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[Official] HONEY COUPLE: Song Seung Hun & Kim Tae Hee

Guest cofioca

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Guest xbeybidollx

our KTH with her little bear compare to SSH gigantic bear hehehe

i know all heonhee wants update .. in response to SSH me2day...

so here it is hehehehe :D


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Guest zenti

i was looking at this bts. i've seen it like a hundred times but i only noticed today tt when they are practicing the photo scene, DURING THE REHEARSAL, at 1:35, ssh holds kth's right hand (as it is in the drama) but his hand is resting on her left hand as well! the funny thing is, at 2:46, when they film the scene, he is careful to place his arm on the table, not on her wrist!)!

and the ad lib tt follows is even more hilarious when considering that all the director wants ssh to do is to put the photo back into his jacket but ssh totally melodramatizes and he kisses the photo (2:01, 2:19) before placing it in. i totally like seeing kth laughing her head off! (it's similar to her laughter when ssh asks, it's boring shall we kiss?) don't you think ssh has a fertile ad lib imagination? hahahaha 

I have seen this BTS as well and my eyes widened when I saw SSH transferred his hand to KTH's left hand when she withdrew her right hand from his as she stood up from her chair. It seems that SSH did not want to let go of her hand by reaching out for it! And he was caught! 

i am not sure if i have mentioned this here before but one of my fave heonhee moments is at 5:15. They don't even look like they are rehearsing. more like chatting in the name of rehearsing hahaha. at 5:20, ssh walks into the hall and asks the PD, "are you sure we are not brother-sister (in this drama)?" and kth playfully whacks him at 5:24! (i wish i can understand what ssh is saying meanwhile to the pd!) but isn't it so cute that when ssh leaves the hall at 5:45, kth also follows him out? i find it cute. LOL. like kth had no purpose except to follow her oppa around LOL. and she does call him oppa inside the hall (at 5:41?) as well but i can't vouch cos the audio's preety bad.  

I am actually curious what they were talking and laughing about here which eventually led SSH to ask the PD about being brother-sister in the drama. Hmmm ... 

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Guest forbidden_015

our SSH wants to get married soon too this interview was 2009 and read he wants a wife who has her own stable career so he can rest hahahaha...

LOL here. hahahaha. oppa is so funny! :D gungju-mama should work hard so she can provide oppa's financial needs and for their children. LMAO. So maybe that's the reason why KTH accepted and working hard both of her careers in korea and japan. Hahaha. :P Just kidding! I know SSH will treat KTH as her princess and will serve her princess for the rest of their lives. :)

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Guest forbidden_015

maybe they are talking about on what will be the ending of MP, and brought up some imaginative and funny or unpredictable ending of PHY and LS's love story. LOL. And maybe SSH remember his the autumn tale wherein he and shk  were known as brothers and sisters (although not really brothers and sisters) hahaha.

So i guess gungju-mama is already in korea? better for her if she will go back in japan bring SSH with her so that she will feel secure and protected. :) when will be the white day?

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Guest Tarits

xbey - thanks for the photos of Heon-Hee when they were kid and then end your post with a current photo of the two in white. Very nice and the the 2 in white made my imagination go awry again!  I hope those bunch of friends will prod him to be serious with KTH.  Do they talk which is called "for the boys" only?  Maybe yes, maybe no.  The fan pic/fanart pic of the two is also very nice.

frannyfel - wow, that so hot looking photo of SSH is a dream. Where'd you find it?   Also the one of him in black. Gosh, he is so handsome in the pic.

zenti - I guess if I can do perfect PS pics, I'd probably do too, make one with Heon-Hee and two kids, one face like his, one like hers.  A "period" from her to him is such a bright and smart idea!

forbidden_015 - you just gave a good suggestion.  Yeah, we also need to read 30 resons why KTH is interested with SSH. This will be cool!

soju_chic - thanks for the very current info re the 2 based on the speculations in Baidu. Hope someone can take a pic of the in secret somewhere. 

Any photo will certainly make all of us deliriously happy!

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Guest freeminded1430278377

Actually, when I read the 30 reasons why SSH is interested in KTH, it should have been titled as "30 reasons why SSH and KTH are interested with each other" since some items refer to KTH's action/reaction to SSH.

KTH attends movie premieres of SSH, who personally invited her to attend it.

Sometimes I feel it is one sided love too. And sometimes KTH gives me the feeling she moves on pretty quick after the drama finishes. I get this feeling from her prior dramas as well. After the drama is over, she does not really talk about her male co-star voluntarily or says she misses her character.

Actually, KTH has also attended Lee Byung Hun's movie event and another co-star of hers but I forgot who it is.

KTH don't normally show up at her co-stars events a lot but don't be disappointed if we do not see the media catching KTH showing up at SSH's next movie event. It is a norm for her to appear low profile. She is good at disguising herself in public.

I agree with zenti that it should be 30 reasons why SSH and KTH are interested in each other but there are more reasons why SSH is interested in her outnumbering why she is interested in him so I guess it is titled 30 reasons why he is interested in her.

Thank you for every one's support of my English translation of the 30 reasons why SSH Is interested in KTH. I just did a google search and it showed up on other sites and some Chinese sites. If I have known that this will go viral, I will have polished my translation a bit. There are a few reasons I did not get in Chinese so my English translation will have come out funny. But I hope everyone gets the gist of majority of the 30 reasons. If there are some you do not get, please let me know. I will explain it to you in another way. I tried my best to deliver a direct translation but sometimes the meaning is lost if I do that.

27. 泰熙以前也说最想和宋承宪合作,合作前还说想起要和宋承宪合作既心动又紧张。

This was my original translation.

27. KTH said before she wants to work with SSH. Before their  collaboration, she remembered how she felt her heart pounded and how  tense she was knowing she will be filming with him soon.

If you can read in between the lines, KTH has butterflies in her stomach and she felt her heart fluttered knowing she will be  working with a ridiculously good looking guy.  I think the fan who wrote this article wants everyone to interpret it like that.

If everyone remembers at the press, they both thank the public for calling them an "eye candy" couple.

Just to polish some of them.

2. 跟beast的李起光对戏,泰熙也在旁边,宋承宪对李起光说,你是谁啊,走近一看然后说:哦,原来是beast啊。(和台词完全不同)这样开玩笑,然后李起光和宋承宪笑了,而宋承宪就特别观察泰熙的反应。

Original translation

2. When SSH speaks to idol group, Beast, (I forgot the actor's name, it  is Lee .... ) and asks him who he is, SSH will turn around and look at  KTH's reaction.

Revised Translation

2. KTH was with SSH when SSH was making a scene with BEAST, Lee Ki Kwang. SSH looked at Lee Ki Kwang and said, "Who are you?" He went up closely to him and said, "Oh it is BEAST." (He said something that is totally not in script). LKK and SSH broke out in laughter. Then SSH turned to examine KTH's reaction.

4.  还有给泰熙扮花朵,给泰熙拿开座位上的话筒,给泰熙捡瓶盖,泰熙起身给她移开座位,工作人员问泰熙(宋承宪走到泰熙身后,还有爱哦),宋承宪喂的粥好喝 吗?泰熙说,很好喝。宋承宪说:别尽说些套话。泰熙和记者大笑,宋承宪走开,看泰熙乐呵呵,看得出他也跟着很满意很开心。

Original Translation

4. Not really sure if I am getting this one or not. KTH was asked how is  SSH's porridge and she said it is great! SSH walked away smiling and  and rejoiced.

Revised Translation

4. SSH helps KTH with the flower (on head?), he pulls the chair outward for KTH to sit and moves the chair when she gets out of her seat and opens the water bottle for her when they are seated. The crew members asked KTH (SSH quickly ran up and stood behind KTH, with love), "How does SSH's porridge taste like?" KTH said," It tastes good. SSH replied, "Don't give these common responses." KTH and the reporters burst in laughter. SSH ran away, and saw KTH feeling all giddy. It is obvious SSH is also content and happy.

The interpretation for the last two lines is that SSH is able to make KTH laughed. KTH's happiness is SSH's happiness.

3.  在海边饭馆,说起年龄问题,宋承宪觉得自己和起光年龄差好多的感觉,泰熙也一个劲的说自己太老了,宋承宪就愤愤的用拳头砸地板搞笑,最后还补了一句:现在 是1995年吧(那年宋承宪20岁),这样那样的搞笑,感觉都很积极呢,在喜欢的异性面前总会想要表现,不喜欢的话会很冷漠,所谓天秤B型的啊,很明显 的。

Original Translation:

3. When they are at a restaurant near the sea, KTH talks about age. SSH   said I felt like I went back in time. He said we're in year 1995 right   now. That means he is only 20 years old. (I think he is comforting KTH   saying we're still young)

Revised Translation:

When they were eating at a restaurant around the sea, the topic of age  was brought up. SSH felt a huge gap in his current age and the age he  debut. KTH also said she felt old. SSH used his knuckle and knocked the  wood on the floor and added one final line, "Currently we are in 1995  (That is when SSH is only 20 years old)." The feeling coming from the  joke is positive. In front of the opposite sex you like, you will strive  to deliver your best. If you do not have any interest in that person,  you will act aloof. That is what people with Blood type B do. It is  obvious (from SSH's actions)

5.  宋承宪没穿衣服那段泰熙脸红。脱衣服那段,泰熙笑宋承宪是禽兽男,宋承宪低下头非常害羞思,还说好热。最后盖着浴袍宋承宪给泰熙脱衣服,手在腹部,泰熙觉 得好痒,受不了。宋承宪说:那怎么办?难道手可以移到别的地方吗?说完这句自己也觉得很邪恶不好意思起身走开了,泰熙更是听出意思,很有含义的含羞笑着望 向宋承宪走开的方向。

Original translation:

5. KTH felt ticklish when SSH was putting his hand into her clothes. KTH   said SSH looks like a "beast" when she saw him half naked in episode  1.

Revised Translation:

5. KTH flushed at the scene SSH without clothes. KTH joked how SSH  looks like a beast man when he was topless. SSH was extremely shy and  even placed his head down and said it is hot. Finally when SSH had to  undress her, his hand was on her abdomen, and KTH said it felt ticklish  and can't handle it. SSH replied, "Why should I do? Unless I can move my  hand to other places? After saying that he felt sinful and  uncomfortable that he walked away. KTH understood what he said and  timidly smile at the direction SSH walked away.

17. 和宋承宪一起的泰熙没有了以前和其他男艺人一起的拘谨,宋承宪让他演自己就好,果然泰熙演技大爆发,四面八方的好评。

Original Translation

17. Unlike working with former male co-stars, KTH seems to be acting   more freely and loosely in front of SSH, allowing him to act naturally   and in turn, letting her acting talents to erupt which earned her a lot   of praise.

Revised Translation

17. KTH isn't as uptight as she is working with former male co-stars. SSH  allowed her to act herself. Surprisingly her acting talents erupted,  receiving praise from all walks of life.

If I have time, I will clean up some more lines that I translated. If there are more reasons that are subtle, I will post it up to help everyone decipher it.

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Guest cofioca

Rise, thank you for the revised translations. ^^ Yah, the 30 reasons are getting popular and so as your trans. Kudos!  This also shows how many fans love our HeonHee couple! <3

Just wanna confirm one of the news I read yesterday @Baidu http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=1023475061. Looks like this article http://news.nate.com.../20110312n08542  says that KTH has ended her partnership with Namoo Actors (former agency). If this is official, I was thinking...then, the only one left managing her overall career is Lua Entertainment. Well, aside from Sweet Power which recently agreed to oversee her activities in Japan. On the other hand, Lua is a relatively new agency that she had set up with her brother-in-law (when she decided to go semi-independent) last year. Now, since we all know SSH had also put up his very own, Storm S, which he co-manages with his longtime friends...,I'm left wondering if he actually gives her some advices or let's just say "a helping hand" in terms of dealing with these matters. Uhm, I really hope so cos this would only mean there's a higher change for them to constantly communicate. Or better yet, I'm wishing that they had planned his together all along! blush.gif Hwaiting!

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Guest freeminded1430278377


I don't know if the source of this news is from Korean or Chinese or if it is something from fans but the article says all of Son Ye Jin's male co-stars are either rumored to be dating someone like Jung Woo Sung + Su Ae or they are in a relationship like Go Soo. The only guy she has worked with whose single is Lee Min Ho.

Maybe those who know Korean can do a search to see if this shows up in Korean portals.


Fans interpretation: Why is Lee Min Ho the only former costar of Son Ye Jin whose single right now or does not have any dating rumor?

Is this hinting that SSH is no longer single?

Soju_chic, thanks for your response. Hopefully they are communicating on a daily basis even if it is not for business purposes. It is TH's birthday soon. Give her a buzz or throw her something surprising, SSH. Make her laugh the way you did during the filming process.

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Guest cofioca

@Rise: I also read that and immediately shared over at SYJ's thread (I'm a big fan of her btw). You are right, the article http://news.nate.com.../20110311n20162 talks about her previous leading men, JWS, KS *sobs* (OMG I'm a KSYJ shipper mainly due to their chemistry and compatibility but not as intense&evident as HeonHee if you know what I mean), and BYJ and it so happened that all these four are now rumored to be taken. And yes, initially I wondered how come this reporter forgot to mention my Min Woo aka Heony... of all people huh? As much as I would like it to allude to SSH's non-availability but for now, I would just like to take into consideration that the writer also forgot  to include Jo In Sung, Jo Seung Woo, who as far as I know, are single and also teamed up with SYJ before.

Moving on... Before KTH's birthday, there's the coming White Day (March 14) so I also hope & dream it's SSH turn to do something very special and unforgettable for his princess & the two of them. Do your best, oppa! ♥

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Guest xbeybidollx

@ forbidden - hehehe i find it cute too.. but i guess for both couple to be succesful if they were both actors one should give way and take sometime off from the camera so that one can continue his/her career without out shadowing eachothers like KSW and her wife.. before the fans gone outrage of KSW marrying look @ them now almost all saying that they are happy and giving them all praises unlike before thhe fans of KSW dissing the wife.. like what happend to SHK & HB i think reason for the breakup is for the dissing fans to stop haraassing SHK but i feel aftr the miliraty servce they will announce they're back again :) i hope our KTH & SSH can stick together thru thick & thin i want them to tell the world their friendship lead to a special one <3

@ tarits & sinchann i cant help but sharing those cutie pics when they were kids since of course when they have their lil ones in the future it will be surely looks like them hehehe... awwww isnt it that they are both giving us heartattack for not waiting on sumthing good news from them??hehehe i cant wait... for them to update.

@ rise2above i love your translation its really better if the guy gave signals at first but if KTH is not sending too much signals maybe if she does it would be too obvious im just wondering when the fans of Idols Groups can super be upadted how come actors fans isnt that updated? is it bcuz the celebs is more the type of not that too techqi interms of they dont have their twitter to even updates?? i guess for SSH and KTH to futher their popularity they have to communicate with international fans be having their own TWITTER accounts.. so that we can see be updated like what they were doin watching, playing with pets, sleeping, pic in front of computer, camwhoring or just even type a message of anything under the sun hehehe ... i guess it would give fans more pleasure right???:D

@ soju chick i hope so that they both still communicating and helping eachother argh if only i can fly to korea and interview them hahahaha :D



'Superstar K2' winner Heo gakeun photo taken with actor Song Seung Heon unveiled.

On 1st on Twitter heogakeun with actor Song Seung posted a photo.

Heogakeun "After coming up live like Song Seung Heon met in the lobby! New Year's Day good luck! Seems to be a good thing," said a testimony meeting with Song Seung Heon.




오늘 강남 서초 예비군 훈련자에 송승헌이 왔네요^^ 4반에계시더라구용 ㅋㅋ

SSH has come to Gangnam, Seocho for a reserve corps drillmaster today, ^^ 4 banegyesideoraguyongㅋㅋ

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Guest freeminded1430278377

Soju_chic, Go Koo did mention Han Ji Won as his ideal type but he is currently dating another girl. SSH did mention as KTH as his ideal type in the Sweet Night show but does that mean he will date someone else in the future like Go Soo. I don't think I want to know who is SSH's future girlfriend will be if she isn't KTH. The only thing I can comfort myself now is knowing that at the present moment, he has interest in her.

xbeybidollx, maybe his me2day blog can be considered as the Korean form of twitter since he is sharing stuff through there

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Guest xbeybidollx


it seems in this pic our Princess want to Whackeedddd PHY head here like a couple fight cute hehehe

credit tsh


KTH oppa ..oppa, what are you doin?? :)

SSH stay quiet for a while..wait a moment i am looking for the HEONHEE THREAD will try to read what topic are they discussing right now about us :D

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Netizens name Kim Tae Hee as the star they most want to spend White Day with


Actress Kim Tae Hee was chosen as the #1 star people wanted to spend their ‘White Day’ with. ‘White Day’ is a holiday celebrated in Korea on March 14th, during which men return chocolates to the women they received treats from the month before.

From February 28th to March 12th, SevenEdu held a survey titled ‘Who is the Star You Want to Spend White Day With?’. Out of 512 votes, 200 of them went to Kim Tae Hee. The actress managed to collect 39% of the votes, thanks to her irresistible appeal in her latest drama, “My Princess”.

The runner-up was Shin Min Ah, who garnered a statistic of 37.5% (192 people).

The two actresses are sure to boost their star powers, since they both have upcoming projects in Japan. Kim Tae Hee is looking forward to her career’s expansion, as she recently signed a contract with Japanese management company, Sweet Power. As for Shin Min Ah, her hit 2010 drama ‘My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox’, will soon begin airing on Japanese airwaves through TBS network.

Source: Osen News via Daum via akp


well, unfortunately for those who want to spend it with our lovely KTH, she'll be spending it with SSH phew.gif haha

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Guest zenti


I could not help but laugh when our Lee Seol took Mi-shil as her life model to survive in the palace since Park Ye-jin, who plays the character Oh Yoon-joo, previously played as the twin sister of Queen Seon Duk and an opponent of Mi-shil for the throne.  

And Lee Seol even had to drunkenly hum one of the theme songs of Queen Seon Duk while she was being piggybacked by PHY. Haha! Our KTH is so cute! 

Sometimes I feel it is one sided love too. And sometimes KTH gives me the feeling she moves on pretty quick after the drama finishes. I get this feeling from her prior dramas as well. After the drama is over, she does not really talk about her male co-star voluntarily or says she misses her character.

Actually, KTH has also attended Lee Byung Hun's movie event and another co-star of hers but I forgot who it is.

KTH don't normally show up at her co-stars events a lot but don't be disappointed if we do not see the media catching KTH showing up at SSH's next movie event. It is a norm for her to appear low profile. She is good at disguising herself in public.

I agree with zenti that it should be 30 reasons why SSH and KTH are interested in each other but there are more reasons why SSH is interested in her outnumbering why she is interested in him so I guess it is titled 30 reasons why he is interested in her.

Thanks for your efforts in translating Chinese texts into English so that fellow HeonHee shippers can get more information or details on SSH and KTH.

Regarding movie premieres, it does seem that Hallyu stars support one another by attending movie premieres of actors they have worked with and soon to work with. Both SSH and KTH did mention that they went to the movie premieres of each other since they would soon work together for MP. So maybe that can likewise be one of the reasons why SSH invited KTH. But since both claim they are friends even before MP started, then all the more that they should support each other's career.

I just hope that the closeness they have before and during MP will not get affected by rumors and can withstand pressures. I would not want their closeness and relationship ruined.

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