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♛ BIGBANG ♛ The Official 빅뱅 Thread ★彡[ Ver. 3 ]

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest wanderlove

I kinda agree on KimJongKookie... I feel like they're pushing the full blame on Daesung when we don't know yet if he's the one who cause the death of their son.. I read somewhere in tumblr that when you read the things the family said on Daesung it's much harsher than the one translated in English.. it said that one family even "scold him to bow down more sincerely" .. what?!?! another one told him to apologize implying not to hide behind his company.. i hate how everyone are doing this to him.. Daesung is already carrying so much burden about this accident and they're still pushing and pushing more...

I know Dae has faults on the accident too.. but are they forgetting that there's someone other than Dae who caused the accident first?

I am glad though that Daesung came out of his room... but i feel sadness because of his mental and physical situation.. I've been observing Daesung since they came back.. after his accident on 2009.. and I have this feeling that he became quieter compared to the 2008 comeback.. There are times that I feel like he's all alone..even though he's with the other members having fun and enjoying themselves, I feel like he's holding himself back.. I said to myself that he have matured and stuff... but I felt like the 2009 accident factored into that.. They were planning a comeback on that year too.. but the accident happened.. I felt like he started blaming himself for it.. and again, this happened.. they are planning for another come back again.. and.... I don't want him to blame himself for this again..

This accident might push him to hold himself back some more.. shut down everything.. be more quieter.. I don't want Daesung to become a shadow of himself.. I want him as the Daesung that I know, have watched from the first moment they stepped on and off the stage...

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Guest peppermintsugar

Some people on Tumblr are completely out of control, though. The policing and emotion assignment going on there is out of this would and extremely inappropriate. A family just lost someone dear to them and Daesung is having to deal with it. Do you think it's easy for anyone? Both sides are hurting and both sides are acting out and don't know how to act appropriate - but time will tell and heal.

I don't think it's fair how people are lashing out towards the family for perhaps being callous towards Daesung. They lost someone dear to them, and all they're trying to do is reach out and find a sense of settlement and acceptance in their time of need. There was never any blame placement in the article, and they acknowledged Daesung's pain and torment - that is fair.

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

Why ISN"T THE FREAKING POLICE CHASING FOR THE HIT AND RUN PERSON!!! This makes me so irritated!!!...But if Dae paying for the funeral will help him feel better in anyway, then I'm fine with it...I'm glad that he's finally getting out of his room, but I know he's probably still very scared physically and mentally...I just hope the best for him and his YG Family members can stay by his side...And of course, this will take some time for all of them including us VIPs to heal....

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Guest Lila90

I'm proud of Daesung for doing something that was emotionally draining but the right thing and YG for  trying to protect him as much as possibletears.gif I wish people would stop attacking him though and the police would focus on finding the hit and run driver. I'm worried about Daesung's mental health

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Guest juang_bb

just gotta say this since i see a lot of people asking why the police aren't looking for the hit&run guy. the thing is, the only fact that the police have right now is that the victim was passed out in the middle of the road at night, several feet away from his motorcycle, bleeding profusely on the head. a prior hit and run accident at this point is just one of the many possibilities as to why the victim have ended up like that. a speculation. logically for the police, they cant focus their efforts into finding where or who that hit&run culprit is coz there might be none. i do agree though that instead of just centering their investigation as to whether the victim died prior to Dae's or not, they should focus on finding out WHY and HOW the victim ended up like that in the first place. eitherway, whether there really is a hit&run prior to the incident or not, Daesung is still not solely to be blamed for it.

i just feel for all the parties involved. this has just been very tragic and it has been very difficult for both parties. tbh, we're all outsiders here looking in. i know we've all been very emotional about this too but we're not them. just like how i dont think it's right for people to be self-righteous and tell Daesung what he should have done coz they weren't there, we can't judge how both parties deal with the circumstances because no matter how we try to put ourselves in their shoes, we can't feel even half the pain both the family and Daesung have been going through.

it's an emotional time for everyone so i hope we can still keep an open mind. conflicting views will be common from hereon out but i hope we don't lose the respect for the family, daesung and for each other.

lastly, again, my prayers goes out to the deceased, his family, daesung and all the parties involved including the investigators and the police.

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Guest samosvetleee

just for the heads up ^^.

*quoted image*

TOP posted this picture back in 2008 and labeled it as “Baby and me~♥”

Underneath the picture he wrote, “Kwon Ji Yong, are you looking at this?? Seungri is now mine kkkkk”

GD replied it with: “Choi Seung Hyun, go to hell…delete this picture immediately…

Credit: jwalkervip@tumblr

Before being Photoshoped..{tweet-cap}


Credit : @mystifize

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Guest beiusung

i wonder if the police think about the case that the motorcylist might suicide, since his body kinda far away from his motobike ,not much  damage on it    and his helmet was not with him either, don't you think that it may be possible? and he was hit ............. i don't know i do not try to be detective but ... if it was that case ........

i'm sorry i watched k drama

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Guest dmingz

there are 5 stages of coping with death

1. Denial

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Each person goes through these stages in different pace and what happened at each stage help the to advance from 1 stage to another. We should be understanding to all parties who is going through these stages and not pass judgements so quickly. Rem, in an emotional state, we all say things we did not mean and come to regret later.

I do agree, that YG should have privately contacted the family earlier to express their condolences on behalf of Daesung, since he is not in the mental capacity to do so and explain the situation. Isn't that basic manners? talking to media and public before that is rather.... inpersonal.

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Guest samosvetleee

{NEWS}YG Life Update: Apology to the victim and his family ..


Translation: “I (we) apologize deeply to the family members of the one who departed due to an unfortunate accident and pray that he may rest in peace.

The update yesterday about the accident was edited and it only shows now the part regarding 2NE1's new song. I guess the text above is in replacement of the long and detailed explanation YG posted, which some netizens criticized.

News article:

"Daesung, even if i were you, that situation would have been hard to avoid."

This is what Yang Hyunsuk of YG Entertainment put up on the company blog on June 2nd. Is this really for Daesung’s good?

Daesung was involved in a fatal car accident.

But, based on his interviews and his blog, YG Entertainment’s Yang Hyunsuk seems to be only interested in protecting Daesung.

One netizen stated, “You shouldn’t use people’s emotions on matters such as fatal incidents. Rather, accurate circumstances should be found and just punishments should be made. This is mandatory, considering the deceased, and there are many people in the world who didnt mean to be in an accident,” criticizing the way YG is responding to this accident.

Another netizen stated, “It is only humane that you come out, apologize, ask for forgiveness, and visit the deceased’s family,” asking Daesung to come out of his room and sincerely apologize to the deceased and the deceased’s family. (Note: This article was posted before Daesung visited yesterday.)

Other netizens stated, “The media is going faster than the police; reports should be made after police makes accurate investigations and decisions.” 

Source : YG Life +Newsen

Translation : toptopia

Credit : @bigbangupdates

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Guest YBLOVE87

Let me start off by saying, Hello to my fellow VIPs! Reading your words of encouragement for Daesung truly inspires me. It makes me proud to be an international fan and it reminds why I never strayed from BB. The effort everyone here on Soompi is putting forth to let Daesung know that "we are VIPs and we will never stop believing in him, even when he stops believing in himself" has left me speechless and humbled. I am humbled by everyone and the unconditional love VIPs offer at a time of need. Thank you!

Ok! Brace yourself..this is where the venting begins. :blink:

I am honestly FRUSTRATED with the situation as a whole. I tried to stay away and refrain from voicing my opinion but If feels as if the more I avoid the issue the more I become frustrated. I honestly, PRAYED for the victim and his family. I cried for them not even knowing them personally b/c I UNDERSTAND how hurtful it must be to lose a child.

After reading the translated statements and articles from YG, the taxi driver & the Korean police department, I still do not fully blame Daesung for this accident. Call me crazy but Daesung did what he was suppose to do. He pulled over and asked if the taxi driver was o.k, not knowing the motorcyclist was even there until he was informed otherwise. Daesung was not person who left the victim for dead! Someone else did and yet people are more focused on Daesung then this person he caused the hit and run accident. He may be an Idol but he is still human! Give him some credit and stop painting him as if he intended for this to happen.He just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, there was a life lost! And yes, it is tragic. But why don't the Korean Police Department focus on finding there real perpetrator?

At this point the POLICE are useless. People keep saying, be patient,wait.. and as much as I am and trying to not be bias..I am truly angry at how this is being handle by the police. LOGICALLY the police should go after the person who hit the victim first, even if that person did not kill the victim he still deserves some JAIL time. And if you ask me, MOST OF THE BLAME!!! I can see how much this is weighing on both parties, but it seems like people are forgetting the person who caused this and since Daesung happens to be there, they are putting all effort into blaming him for something he couldn't help. My next question is, if Daesung is PROVED not to be the victims killer, "will this proof now make the police go after the real perpetrator?". if so, then lets pray its not too late.

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Well one things for sure if there was a hit & run person, I don't think they are ever going to come forward. Just look at how they are treating Daesung who has no type of troubled past, goes to church regularly, and is basically in shock and grief over the POSSIBILITY of killing Mr.Hyun. At this rate that person would probably be beaten to a pulp if they even tried to open their mouth to apologize for a hit & run. 

All I know is that if the autopsy comes back that he was dead beforehand they have GOT to give Daesung some slack. He doesn't deserve to carry the full weight of all this.

I hope Daesung starts eating soon and that good reports will start coming.

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Guest echoRy

it's unbelievable how self-righteous netizens can get specially when an idol is involved in a scandal.

criticizing how something is written or said or expressed, acting as if they're clean as white sheets -

never having made mistakes in their own lives and are perfect little beings!

i don't pray very much, but my god i'm gonna pray for both Dae and the deceased. i just keep asking

myself why this happened to that poor motorist, and why of all people Dae was the one driving on that

road at that time, on that day!!! why! why! why!

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Guest last_farewell

I know this is more of a cultural difference than anything, but ITA. Its like everyone is forgetting about the hit & run person/ accident before hand and everything and I do mean EVERYTHING is being put on Dae. I guess they are hurting and have to take it out on someone and Dae was indeed involved so.....

However there is one thing I'm disappointed in and that's YG officials  making excuses to the parents.  Speed? really Who gives a mini cooper!!! they  just lost there son, they don't need to hear that.

sigh. I'm trying to brace myself because it just seems like its only getting worse. All these descriptions of Daes mental condition sounds like hes about to go into complete shutdown and its scaring me.

I don't know what I will do if he.... I just can't handle that.

gotta agree with you on this one. i wondered why they are not asked about the accident prior. why are there no questions about it. maybe its not appropriate but they made it look like Daesung is solely responsible for it. like you said, maybe they are hurting. i'll be looking forward to what the parties (victim's family, media and YG) gotta say when the official result is out. don't tell me people (esp the family) are gonna keep quite if daesung is proven innocent (i mean, they gotta speak up and restore daesung's lost morale). anyway @KimJongKookie, YG officials were not making excuses to the parents. it's YG excuses to the press (i think they are refering to the post at YGLife). lets continue to pray for daesung. hope he reads our messages.

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Guest samosvetleee

{NEWS}Jung Suk Won's girlfriend, Baek Ji Young, says T.O.P is her ideal type


It was just recently revealed that singer Baek Ji Young is now dating actor, Jung Su Kwon.

On the June 2nd broadcast of the KBS variety show, Happy Together, Baek Ji Young revealed that his ideal type is actually BIGBANG's T.O.P. She said, "I pay attention to T.O.P and he is my current ideal type."

Source: Nate

Translations by Rice @ bigbangupdate

Credit : @bigbangupdates

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Yes all we can do is pray and hope to see his smile again one day. I'm trying to be more optimistic because good energy rubs off. right? Daesung will okay!!! *repeats over and over again*

Oh thank god some distraction news!

BJY is real bold to say that while she has a man. lol you know thats going to be all in his head while they are...."is she thinking about him instead of me" the answer is yes of course.

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what happen to innocent until proven guilty? I understand the victim's family lost a son but THEY must know that it is not Daesung who caused the death. Daesung just happen to be there at the wrong place and at the wrong time. I hope that the autopsy report could be out soon so that his innocence can be proven otherwise daesung will be living his life miserably.

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what happen to innocent until proven guilty? I understand the victim's family lost a son but THEY must know that it is not Daesung who caused the death. Daesung just happen to be there at the wrong place and at the wrong time. I hope that the autopsy report could be out soon so that his innocence can be proven otherwise daesung will be living his life miserably.

Well this is Korea. Sadly while there's a lot of things to love about the Korean culture theres also a lot of unfortunate differences that we just have to accept. Even if he is technically cleared of not killing him the media will probably never let him completely live it down. Thats just the way it is. Like I said hard times are ahead no matter what the report says so we should just brace for a lot of hate and unfairness, but also pull together to show our love for Dae.

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