunSeo. This is why we need KyuHyun!! But yes, he ended up calling YeonJoo with the pretty forehead!

IMO, EunSeo somehow doesn't look very happy but I don't know why she didn't just answer DongHae's call the second time.

Okay. Seriously, even for variety's sake, I think that was a bit much. EunSeo answering Sena's call to EunHyuk and telling her to stop calling. That was REALLY too much!

Sena is right in calling HyukJae 'Nappeun nom!' I AGREE!!! You go girl! He DESERVES to be scolded! TOO playful and VERY VERY VERY notti!!

Now see what you did Lee HyukJae! You made Sena cry! She should have hit you harder during her aegyo demo earlier!! You're normally very cheeky but you are being REALLY HORRID today! Outrageous!

DongHae's third call to EunSeo which she did answer was very sweet. "Would you like to come back?" And she did.

Teukie's a seasoned emcee so he understands that with all varieties, the ending must be happy, which is why he tried to wind the situation down by giving HyukJae and Sena another chance. And they took it they decided to take. I guess now it remains to be seen as to what will happen during housewarming when (I think) all 8 will appear again.

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Guest teuksoralover

As much as we are a lil sad because of lil teukso moments today.. just like last week.. let us all just be positive again. :) At last, this blind date thing is over. Haha.

The things we can anticipate so far:

  • Teuk & Sora with the fortune teller & walking on streets (I will assume that they will be holding hands while walking).
  • Someone mentioned here that they saw the filming crew of WGM at DIMPLE HOUSE - so maybe  they did some recording there that we can anticipate.
  • Everland double date.

But today, we got something positive.. Sungmin (Brother in law 1) following sister-in-law KANG SORA. I know I posted some pics earlier but just wanna share this anyway.. So we will all be positve. :) Hahaha.


As you can see, she is the only girl he followed and according to some.. the first girl Sungmin followed on twitter. He did not even follow his own brother or even Hyorin whom his partner in a WGM spin-off.


Sungmin became a trend topic but not for long though. :)

So I hope this piece of news will be enough to atleast make us happy about couple. This kinda proves more that they really have connection outside WGM. :)

Kang Sora followed Sungmin!!!  ^_^

Really? you have a screencap? :)

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Well, I agree that Eun Seo surprised me when she chose Eunhyuk, but maybe we'll know her motivation when there will be the subbing. I don't think it's that normal to always have feelings at the first meeting, so maybe she was insucure, or wanted to repay Eunhyuk for his insistence, a girl can feel flattered by a guy always trying to get her. And I think her chosing Donghae at the end is kinda sweet, she probably wanted sena to have another chance. So, maybe it's because I always tend to see the good in a person, I don't think she is to blame for her actions. But like you, I liked Sungmin - So yul better. That really was an enteresting combination, a pity that they'll not be a WGM couple. But still, I think I'll watch Donghae and Eun so. Donghae is really into her, did you notice teukie told him to join her in the dancing? Teukie must have guessed Donghae is really taken by the girl. That genuine feeling... would make the difference like in teukso. <3

Yes, i think Donghae's really into Eun Seo. At this point, i don't feel Eun Seo feels the same. During the Everland filming, fan accounts said that TeukSo's very close even when the cameras weren't rolling and DongSeo was the complete opposite. There was zero interaction. I honestly think Donghae went for the looks when he chose her. When they were in the car, they couldn't even converse. Eun Seo tried talking to Donghae but the poor guy can't even respond properly. People watching the livestream commented, "This is why you shouldn't go only for the looks." I think that is why she chose Eunhyuk the next time around. Hyukjae's really funny and maybe she felt she could talk to him more. But since she saw Sena cry, i felt that she felt burdened so she finally responded to Donghae. Watch the clip again, i saw sadness in her eyes after she left Eunhyuk and went to Donghae's side. Well that's just my  opinion. Eunhyuk should just have stuck to Sena from start to end. They look really cute together. While i commend him for choosing who he really wanted (Eun Seo), he should have not rejected Sena harshly. Now, he looks like a bad person. However, is still love you Lee Hyukjae!

Anyway, i still will support Donghae whether or not he and Eun Seo will become a permanent couple in WGM. I'd like to see Donghae as a husband.  :)

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Guest Ms.Jikam

As much as we are a lil sad because of lil teukso moments today.. just like last week.. let us all just be positive again. :) At last, this blind date thing is over. Haha.

The things we can anticipate so far:

  • Teuk & Sora with the fortune teller & walking on streets (I will assume that they will be holding hands while walking).
  • Someone mentioned here that they saw the filming crew of WGM at DIMPLE HOUSE - so maybe  they did some recording there that we can anticipate.
  • Everland double date.

But today, we got something positive.. Sungmin (Brother in law 1) following sister-in-law KANG SORA. I know I posted some pics earlier but just wanna share this anyway.. So we will all be positve. :) Hahaha.

*quoted image*

As you can see, she is the only girl he followed and according to some.. the first girl Sungmin followed on twitter. He did not even follow his own brother or even Hyorin whom his partner in a WGM spin-off.

*quoted image*

Sungmin became a trend topic but not for long though. :)

So I hope this piece of news will be enough to atleast make us happy about couple. This kinda proves more that they really have connection outside WGM. :)

Really? you have a screencap? :)


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Guest kiminaeka

[Trans] @special1004: @AllRiseSilver Eunhyuk your We Got Married matchmaking session was totally hilarious ㅋㅋ As expected our chemistry is daebak ㅋㅋ Everyone says WGM is scripted, you tell them. That it's real ㅋㅋ

(cr: AllRiseXiahtic) 


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Guest teuksoralover

ARIENBLURR - First of all, I read every single word you posted about the last ep. I'm  smiling while reading your post. :) (& sorry to cut it)

After SungMin got his kiss from SoYool, he turned to Teukie and told him "You're jealous aren't you?" ROFL!! Teukie said something in response to that but I was too busy scream-laughing at Min's statement that I missed catching it. Oops! =P

Kyak! :) I think I saw teuk blushing during that part. :) I hope he said something sweet. I really have to be patient with the subs.

EunSeo gives me a really princess vibe with the constant hair-tossing and all. Sometimes I wonder if she is really like that or if she is only this way because of the program coz Sora is not like that and the rest of the girls, even though they all have very distinctly different characters, they do not come across as being half as vain as she does. Then again, most of our groups of friends will have members that are not quite the same as we are. But yeah, it is because of this princess behavior that EunSeo is not really sitting well with me. Personal opinion.

I kinda don't wanna judge right away but I am on the same page with you.. You used the exact word I am thinking.. She gives you this princess vibe. A lil diva-ish if I may use that word but I would still give her a chance. For me, all the other girls where playful but she is gives me this impression of, "I'm the prettiest in here.." Something like that. :) Sorry to her fans.. but still I would give her a chance. Just an impression.


Teuk tweeted about WGM! :) OMO! He said WGM is real... Hahaha. So is he really implying that teuksora is real? :) HAHA. My cheeks is ascending to heaven then. I'm thinking he wants Eunhyuk to back him up in saying that it is not scripted.

--- and to add, that means Eunhyuk really made Sena cry. Bad guy. :) Hahaha. Joking! We all know he didn't mean harm in the beginning.. he probably did not want it to end like that,

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[Trans] @special1004: @AllRiseSilver Eunhyuk your We Got Married matchmaking session was totally hilarious ㅋㅋ As expected our chemistry is daebak ㅋㅋ Everyone says WGM is scripted, you tell them. That it's real ㅋㅋ

(cr: AllRiseXiahtic) 

*quoted image*

wow~ so every saturday if he had a time he always watch WGM ;) i believe only saturday he's not feel bored hahahha.maybe you also donwload all you and sora episode leeteuk~shi :lol:

thanks for sharing kiminaeka :)

vivyra where are you?not see you post this couple days :D

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Guest alga215

[Trans] @special1004: @AllRiseSilver Eunhyuk your We Got Married matchmaking session was totally hilarious ㅋㅋ As expected our chemistry is daebak ㅋㅋ Everyone says WGM is scripted, you tell them. That it's real ㅋㅋ

(cr: AllRiseXiahtic) 

*quoted image*

he had just deleted this tweet.. hahaha.. why did he do that for? ^_^

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Guest fightinglala

I knew it! Haha!

That's why I don't really believe people when they say this thing is scripted because it is a SHOW.

I know it is a show okay but things like this may happen even for a show. Especially when they said that Eunhyuk's part was scripted. Everything just happened just like that.

And yes Teuk it's real. We believe. We have faith that Teukso if freaking real as well.

Hahaha!!! Omyyyy~~~ I wanna put my self away from spazzing but I'm always pulled back.


Teuk has been consistent in doing this, posting then deleting.

He probably thinks that the tweet was done impulsively or he thinks that the tweet can stir up something since he carelessly say what is on his mind.

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