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♛ BIGBANG ♛ The Official 빅뱅 Thread ★彡[ Ver. 3 ]

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest sabchy

this is such a sad news.

him being guilty for the death or not being guilty this will stay with him forever

he must be having such a hard time and with all antis talking bad it must be even worse

stay strong Daesung and please dont do anything stupid

그 많던 친구들 다 떠나도

여기 난 네 옆에 계속 서 있을거야

Baby dont cry

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Guest koreanfan74


If you have any ME2DAY account, please show support on Daesung's ME2DAY because it seems that

ANTIS are spamming him w/ messages being a murderer. This is getting out of hand. Please



I am so mad to hear that ANTIs are spamming him as a murderer. Unfortunately, i am not Korean, i do not have me2day account. The Antis are so cruel. If they keep doing like that to Daesung, he will be worse. Beside the me2day, do you know how can i support Daesung :(

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Guest naturefairy


If you have any ME2DAY account, please show support on Daesung's ME2DAY because it seems that

ANTIS are spamming him w/ messages being a murderer. This is getting out of hand. Please



poor daesung,too bad i'm not korean & i did not have a ME2DAY acc..this sick ANTIS is crazy,they keep doing on stupid things without really thinking about the outcome..this is one of the reason why celebrities in Korea been having a hard time,

dear ANTIS..celebrities are humans and we prone to make mistakes,even you lot make mistakes in your life..pls get a life and leave Daesung alone !!!!!!! :angry: :angry:

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Guest koreanfan74

VIPs, I am so scared right now. Can we do something to let Daesung know that we always believe and support him. I do not want the ANTIS suffer him any more. I just hear that there are three suicides in just one week. I know there is nothing to do with Daesung but I am very scared that the ANTIS and the media are hurting OUR DAESUNG.

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Guest ChauDinh

I hope YG family will stay by Dae Sung's side and support him, sympathizes with him, give him vital advise to help him overcome this bad situation and face with harsh comment by anti fans.

I hope nothing will get worsen, poor him, he always bring smile to everyone, now who can bring smile to him >__<

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Guest dada

The news totally shocked me because

being involved in such case is something big,something

emotional and sensitive.

But I'm glad that the truth is coming to light bits & bits.

R.I.P to the deceased motorcyclist & will pray

that the person who hit you will be found eventually.

I don't care about those antis because

haters gonna hate anyway. tongue2.gif What's more we VIPs are trying ways

& means to support and believe him through this.

The thing that I worry the most is the guys & well-being

of Daesung. STAY STRONG KANG DAESUNG~! blush.gif

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There are some really soulless heartless vultures in this world I will tell you that. Everything is a game to them. They won't even drop the pathetic anti-ing even when peoples lives are on the line. It's very sick and they need to evaluate what kpop has done to them and their morals or lack thereof. Or maybe its like I have thought all along and these antis have a mental capacity of a two year old and thats why they act such a way even when a person has died.

I swear if anything happens to Dae as a result of these idiots. That is it for me and kpop.

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Guest vstephaniew

this is killing me... I need to know the real thing before this day ends... i wish the outcome is in favor of daesung please please i know he is a good man... DAMN! why does these things happen to good people :( and RIP to the motorcyclist... Condolence to his family and friends... may the truth come out quickly coz everyone's suffering right now physically and emotionally even us, fans...

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Guest shinhdeplol

[PHOTOS] Big Bang Lotte Duty Free Website Ads

Click the spoiler to view the photos. Idt its appropriate for such happy photos to be displayed here.

OMG Im so sad :tears:



C: bestiz+dbcc // samigd @ ibigbang

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Guest N72788

This is definitely not the kind of news i wanted to see when i woke up earlier this morning. I hope that everything clears out fast, and Daesung could finally put his mind to rest because i know that he must be feel really bad right now. Of course i don't know him personally, but from what i see..he's the type that keeps everything bottle up inside and just like what Hyori said...It makes me really worried.

My sincere condolences to the motorcyclist and his family.

I hope that everyone that was involved his this tragic accident can overcome this difficult time.

Please be strong Daesung!

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Guest juang_bb

well... hello there my fellow VIPS! wow, i dont even know where and how to start. i've been MIA for like, over a week now right? just got back from vacation and being in the middle of the sea yesterday and this is certainly not how i imagined my "im back!" post and greetings to be like.

i was supposed to just start back reading the almost 20 pages i missed, but with what just happened, i cant bring myself to pay attention to anything else. i dont even want to see previous updates and vids for im afraid i wont enjoy them since my heart breaks for Daesung, and i feel for the family.

condolences to the deceased and his family, i can only imagine how painful it is to lose a loved one so sudden. also, i am worrying a lot for Daesung. Hyori already said it, he's the type who bottles it all up inside him and even if the death was not directly his fault, im afraid he'll blame himself and will scar him forever. In 2009, he said himself that he felt he was being punished coz he always complained, what more now that he run over a person? even if the guy was already dead at that time. The john teshin ANTI's who take advantage of the situation, sorry cant help but curse them, john tesh YOU ALL for calling Dae a murderer! like seriously? HOW? he and the taxi driver were 2 unfortunate people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. it is even sadder that people are so quick to judge. i felt a bit of relief when he was cleared of DUI. 10mph over? sorry, but that's how I normally drive too especially at night so im not going to be a hypocrite and judge & say Dae was stupid for speeding. hey, most cops wont even pull you over for driving 10mph over. speeding is still a violation, agree but i just personally cant with people who judge him for it and say he disappointed them, turned their backs on him, bash him or even call him irresponsible. isnt he taking responsibility now? if anything, i feel proud that at least Daesung got the balls and man enough to take responsibility, help the driver whom he thought he hit and cooperated fully with the police and he wasnt under the influence unlike other people who drinks and drive and runs away like a coward.

ahh..i dont know anymore. right now, im just waiting for the final report. so many speculations and im just really aching for Daesung. it is an ACCIDENT. it could have happened to anyone. no matter how good you are, no matter how safe you are on the road, there are millions others who aren't and when it happens, it happens. it really is just heartbreaking to me and some fellow VIPS i know, WHY OF ALL PEOPLE, IT IS DAESUNG WHO HAS TO DEAL WITH THESE ACCIDENTS. he's just some of the nicest people around and it's really sad to see him go through this.



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Guest my11

The antis will do what they actually do best and that is "dehumanizing" someone, but i hope and pray to GOD that HE prevail to Deasung where the demons is surrounding him right now....i hope KVIP will do something bout it and us whose far away from him could only pray sincerely to GOD that he will get through this....

I'm in shock too, and scared for him, knowing how he takes all the blame makes me anxious every hour that passes by.

Deasung, were here for you, please be strong for you and your family and to us, your VIP's...

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Guest nadiahahn


so Daesung, you can go through all this. we believe in you.

be strong. dont forget about people that loves you.

we are all supporting you

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Guest my11

I am staying away from AKP right now since commentators there are playing pointing game without official reports whether Dae did or did not cause the man's death... We shouldn't assume anything right now because this is a serious matter.. one man already died and another one is on the line.. why can't we be reasonable about this topic and wait for official to really tell us of what's really going on? We shouldn't point a finger right now...

I think we should stay there and defend deasung from people judging him...if nobody defend him others will read it and will eventually assumed that he really is guilty...people who can read korean could probably update those haters that this and that happens and so on...we cant let this people do their way, i believe comment they post can harm deasung's credibility and his emotional state which is very important...at least, this all we could do for our deasung...somehow as i read through the comments in there, most are positive now and hope it will stay on like that....

VIP's, crisis like this, is when we all need to do something and help our BIG BANG...so we will say BRING IT ON!!!!


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Guest Lila90

AKP is being ridiculous. They are just looking for more comments without waiting for more information and they have posted two different articles with completely different information.  We should all wait until we learn more information. Can I just say it makes me sick that some people are using this tragedy to justify disturbing comments. I hope Daesung is not alone right now tbh tears.gif

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Guest shinhdeplol


C: HuisuYoon @ twitter

I hope his family and the other members are by his side now. Please keep him away from the Internet and comfort him :(

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Guest chizse

At first, R.I.P the motorcyclists

I almost but i don't cry. In order to support someone else i must to be strong.

It's suck because some stupid anti who shouted that Korean showbiz will never forgive him or he's suck or he's a bad person or some stupid kind like this. I wondering do they grown up enough to understand the world that is out of human's control and this is the world we are living in. He try made accident, didn't he??? Could they think about their idols or themselves was in the same case ?

According a lot of conflicting articles, they all reported that Dae asked how the taxi driver feel at this moment he hit the taxi that demonstrate he even didn't know anything about the dead body did lie on the road already this time.

OK! Nothing was say for sure until now but believe me, i sure Dae is a good person who face with his fault and honest with his behaviour. It's so weird if you say the young boy who has his own bible around is a murderer. It will make you become madman . No doubt.

Whenever over the world, any nation, any language always exists the phrase what was call by English is "believe". Trust me, you won't make any sin if you believe who you love and V.I.P don't have to consider about supporting our Smiling Cat.

Even though something's awful happen, he will safe in my heart as a part of me. No matter what wrong he did, be a real man and face with his fault. That only one i expect from a 22 years old boy.

Oh~ but did i say something superfluous, didn't i ?!!! ^_^ You guys absolutely know the truth of this complicate accident. It's almost clear now.

I hope Daesungie will overcome this horribleness.

Pray for the motorcyclists! For the truth! And particularly for Daesungie!!!!

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Guest wanderlove


It seems like staying away on that site is the best thing right now.. Even if we write and reply every person who says the situation is this and that, especially the worst scenarios that hasn't been reported by the officials, we can't change their minds.. anti's are antis. they are hardheaded as we are as fans. We can't do anything....

We can write and inform them the right information but they'll just twist our words and accuse us of something...

I don't want to force them when they know and can read about the information themselves.. It is their choice to be misinformed.. but we know at the end of the day that the information is right on their faces and we just have to wait for the actual/officials reports and pray for the better...

Fighting daesung.. and be strong...

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Guest beiusung

stay here with you guys make me feel better.....................

listen VIPZ and KPOP lover if you believe in Dae please leave your words at BIGBANG writting contest for Dae

award is not a matter YG and the Boys will read this , i think soompi may can help us

He is a good kid God please protect him i'm begging you

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Very emotional over this. My prayers go to the family of the deceased motorcyclist. It's such an unfortunate event. They have it worst because they just had a loved one snatched away from them so fast over an accident. His family is no doubt grieving for his loss. My condolences to them.

When I got online today, I never expected to see Daesung and accident in the same sentence in a tweet again. In 2009, I got the same news and pretty much couldn't function for most of the week. Shocked, scared and a lot of other things right now. Already told this to lots of people, but Daesung is the member of Big Bang I'm most protective of because of his nature - he doesn't fight back. Lee Hyori described Daesung's nature best - he does a lot of self- blame even for his own accident in 2009. So I don't get antis at all. What do they get with calling Daesung a murderer? And attacking him in his worst and lowest moment. It's like kicking a defenseless puppy who won't even bite back. Considering Dae's personality, he'll be his greatest persecutor. He'll go through the days, weeks and years knowing he hit a person and might have caused his death. That's a ghost you can't escape. I hope YG and everyone in Big Bang support him fully and show a united front so that people know that Daesung is not alone in this and that those going against him will also have to deal with them. YG, if you supported GD during his ordeal in 2009, please be vocal about your support for Daesung as well. He needs your guidance right now.

So far, the reports have been conflicting and there are no solid answers to our questions. From some news, they said the autopsy could take a month. But there seems to be something positive in that there's no DUI charges and that most likely, no imprisonment. Seems like Daesung is mostly at fault only for over speeding. Right now, the best we can do as fans is wait and pray and hope that everything turns out all right.

For people who are hating, judging. You weren't there. Your guess are only as good as ours. Please keep an open mind and wait until the facts are in. Then, judge. And always, always put yourself in the position of other people you are judging. Compassion is a good trait to learn. If there's anything to learn in all this, it's that idols are as fragile and human as all of us are. Judge them as you would yourself.

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