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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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I dont understand Korean so this recap is just describing

what im seeing on screen.

-Started from the last scene of episode 16.

President offering Yunsung on the book that he's searching for.

YS in Pres' office talking. YS teaching Pres something about the computer.

- Next scene in nana's office, she's talking w/ YS' mom. It seems

that YS Mom gave NN an embroidered Hanky.

-JP talking with Target 4 guy, the congressman guy. City Hunter was

brought up in their convo but i cant decipher what they're talking about.

CREEPY GUY went insde the office making an eye contact w/ JP.

-Luncheon Hall, BLUE HOUSE staff is busing preparing for the event. Nana

was given an instruction by his boss.

Next scene was showing GoHara (lol) pestering YS. JP is also in the event

and YS saw JP coming out from the car.

-JP shaking hands with PRESIDENT, Pres WAS clearly shocked.


-President giving speech, YS was cautious looking at everyone inside the hall specially his father.

YS sharing table w/ PRES' daughter.

-An alarm was triggered alerting everyone in the hall. NANA ran  covering the PRES...was shot by a PAINTBALL,everyone

was obviously alarmed. NANA gave PRES the HANKY given by YS' mom. It seemed that PRES knows

the owner of the hanky. While it happened JP was so damn calm.LOL

-YS confronted JP outside the HALL. YS mentioned NANA's name and said

that would be the last time he'll warn his father.



-President's bodyguards busily searched for the culprit and saw the paint equipments inside

a room. NANA and NANA's boss giving a report inside Pres' office.

-President asked to talk privately w/ Nana. He asked about the HANKY that Nana lend Pres.



-Nana on the phone w/ YS' mom. YS Mom said that she missed NANA. Im not sure of the covo

but it seemed YS mom was uncomfy. I think NANA asked the relation of the hanky to Mr. Pres' question


YS mom talking w/ Target 4 (The congressman) They seemed to be arguing, Target4 gave YS' mom

an envelope full of money.

*end of flashback


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* BTS pics part I ^_^







credit: as tagged

* BTS pics part II












credit: as tagged, twitter


Lee Min-ho and Kim Sang-joong were having a serious discussion then burst into laughter


The shooting site of "City Hunter" Lee Min-ho and Kim Sang-joon has been revealed.

SBS drama "City Hunter" Lee Min-ho and Kim Sang-joong were having a serious discussion then burst into laughter.

Lee Jin-pyo (Kim Sang-joong) plans revenge on those who betrayed him and his fellow soldiers by kidnapping Lee Yoon-seong (Lee Min-ho) from his mother Lee Kyeong-hee (Kim Mi-Sook) and raises him as a killing weapon. The two fight against each other when Lee Yoon-seong is controlled by Lee Jin-pyo but finds out his past had been manipulated.

The two get serious when they are filming their scenes but also have discussions in between breaks and break out into laughter as well.

The production crew says, "The atmosphere could seem uptight because of the serious concept but the actor and actress' vigorous and valiant selves help make the set livelier. When shooting starts they fall back into their characters and create the best scenes".

Meanwhile, with four more episodes to go, Lee Min-ho mentioned on SBS "TV News At Night" that, "There will be an amazing and shocking revenge".

by asianlook @askactor

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LIVE RECAP (please keep in mind that i understand zero korean) ;)

ep 17

PART 1- streaming via both tvu and ustream now, both are currently working just fine.

begin with YS in the library, after the pres handed him the 1983 book YS said he's not looking for that book, pres put it back in the shelf

they talk, and the convo continued to president's office. i think he needs ys' help with operating the computer. ys keeps on smiling when he talks to him.

mention of DH's anti- cafe by the pres. and YS mentioned something about tasty coffee which brought smile to pres' face.

NN took out a white handkerchief, given by YS' mom. she called her, she's still in the hospital. NN said the handkerchief is pretty. chief called and NN stood up from her seat.

CJM and JP sit together in the office. CJM mentioned city hunter and 'kojimal' a few times. they laughed togetherand JP looks pleased. after he left, CJM's creepy right hand man was given a mission related to 'steve lee' by CJM.

Preparation of event in a banquet- like room. chief briefed NN about her job.

DH clinging to YS (the girl in the bts with white outfit is her) as always. in the room, JP greeted the pres. pres looks stiff. NN is aware of JP's presence. DH enters the room w YS (preview scene) YS looked at CJM and JP sitting together. pres gave a speech while NN watch him closely. DH and YS sit together, she offered him food. chief talked to YS. while everybody began to eat there's a loud noise from like a machinem NN being the pres' shield is attacked by a pink liquid. while all this happens JP maintained his calm and continue eating his steak. NN notcied the pres' suit is stained as well so she gave him KH's handkerchief. pres noticed the handkerchief that looks familiar. he also gave a look at JP, possibly suspecting that he's behind this.

on his way out JP was called by YS. JP mentioned NN.. YS is seemingly unhappy, his face looks serious. JP mentioned CJM before he left.

everybody's looking for clue, one of them showed chief something, like a speaker and a monitor device left on a table?

pres called NN and chief to his office. he askes NN about the handkerchief, and NN said it was a gift. pres asked from who and she said something about 'ajumonni' he returned it to ehr and she left. pres opened her drawer and took out an identical handkerchief (WOOTTTTTTT what could this possibly mean?)

NN called KH calling her 'ahjumonni' and NN told KH about how the pres asked her about the handkerchief earlier. KH sounds nervous when she answered NN, visibly hiding something. after hanging up KH muttered something to herself repeeatedly.

KH took a walk outside her hospital room and spotter CJM and JP. she hid. flashback, KH and CJM outside the hospital in winter attire, KH mentioned her baby. CJM sounds so serious, CHM forced an envelope to her. back to present time, KH said to herself 'andwae, andwae..'

JP talking to MY on a picture he has of both of them together in suits. ajusshi visited YS' mom, giving he a yelow box saying it's from YS. inside is a framed photo of MY awwwwww KH was expressionless, not too touched by the gesture. she handed ajusshi the handkerchief (did she buy them wholesale?) telling him to give it to YS

back @ IT dept in blue house, YS flashed back to NN protecting the pres. he caught her walking by. NN washed off the stain and had flashback about YS telling her to let go of him first. she looks sad. hikssss

part 2

JP in an empty theatre, watching a western movie. suddenly pres is sitting a few seats away, and rpes said 'lee kyung wan, seo yong hak, kim jong shik...' i think pres knows JP's behind their arrest. serious convo between the two man. JP told pres to wait. when JP's about to leave pres mentioned 'khyung hee something something...' JP stopped for a sec and then he left.

YJ trying to connect some dots again, talking to himself. he analyses a table in microsoft word, and mentioned steve lee. his chief entered the room and told YJ he's demoted. just then NN's aunt entered with a document. YJ asked auntie to give him that document. chief asked her to hand it to him instead. aunt's confused and YJ snatched the document away from her. chief scolded both auntie and assistant. seeing the document, YJ rushed out.

DH serving YS at the cafe. YS asked 'how's KNN? is she okay?' just as she's about to answer YJ sits across the YS' table. DH almost fell when a woman brushed past her and YJ helped her. DH quickly handed YJ the coffee for YS. DH talked to in ah about how YJ is a go mi nam.. hahahahaha.. YJ and YS talk. YJ mentioned steve lee and hae won group while playing xenga HAHA lol. he took one stick out and the tower was destroyed. nice metaphor. YS left, and just then NN approached DH. DH told NN aabout YJ and NN looked at him. YJ looked back and NN turned his head away.

NN gave pres coffee, saying that it's from DH. pres said it's good and thanked NN. NN left after work, YJ came out of his car. he said sorry to NN about her father. he said he's really sorry. NN is still upset about it. mention of long legs ajusshi and kim jong shik. NN's eyes are watery. YJ holds her arm, and NN shed a few tears.

NN visited the vet with some drinks (soju i guess). NN looks all cheerful and talked about long legs ajusshi to the vet. vet finally confesses to NN that she knows about kjs being YJ's dad coz YS is her ex husband. she said sorry for hiding it.

YS at his room, taking out a box with his bullet necklace inside. he recalls the scene where he took it from NN. a phonecall came from the vet.

YS fetched NN who fell asleep in her couch. he carried NN while waliking on a bridge, serious expression on his face. he puts her down on her bed and turn on the light. he talks to her while she's sleeping. his face looks calm and peacfeul. awwwww im guessing he's saying something sweet. so goodbyeeeee then played. ys touched her hair/ forehead. he aid what's in the preview "kim nn, don't be ill/ hurt." he left and NN opened her eyes a bit.

part 3

CJM and pres met in blue house. they talk about lee jin pyo and steve lee. CJM also talk about YJ.. i think it's what he said in the preview. serious talk going on.

YJ packed his stuffs in the office, auntie said sorry, she feels bad for YJ. assistant doesn't like chef's decision. YJ looked at a document and teared it down to pieces. he walked down the stairs and everybody's like avoiding him. he sighs in the car and talks to himself. his chief stands outside his car, he mentioned city hunter. i think he's reassigning the city hunter case to YJ. awwww so nice of him! ys is pleased, he chased chief upstairs asking why.

pres ended a phonecall, YS is in the room again for a computer work... pres is getting a bit emotional about a subject and he stopped himself, saying sorry for bringing it up in front of YS. YS showed to pres what the iphone could do, and print out a photo of DH. YS compliments him as being a nice father. pres looks happy with the print out.

sanggook is inside YS' car, he's now YS' double agent hahahahaha. he handed a document to YS. sanggook's still confused as to why JP doesn't wanna publicize the 1983 archive. sang gook was the one packing the bribe on the seaweed paperbags to be given to the prosecutor in the earlier episode.

CJM received a call and the news  pissed him off. i think JP did something. he shouted at the telephone and after the call ends he felt a backpain hahahahahah. he's sorta sayong 'lee jin pyo, you're going dowwwwwwnnnn dude.' his right hand man asked him what's wrong. jp approached him still with his poker face, these two treat each other nicely. once JP passed him by CJM lets out his anger.

both of them is at the facial massage room with two men. they're not getting the massage, just treating the two men. CJM looks shocked when JP said something to the two men.

part 4

YS is in the locker room of that massage place. somebody enters so he hides. the person looks confused, he feels like someone's tailing him hahahahahaha omg look at the mirror dude. YS knocks him out and open a locker where a suit is hanging. YJ and assistant is in the lobby where all the receptionists' sleeping. he muttered 'rather infelicitous hunte' hahahaha YJ entered the locker room and he found the men who YS knocked down earlier. he called and said that lee yoon sung is here. the bribed men are in a dark room sitting together. JP went out and sang gook stands there. sang gook seems unhappy with JP's advances. sanggook receives a phonecall from CJM'S creepyman.

YJ is outside blue house while the officers are having a break. YJ asked for lee yoon sung. nn's chief asked why YJ's looking for YS. sanggook is talking with YS on the phone. YJ stopped YS from leaving. YS had to twist him to the ground hahahaha yayeerrr. a keychain fell down and chief helped yj. YS left.

JP enters his house and looks around. he notices a few men with sticked inside his office ready to take him down. JP fought them alone, one men knocked him on the back. he's outnumbered. damn you CJM!!!!! cjm's bodyguard appeared before him, he tried to stand up using his cane but the creeper kicked it. he took out his knife and ys appeared before he could stab JP. the bodyguard's distracted and JP used this to knock him. it's YS and JP against bad dudes. OH YEAH!!!!!


didn't notice there was a preview so i didnt notice most of it. ys in an elevator wearing all black and a cap. he knocked on a room shouting KIM NN's name.

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PART II recap

-Nana on the phone w/ YS' mom. YS Mom said that she missed NANA. Im not sure of the covo

but it seemed YS mom was uncomfy. I think NANA asked the relation of the hanky to Mr. Pres' question


YS mom talking w/ Target 4 (The congressman) They seemed to be arguing, Target4 gave YS' mom

an envelope full of money.


-ahjhusshi visited YS mom in the hospital. He gave YS mom a framed picture of YS's dad

the guy who died while he saved JP.

-Next was the scene in YS' office, he was talking w/ his boss.

-YS in freakin quandary, then saw NANA and looked at her affectionately. (of course I had to add that lmao)

-NANA washing her shirt in the restroom, reminiscing what YS told  her.

-PRESIDENT inside this threater, JP came in. DAMN so scary. President then started talking

to JP. They were just seats apart. So many dialogues but seemed that JP gave PRES a fair warning


Next scene was Prosecutor trying to figure out what happened when he barged the lunch

date of JP, congressman, (In reference with episode 16). Prosector's boss came inside

-Nana's aunt handed Prosecutor a report about CH.

-YS in the coffeeshop talking w/ GO HAra, YS asked for KIM NANA eeeek.

Prosecutor then barged in and sat in front of YS. Prosecutor is playing brain games

with YS. I think this is in relation to the report he received from NaNa's aunt.

YS walked out on Prosecutor.

-As YS left, Nana came inside the coffeeshop.BOO. LOL Go Hara told Nana that Prosecutor is there.

Nana gave president some coffee and when she stepped outside Blue house Prosector was a bit

creepy because he waited for Nana. He came out from his car and talked with NANA.


Nana was crying while talking with PROSECUTOR it freakin breaks my heart. XD

I think the convo was about Nana's father and Prosecutor's dad being the cause of the accident.

-Nana visited Vet, she brought SOJU with her. XD Nana and Vet talked.

Vet says sorry for YJ Prosecutor,specially on what happened to Nana's dad.

-YS took out this small box with the BULLET necklace and ring, reminiscing

on what he did to Nana (reference ep 16). Nana got drunk and YS picked her up

at VET's place.

OMFG let me spazz.

-YS carrying Nana in this sort of BRIDGE freakin OTP. LOL. Then next scene

was inside NANA's house. YS laid her on her bed, talking to a sleeping NANA.

so heartbreaking XDDDDD


-President talked with Congressman, he's agitated while talking. They talked about JP.

-Next scene was PROSECUTOR cleaning his desk and consoled by his two co-workers.

-President talked with Congressman, he's agitated while talking. They talked about JP.

-Next scene was PROSECUTOR cleaning his desk and consoled by his two co-workers.

- Prosecutor went out carrying his stuff and as he went inside his car his

old boss stopped him from leaving. Boss talked to YJ about CITY HUNTER. HE'S BACK ON THE CASE.

-Pres on the phone, YS inside his office. YS is quite close w/ pres now.HMM


-Pres on the phone, YS inside his office. YS is quite close w/ pres now.HMM

-Cute scene when YS sort of teaching Pres about his handphone OMO YS taught

Pres how to print pictures from his phone. They printed out a pic of Go Hara

-Interesting scene when YS met with JP's old right hand in the garage, JP's right

hand handed YS an envelope.


JP's right hand packing lots of money

*end of flashback*

CJM talking on the phone, ranting and I dont know why. I think the other

guy on the phone is talking about STEVE LEE. XD

-CJM with Creepy guy met w/ JP in the hall.


YS on the move in this locker room, fight scene insidethe locker room

with this random dude. He then opened a particular locker and he's trying

to find something.

-YJ and side kick saw that the receptionist were asleep. YJ knows that

city Hunter is inside the locker room. This is a freakin cat and mouse

scene. YJ then saw the random dude on the floor and called the security.

-Next scene was inside this spa, JP talking with the two chairmens after which

he approached his right hand guy & talked about Yunsung.

Creepy guy of CJM called the right hand of JP. He then reported it to JP.

-Next was blue house scene, YJ asked YS' co workers where he is. They asked

why YJ is looking for YS. Then YS' car pulled over, YS talking talking

to JP's right hand guy. YJ stopped YS from walking, he held his arm.

YS confronting YS being the city hunter.

FIGHT BETWEEN YJ AND YS, damn YS slammed YJ on the ground then YS drove away.

YS' coworkers were all wide eyed.


JP went back to his office and was attacked by these gangster looking guys

carrying baseball bats. OMG they are kicking the helpless JP, then video

spanned to CREEPY DUDE. FREAAAAAAAAK. YS drove fast to JP's office.

Creepy Guy almost killed JP then YS WAS THERE.OMG

FATHER AND SON showdown against CREEPY DUDE and gangsters.


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Guest nora_dy

AAAAAA! seriously tmr episode is the best!!! really!!

kim nana is being kidnapped and aigoo... wanna see how YS is gonna save her!!! really this drama is killing me.. criessss...

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Guest kayana20

OMg no to the episode coming tomorrow. Why do they have to torture us with the cliffhangers? YS is always right when he feels doom coming. I do love him though for always protecting the people he loves whether they are right or wrong. CJH needs to be destroyed him and the bodyguard so excited for tomorrow but scared too. Also am I wrong if I say JP is right about love it can always bring the most danger to you.

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Guest ptr92

super lagging today, but thanks @leslie i know the storylines now! thankyouuuu


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kim nana was inside this tank of water waiting to be blown up.

While YJ is trying to capture YS


I thought someone was going to die in this episode.

Thanks for the preview leslie!


Leslie, I thought the guy was going to slit his throat before YS arrived just to pick up the remains.

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Guest samgirl

another intense episode, thank you to those who recapped.now that YS's cover is blown it will be easier for CJM to hurt all that he loves. I wonder what's up with YS's Mom and the president? Is YS really his son? I hope it gets to be revealed tomorrow as well.

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Guest shindae21

i though jin pyo would die. lolz. but nana in danger tomorrow. gosh, it's hard to bring target #4 assistant down.

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