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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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since CH ended last week, this week's Wednesday and thursday was sad and heavy, missing CH at the same time begging for more MinMin scenes at the last episode, the last scene wasn't just enough for me, they could have shown us more than that... I'm usually excited from tuesday to thursday night, tuesday because my excitement advances of the thought that tomorrow (wednesday) there will be CH and of course wednesday and thursday is CH day. Hoping for more. I'm wondering how the cast of CH detach themselves after filming ended, maybe because of the tiring and sleepless night they'll have their awaited sleep and rest and couldn't think much more about departing from your co-workers and missing the whole cast.

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I just finished did a 6 episode marathon. It was a bit slow in some bits but the last two episodes really surprised me. There were times when I was yelling at the screen.

My favourite scenes overall are:

Nana shoots City Hunter

Nana saves Yoon Sung

and Kim Young Joo's death

Usually I avoid vengence or melodramas type of kdramas because I tend to like light comedies, but I was glad I made this exception. The last scene was a bit boring but...up to that the last episode ended with a bang.

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Guest Kdrama-lover

Hi.. i am new here.. but City Hunter is so great for me to join this thread! I love this drama very much! Missing the MinMin tandem already..

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Guest star_It

I just finished this drama.overall,it's one of the best drama I watched but I feel that it's incomplete.

I felt sorry for JP,he soo wanted revenge and I wished till the end that he will change and grant Ys his dream.

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Guest pallycute

If you want to see Kim Nana Dance to f(x)'s song Nu Abo, look at this clip

Too bad they cut this part after they announced this in the news site

Other NG clip, 14 minutes long

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So! SBS released the script to episode 20~ :wub: Which means in the script is also the original ending of episode 20 (the ending that would've been if not for the flood in Korea, which cancelled all outdoor scenes).

Someone has translated the last few scenes of the script (the ending, which is really the part that matters hehe), BUT it's in Chinese. So if you can read Chinese, link to the image of the translated script is here :)


Credit is in the image.

For those that don't understand Chinese, the gist of it:

- 3 Years Later - (actually the part before this, the YS and Dad showdown, is a bit different too but not going to go into that)

YS paid a visit to the monument, met and had a brief conversation with the President there, YS said they'll not meet again

Ajusshi opened up a restaurant, and the President + bodyguards went there to eat

Sahee paid a visit to YJ's grave (well.. the pot that stores his ashes) and said that she's going to Australia, we see the "Flower Boy on Board" thing Nana made beside the pot

Dahye became a singer in group KARA (lol) after being scouted while working at the coffee shop, sings the song with "Nananana" in it, Nana see this on TV and comments how Dahye should've told her if she was going to use her name in the song LOL

GoKiJoon and ShinEun getting married

Kyunghee happily making food, calls up Nana to tell her and YS to go over to eat

Nana and YS opened up a detective agency, Nana complaining how they always get the boring jobs lol

YS helping out a kid with getting a cat out of the trees as Nana rides in on a bicycle to find YS to go eat at Kyunhee's, Dahye calls YS and puts in a request to investigate her stalker, then YS sees this bikini girl, hangs up, Nana sees what YS is looking at, jealousy flares up and uses her signature judo move on YS lol (throwing him over her shoulder)

then ends with YS paying a visit to a client

Definitly a lot more closure for all the characters and a better lead in to the beginning of the CH manga (it starts at the detective agency) :) But then we wouldn't have the smile between YS and Nana at the airport hehe Guess we can't have the best of both worlds :tears:

I hear there's also some deleted parts to episode 12 as well (dunno if it was acted out and just cut from the episode)

In particular is a scene between Nana and YS... after the backhug, there's supposed to be another scene with both of them on the couch, YS lying on Nana's lap, both holding hands intertwined..........

OMG I WOULD KILL TO SEE THIS SCENE T___T WHYYY DID THEY DELETE THIS SCENE WHYYY.....!! if it's just cut, I hope there will be a director's cut version of the DVD and they'll put it back in, or put it in Deleted Scenes

EDIT: Actually, would anyone be interested in English translation of the script? Although it'll be from the Chinese translation to English, so some things might be lost from translation from the original Korean script -> English.

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hello ^__^

I've just started watching City Hunter, currently on ep #11.

I've no idea what's been discussed already or how it's gonna end (no spoilers pls ^^), but the drama is very nice so far.

It has good writing, directing and pacing, even though the editing could have been a little bit better (some of scenes looked choppy and the succession /flow wasn't that seamless), but overall I'm really enjoying City Hunter.

I like the abundance of storylines and characters and how they've been put together, kudos to the writers for handling them all at the same time and still make it cohesive.

The acting is really well done, everyone is playing their role superbly. It was a given with the many seasoned actors and actresses, they're some very well-known names in the industry, but also Lee Min-ho, Park Min-young and Lee Jun-hyuk!

tbh, the only thing getting tedious sometimes is the romance aspect. The relationship and built up between Yoon Sung and Na Na is really sweet, but at this point I'd like to see more of the main plot and less damsel-in-distress Yoon Sung completely occupied with Na Na.

The roles of the women in City Hunter could have been fleshed out more, overall, but I'm not complaining. At least, they've been given intelligent, serious backgrounds and can handle the bull thrown their way. Na Na is doing good so far, she's not about completely sacrificing herself for ~love~... yet. I have hope it won't end that way.

Yoon Sung's mom is a mom, it's sad that that's been seemingly her whole purpose in the series.

The vet doctor is ok, making her own decisions and keeping cool most of the time, even if the actress irritates me at times, idk know why yet.

I absolutely love Kim Sang Jung as the badass avenger, hell-bent on getting those 5 people dead. He's playing the role so awesomely good, the agent who's gotten completely cray cray for his mission, you just go straight into hating his character.

and now for a personal favorite of mine: Mr. stuck-up, idealistic, smarty-pants prosecutor Kim Young-Joo.

omg, I've never registered Lee Jun Hyuk in either City Hall or Secret Garden (maybe cuz I didn't finish those dramas) but here.... holy cow, this man is beautiful :Q_______

They've handled Young-Joo pretty well, considering how flimsy and bad second leads are handled by kdrama writers. He's smart, he's gentlemanly, has a past, he's most likely made some spectacular bad decisions, is divorced, has issues, was a rather lousy husband.... I believe that's not our run-of-the-mill formular for second lead. I like the conflict with his dad and the frayed guilt-tripping reason he's been nice to Na Na, and his hate!bickering and competing with Yoon Sung is both hilarious and sexy.

Lee Jun-hyuk's doing a great job making the most out of what he's given for his role as Kim Young-Joo.

And he's just sooooo damn pretty *drool*

also, he has a very slight case of "wonky eye" going on, whenever he looks surprised or shocked, making big eyes like this :blink: I love it, so cute XDDDD

Finally, kudos to all them sidekicks and minor characters, especially Yoon Sung's wife, puppy, bff, ally "Ahjusshi", daddy's conflicted ex-cop and Na Na's, Yoon Sung and Young-Joo's co-workers. Great little family-like characters helping out the main leads and being funny in the background of the story XD

I'll get back when I finish City Hunter, till then, I'd like to ask you guys about the prosecutor:

What was the overall impression and consensus of him in this thread? Good, bad? Did you guys like him or were you dissatisfied with his role in the main storyline?

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Guest myphim

For those that don't understand Chinese, the gist of it:

- 3 Years Later - (actually the part before this, the YS and Dad showdown, is a bit different too but not going to go into that)

YS paid a visit to the monument, met and had a brief conversation with the President there, YS said they'll not meet again

Ajusshi opened up a restaurant, and the President + bodyguards went there to eat

Sahee paid a visit to YJ's grave (well.. the pot that stores his ashes) and said that she's going to Australia, we see the "Flower Boy on Board" thing Nana made beside the pot

Dahye became a singer in group KARA (lol) after being scouted while working at the coffee shop, sings the song with "Nananana" in it, Nana see this on TV and comments how Dahye should've told her if she was going to use her name in the song LOL

GoKiJoon and ShinEun getting married

Kyunghee happily making food, calls up Nana to tell her and YS to go over to eat

Nana and YS opened up a detective agency, Nana complaining how they always get the boring jobs lol

YS helping out a kid with getting a cat out of the trees, Nana rides bicycle and goes to find YS to go eat at Kyunhee's, Dahye calls YS and puts in a request to investigate her stalker, then YS sees this bikini girl, hangs up, Nana sees what YS is looking at, jealousy flares up and uses her signature judo move on YS lol (throwing him over her shoulder)

then ends with YS paying a visit to a client

If you want to see Kim Nana Dance to f(x)'s song Nu Abo, look at this clip

Too bad they cut this part after they announced this in the news site

Other NG clip, 14 minutes long

Thank you guys for all the wonderful news and updates on the show.

Nana's f(x) Nu Abo dance is so cute. The two of them could not stop laughing. Hope they will include it in the DVD later.

Really too bad about the ending. It would have been awesome if they followed the original script.

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So! SBS released the script to episode 20~  :wub:   Which means in the script is also the original ending of episode 20 (the ending that would've been if not for the flood in Korea, which cancelled all outdoor scenes).

Someone has translated the last few scenes of the script (the ending, which is really the part that matters hehe), BUT it's in Chinese.  So if you can read Chinese, link to the image of the translated script is here  :)


Credit is in the image.

For those that don't understand Chinese, the gist of it:

- 3 Years Later - (actually the part before this, the YS and Dad showdown, is a bit different too but not going to go into that)

YS paid a visit to the monument, met and had a brief conversation with the President there, YS said they'll not meet again

Ajusshi opened up a restaurant, and the President + bodyguards went there to eat

Sahee paid a visit to YJ's grave (well.. the pot that stores his ashes) and said that she's going to Australia, we see the "Flower Boy on Board" thing Nana made beside the pot

Dahye became a singer in group KARA (lol) after being scouted while working at the coffee shop, sings the song with "Nananana" in it, Nana see this on TV and comments how Dahye should've told her if she was going to use her name in the song LOL

GoKiJoon and ShinEun getting married

Kyunghee happily making food, calls up Nana to tell her and YS to go over to eat

Nana and YS opened up a detective agency, Nana complaining how they always get the boring jobs lol

YS helping out  a kid with getting a cat out of the trees, Nana rides bicycle and goes to find YS to go eat at Kyunhee's, Dahye calls YS and puts in a request to investigate her stalker, then YS sees this bikini girl, hangs up, Nana sees what YS is looking at,  jealousy flares up and uses her signature judo move on YS lol (throwing him over her shoulder)

then ends with YS paying a visit to a client

Definitly a lot more closure for all the characters and a better lead in to the beginning of the CH manga (it starts at the detective agency) :) But then we wouldn't have the smile between YS and Nana at the airport hehe Guess we can't have the best of both worlds  :tears:

I hear there's also some deleted parts to episode 12 as well (dunno if it was acted out and just cut from the episode)

In particular is a scene between Nana and YS... after the backhug, there's supposed to be another scene with both of them on the couch, YS lying on Nana's lap, both holding hands intertwined..........

OMG I WOULD KILL TO SEE THIS SCENE T___T WHYYY DID THEY DELETE THIS SCENE WHYYY.....!! if it's just cut, I hope there will be a director's cut version of the DVD and they'll put it back in, or put it in Deleted Scenes

i love this ending 

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Guest tfz_hebe89

so it's all because of the flood that they can't follow the original script? and made up an abrupt ending just like that?

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So! SBS released the script to episode 20~ :wub: Which means in the script is also the original ending of episode 20 (the ending that would've been if not for the flood in Korea, which cancelled all outdoor scenes).

Someone has translated the last few scenes of the script (the ending, which is really the part that matters hehe), BUT it's in Chinese. So if you can read Chinese, link to the image of the translated script is here :)


I hear there's also some deleted parts to episode 12 as well (dunno if it was acted out and just cut from the episode)

In particular is a scene between Nana and YS... after the backhug, there's supposed to be another scene with both of them on the couch, YS lying on Nana's lap, both holding hands intertwined..........

OMG I WOULD KILL TO SEE THIS SCENE T___T WHYYY DID THEY DELETE THIS SCENE WHYYY.....!! if it's just cut, I hope there will be a director's cut version of the DVD and they'll put it back in, or put it in Deleted Scenes

Why they deleted so many sweet scene of YS and NN??? The dance scene is so cute, NN really cute and sweet when she do the dance.... no wonder after NN ask YS why he so angry suddenly cut to another scene....! And the deleted part at episode 12 (after the backhug) if really have the scene YS lying on Nana's lap.... it will be sweet and happy for MinMin's fans... :wub: Hope they really included in the director's cut version of DVD.... I really would buy the dvd copy even is expensive.. :sweatingbullets:

And also the ending, hope they will gather up and re-shoot the ending and include in the DVD... am i dreaming too much???? blush.gif

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Guest smashingalou

hi newbie here!!! just wanna say I AM COMPLETELY HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH CITY HUNTER!!!

Just wanna share my 20 Best Scenes of City Hunter (if you guys don't mind :sweatingbullets: )

(I originally posted it on CH Episode 20 recap thread from Dramabeans.com and thought will share it here with everyone)

Scenes that left me gasping for air, that gave me a heart-attack, sent my blood pressure to rise and left me in awe for being so wisely-smarty written. CITY HUNTER, WHY SO AWESOME SHOW?!

1. The Triangle Attack Scene. This includes YS fight using a bamboo, YS surrogate mom’s death and the landmine scene (the very first time I knew this SHOW will provide millions of reasons for me to shed tears).

2. The Spoon Fight and Fountain Scene. First official fight scene of YS as CH that totally floored me then put me in “aaawww” mode afterwards with the fountain scene. Ok, anyone who can play in the fountain as HOT as LMH, I’d be your slave forever. Period.

3. The Road Scene. YS standing on top of his car, arms wide open for the oncoming bus which JP is driving. (That scene totally started JP’s the Daddy Bad-richard simmons Nicky)

4. The Sniper and Elevator Scene. The sniper scene is just “brilliant eeee” then followed with YS coming out of nowhere reaching out for JP’s hand in the elevator. (Why so freaking smart and at the same time so HOT, YS?)

5. The NN shooting YS Scene. The almost-I’m-about-to-lose-my-consciousness-feeling is still fresh until now. The bloody awesome directing did not help with my rising BP but LMH moaning absolutely raised my Pervy-Mode to another level .

6. The Hanging on the Ledge Scene. This scene would have sent me to the emergency room if only I didn’t need to be conscious for what will happen next. The almost-heart-attack it gave me when YS’s wound started bleeding and still holding on to NN and JP watching from below, aaackk. *heart thump thump*

7. The Stairway Scene. Bloody awesome use of stairs. Best camera directing here with two hot guys combined with a dramatic brilliant musical score. Plus the YS-assailing-NN-on-the-throat-with-a-stare-that-sent-me-to-another-dimension-scene is JUST BRILLIANTLY AWESOME. Damn, can’t get enough of this.

8. The Damsel-In-Rescue Scene. NN on that KICK-richard simmons Scene, 6-1, totally solidified her Quo as YS’s Damsel-In-Shining-Armor. More solidification proof was when NN took the bullet for YS. Bye, bye female lead with cry-baby tears. NN’s my new Femme Fatale hero. Hah!

9. The Blood Transfusion Scene. The musical score, the symbolism,the acting, GAH, SHOW, I’m yours forever! The 100F hotness-level of YS stare, that melted me a millionth times…HOT,HOT, HOT!

10. The Revelation Scene. YS discovering(accidentally) on JP’s hi-tech lair that KH(mom) did not abandon him. The background music, the angling, acting and writing. Man, why so smart?! *just simply Bravo*!!

11. The Hospital Scene. Ajushhi reviving scene and YS/LMH acting and the broken mirror scene left me in swooning AWE with LMH. BEST ACTOR SCENE, MAN!!

12. The Hand Stabbing Scene.Aaack, YS GRIEF is ALL OVER THE PLACE..and JP’s reaction on the stabbing, GOLD!!

13. The Overpass Scene. Damn, YS eyes, YJ’s face and the music. I’m falling for you SHOW over and over again. The heart palpitation you gave me on that scene was something coffee cannot provide!!

14. The Fountain Break-Up Scene. Waah, I’m still bawling. It’s a LIFE-DEATH reason that broke my heart into pieces for YS and NN.

15. The Gas-Inhaled-Scene. YS inhaling the chemical poision and gasping for breath in the sidewalk. That’s a very, very, very sad and heartbreaking scene for YS. icon_sad.gif

16. The Junkyard and YJ’s Death Scene. YS swift fighting movements, AGAIN and AGAIN is DAMN HOT! Then, YJ?!! Waaah, my eyes are not yet dried out by crying with his death! I’m speechless with this scene that I don’t even know how to describe it.

17. The JP House Attack. The father and son EPIC POSE!! Aaaah,it kills me!

18. The Funeral Scene. How can it get more heartbreaking?! SH crying, KJS and Prez. Choi looks of regret, YJ’s minions and Boss, NN crying silent tears and YS…Waaah, my heart is still breaking for this scene.

19. The JP and YS Gun Scene. The moment they saw it each other in the room, I knew it’s not gonna be good for my blood pressure. Then as soon as they point the gun to each other, I’m already dead!

20. The EPIC FINALE TRIO SCENE. NN, JP and YS all three with GUNS! Acccck! Then YS’s gun on his head! Double AAACCK!! Then blood, bloood everywhere!!! The father and son reaching out scene with JP half-smiling killed me.

And for Special Honorable Mention "The Mirror Scene"..Awesome!!!

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Guest yuuhi

im not sure if anyone already posted this but i want to know if anyone knows how to get the iphone sounds that they had in the drama. i thought that it was a cute sound. it was like a little 'blip' sound. im not sure if it was sms tone or a keyboard click sound. anyways just wondering since i want to get that on my iphone. please reply! thanks!!

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Guest MaryFairy

I'm not sure if this question was answered already, and I apologize in advance if it's the case. In ep 19, I didn't get why Cheon Jae Man sent the secret files to Young Ju's house, only to retrieve it right after to destroy it. Why would he do that? Did he send it while he was still in prison and to lure City Hunter to YJ's house (because he didn't know that he would be freed?)?

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Guest myphim


He sent those documents before going to the airport. Since the President won't helped him, he was going to get back at the President by sending the secret 1983 document to YJ. He was hoping with those secret documents, YJ would exposed the President dirty past to the nation. At least that is how I see it. Hope that help.

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I've been watching CH again, and I have to say, the most annoying person in this drama have to be NN's boss Lol.... I hate how he suspended and told NN to resign so many times, without listening to her explanation. Sure, NN might have violated some rules, but on ep.9 where SYH snatched NN's gun and used her as a hostage. What could she have done? Snatch her gun back and continue to protect SYH? Oh please, I bet that director will be like "why did you stop the prosecutor who was trying to do his work (catching SYH). Or you know, even if she got her gun back and stop SYH, the director will say "you were supposed to protect him!" then blah blah about a security agent have to become the bullet shield blah blah. Makes me wonder how NN's boss even became the director of the special security agent w/e thing, I bet NN has more experience than him lol. 

I love it when YS threw that director over hahaha I was like "SERVE YOU RIGHT" 

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