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[Drama 2011] I Need Romance 로맨스가 필요해


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Guest qaha

thx rockmelon123 for your recap. In gloomy day like this you make me smile (In my countr, today, the weather is really bad)

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Rockmelon thanks for your recap.

The biggest hurdle to IY and SH relationship is IY not being willing to let go of SS. To my way of thinking SS is a bum and he will never change, he enjoys her being in love with him while he is free to do what ever he wants.  ...The part about IY and SH I don't like is her cavalier treatment of his feelings, she said it herself he is to her what she is to SS. Knowing this and how much she hurt why would she not try to protect his feelings.

I have to say this one more time. SH is more my type.

I'm not convinced that SS is the first lead, since a romance w/ SH was established at the very beginning of the series w/ lots of sexy sparks.  It seems more likely that the series is about IY's emotional growth and her learning to trust a new love.  I suspect there will be a breakup w/ SH for a while, because he feels betrayed on unappreciated, but that ultimately, IY will love him.

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Thanks rockmelon!

You are really details in ep 8 and really appreciated very much as I know is hard to translate. There are not much ppl tuning in oversea so is really hard to come across any translation or recaps. Frankly, I really salute you ... hahaha

This drama is really very good and I really like how the production team is shooting (like they have the main stand alone frame stop)

Wow! I really like this I really hope IY and SH can be together in the end.

Hope the production team will not give audience fake hope that SS can be a changed man!! That will be a joke!!

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I'm not convinced that SS is the first lead, since a romance w/ SH was established at the very beginning of the series w/ lots of sexy sparks.  It seems more likely that the series is about IY's emotional growth and her learning to trust a new love.  I suspect there will be a breakup w/ SH for a while, because he feels betrayed on unappreciated, but that ultimately, IY will love him.

I hope what you said will come true too .....

Wishing ....

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in reality ... after 10 years of dating or marriage ... SH might just very well be another SS ... don't you think? :sweatingbullets:

That's the problem, right? IY feels she has a good relationship with SS and 10 years ago she wouldn't have expected him to be a cheater. And then going from man to man trying to find one that doesn't cheat isn't exactly plausible either so even if she decides to date SH, there's no guarantee he will be faithful. Plus the fact that he's willing to have an affair with her doesn't look good, IMO. If I were her, how would I trust that later on down the road, he won't have an affair with someone else?

Which is why I wouldn't blame IY if she decides to take SS back since he's mentioning marriage now. Sure, he decided to commit because he got caught cheating but I can understand if she takes him back.

And I didn't expect IY to take SH seriously when he really is just the cute, younger jnr who's interested in her... I too would have dated him to help lift my spirits up. But now that he is her boss, I wonder how things will change. I, too, want IY to get rid of SS and have wanted that since the beginning but I understand her feelings.

Once a cheater, always a cheater and even if it's selling oneself short, there are many people who turn a blind eye to the once-in-5-years affair if they feel they are getting something else out of the relationship. But then this person also risks STDs and pregnancies by other women.

Sobohomom2, the actor playing SS does get top billing but of course, that doesn't mean that he will end up with IY. It can just mean that he gets more screen time.

And based on all the romance novels/books/movies/dramas etc I have seen, outside of who's the lead actor, I do expect IY and SH to end up together. But let's see if this drama will fit the norm :D

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I finished reading 2nd part of the recaps ....

The more I read the more I am angry with SS ... He is such a jerk

He left his car at IY house so she will keep thinking of him ...

After he is back ....the way he sounded like that is so him

He had no fault at all ... Man he really dun sees he is at fault

I mean ppl changed as you go along but ....being a cheater is no way

Meaning when u are having an affair ... You are already not thinking abt IY

I like how SY said abt having sex .... Actually that is so true being 1st and later many times become a diff but there will come a point she will get sick and settle down.

Abt DS ....he is so mystery .... Is he interested in HJ

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phew finished! sorry for the wait.

this episode had so much i thought was important.

i might have to leave out the minor bits next recap.  

so sad that it's wednesday... longgg wait till monday...

w00t.gif You recapped again? Thank you SOOO MUCH! I love your description of our "puppy"...BTW, does anyone know of a pet shop I can buy one of those puppies at? laugh.gif He's adorable.  Didn't SS cheat before? I wonder why IY put up with it back then and how long ago it was. I think he showed his character early on when they were walking around and he was staring/drooling over other girls. I woulda kicked him to the curb then. Jerkface. fury.gif That's so insulting to a woman. 

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Rockmelon, thanks so much for your recap! I have nothing to go on until Dramafever does their upload - this weekend if I am lucky - so your recaps are very much appreciated!!

From what you have said, I am really liking the direction this drama is going in - very messy, very realistic. IY is not in a good situation... still in love with a man whose values are very different from her own. Sure, he is remorseful right now, but he has said quite plainly that he doesn't see anything wrong with being unfaithful. So it is just a matter of time before it happens again. And the way IY is, she will probably kick up a fuss and then forgive him again. This is the cycle they are in, and it may be comfy for him but I think it keeps her immature and lacking in self esteem.

And the second lead - doesn't matter if he is her boss/chaebol/good guy, doesn't matter how attentive and cute he is - realistically, it just won't work. Relationships can't work unless both parties have respect for the other and are on somewhat of an equal footing, The fact that he is six years younger (and this REALLY seems to matter to IY) and way more possessive and invested in their relationship means that IY does not have the necessary respect for him. She's chased after SS for ten years, and really doesn't like herself for it - so how is she going to respect another "chaser"?

I don't know where the drama is going to take this, but there has to be some major life changes, especially for IY, to change this relationship dynamic. I hate to say this, but the best thing for her might be for BOTH of them to dump her.

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Guest trixicopper

Haha! Are we discussing about Charlotte and Dr. Trey MacDougal repeat from SATC? I didn't have that in mind, but anything is possible at this point. Now, this possibility will loom in the back of my mind. If it does happen, then I'll get disappointed. I want Duk-soo to totally rock Charlotte's Hyun-joo's sex goddess world.

I think they are more Charlotte and Harry. :)

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Guest xoxdreamgurlazn209

sungsoo: i told you i didn't do it because i disliked you. you should know it better. how much did we love each other, how could i dislike you?

inyoung: it would have been good if you thought of me once at that time. at that time you totally forgot me right? something like me didn't even come into your mind right? was she[kanghee] so impressive?

[struggle hug]

sungsoo: i missed you.

inyoung: what do you want? what do you get out of doing this?

sungsoo: you

inyoung: you lost it, why look for it after throwing it in the bin?

sungsoo: if i get it again i'm definitely not going to lose it again{was double checking my writing and saw that i mistranslated this line, sorry guys~}. seriously. i'm sorry.

IY can not get over SS if he is not showing any sign of letting her go. I understand IY pain right now she's trying to get over him but deep down she can't let go because their love is so long. So she thinks of going out with SH will make things different but deep down she knows she haven't let SS go. SS is smart he knows right now IY is weak because she still show sign of concern to him. Although she say it won't happen again the way she act shows that she still care for him and that 1% hope is making him stick to her like glue. I know that many of you guys are worry about SH being like SS due to his willingness to have an affair with IY. I just think SH saw how SS was treating her and men do know how other men are thinking so when IY is struggling on wondering why SS is acting that way SH probably have a hinch something is going wrong. I think his willingness to have an affair with IY is to show her how much he would do to get with her and also want to show her that she deserve more then what SS is treating her. So now the truth is reveal SH is CEO now....i bet you IY going to throw a fist and say that he didn't tell her and then he was like I did but you didn't believe me. Most likely in the future SH and IY will have a tearful break up and IY is going to realize she love SH and SS is going to be her friend in the future.

For her buddies i want to see the development of the photographer and SY :D because SY is having something different the photographer isn't someone she can just have it's like a hate and love kind of thing haha so i can't wait. DUDE i feel like DS character is quite strange it's really hard to tell who is and how he is. What if he is like some undercover rich person and HJ keep on saying things like how dirty he is but deep down he's not but putting an act cause he don't want people to know who he is truly. LMAO

rockmelon123 THANK YOUUU SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR RECAP it made my day :) DUDE if i had a BF like SH i would be so happy but then again there's no such thing as a rich hot korean walking down in my college lmao xD but only if a guy can be like that i think most guys are like SS they want things they don't have but want to also keep the things they already own.

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I really like this drama. I like that it is different from the k-drama norm, and on some level more realistic.

I really dislike SS, what a jerk. at first on episode 7, I started to fall for his puppy dog eyes, and his sorrowful expression, then he had the gall to tell IY to not do something she will regret. WHAT !!!, who is he to tell her not to do anything, he was caught cheating. Not just with some random person, but the one person IY had insecurities about. So now he is messing with her heart and her head.

He wants to eat his cake and have it too, and loves that IY will be that girl who will always wait around for him, but then he can keep going after all these young girls that stroke his ego. Gah, what a richard simmons.

LOL, by the way if you haven't guess, you can see I am so into this drama. I need to find something to distract myself from looking for new subbed episodes.

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Guest BNSK

I don't think there is anything wrong with a guy looking. What guy doesn't look? It's when they touch that is the big issue. When he looks it's just like when IY goes out with her girlfriends and pretend that they are someone different and etc. They meet up with guys too.

10 years is a lot of time devoted. I could understand why it's taking her a long time to forget him. It reminds me of some of my friends and their first love. It's like they're no longer in love the way they use to be, but just comfortable with it each. Can you really forget something you invested a lot of your life to?

SH is sweet, but he's too immature. He's overly jealous. I can say in the beginning it's cute because it shows he cares a lot. But after awhile he'll be possessive.

Once a cheater is always a cheater. I will never forget this line: You can't change the weather so, why do you think you can change a man? Either you take him as is or find a new one.

I think in the end IY will end up back with SS, but it won't be easy like the previous time for SS. He'll have to prove to her that he is devoted only to her and no one else.

The young actress is annoying. Why the heck would I feel sorry for you when you are the one that declare war on me? You knew he was with someone else and yet you throw yourself at the guy. Most guy won't say no to something free. Even the most devoted guys are tempted. Like I tell my husband, I trust you, but I don't trust some girls. They'll do anything. No respect...No boundaries.

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DS is strange is an understatement, after watching 7 with subs, did you see how excited he got when he was introduced to Alex and then later whispering too HJ what the relationship was between Alex and IY. The only time a guy is interested in someone's relationship is when they have an interest in one of the parties involved.

I think that SH is being misunderstood about the affair, he only asked her that after she was whining about SS and KH. I for one think if you have been in a relationship for 10 years you deserve better, this is not the first time he cheated on her, He did it the fist time after 5 years. She keeps saying that this is the second time, but isn't it the third time. On the fist movie he did with KH he was telling her how sexy he thought KH was and how she was different from her, they broke up when she kissed him good bye under the street light. Within days she was reading in the paper how he was dating KH. He get's his first apartment and it's in the same building as KH. If that's not enough the secret get away takes place on the same date she lost her virginity to him on, she was all excited thinking he had remembered and had planned a special get away for them. Yeah she has 10 years vested in him but so what, she should be miserable the rest of her life over 10 years. She should have walked away the first time. Even if she stays with him what will change.

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Is hard to forget bat first love and moreover is already 10 years

there is nothing wrong abt SS looking at women but things get wrong when he cheat

Usually, in real life men like SS their marriage don't last ...

Anyway, back to the drama, SS just think abt himself and he don't spare a thought for the 2 women that he love.

How can he just disappear like that?

As for SH, I don't think he is very possessive ... He is giving IY alot of freedom

He don't show up when SS is at IY place ...although he could

He has not much say in this relationship as he know

He was hurt that even the basic politeness of IY is not concern abt him at all.

If everyday you are seeing each other, the r/s is not normal ..... Hahaha

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Guest xxxxx

I hope some kind souls out there are generous enough to upload the softsub of episode 7 (english subtitles) :)

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Guest xrunitsjenny

^ ep 7 is already out on dramafever!


OMG! i loveeeee this drama! <3 man i wish IY would just forget SS but i cant blame her cuz it was 10 yr relationship. SS just a pig! urghh! playing with both girl's heart. so selfish. if IY forgave him, he'll just cheat again with KH. SH is adorable <3 omg! so cute! it's sad tht IY doesnt he him as a man yet T___T! 

i'm waiting for ep 8! :)! ><! cant wait to watch. saw the screencaps and they look <3333333

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Guest thua

I'm so glad I discovered this gem of a series even though it's a cable drama that I probably wouldn't care to look into.

It's just too bad that it isn't as popular or noticed.

I find it slightly frustrating that they clearly put KJH as a lead (note: he's the biggest star on the show), but wrote his character beyond redemption, and at the same time, wrote CJH's character as if he was the lead instead. I don't know if this was their intention, but it really throws your expectations off the rails, and makes you wonder how this story will end by episode 16.

My favourite character has got to be Hyun Joo. I've never seen any character like her in dramas before. She's realistic, smart, independent, and although she doesn't have "experience", she's still not the naive and dumb character that other dramas like to often write.

My least favourite character is Seo Yeon. I don't find her story particularly interesting. It feels very typical. Both her character and her story seem very predictable.

I love Yeo Jung (her character too obviously)! She's so adorable, it's so hard not to like her. I liked that they showed her acting out of it after it settled in that she wasn't so "normal" and "okay" about the break-up. Very realistic that she would feel bad that SS wasn't "feeling" enough about their break-up.

I just hope they don't wreck SH's character and make him out to be this possessive hoobae who isn't mature enough to deal with the relationship. That would ruin the drama for me.

I really don't think SS's character can ever redeem himself to deserve IY.

Also, what are they planning on doing with KH now? She's kind of left there for now since SS is trying to win back IY.

I also found it very weird that IY concluded that KH loved SS more than her. What was up with that?

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I think that IY deserves SS because she allows him to treat her that way. Yeah of course it hurts, of course there's pain especially when you've been with a person for 10 years...but I think IY is using the 10 years just as an excuse because she's afraid of changes and new love. So until IY learns to love herself, value herself and courage for change..she will be stuck in the same cycle with SS until she learns to completely let him go. I hope the scriptwriters actually make sure IY have character growth...because if at the end she stays with SS...it will be a repetition of SS cheating, feeling sorry that he got CAUGHT and not the fact that he cheated and IY crying and feeling betrayed. So, please scriptwriters...allow IY some dignity and make sure she dump SS for good! :)

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