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[Drama 2011] My Love By My Side 내 사랑 내 곁에


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Guess what?!  I'm not even watching the drama.  I'm just having a great time reading the discussions here.  Of course, it's especially and always entertaining when baduy 'is in the house'.  :w00t:

Eh . . .  what's with the the white telephone cord that doesn't match the rest of the phone?  I think the production companies are economizing again.  Over in "Indomitable Daughters-in-law", I commented that the Director's office looked like it was in the props warehouse.  I hope things don't get as bad as in "Tales of Junghwa and Hongryeon", where I attributed the wardrobe as being from Goodwill and the decor was an empty storeroom.  Just as baduy has on this drama, he was our savior on that drama, too.  His comments were not only information and insightful, but, also down-right hilarious.  :D

Thanks for giving me much to laugh about in this thread.  :)

You ain't never lied, you should see the bedding in SB mom's bedroom and how it clashes with the furniture and the wall's,and was that PitaPat that had the globes on the desk, a small one then a tiny one. 

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Guest relly

Hi Everyone,

My Love By My Side Episode 23 and 24 English Soft-Sub Subtitle are out.


My Love By My Side 1-24 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1260-my-love-by-my-side-2011

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Am I gonna get charge for the 3G I am in NYC and have sprint unlimited plan

You don't need to worry about this one occasion, you won't have used all that much bandwidth.

But anyone who is thinking of watching SBS TV or any similar relatively good quality video for a long time at a stretch over 3G (rather than WiFi) needs to read the small print on their contract. I don't think any providers offer truly all-you-can-eat 3G data packages nowadays. "Unlimited" is usually marketing-speak for "No stated limit, but subject to a 'fair use' policy" And 'fair use' will be defined somewhere else in the small print, along with what happens if they think the amount of bandwidth you're using isn't 'fair'. That may involve throttling you back to 2G speeds, limiting the hours of the day when you are connected, or "inviting" you to switch to a "more suitable" package where usage is metered. That all differs from company to company.

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IBELIS, that was funny laying in front of MS's door.

I doubt if she'd settle for a solution involving such personal discomfort and so easily circumvented by some careful stepping-over. More likely, she'd assign that bidabble husband of hers to get out the bricks and mortar during MS' first night in residence and brick her bedroom door up, Edgar Allen Poe fashion (as in The Cask of Amontillado). Then she'd hang that dime-store reproduction of an Impressionist painting that her brother-in-law used to have in his study before he hung up little YW's artwork in its place on the resulting new wall, and no-one would be the wiser. Finally, sticking a post-it note saying "Gone to study abroad." on the refrigerator door would prevent anyone seriously wondering where MS was. Granny isn't going to notice that a whole room of her house has suddenly disappeared. The only rooms she recognizes are her own (no furniture apart from the unmistakeable uber-grotesque nouveau-riche landline phone) and JJ's (the one where the decor clashes give her a violent migraine attack if she so much as peeks in). And if SR comes a-calling, he'll stoically accept that when a gal's gotta go study abroad, she's gotta go study abroad. Nothing that a five minute OST-accompanied Miserable Walking Along Sequence followed by a gallon or so of soju won't fix.

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I doubt if she'd settle for a solution involving such personal discomfort and so easily circumvented by some careful stepping-over. More likely, she'd assign that bidabble husband of hers to get out the bricks and mortar during MS' first night in residence and brick her bedroom door up, Edgar Allen Poe fashion (as in The Cask of Amontillado). Then she'd hang that dime-store reproduction of an Impressionist painting that her brother-in-law used to have in his study before he hung up little YW's artwork in its place on the resulting new wall, and no-one would be the wiser. Finally, sticking a post-it note saying "Gone to study abroad." on the refrigerator door would prevent anyone seriously wondering where MS was. Granny isn't going to notice that a whole room of her house has suddenly disappeared. The only rooms she recognizes are her own (no furniture apart from the unmistakeable uber-grotesque nouveau-riche landline phone) and JJ's (the one where the decor clashes give her a violent migraine attack if she so much as peeks in). And if SR comes a-calling, he'll stoically accept that when a gal's gotta go study abroad, she's gotta go study abroad. Nothing that a five minute OST-accompanied Miserable Walking Along Sequence followed by a gallon or so of soju won't fix.

OMG, you are MOST hilarious.I am at work and I suddenly started laughing out loud (super unprofessional) people looked up wondering what in the world is HER problem!! The ridiculousness of the situation made me laugh even more. You really hit my funny bone . It is not just you are funny it is the really witty way you phrase things. I excused myself and told the waiting clients my friend sent me a really funny joke so sorry for disturbing you.....It really isn't as bad as it sounds it is just seeing all these somber faces and envisioning the bricked up space with the painting hung, SB stumbling drunk drowning himself in soju( feeling oh so sorry for himself) and JJ's horriblly styled sitting room( looks like my grand daughter and her barbie friends designed it she's 7) just seemed to crack me up.Thank baduy for the laugh of the day. :w00t:

edit : Thanks relly,semifly and cococrust for the download links

Hey AuntieMame, you should start to watch with us (it's pretty good along baduy's help)

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For various reasons, I don't think I'll be contributing more subs and edits to the darksmurfsub site for this drama. Basically, my approach to drama translation doesn't really go down well with some fansubbers, and they get unhappy when I change subs they've already translated, edited and QC'd.rather than just filling in the gaps where they're still stuck. Unfortunately, I find it hard to leave existing translations alone when they strike me as inaccurate or stylistically/idiomatically not quite appropriate. For anyone who's interested, the eps on dss where I have translated some parts and corrected others on dss are 13-16 and 18.

What I have done over the past few days is make my own subs of ep 19 from scratch, with my own timing and translations. These subs are synched to the 450p HAN release available on Am-A and elsewhere.

This was mainly to see how long it would take me. The only other Kdrama subbing project I've completed all on my own, City of Glass, wasn't really a good guide to that because I already knew that drama back to front and had spot-translated loads of it long before I came so sub it, so a lot of the spadework was done before I created any subs. Subbing a drama that's only recently aired and that I haven't given much prior thought to is rather more time-consuming.

As anyone who's followed my remarks on subbing City of Glass may know, I like to get a feel for the overall flow of an entire episode and a sense of the distinctive way the various main characters speak before I tackle any actual lines, and it's quite hard to fit that into short spells because I need to get into the mood. Quite different from posting here on individual points or short spot translations, which I can do over a coffee-break then go back to doing other things.

So I don't know if, or when, I'll sub any more episodes of this drama, but for anyone who's interested, my subs for ep 19 are at




One tip. Whether you view this particular ep with DSS subs or mine, it might be worth while finding how to move the subs up from their default position on the screen or force them to have an opaque background. Most players can do this, but they all do it in different ways. (Some, like KMPlayer, alternatively let you push the picture up and display the sub underneath it). The reason this is a good idea is that during the broadcast that evening SBS were overlaying on-screen warnings about impending severe rainfall and dangerous flooding on the picture, and this makes subs hard to read without some adjustment.

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Thanks baduy, We love and appreciate you .!! :wub: People get very territorial about subs editing and the like but It is their loss !! You did such an excellent job on City of glass and no one else would sub it Your subs are excellent.(but you know that) thanks for the advice.

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First, I started laughing at baduy's comments, i.e.  post-it-note, 5 min walk, gallon of soju, etc.   THEN!  I watched ep. 25 and continued laughing, especially at the night time rendezvous between the uncle and his girlfriend.  I totally cracked up when they started the cheesey melodramatic music.

This drama has ventured into a whole new territory.  It is a mystery-rom-com-thriller.  Only thing missing is some sci-fi and the kitchen sink. hee, hee. :lol:

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Guest relly

Hi Everyone,

My Love By My Side Episode 25 and 26 English Soft-Sub Subtitle are out.


My Love By My Side 1-26 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1260-my-love-by-my-side-2011

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest relly

The DSS CTS Team is officially entering hiatus until 8 August 2011.

There will be no new releases during this period.

Please understand that we are tired and in disperate need for a break.


The DSS site will be up and running as usual, so if you guys wish to work on the existing releases or download them you can do so without and worry:


Thank you for understanding! See you all on 8 August:)

[DSS Staff Team] [Relly - DSS PR Administrator]

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Great news for those who, despite my warnings, can't resist waving their phones around in excitement while watching the SBS tv live stream. The latest update to the SBS Goreala app has altered the behavior so that rotating your phone to switch into or out of landscape mode no longer triggers a rebuffer, so you can shake away without missing a second of the action.

To get this new version, you may have to trigger a manual update of the app even if you have auto-update on by default, because it requires additional permissions which, depending on your settings, you may have to specifically OK (including now allowing it to read your precise location if you have GPS switched on. These Korean broadcasters are a nosey lot: you already had to allow them to read your phone number and service provider data, much good may that do them...)

If you aren't sure whether you've auto-updated, start the app and look at the screen after the default FM stream starts. The new version displays the full station name in Latin capitals (LOVE FM or POWER FM) rather than just the FM frequency as in the previous versions.

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Mega-juicy preview for ep 27 just went up on the SBS site:

MS goes to see the Old Lady and tells her that YW isn't her mother's child, but her own, born while she was still in high school. Her mother explains that because MS was so young, she was afraid the child would just make MS unhappy, so she had no choice but to become his mother instead. She embraces MS and bursts into tears and SB's uncle, looking on, is deeply moved but uncertain how to react. The Old Lady is shocked, and her expression shows she doesn't believe what MS is saying.

Seok Bin, who had picked up YW and taken him inside the house,.is shocked to hear what the Old Lady and MS's mother are saying to each other. He looks first at the child in his arms then at MS's mother. As SB is staring at YW in bewilderment, his mother is looking at them both in equal confusion. Then MS's mother turns on JJ with a strange look in her eyes...

And now the ep 28 preview has gone up too:

SB reacts with shock when MS's mother begs him not to tell anyone at all that YW is MS's child. Hearing MS's mother plead with him not to plunge MS back into the ordeal from which she's barely recovered, SB takes her hand and agrees to her request, finding it hard to speak because he feels his heart is bursting.

Hearing MS relate how his mother had declared a 19-year-old couldn't care for a baby and had forcibly dragged her to the hospital to have an abortion, SB is shattered to discover MS actually had the baby and declares he knew nothing about that, but MS says it was already all over between them seven years ago, and after repeating her plea for him to pretend not to know the truth about YW, she turns away and leaves. Unable to bear seeing her in this state, SB bursts into floods of tears.

Browsing the forums on that site while waiting for the preview to appear, I was struck by the number of Korean viewers posting to the effect that they have come rather late to this drama more or less by accident, and are surprised to find how good it is. Some of them are already demanding an extension...

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I am a total lurker here, but I love the witty and in-depth discussions that you all are having. I am totally amazed at how this drama is taking all of the makjang elements and giving them fresh new spins. I thought for sure they would drag out the secret for more episodes before SB figured out that he got MS pregnant and alone. If SR mother finds out he's dating MS and doesn't have a fit, but supports them quickly it will be kdrama history for me. It's exciting to watch this show because I never know when they're going to do a flip on an old trope.

Thanks for allowing me to peak in on your thoughts and hilarious analysis in this thread guys!

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AND NOW... as a special not-quite-the-weekend-yet treat for all both my loyal fans out there, here are baduy's hot-off-the-keyboard subs for episode 25. Guaranteed 100% aigoo-free!! Not an 'Omo' to be heard! However, some of the soppier bits may make advance purchase of extra kleenex supplies advisable.




Incidentally, as I translated one of the lines here, where JJ is complaining to hubby about his brother's behavior with MS's Mom, I was reminded of something that's been puzzling me for a long time. “What?” he says, on learning the name of the woman his brother is planning to marry, “her name's Seon Ah too, just like his first wife?” Now, although my ears have been telling me for 26 episodes that they do indeed have the same name, I've so far been blaming my ears, and suspecting that I wasn't hearing one of the names rightly.

But that line confirms that the writer has indeed decided to make the dead first wife and the proposed second wife have the same name. Whatever for, one wonders? Obviously, such things happen in “real life” but when they happen in drama there's usually some sort of purpose behind it. Especially when Korean culture has such a huge repertoire of given names to compensate for its amazingly small set of family names, so there's no question of the writer running out of choices. But just what the writer may be up to here, I can't imagine. Maybe we'll find out. Or maybe this issue will be like those occasional family members who say goodnight and go off to bed in episode 1 of a drama and are neither seen nor heard of ever again.

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Baduy you have spoiled us so badly that I'm seriously thinking about sitting in the middle of the floor and throwing the biggest tantrum of my life just to see if I can get away with it happy.gif

Thank you man, I luv you! wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

Hi Hi alasam glad you're enjoying the thread biggrin.gif

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