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[Drama 2011] A Thousand Days' Promise 천일의 약속


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One more little tidbit them, since it struck me as I let the video play on with the DramaFever subs just past those night thoughts of SY near the end of ep 13.

JY, having obviously woken up to find her not beside him, comes into the living room and asks her, in the sometimes rather odd idiom of the DramaFever subbers "What are you thinking about without me knowing?" That translation misplaces the "without me knowing" somewhat. He actually means, not what is she thinking without him knowing what it is, but: why did she slip out of bed without him being aware and come to sit here thinking alone. The "alone", pretty prominent in the Korean remark, has disappeared from the sub altogether, though it's hardly irrelevant to the mood or theme.

Her response, spoken in a noticeably half-absent, almost trance-like way, is 어디서 무엇이되어 만나리? which (as the subber apparently doesn't recognize) is a slight misquotation (the exact words are 어디서 무엇이되어 다시 만나랴) of the refrain of a popular song of the early 1980's which is still a quite frequent karaoke choice. Maybe not one that people of SY's age would pick to sing themselves, but they are bound to have had it inflicted up them more than once by members of their parents' generation. I'd be inclined to translate it here as "Where and in what guise shall we two meet again?" (Maybe as a butterfly and a flower in a summer meadow, is one of the somewhat whimsical answers provided in one verse of the song)

There's no way I can come up with to get a translation that would carry the payload of associations the words hold to Korean listeners. But my suggested translation at least makes an effort to signal the general sense and also, by its "literary" wording (a reflex of the "poetic" diction of the Korean) that it's a pensive quotation of some kind, not a straightforward (and faintly wacky) conversational move. But the DramaFever sub here ("What will I become when I see you again?") doesn't even give a correct translation of the Korean as a stand-alone phrase, and te rendering of JH's response as "You want to know?" sounds vaguely mocking or even dismissive, as if he knows the answer off pat, whereas something like "Is that what you're wondering?" would be truer to the mood of the Korean, where he clearly knows what she's referring to and why, but has no more of an answer than she has.

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It seems you would appreciate and love this series more if you fully understand Korean. For us we will take what we are given... :D

Oh Baduy, what did Seoyeon address Jihyung as husband? I know Jihyung still call her Seoyeon.

And here is another funny one... maybe just for me. Driving home after seeing Seoyeon's doctor ....


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Rae Won's fashionable, COOL dark clothing style in the drama ~~~ :D myAvatar_17002102_2.gif













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Thanks 71e for the subs!! The latest BTS pic, Seoyeon looks sad! The man behind her must be the director there...

I feel so much love when I come to visit this thread even if no one is here but just me. I think it will be my stop for a while to heal my broken fantasy heart!

Will you guys watching live tonight? Two more hours ...

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Episode 15 preview ----

*watch it here ----- O... seems no mention of childbirth yet ... in the supermart, they buy food, not baby stuff ... :rolleyes:

'Park Ji Hyeong is mine" ~~ at the end of the preview ..... :P












credit baidu + chuan /raewonisland


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Is this drama hasten to the ending? How can her illness moving so fast? Seoyeon is in big trouble!

First time crying for this drama ever... last scene! And tomorrow gonna be heart breaking!!! ... good night!

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Ah well, I guess HG will have finally blown it with all those campaigning to have Korean women treat men the robust American Feminist Way. (It just always beats me why such people bother to watch East Asian dramas at all. Don't they have enough channels more to their cultural taste on their cable boxes in California?) Her final pre-departure action isn't to creep up to JH's shower curtains carrying a large pair of gardening shears concealed behind yet another bumper bunch of blooms. Instead she phones his mother to tell her she's leaving for Boston next day on an open ticket, and that, though this must be kept a strict secret from her own mother, she prays every day that JH may be able to work a miracle for Seo Yeon. We gather (though we don't hear) that JH's mother responds that she's being foolishly self-denying. No, HG replies, if that's being foolish, it's the way she chooses to be, the way she wants to live and die.

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