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Park Yong Ha 박용하

Guest babypink3397

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Guest yulie81

Wow, looking at all the guests who came to see Park Yong Ha for the last time; it made me crying. Park Yong Ha had so many friends in the entertainment industry and it seemed like his death affected many friends. All of his friends sao upset and for sure I would miss him. He was among one of the most favorite Korean actor and I like his acts in Loving You with Eugene. May you will have good a peaceful life. GBU.

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Guest yuzupeach21

I woke up this morning just to find a text message from my friend, "a korean actor from winter sonata just comitted suicide"...i feel my heart just suddenly stopped and my feet feel very weak. I quickly searched the net and there it was... :tears:

I couldn't believe it, just like the rest of us, that are left behind with questions and tears. Suddenly I want to hear his voice, his singing, so I opened youtube video of him singing at his, as from right now, last concert. I couldn't finished watching without crying.

Just a few days ago, I explored my laptop. I began exploring pictures' folder of my favourite artists. There is one under the name "PYH".

I met him once in Singapore. He was promoting his first album by then. He's the very first Korean star that I got to meet, and I was in a daze. He's gorgeous and very warm :tears:

I always think that he has one of the most adorable smiling eyes. They are like the shape of crescent moon. I'd like to think that he's not gone...he's just going somewhere very far, ahead of us, and waiting there. Because his smile has never left my memory. RIP.

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i am in complete shock to hear this news!

why did he choose to go...how is his parents gonna take it?!

this suicide thing is gonna stop...one after another =(

what is happening to korea?


you will be remember T.T

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Guest Mariposa28

soo sad,saw this news this morning,couldn't believe it

can't stop crying,


may you rest in peace

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Guest purpleZ

When I first read the headlines, I thought "Is it that Park Yong Ha?? It can't be!" it turned out to be the Park Yong Ha. I'm sooooo shocked! R.I.P...

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Guest pamsy531

This is just hard to contemplate...It's so sad..so unfair...so may question..why ..why..why???


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I find it hard to accept this news. I never expected that Park Yong-ha will leave us so suddenly in his career peak. RIP, you will surely be missed.

I really hope something should be done to avoid suicides, especially in K-Entertainment.

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Guest ireneoscar7

goodbye park yong ha. rest in peace. thank you for giving us your best gifts. may God be with you.

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Guest didibabez1

He wasn't suppose to end like this. Whatever he was going through, I hope he's finally found peace with the lord. May you rest in peace PYH. You will be deeply missed.

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Guest butwal

I was so happy Yesterday to know that my favourite actress YEH is to make a comeback with the drama along with Park Young Ha..i was literally jumping all over the place and this morning i went to Allkpop site and saw Young Ha's picture and even without reading the title i thought the news was about the new drama he is starring in but when i read the title i was so shocked i could not believe it at first.. this is sooo sad. I am still on denial cant believe that he committed suicide..May he rest in peace..this is so unfair..he was so young there was still a long way to go for him.and the more shocking is that no one knows the exact reason why he committed suicide..his friends thought that there wasnt anything wrong..May he rest in peace.

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Guest fivemagic

I was so shocked when I heard that PYH was found dead. He was a good actor and singer. He truly will be missed by all family, friends, and loved ones. My condolences to Park Yong Ha's family and friends.

R.I.P. Park Yong Ha!!

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Guest Lilazinprincess


My condolences to his family, friends, and fans. :tears:

Words cannot describe how sad I feel about this lost.

Korea needs to address this issue immediately. I would dare call this a slow epidemic.

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Guest liverw

I am also very sad and shocked to hear of PYH's passing. I enjoyed his dramas and watching his career develop over the years.

As someone who had insomnia and depression for 2 years, I can somewhat relate to PYH's pain. Great stress can cause insomnia. Sleeping pills are not a long term solution - for me and many others, sleeping pills can be physically and mentally addicting and can cause depression. When you are depressed, you can't think straight and you feel so bad you just want to end the pain by dying. At one point I was also suicidal but kept going because I didn't want to leave my two children motherless.

There are cures though, and I'm thankful I found one and am back to my normal, happy self. First, one has to believe that the depression and insomnia will pass. Second, find a good sleep specialist doctor to help you get off the sleeping pills and a good therapist to help you deal with the stress. Set boundaries and do things that make you happy. Get good sleep habits and a set sleeping schedule. If your anxiety about sleep keeps you up, try cognitive behavioral modification. I was very lucky to have friends,family and doctors who I could confide in and who helped me through these tough times.

I wish I could have shared with this PYH, but it's too late. Please pass this on to others who may be having similar problems.

I pray that PYH is at peace now, and give my deepest sympathy to his family and friends.

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Guest nana544

Although I'm not a huge fan of him, he was a very great actor in Loving You. I don't understand why he decided to commit suicide and as a fan I probably will never know the real reason why. He was a talented and an amazing singer and I will always remembered him as that. May he rest in peace and I hope that this particular madness of suicide among the Korean stars will stop. May God be with his family, friends, and loved ones through these hardships. God bless all.

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