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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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Guest sallygong

Thank you YG entertainment for producing such wonderful groups especially thanks to producing my favorite one, Big Bang. They have caught my eye since they debuted and they have made me fall in love with them after their song Lies. I have been a proud V.I.P since 2007 and still am. To celebrate their wonderful comeback and this contest i made posters dedicated to them to cover my wall. I hope the boys and YG entertainment gets to see this! Thank you Soompi, YG, and you Big Bang.

-Proud V.I.P Sally Gong 1zbqxxx.jpg


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Guest kresten

You guys have no idea how much tears I have bawled out over this come back. I've been emotional ever since the very first teaser because I am very much in love with Big Bang. I just can't explain this attachment, loyalty, and passion I feel for the boys. I mean, how do you explain why I always post and lurk on various Internet forums and fan communities just to look for news, updates, and fan accounts? How do you explain me bulk buying ALL of Big Bang's Korean releases? How do you explain me squealing over the simplest photo/video? How do you explain me crying because of happiness when I finally heard their voices again, together as five, and when I saw that the entire album charted on the TOP positions in ALL ONLINE CHARTS?

I think LOVE is the only explanation.

That's why tonight, I cried once more when I saw Jiyong's choking up video. HE WAS CRYING, HE WAS EMOTIONAL. And although I may not have any inkling idea of how much he (and Big Bang) has went through (success and failures, wins and losses, good and bad news), I have been their fan for so long so I have witnessed them suffer, and I chose to suffer with them. When they cried, I cried, when they were happy, I was happy. And to see Jiyong that emotional? Damn, I CRIED LOTS. Seriously, Mr. Kwon Jiyong, you are undoubtedly the most talented and hardworking Kpop Idol ever. You are on a league of your own, and your resume and credentials are runaway above than any other idol. I hope you know that. And though I know you are humble and unassuming, I hope that at least you have an idea that this is the precise reason why you have hundreds of thousands of fans, including me. We love you, and we will always be there for you.

Jiyong, you said before that Big Bang just had to push you forward why you lead them in the front. I must amend your statement. We, VIPs will push Big Bang forward (and even carry all of you guys), and you, our talented, humble, and most respectable and hardworking leader,just lead us all in the front. We believe in you.

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Guest JOPeuleya

OH REALLY?! Soompi & BIGBANG!! ><

YG Ent. is so awesome...

I should make a paragraph for BIGBANG~ :3

--You got me dead by a BIG BANG--

One HARU, beside the Taeyang (sea/ocean), I wore that flowing dress.

You ran to me and told me that we should "GARA GARA GO" west

When we you were driving the motorcycle, I REMEMBER those LIES that was a not really a lie,

Making all of my emotions hooting.

THE NEXT DAY, you told me "you're MA GIRL"

I'm so happy that I can be SPARKLING with a thrill.


LA LA LA, I'll be yours forever with my EVERYTHING.

TRY SMILING for me to be happy.

You know that A FOOL'S ONLY TEARS can trick me DAY BY DAY.

Oh gee, I can make KOREAN DREAM... WITH U

BABY BABY, don't tell me your LAST FAREWELL for me,

for I will be your HEAVEN.


TURN IT UP, so we can be NUMBER 1

WHAT CAN I DO without you?




my EMOTION for you will STAY.





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Well, not that I love big bang. But you guys are hella talented and have good songs, so I'm just wishing you guys the best with 2011 and wont try to compete with these diehards.

The girl who wrote on her face, yo you freaking crazy, I hope you don't get ink poisoning (and if that's eyeliner ;D).

Also I'd like to say Taeyang needs to smile more and spread that warmth cus lord knows it's freezing here.

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Guest seoulology

What first moved me to BB was Leader, G-Dragon. 

I always had a thing for Korean music since '06, always thought BB was over-rated.

So I never gave your music the chance. Until 2009, the year of GD's first solo album.

That's what makes you my favorite. Then almost ending that year Taeyang came out w/ Wedding Dress, I fell in love w/ BB and Taeyang.. I fell hard. ^_^ <3

I suddenly became ill with Big Bang Disease and it was all over, after Wedding Dress I rewind to all of your songs from before.

Never looked back then, now am an avid fan, a forever V.I.P. 

Warning: This might be a really bad translation, but I hope you get the gist of it. <3

첫째 BB 탄 날 이사를 어떻게 리더, 지드래곤했습니다.

난 언제나 보보 과대 평가라고 생각, '06 년 이후 한국 음악에 대한 일이 있었다.

그래서 난 절대 음악에게 기회를 줬어. 2009 년까지, GD로의 첫 솔로 앨범의 년.

그리고 당신은 내가 가장 좋아하는을 만드는거야. 그럼 거의 년 Taeyang가 승 / 웨딩 드레스를 밖으로 나온 그 결말, 내가 사랑하는 승 / BB 탄과 Taeyang에 빠지고 .. 난 열심히했다. ^ _ ^ 3 <

난 갑자기 빅뱅 질환으로 병이되었고 그것은 결혼식 후에 내가 전에부터 노래의 모든되감기 복장 모두 끝난것입니다.

절대로 지금은 열렬한 팬이, 오전, 그때 뒤를 돌아보았을 영원히 귀빈

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Guest nobobybutyoutop

woa, it's great to join this contest

This is my video for BIG BANG 4th Anniversary

BIG BANG - 4 years and 4ever

I'm VietNam's fan

2 years ago, BIG BANG made me cry with their MV Day By Day.

I knew about them on radio program. I really love their m usic style. I started on reading their profile. I was surprised by it. You, guys are so young and talented. So amazing.

I spend time in watching vids about BIG BANG everyday. Old interviews, mvs, BTS, CFs, Documentary, parody, gameshow, dramas, performances, YG TV, concerts, albums… I love them more and more.

I love BIG BANG more and more after knowing about the way they make their dreams come true. I learn a lot of things from them. To get the success, they undergo a lot of difficulties. Sometimes they cry, feel axhausted but they still try their best for fans.I love this meaningful sentence: " Don't wait the world hands you what you want. Íntead shout to the world". Be active, patient to make your dream come true. I LOVE BIG BANG

Feeling their music, their character, their friendship,… is my happiness.

They make my life colourful. I have many friends and we have the same passion: BIG BANG

I hope that BIG BANG will come to Viet Nam in the future.

To BIG BANG: Plz take care of your health, we always beside you.

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Guest ziuziuziu


I'll write a rap/poem for you guys >:D





Don't sleep.

Don't stray.

Don't moan.

Don't slack.

Cuz there's a new situation

for the kpop generation.

a brand new star 

for the kpop equation.

Big Bang.

the start of our universe

they're the five little punks 

who got here first.

they're awesome times awesome;

a supernova in a box

they're the big party

that just rocks our socks.

yeah you know that band your friend likes?

well they've got competition.

once he hears Big Bang

he'll have a whole new evaluation

your opinion on life

will be shattered to bits

once you hear Big Bang

that puzzle piece will finally fit.

the clouds will move slower.

time will suddenly stop.

'cause Big Bang's music will take over

the whole of K-pop.

~ the end ~



you guys have introduced me to Kpop

and have given me a reason to frickin listen to music.


I'd swim from Hong Kong to Korea just to see you guys :))))

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Guest optimistprime.

I spent like a few hours typing this up. It is super lengthy only because this is the only thing I can give Big Bang. I'm not particularly talented and I've always been a firm believer in "words are just as meaningful as images (or anything else in this case xP)" so hopefully, they can just bear with my message. And I'm not trying to undermine every else's entries. I was looking through them and they all look really good! :)

Well, here's my message for Big Bang... I wish I could just attach it.. It's so long. =="

Other than that, Big Bang, fighting!

Message: BEGIN!

Hello Big Bang! Wow, it’s such an honour to know that you will be reading this.

I know that out of all of your millions and millions of fan this kind of letter won’t necessarily stand out or anything, but I hope that you can read it with as much happiness as you would have felt reading your very first fan letter. There’s isn’t anything else I can offer you except my words of adoration and admiration.

The first time I heard one of your songs was… many years ago. I didn’t really care about the artist then. To me, a good song is a good song even if I don’t understand a word of it. This song had me hooked for ages. It was a great song. It was ‘La La La.’ I can’t really remember if that was when it first came out or if it was a year after. All I remember is that it was one of the first Korean songs I had ever listened to, and it was amazing. (Whenever I listened to this song then, I would always say to my brother, “Wow, that person is a great singer!” Of course later, when I finally learned your names and the sound of your voices, I realised that it was Daesung that I loved very much. ^.^)

It was perhaps a year or two later that my brother started playing ‘Lies.’ I must be honest; I never liked anything but the chorus of that song then. There was something about it. Not too long after, my cousin introduced ‘Haru Haru’ to my brother and I, and, goodness, was that a GREAT song. That song will always be a classic for me. Great lyrics, great delivery, it was a perfect song. Finding that I enjoyed this song so much, I decided to look back at Big Bang’s past songs out of curiosity. And so, upon my second listen, ‘Lies’ sounded different to when I first heard it. It had power, emotion that I did not see before.

Going on to high school, my friends were crazed with K-Pop and this encouraged me to listen as well. I remember I was watching the music video of ‘Haru Haru’ on night on YGEntertainment’s channel while doing homework, and I stumbled upon your old music videos. That night, my eyes were opened up to ‘Always,’ ‘Dirty Cash,’ ‘A Fool’s Only Tears’ and ‘Sunset Glow.’ For the next few weeks, maybe even months, I played these songs and almost memorised every moment of their music videos. (I hope I don’t sound too obsessive. I didn’t watch them to stare at your faces or anything. I just really liked those songs… ^____^)

I fell into a phase where I kept looking for images of you guys and attempted to match up your faces, voices and names. After much searching, I realised that I was a fan. It was a nice feeling in that I was proud to be your fan, a fan of Big Bang. Have you ever felt down or just not up for anything and then suddenly feel happy and motivated again? This is how I felt listening to your music. I suppose that’s how fans feel. It’s hard to explain… Let’s put it this way! Think of someone that you admire a lot… You feel proud to admire them, don’t you? Even if it’s just a little bit, you feel proud. Whenever they do something great, you can’t help but be happy for them, ‘coz they’re awesome, and for yourself, because you believed that they could do it. That is exactly how fans feel, but even more!

I’m not particularly sure if that made any sense in English, so it may not make any sense at all to you…

This is hard, because this will probably be my only opportunity to “speak” to you. What is someone supposed to say to their idol? I’ll just try to explain how much I like Big Bang. You guys deserve to feel good about yourselves. :D

Big Bang is the greatest idol group in the world. Did you laugh a bit because of my bold statement? I don’t know how to be funny in front of five 20+ year old men especially when we have a communication issue. If you met me in real life, I promise to spend as much time as necessary to try and make you guys smile. I will even put my pride at stake. Personally, I think it’s important to be able to embarrass yourself for the sake of making someone you care about smile. Does that make you want to come to see me? (I’m only joking. I hope my humourous tone comes across even though it’s online!)

Truthfully, it would mean the world to me if you guys could have a concert in Sydney. One of the things I want (and plan) to do before I die is to watch Big Bang perform live. I don’t need a handshake or a hug (although I wouldn’t mind these either). I fell in love with Big Bang because of their music and so if I get to see you in real life, it should be to watch you showcase your music in front of my eyes. I don’t know if you guys knew, but SHINee recently came to Australia. To me, SHINee is a cool group, but (don’t tell them!!) Big Bang is so much better! Even though they aren’t my favourite group, when I saw them performing on stage, all I could do is smile and cheer. After the event ended, my heart was filled with content. I didn’t want them to hug me. Instead, I just wanted to give them a BIG hug to show them that their fans love them!

I can’t even imagine how I would react if it was you, Big Bang! Don’t be afraid if fans scream when they see you. It’s just because the excitement and happiness in the moment is too much to hold in. If I’m ever fortunate enough to ever meet you guys, I hope I can give each of you a hug (and not the suffocating kind!). It will be a hug that you would give to your family or even your good friend. I’m not trying to say I’m your family, of course (I really hope I’m not scaring you!). It’s just after being a fan for so long, looking at your pictures and smiling, going to sleep listening to your voices, I feel like we pen pals (pen pals are friends that live in different countries that send each other mail/postcards/emails)! I guess it’s a bit weird to hear that from someone you’ve never met. I’m not a stalker, don’t worry!

I think I’m typing too much, but I hope you try and read through this. For me, it’s like having the first and last conversation I’ll ever have with you. It’s meaningful and heartbreaking at the same time. But so long as you can feel happy inside about being loved to such a degree, it’s all good!

It’s taking me a while to decide on what to say next… This is probably one of the only letters I’ll ever write to anyone. I’m not accustomed to writing this kind of thing…

Whenever I listen to a song sung or by Big Bang, I feel happy inside. Your music has brought a new kind of joy in my life. It has allowed me to appreciate a completely different genre of music. For this, I thank you. For always being amazing, I thank you. Not to put any pressure on you all, but I think you guys are geniuses. I remember G-Dragon saying that he doesn’t like it when people say that, but considering I’ll never ever get to say anything to you again, why not? You were all born with potential. It wasn’t raw talent that go you to where you are today. It was blood and sweat and constant effort. I would also like to thank you for these things. If you had never gone through that, if you have ever given up midway because it was becoming too hard, I would never have been able to have your voices enlighten my ears.

G-Dragon said he didn’t like people calling him a genius because that put a burden on his shoulders, expectations to fulfil. I know you won’t like me saying this either, but I doubt that you will ever fall short of my expectations for you. It’s a matter of trust between idol and fan. We trust that you will bring to the table your sincerity and your honest effort. You should trust that we will be able to feel that genuine feeling that you poured into whatever you do. Even if everyone else says that it is bad, I believe, your fans believe, we all believe that what you do is magic. (Am I coming off as obsessive again? :o)

A while ago, I decided that my favourite song by Big Bang was ‘Always.’ The reason for this was the lyrics were sweet, your voices were pure and the music video for the song showed you guys playing, resting, having fun and, most importantly, smiling. After being faithful to this song for many months, I then heard ‘Foolish Love.’ I have listened to this song so many times and I have always loved it. I’m not sure why I love it. It’s just such a beautiful song. I guess my favourite Big Bang song now is ‘Foolish Love,’ but there are others that are just as great. I mean, if it’s by Big Bang, it’s definitely great.

While I’m talking to you about songs, I’ve been listening to your 4th mini album non-stop since its release. I love the songs. To be completely straightforward with you guys, I think I like the album as a whole more than the individual songs. And now you’re probably confused about what I mean because the album is basically the songs… What I mean is that I love all the songs. There is no song that is bad. There are some of your albums where I enjoyed certain songs more than others, but this time round, the songs seem to balance each other out. In other words, JOB WELL DONE!

So I’ve typed a lot! I’m going to try to wrap this up!! (You all probably don’t like me very much for typing so much, or you’ve gotten bored and just stopped reading altogether… which would be a bit hurtful… but it’s okay. I’d be lazy to read this much too.)

To Daesung, out of all the Big Bang members, I’m pretty sure that you would have realised, you are my absolute favourite. The number one reason why I love you the most is your voice. When I was deciding the member that I liked the most (I thought that I should have a favourite. Frankly, I don’t know why. I decided this 2 years ago… Sorry to the other members…!), I was solely focussing on the voice I liked the most. And it was yours that won me over. Since then, I have never regretted choosing you. You’re a wonderful person, full of innocence and humour! Never feel discouraged. It would be very difficult for me to watch you be unhappy. Even if all of Big Bang’s fans love the other members the most, I WILL BE THE ONE TO LOVE YOU AND CHEER FOR YOU SPECIFICALLY!! ^.^

You’re the best!! <3

To G-Dragon, when I found out that you took part in composing Big Bang’s songs, I was very surprised. It was shocking to hear how good you were. I’ve always accepted you as an inspiring rapper, so it was different to know that you wrote such good songs. After I realised this, I felt even prouder than normal to be Big Bang’s fan because Big Bang does more than perform songs with charisma, they write what they sing. It’s a bit horrible of me to be addressing you (and the other members!) after bragging about how incredible Daesung is, but I love you too! Big Bang is comprised of 5 members, and even though Daesung is my bias, I love all of you. Thank you, G-Dragon, for being a great leader. You ARE talented, and I hope you don’t feel burdened by that talent. You deserve every compliment you get. Don’t ever feel pressured to do what everyone else is doing. Express yourself truthfully and your fans will definitely support you 150%!!

To TOP, all of my friends accept you as being very handsome. I know you’re good looking, HOWEVER, that is not why I love you. Big Bang without one of its powerful rappers would not be as complete as it is now. To me, you and G-Dragon are some of the greatest rappers to ever be in idol groups. I would go as far as to say that you’re both some of the greatest rappers in the industry!! You are amazing in many ways that it’s hard to say. (Just so you know, I watched Iris only because you were in it!! You were amazing. I was especially focussed whenever you were on the screen. ^_^) Continue to come out in dramas and movies. I will try my best to watch them and support you. TOP, I love you very much!! Thank goodness you became a Big Bang member!

To Taeyang, I want to graciously thank you for being as you are. My cousins are willing to listen to me rant on and on about Big Bang because they like you a lot. Your recent solo album garnered lots of attention from international fans. Your songs were great. Your English pronunciation is coming along very well! Perhaps we might even be able to converse one day in English. I’ll tell you now; the only Korean I know is very basic, and frankly very useless for a conversation. How often have you ever asked someone, “Do you want to die?!” in a conversation? (Just so you’re not afraid, it’s the informal way of saying it. My friend taught me that, and I just say it as a joke to make her laugh.) If you’re interested, I can call you crazy in Korean… I can even call you ‘friend.’ I’m sorry about how useless my basic knowledge of your language is. I wish I could talk to you in Korean… Then you would be able to hear firsthand how much I love you!!! Taeyang, I love you so much! You’re awesome!

To Seungri, you are the youngest member of Big Bang and yet you are a good 6 years older than me. There’s such a distance between us… Even though age and language may separate us, I hope that you can understand how much I love you through this. In Big Bang’s pre-debut documentary, I felt very nervous knowing that you may not have been able to debut. Years later, I’m so thankful that they reconsidered and allowed you to stand on stage. I just wanted to slip in that in your recent solo releases, you look very, very, very handsome. Congratulations on the wins!! Of course, when I found out that you had won on music shows, I was not at all surprised. I knew that you could do it! You have come a long way and I’m very proud of you (as all of your fans are). Despite being the youngest member of Big Bang, you are definitely not the least worthy! You are as responsible for the success of the group as the other members. You’re jjang!! (Did you see how I slipped in some Korean? :D Did I use the word right…?!) LOVE YOU, SEUNGRI!

That’s probably it. Wow, I typed a lot. Hopefully, this can be translated to you in the appropriate context. Big Bang, fighting! You guys mean a lot to me even though we don’t know each other. I will work hard to support you from afar. My strong interest in K-Pop is surely not kind of my parents’ wallets, but I will support you in any way I can! Charge forward and don’t be afraid of haters! YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE AT LEAST ONE LOYAL FAN!!!

BIG BANG, SARANGHAEYO! Stay healthy, remember to smile and enjoy life!

From Linda, Sydney

P.S. If you actually did read till the end, thank you so much!

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Guest livia09

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Dear BaBies:

When I saw You the first time, I did not attend:vicx:. And I really repent :crazy:about that, because of You, my angel who take me out of the shadows. You are my sun, my air, my everything in me. Everyday when I wake up, You are the first thing I thought:lol:. Whenever, wherever You, my angel who I've always seen, always heard and will always watch over You and always wish happy for You. Sometimes I just wish I was a Korean :Pbecause if that happens I can see You:lol:, I can go to Big Show and cheer for You. Although I wanted but now can not do that, You know I'm in too far Youtears.gif. The best thing for me You are happy and your smile shine:D. Please do whatever You want, I will always support You even if the whole world against You, believe me because I'm a real VIPz. My big love, my biggest dream is to be seen 5 of you the Big Show on stage. I promise I will go so You give me my chance to do that. All 5 of You together forever and then, my angel. I'll see You soon:lol:. You know things can not be what You expected:(, someone has hurt You:angry: and that's when I cried tears.gifbecause I love You:P. I want You to know that the person who hurt You:angry:, my big love, they will have to get back pain like me and You, do not worry about opponents. I do not know if I can do for Yousweatingbullets.gif. So if I can do for You, my angel, please tell me:lol:. I love all 5 of You. So I always look at five of You together forever:D. Knowing everything can change, but I always hope so:P. And You should know that, Notwithstanding what happens, I will always love You and support You. Please keep good health. You should not worry too much about everything.  shine for directions when I lost. Always beside You keep yourself alive and shine your own wayB). You know that You are my brightest star:lol:. You alwaysYou when I needed You. Everything seems to mean nothing without You:P. I always thank heaven for giving me see You, my angel. Just to hear your voice all my sorrows disappear. You know, You who bring happiness to so many people there. I'm one of your millions of fans around the world, You are the source of happiness:rolleyes:, a joy for us:lol:, my love. For me and for the general VIPz, You are number one:wub:. Do not ever give up because we will always be beside . Never stop, keep walking, because we are always waiting and supporting You, my angel. Never believe the bad people:angry:, they will make You hurt and it will kill us:tears:. Always happy, my love:lol:. I am happy because You happy. I laugh :lol:when I see You smile:D. I promise You that I will definitely come. Please wait for me^_^.

All what I want to tell You, I want You to know that I love You so much, the past, now and future will forever be, my big love:lol:.

P/S: I do not think You can read everything that I and thousands of others to your message:lol:. I'm not sad about that:P, because I believe though that the message of who among all of us You'll always get the best. I have made a gift to You ^ ^ it's not really good, You know it is the 3rd I do ^ ^. I just hope that You can spend a little time to watch it. Nothing big:P, it's all your photos and songs that I like most ^ ^ (Day by Day).


I always believe hat You will succeed. 4th mini album is great. I've heard a lot and enjoyed it. You are the best. "Tonight"actually very good, I believe it would be a big hit just like your previous songs. Do not worry, the fact that You are great, believe me ^ ^. Love YOU

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I love Big Bang because…their music gives me comfort even though I’m so far from home. I’m from California, my family is South American and fate brought me to Seoul two years ago.

I started listening to Big Bang around 2006-2007, the first songs I heard were “This Love”, “A Fool’s Only Tears” and “We Belong Together”. My younger sister introduced me to your music and would play your songs all the time. It was common to hear music in different languages at our house since we speak two languages and we have an interest in foreign music. But anytime my sister played Korean music, there were ALWAYS Big Bang songs. I remember once I was upset because I didn’t do well on my midterms and to cheer me up my sister started playing songs from Hot Issue. My sister started singing along and dancing. I was upset but the music was so upbeat that I couldn't help but join in. She used to look for the translations and the lyrics online so that she could learn how to pronounce the words and sing along, hehehe. I have some great memories of that time ^^

Anyway, so two years ago I ended up moving to Korea, for work reasons. And though I love this country and all the opportunities it’s given me, sometimes I really miss home. But whenever I hear any Big Bang music or any songs from the boys’ solo projects, it really warms my heart. It reminds me of my sister and those happy memories of us enjoying your music together.

Also, while I enjoy a lot of the popular Korean music it can become a bit repetitive at times. I love that whenever I hear anything new from Big Bang or G-Dragon or TOP or Taeyang or any of the boys…it’s always something with a fresh new sound. Your music is unique yet it’s a taste of home. I love that whenever you do an R&B or hip hop song it’s actually a good representation of the genre, or at least it this American thinks so.

It’s amazing how powerful music is and how from just listening to one song, your whole day can become so much brighter. For your hard work and all the happiness you bring to fans all over the world, thank you. Keep up the good work, we all really appreciate it! Thank you G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyang, Daesung, Seungri and of course YG Entertainment for bringing them to us, the fans.


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Guest flory_suju

Hello Big Bang !! ^_^ We are Flory and Ady and we are from Romania.We wanted to show you how much we love you through a video made my us. :sweatingbullets: i know that is not something amazing but it is a true feeling ^.^ I hope you guys enjoy it and laugh because it is a little bit funny..we actually laughed a lot making it.

Take care of you,have fun and make memories :) saranghaeyo :)

Love Big Bang

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Dear Big Bang

I just watched Big Show through live streaming. well, really hope that one day I could come and watch it live, either you come to my country or I visit Korea :D

You are the first korean group that pull me to the K-Pop world. I have never really attracted to K-Pop world to be honest, but then, one day, I accidentally watched one of your performances in 2007, where Big Bang invited as guest in Star King, and I saw how all of you dance to Wonder Girls hit. I laughed and awed at the same time, see how Jiyong dance so smoothly. Your performance awed me. Start from there on, I started to gain interest in you.

A simple interest led to admiration to you guys. I really enjoy your music a lot. Then, I admire and respect each every one of you for your hardwork. (I watched how big bang was formed, the audition and how finally you guys officially become 1 group. I really cried and touched as I saw how you guys really worked so hard and passionately to achieve what you guys dreamed of)

You guys are not merely an idol group or band for me, but you guys are my role model. To be honest, after I saw how amazing your performance, how  much hard work and passion you guys put in for every songs and performances, all of it made me ashamed of how I am being so ungrateful and complained a lot. I will always learn to be grateful, work hard and try to do my best :)

I learned a lot from you guys, and I hope you guys will always be shining, make music forever and I still want to listen to your music until I'm old old old old.

PS: I do not have creative brain, so even though I had spent some good days to think what I should show you guys, I came up with nothing creative and interesting.

So I want to show you guys my collection of your albums.

I buy your albums, not only because I am your fans, but because I love your music and especially I put respect and admire your hard works to create such beautiful music for us.

Love you guys forever :wub:

I am going to listen to your music until I become a grandma, or great grandma or great great grandma, sooo please keep on making music forever and let the world listen to them



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Guest lheeyah

To the boys (or should I say men?) of Big Bang!

I just got back from the last day of Big Show and I just wanna thank you guys for always putting out great music and even more awesome performances. You probably don't remember me from any of your shows(To GD&TOP, I was there at Club Heaven on Christmas Eve 2010!) but I just wanna say that I have always enjoyed your stages and I wanna thank you for all the memories you guys have given me. You guys have so much passion for music and you have inspired me so much.

TO G-DRAGON: You are amazingly talented and I LOVE YOU. SO MUCH. I always look forward to the songs you write because they're all so good and the lyrics are so touching and seem so personal <3 Oh and you look good in all kinds of clothing! Your style is 짱!

TO TOP: You're HOT! I don't know of many people who are as gorgeous as you are. You are also and amazing rapper and an actor with so much potential. I was really touched with you performance in 포화속으로.

To Taeyang: I really love your style of music. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to your songs. And you're such a great dancer - I just love seeing you dance!

To Daesung: Your voice is absolutely beautiful! I wish I saw you in a musical but I just love hearing you sing.

To Seungri! Your mini-album was impressive and you really showed how much you've grown. I'm so proud of you! Your performance tonight at BIGSHOW was really good!

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Once upon a time, 5 boys, 1 dream, mounted on the front of the stage.

Once upon a time, on 19 August 2006, a name goes into history.

TOP, G DRAGON, TAEYANG, DAESUNG, SEUNG RI, a group like so many others but a group so different from others.

Their music, their talent, their style, their personality makes all the difference.

5 voices, 5 colors, 1 harmony.

From Big bang to Lalala and Last farewell, through Lies, Haru haru, Sunset glow and now Tonight, Cafe, Hands up... Big Bang create their own universe, a world where even us on the other side of Korea, without knowing, without understanding the language we liked and especially a world where it has remained until today.

4 years have elapsed since the beginning, grow with the music of the big bang and grow old with them.

Thank you for sharing your passion, your talent, your music.

In return, we VIP around the world, we encourage you again and again so that your dream is still intact and that you stay on top of the stairs.

Once upon a time, 5 boys, 1 dream...

Once upon a time a name, a myth...



Love from France

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i think its pretty hard to explain what Big Bang means to me with simple words!

but i will try :)

at first i want to say something to G-Dragon..because he is the one that inspires me the most..

with his passion..with his talent..with his amazing fashion sense..

seeing how hard he is working on all his projects..gives me strengths to work even harder on mine..

and to belive in what i do..that i can reach my goals when i keep trying and working ..when i never give up on improving!

not only in my drawing skillz..or my singing projects..also in my health issues..

no matter how bad i feel..and even when i think i should give up..

listening to Big Bang makes me smile..and gives me the power to keep going!

it reminds me that life is about happiness and those we love!

G-Dragon..i want to thank you for being such an inspiring person!

i want you to know, that even people over here in germany can feel the power of you`re passion!

and how many people you make happy with you`re talent...

i really admire you!wub.gif

you`re music inspires me so much!

and Big Bang as a band..i mean what can i say ;D

it is really not easy to bring my emotions down in words..

you guys are just amazing musicians..and each one of you has their own awsome talent!

and im always amazed when i see how much fun you have with what you are doing!

i think it is pretty rare for such an successful band, to show so much joy..for you`re music, and especially

for all you`re fans!

and you guys can be sure..we are so thankful for everything you do for us!

i envy you guys for never giving up..for standing up for you`re believes..

for standing together like a family!

for helping eachother as much as you can!

i could go on writing positiv things about Big Bang for ages...

but to make it simple..

i love Big Bang!

you make the soundtrack to my life!

and with every of you`re songs..you put a smile on my face..

you`re music makes me sing and dance!w00t.gif

and i cant say how nervouse i am, knowing you will read this w00t.gif

at the end..i want to add some of my drawings i made of you guys ,sweatingbullets.gif

i hope you like them unsure.gif


Ayiu aka Jeanette (germany)

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Guest sqtippy

Dear Big Bang members,

Thank you for creating the most amazing music on earth and for being great role models! I hope that you can be successful for many, many years to come. I am always looking forward to your new releases. Take care of yourselves! And be yourselves! Because that is what V.I.P's love! :wub:


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Guest Cml9311

For my Big Bang Heroes.

How to even begin? How do I start? This is a story that is personal but true. My five heroes who helped me through it all.

About 4 years ago I was in middle school and it was the lowest I would ever go in my life. My whole life, people told me I was so fat and so ugly. So, one summer I stopped eating and I became so skinny that you could start seeing my bones. I started drinking alcohol and smoking. I was only 14 when I started doing all of this. The music I listened to was death metal so it didn't help at all. The lyrics were about death and killing people. Then, more of my classmates would tell me to go die or cut myself. To them, I was this disgusting girl because I wore all black everyday.

I was thinking of killing myself and I was writing my suicide note to my mother. I was on the laptop and I really don't remember how, but I ended up looking at a photo of 5 boys. This picture would change everything.For some reason, I wanted to know who these 5 boys were and I came to find these boys were in a group called Big Bang. Your lyrics, your style and charms made me smile. It was a smile that was missing for so long. I was so interested in Big Bang that I forgot all about the bad things I was thinking.

Your music is powerful and the lyrics are what caught my attention. I soon became too busy to remember the stupid suicide I planned. I tried to buy anything related to Big Bang, I started learning Korean and I watched you guys endlessly on Youtube.Not only did I become hooked on Big Bang, but I was then exposed to the Korean culture in general.I stopped the drinking, the smoking and I started to eat again.

You guys are what supported me to keep going on and never give up. Now, I am here in college with a new life, Korean boyfriend and doing well. I am so grateful to Big Bang for being there for me when no one else was. During that hard time, I constantly played your music and tried to learn the words to your songs. I ended up making many Korean friends in this process. Big Bang are my shining stars and I love you guys so much because you helped me overcome a low point in my life. Thanks for being there for me, thanks for creating the best music in the world, thanks for never giving up and thanks for letting me grow up with you guys.

I buy all of your albums, your calendars, socks and posters. I just managed to buy 2 of your Big Bang UNIQLO shirts :] I try to spread the word of Big Bang and most of my friends are also becoming Big Bang fans. I will always remember you guys and I will always be here to support you.

I am, and will always be a Big Bang VIP. I love you guys. :]

** P.S. My birthday is March 11 and I plan to go get my Big Bang VIP tattoo~ ^^

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Guest SofiTokyo

Dear Big Bang.

I really want to say Thank you. For bring us endless joy, passion and love in your music. I am an English girl living and working in Tokyo, and am daily inspired by your hard work and talent. I don't understand every word you say, but music is it's own language right!? In that case, I never miss a word.

GD. You're incredible. A REAL artist. Thank you for making me sit down and write songs again. I will never perform them, but I hope that someday, somebody will! 

 Every day I proudly wear my BB hoodie backstage, and over my costume. A few co workers noticed and now I have my own small YG family! Friends you have helped me make, who I adore.

Thank you so much. I wish that you will be always happy. biggrin.gif


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