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[Drama 2011] Miss Ripley 미스 리플리

Guest JPhylls

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Guest imogene_af

Dangermousie, never apologize for your thoughts. Haha. When I saw you lurking, I was like... please post. Please post. :lol:

I don't hate Miri after this episode. In a way, everything is a logical progression of her first lie about her diploma and having to keep it up - since she said that, she had to steal HJ'd diploma for copying, do anything possible with MJ so he won't investigate her too carefully (and as a former street-walker, she's used to using her body as a commodity. This is nothing shamefully new to her, in fact MH at least cares for her, as opposed to her clients). She's using the skills she learned in order to survive in her dark environment in Japan. Going after Yutaka is less directly 'justified' - whether she dates him or not has zip to do with hiding her background. But the thing is, the lies are a slippery slope for her and the more she does wrong, the better rewards she reaps, the more she feels justified in continuing her course - in for a penny, in for a pound, so to speak. Especially since when she tried a new honest start in Korea she got nowhere and even got molested and now she is doing wrong after wrong, she's living well - in a way it's a perverse life lesson to her. She's progressing from desperation to greed to enjoying using her power.

I think this is the most heartbreaking part in her journey to the abyss. She had idealistic intentions, maybe naive. She really wanted to start fresh and sort of turn away from her old lifestyle but there are no rewards, even in her office clothes, she still felt like a wh*re still selling herself in Japan as soon as that interviewer molested her.

When she started one lie... things started to let up... and now she snowballs to even more lies and ironically, the fact of life she has been trying to avoid (i.e. selling her body) is the power she used to get to the top. It's such a sad, tragic but fascinating irony.

The problem is, she's still thinking in a 'cornered' way, only from moment to moment, likely the way she had to be in Japan to survive - she doesn't make any proper "further ahead' plans. Let's say she now seduces Yoohyun - then what - she can't risk antagonizing MH either, if she has any brains. But if she only sticks with MH, then what - does she want him to marry her and make her rich wifey? Or have a long career at the hotel? Neither seems that easy to accomplish especially with pimp still hanging out there, HJ knowing things, and the fact that any background check by any third party would reveal everything. And she can't transfer jobs because she'd have to do the forgeries again, etc

I do not know how she can continue on with this charade either. I mean her excuses may run thin any time soon, with the technology in 2006 (I think this is our timeline,right?) she is BOUND to get caught. I do not know if she is aware of that... I am guessing she is. She is wearing herself REALLY thin here. She might as well really cling on to a rotten rope.

The thing is, is Miri doing a horrible thing to people around her? Yes, unquestionably. Is she a horrible person? Ummm, I think that one is a lot more complex. I don't think she enjoys inflicting pain, which would be a hallmark of a truly bad person. She's in her "me against the world" mode and, at least in her head, is doing what she does to survive. Perhaps a better way to describe her would be a damaged person. She's damaged on a very basic level due to her past - it's not just her right/wrong meter that is busted (though she's no sociopath. I am pretty sure she realizes that e.g. seducing MH is wrong, that is why she tries to justify her bad acts, she just ultimately cares more for herself than for morals). I was talking to someone on lj after ep 3, and I mentioned that I think her very sense of self is broken, and I think so still - that is why it is so easy for her to create those endless roles and wear those multiple masks - she's not even sure who she really is, and playacting fills that empty hole in her (and also protects her real self from hurt).

So yeah, I don't hate Miri. I pity her. And I doubt she'd have a happy ending. Especially now that she's just slept with MH for power and profit - when drama heroines are promiscuous, they always get punished (see Bali).

OK, this is really long, I apologize, I got carried away.

I feel she is on her way to being a sociopath (she has the "tendencies" lack of empathy, promiscuity, outbursts, conning people to get by/survive, deep seated rage to the core, very impulsive, can readily change personalities) since she kind of harbors these attributes already, but she is so broken as you said that she willingly just pushes herself to this abyss. It is VERY sad seeing her go through it, especially when you see remnants of her old self i.e. when connecting with the kid in the train,her empathy for little HeeJoo who I do think she still has a weakness for and she kinda hates herself for it, etc.

Also, it seems that when she does "good" or shows empathy... she is always screwed over. i.e. saving HeeJoo, waiting for her mother, loving her mother, trying to get a job in a "legal" way,etc.

Miri is simply adapting to an environment, this is her only way for her to survive. It's twisted but what... what world did she come from again? The dark pits of prostitution in Japan.

It's funny you mention Bali, I was wondering if they will pull that. Ha Ji Won's character slept with both men there, I believe. And she was "doomed". usually, in Kdramas amoral characters are given a "lesson" even if they are incredibly sympathetic like So Ji Sub's character in MISA. So I do not see a bright end for Miri. Let us just hope it won't be as painful, what a pitiful life.


It wasn't just mentioned in the synopsis that her adoptive dad sold her off to the prostitution ring, her pimp mentioned it in Episode 1. Even saying, maybe if she had different parents her fate will be a lot different. She must have started really young with that pimp. Since even when Hee Joo was a college freshman, she was already working for him. For all you know she was sold there as a child or a young teenager.

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Guest Dangermousie

imogen, that's a great analysis.

Now that you mention it, she does seem to have some sociopathic tendencies. But hopedully she won't fully devolve into that - she's better than that, I'd like to believe, but also because I'd still feel sorry for her (short of her committing murder) maybe because life never gave her a chance - where would she have learned respect and compassion? From her mother who left her (and clearly wasn't a model parent before)? In the orphanage, belittled by kids with families? In Japan as a prostitute? It's not impossible to turn out a good person even under horrible circumstances, true, but it's much harder to do with a stacked deck.

It's funny you mention Bali, I was wondering if they will pull that. Ha Ji Won's character slept with both men there, I believe. And she was "doomed".

This drama is reminding me a lot of Bali, which I loved (I seem to latch on to deeply unhealthy characters and ships - I was obsessed with HJW/JIS in that one) but is even darker because in Bali. HJW's character was not consciously trying to manipulate like a skillful manipulator, even if unconsciously she was too greedy for love and affection and a means to survive. Here, Miri is going for the jugular on purpose. She is, I believe, the darkest drama heroine I've seen (except Flames of Desire, but the heroine there wasn't supposed to be in any way sympathetic, even if she was a magnetic monster). Lee Da Hae (who is doing excellently in a really demanding role) and the script do not just condemn Miri, I believe they want us to sympathize with her too. In a lot of ways, Ripley is a deconstruction of a 'typical' evil secondary girl - a sort of justification for her.

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Guest imogene_af

imogen, that's a great analysis.

This drama is reminding me a lot of Bali, which I loved (I seem to latch on to deeply unhealthy characters and ships - I was obsessed with HJW/JIS in that one) but is even darker because in Bali. HJW's character was not consciously trying to manipulate like a skillful manipulator, even if unconsciously she was too greedy for love and affection and a means to survive. Here, Miri is going for the jugular on purpose. She is, I believe, the darkest drama heroine I've seen (except Flames of Desire, but the heroine there wasn't supposed to be in any way sympathetic, even if she was a magnetic monster). Lee Da Hae (who is doing excellently in a really demanding role) and the script do not just condemn Miri, I believe they want us to sympathize with her too. In a lot of ways, Ripley is a deconstruction of a 'typical' evil secondary girl - a sort of justification for her.

Agreed on her being the deconstruction of the evil secondary girl. I also think YooHyun is the usual second male lead, kind hearted and just waiting in the wings(at least his FACADE so far. That could change)

I don't think she will be a full fledged sociopath, but I do think she is a "minor one", I mean if there were levels she is a probably a Level 1-2.

That was one of the problems I had with WHIB, though I loved it to pieces, I felt the heroine should have just admitted to herself that she is no saint and embrace the antiheroine in her, but she was such a tragic character who was doomed when the two men chose to love her.

I think Miri is really dark too. It's different in Flames of Desire the character was all out evil (I mean really setting up your own sister for rape probably is beyond salvation) and she was supposed to be just someone so consumed with greed that she is almost built up as a complete makjang villain. This one they try to humanize Miri, and really show you her real UGLY sides but also her vulnerable side. She is hard to simply hate, one minute you can but she has moments that seems like she is not far off into the abyss yet and you hope she will save herself... but then again, one must admit there is tons of fun seeing her embrace her dark side.

LDH is ballsy to play this. I can see someone like Go Hyun Jung play this, too but LDH just really immersed herself into the chaotic whirlwind of Jang Miri.


I do think in terms of strategy... probably hooking YooHyun will be a really bad decision. She would be safe with Myung Hoon because she can have an escape plan with him. I cannot see an escape plan with Yoo Hyun, once her cover is blown.

I wonder if Myung Hoon will cover up her tracks? If this is semi-inspired on Shin Jeong Ah's story... that is what her superior/boyfriend did for her.

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Guest nana544

I guess it is just me, but right now Ms. Ripley is starting to get really boring!!! There is no action that keeps me interesting. I hope that the next episode won't be disappoint. Right now, I feel like it is going so slow and the story is going no where. On the bright side, I really like Kang Hye Jung and the character that she play. She is Tablo's wifey and she is so pretty!!!

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Re: antinh- there is no indication yet about her biological mom, so stepmom is still a "suspect". she has not met her yet, I believe. fakecest is still possible.

Stepmom can't be suspect becz she met Miri in the party in episode 5 .MH introduced Miri to YH stepmom and father .They already met eachother.So fakecest is not possible . I am sure Miri remembers her mothers face .

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Guest imogene_af

Stepmom can't be suspect becz she met Miri in the party in episode 5 .MH introduced Miri to YH stepmom and father .They already met eachother.So fakecest is not possible . I am sure Miri remembers her mothers face .

I am missing that paaaart. I am watching online streaming (really slow computer) and did not see that! thanks for clearing that up. which part did it happen? Ending?

I wonder if there's a reason why they didn't show Miri's mom's face back in the flashbacks? Will it be relevant later? Though, we have ran out of female characters already.

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Hooray c-subs! :)


(In three parts, this is the first)

I love the first conversation-

Miri has got chutzpah! With a sincere face she says to MH "Maybe to you I'm not the first...." implying he is her first love/crush and hence she deserves a little understanding and support?! Whew- this gal's got a pair! :)

Nice touch! :)


Also liking the music selection for YH and HJ's conversation- Billy Joel's Honesty- ironic that in a net of lies, HJ's honesty is the only thing that is not believed.

"Honesty is such a lonely word.

Everyone is so untrue.

Honesty is hardly ever heard. "

Hmm... I know I'm late to this series so a little confused but

Am I catching it right that YH wants to 'grab' HJ to work for him, and that he's going out of his way to be charming to convince her?

If so, it's not exactly wrong of him, but certainly HJ is in for a rude shock that YH has motives other than friendliness to be good to her.


Actually like the bed scene for MH and Miri- tastefully done and yet with the urgency of the act shown on all sides- possibly for different reasons.

Nice conversations that MH and Miri are having too- she at least pretends to confide in him... and possibly she is starting to feel a kinship with someone else who made his own way up from a tough childhood? Difficult to say with Miri of course-

Funnily enough I'm most miffed at Miri for putting down HJ- hey, hey, play games with the big guys, but this girl took you in and has tried to be nice to you, and ended up at the police station directly from your actions- what does it cost you to pretend to be nice?


Okay I'm actually really enjoying Miri and MH- I think it's because MH seems so happy at last and he's been through so much and appears to deserve some happiness. I'm bracing myself for his heart-break .... but part of me wants, in spite of the fact that he's 2nd lead, Miri to love him and come to regret dumping him later. :( (At least it sounds like everyone's saying he's 2nd lead right?)

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Guest ngthuhien149

Hooray c-subs! :)


(In three parts, this is the first)


Am I catching it right that YH wants to 'grab' HJ to work for him, and that he's going out of his way to be charming to convince her?

If so, it's not exactly wrong of him, but certainly HJ is in for a rude shock that YH has motives other than friendliness to be good to her.

Yeah Yuhyun needs her for his planning team to collect hotel A. However he was nice to her even before knowing that, I don't deny the fact that he had the thought of being nice to her to get what he wants tho xD

No I dun think Myunghoon is the second lead, according to the description b4 airing, there is no 1st male lead in this drama so either Yuhyun and him play the same roles in the drama or he is the 1st lead ^^ Yoochun may be the 2nd lead (I kinda hope so ^^)

AGB Rating

Nation 12,1

Seoul 14

It decreased 1,6 % from last week

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*tiptoes out of lurker's corner*

i kinda agree and disagree with the posts here? :sweatingbullets:

on one hand the story line is getting a bit boring in the sense that yes, we know miri is the anti-heroine, we can see to what lengths she's willing to go and all that... which is the boring part for me. it's like i know this already, can we move on now?

what makes it interesting is the other three character's reaction to miri's manipulations. and the thing is they don't show enough of that. it's like [insert snippet of a reaction from hj, yh & mh then back to long miri manipulations]...

it would've been good if they concentrated on one of the three other character's reaction per episode and showed the progress or regression or maybe their backstory in relation to miri and go from there, with maybe snippets of how the other 2 leads are interconnected... :unsure:

but that's just my take on the writing style of the drama? :P

ooooh and in the preview for episode 6, i see a short snippet of chun on a motorbike with ldh, kinda excited to see that scene. hehehe :lol:

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About Yoohyun with Heejoo - I don't know if he's giving up a small piece of his heart for her through their recent interactions, or... maybe, he's using her, too. I think that half smile of his when Heejoo rested on his shoulders has a bit of that devilish sense, like with Miri. Maybe they are more similar than we think? Afterall, there is such contrast between the puppy smile vs. the half smile when Yoohyun is with Miri vs. Hee joo. And afterall, he doesn't need anything from Miri, but he does need Heejoo to accept the position to work for him at his company...

I like your viewpoint, it would be great if a k-drama screenwriter can serve such a yummy dishe of trickery....

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I just saw the upcoming previews. Although the video says ep 6 preview, I actually think it's a combination of some up coming scenes, because there's just too many issues going on for one episode. It's seems like YooHyun is bringing Miri down to earth. Both are of the same age & look like they are enjoying each other company; whereas, when Miri is with Myung Hoon everything is very serious & boring (it's just the vibe that I'm getting).

Everybody should check out the preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x-dwZXfQL8&feature=related

All I have to say is at the end of the preview ( the scene between Miri &YooHyun) is really mysterious & heartbreaking the way YooHyun hugs Miri & the way Miri response to Yoohyun.

Lets hope for a Better Rating tomorrow!!!

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Guest wls2948

I just saw the upcoming previews. Although the video says ep 6 preview, I actually think it's a combination of some up coming scenes, because there's just too many issues going on for one episode. It's seems like YooHyun is bringing Miri down to earth. Both are of the same age & look like they are enjoying each other company; whereas, when Miri is with Myung Hoon everything is very serious & boring (it's just the vibe that I'm getting).

Everybody should check out the preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x-dwZXfQL8&feature=related

All I have to say is at the end of the preview ( the scene between Miri &YooHyun) is really mysterious & heartbreaking the way YooHyun hugs Miri & the way Miri response to Yoohyun.

Lets hope for a Better Rating tomorrow!!!

seems like Miri is crying at something that Yutaka told her....maybe she is beginning to realize her mistakes.....but so sad to know she cannot turn back?

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Guest wls2948

I sense Yutaka already knows Miri's past. I remember he was reading some information about her while she was sitting at the bus stop and he looked really sad. If he already knows about her, then what is his motive for going after her if not because he loves her? Hope Yutaka will bring Miri back to her real self and save her from going into self-destruction!

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