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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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Just to keep us going until Saturday, here's my all time favorite vintage scene from Im Sung Han's "Miss Mermaid."

The main character's father and stepmother go to confront her for stealing her half-sister's fiancée out of revenge towards for her father.

Miss Mermaid Confrontation.

One of the most intense and tragic scenes ever, and it shows Im's signature makjang style.

And a bonus scene...Ah Ri Young dukes it out with Han Hye Sook.

And yet another epic battle.

woooah! what a SLAP fest!

I never know Han Hye Sook has this side to her...

adding this series to my must-watch list.

thanks Revengeoftheflowers

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Wow, quite a few posts in the last few days - makes the waiting out of 50 episodes a little more bearable!!

I really hope this drama is extended! I think 10 to 20 more episodes would flesh out the characters and story even more.

Nooooooo, noooooo, nooooo, please!!! Watching 50 episodes while its airing is already very painful (i.e. pain from the anxiety of wanting to know "what next")...

I think if the writer & PD are focused - the 20 remaining episodes will be enough to flesh things out :)

I love the drama but I would also like to see what happens in the end....

@mhugh - I'm sure your daughter feels blessed and very lucky to have such a thoughtful and understanding father...

And in terms of recaps - totally understand your time constraints - we'll take whatever you can write...

And that goes for the suggestion of your being a "writer" too (I believe someone earlier had suggested you be one and you mentioned that you would write mushy sentimental stuff which might not go down well (hope I didn't misquote and get that wrong :ph34r: ).

Just wanted to say - please feel free to write all the senti mush you want to, so long as we get actors who are handsome hunks like Damo spouting the stuff - :P

ok if we must we'll throw in a few pretty babes too :lol:

On a serious note - we can't thank you, dramaok (and others who are helping with recaps, subs etc.) enough.... Its thanks to all of you that we can fully enjoy these dramas

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Guest dramaok

Regarding Ra-ra, I hope she doesn't have to "handle" her future mother-in-law, because I don't really want her to marry into that family. As much as I want Sa-ran to be happy with Da-mo, I also want Ra-ra to meet her soulmate and be deliriously happy. I can't somehow shake this feeling that the young doctor is not her soulmate, and that Ra-ra is just settling for him given her situation, at first with Da-mo and now with her home situation.

Oh Jin Ahm may not be Ra Ra's soulmate, but I am wondering if Ra Ra has a soulmate at all.

I subscribe closer to the idea that some people are given soulmates in life and they have to seek them.

while others are not assigned a soulmate, but they go and make their best mate possible.

In Ra Ra's case, I'm pretty sure (like 80% sure) that she and Oh Jin Ahm will marry, like around episode 35.

and I think it is up to Ra Ra to make Oh Jin Ahm fall in love with her.

Oh Jin Ahm is going to love a woman who loves his mom.

In this case, it's like Dr. Yoo from Assorted Gem.

the trouble w/ that is, of course, Ruby did have a soulmate, who was Kyle,

however she and Kyle denied their soulmates, and she went on and married someone else.

but i can't say that she is less misfortuned because of it, since I'm sure Dr. Yoo and his mom dote on her,

but I can say that she missed out on a true soul-to-soul connection.

anyways, somehow i always come back to Ruby and Kyle. lol sorry guys. m...u..s...t... m...o...v..e... o...n... :sweatingbullets:

anyhoo, I think Ra Ra has enough charms and wits to win ppl to her side too,

so I'm not too worried about her as long as she keeps her head up.

i feel bad for her that she's taking a lot of crap on, but she will be fine.

as for Sa Ran and Da Mo, now they are soulmates,

but Sa Ran is denying this.. because she's in pain..

so we need her to heal quickly, and before it's too late.

but right now, i'm most curious about what's happening to Sohn Ja and Gongjoo.

he was so blissful.

i need to know if he's gonna ask for more. haha.

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Thank you @dramaok, Mhugh, Auntie Mame and all the wonderful people out there. You don't know it but I think I am completely lost without you guys - just know you have one really happy camper here who appreciate you.

Okay enough with the soap opera - I do have to speak up about Ra-Ra and Mr. Oh Jin Ahm (mama's boy). Oh Jin Ahm is one big Mama's boy. You wondering why I know - I am married to one. My hubby will swear under the flag he is not but he is. I will give you one instances - when my MIL calls here at our house, she ask for him and not me. I am okay with that. When she gives out birthday money, she gives to my girls and my hubby - me (none). She will make a fuss if my hubby doesn't take her to the doctor or shopping. So you can see, my hubby is a mama's boy.

The only solution I can see for RaRa is like me - live in a different house and not get upset if she doesn't give any attention to you. At the beginning she (MIL) will be sweet and nice but once she is into their marriage, watch out, the possession of her boy comes out.

It took me over 5 years before I had to let it go and not worry about my MIL and her wanting her boy back. I always give my hubby a big hug whenever he comes home from a day with his mother. I know he doesn't want to do anything to upset his mom.

That's my intake on poor RaRa and her Mama's boy.

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Guest kobe23

While there's nothing necessarily wrong with being 'mama's boy', it does however become a problem when your mama is superficial and materialistic. Jin Ahm's mom seems to be very much like Gong Joo's mom, but just more refined. I do agree RaRa and Jin Ahm will get married but I very much doubt she will be happy with him. I mean, being mama's boy is one thing, but having her manage your accounts then transferring it all to your wife once you're married just goes to show the guy has no backbone.

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

Also, it's not boding well for Ra Ra, because she's rushing into a marriage because her family problems. She's not really in love or anything. However, I am excited to see her fight with the mother in law. We all know our girl will not back down to anyone!

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Guest liaahx

I'm just now watching episode 30 with subs, and I particularly love this piece of dialogue between Sohn-ja and Gong-joo where they're talking about if Sohn-ja ever cheats on his wife like his dad (Kang-san) did, he'd end up in Gong-joo's hands (get beat up by her). Sohn-ja's like shouldn't you be on my side since we are closer, and Gong-joo says she'll be on the side of the weaker women. To that Sohn-ja says but women these days are so fierce. LOL I love it because it's like the writer's nod to all three of the young women in this drama, Sa-ran, Ra-ra and Gong-joo. Especially Gong-joo who is one tough cookie. It's even more funny because we know Gong-joo is going to be that lucky wife and here she's already giving him fair warnings LOL.

I really want to thank everyone who is making these subs possible. It's so great to be able to understand every little scene in this drama, especially ones like this where despite being so short is so cute and funny, and is all in the dialogue.

Sohn-ja and Gong-joo are so cute! I can't wait to see sparks fly and them opening up about their feelings once he moves out and they start missing each other. It should be fun to see more Sohn-ja dongseng and Ra-ra noona too lol.

I think they did a good job casting the actor here. He's older than all three of his noona's in real life, but he has such natural chemistry with them (especially with the actress who plays Gong-joo) and pulls off being the dongseng so well. And it helps that he has such a cute baby-face. ....and, although I thought that washboard ab scene was totally random, I do appreciate it. So yeah, he has that too. Haha

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Guest jajami

Can I ask... if  Madame Oh has the right to stop the gisaeng wedding though we know  its 100% won't happen?

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On Madame Hwa - for some strange reason, whenever I see her I am reminded of Choi Ji Woo (oops ,hope I got her name right but basically I mean the actress in Beautiful Days). I think when CJW ages she'll resemble Madame Hwa. Maybe its her smile - I don't know what. Its femininity that is graceful and demure....

On Ra Ra - I think essentially she is a fighter. This spirit enables her to survive all the revelations - on both sets of parents. She may be miserable deep down but she'll make the best out of the worst situation. I am sure she is not the type to cower to her Ma in law... Just a thought...

On Ruby - (from Assorted Gems)- the trouble I have with her marriage to Dr. Yoo is:

1) OK, the fact that she didn't get married to Kyle is,strangely in my mind, perhaps a little less important than the fact that she chose to get married to Dr. Yoo (though given the subject matter - i.e. love/ attraction - it should be the most important aspect).

2) Granted, she was always shown to be a bit mercenary right from the beginning.... But the fact that she was shown getting married to a man for whom she had lost all respect(not to mention how she detested her Mother in Law) somehow didn't ring true in the storyline....That whole marriage bit to Dr. Yoo, seemed contrived to fit the screenplay (if that makes any sense at all).

3) Ruby's character had been shown to be a strong woman all along. She could have gotten along fine being single, even despite the fact that her Monk had gone AWOL... (and we all know now that her Monk would have returned)

4) Somehow I didn't buy that getting married to Dr. Yoo and living happily ever after at all... Moreover her MIL was too old, shallow and set in her ways to change into a loving MIL. Once the honeymoon period was over she would have been back to her wily ways....

Phew - I wrote much more than I intended - maybe this writer bug is rubbing off on me too

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@silvermine:  At the time that Rubi accepted mama-boy doc, I wondered why she rushed it, too.  After all, with BC being married into such a well-established family, the odds for Rubi to 'rub elbows' with someone better than mama-boy doc was practically a sure thing. :huh:

However, I think Writer Im didn't want to give us a perfect fairy-tale ending for each character.  At least, in regards to marrying into wealth.

Example:  The parents of their sister-in-law was well-off, but decided to donate their assets to charity.  So, he married 'up', but still didn't inherit wealth.  And, we don't know exactly what happened between the youngest brother and that bratty girl.  But, we know that they didn't marry because she was shown pregnant and with another man paying her respects at her mother's grave.  So, the youngest brother's intention of marrying 'up' was for nought.  :phew:

As someone else (mhugh?) commented, perhaps Writer Im was putting the chip on Fate, again.  Even though, BC is the one who didn't believe in Fate, perhaps, it was Fate that ultimately let her find a well-off man, who happened to be her soulmate and who she dearly loved.  Whereas, Fate for the other three siblings gave them an 'either or' option.  :)

We have 20 episodes to go, in which to see what Fate Writer Im writes for each of the characters. 

And, I must say that this drama must win hands-down on the number of birth secrets.  I'm still waiting for RR's mother to reveal her trump card; that the son, in America, is not the father's.  And, it'll be riotous if Madame Oh was cute grandfather's secret daughter.    :w00t:

@kaciemom:  One of my distant cousin has a mother along the lines of your MIL.  And, he's learned to take what I describe as the 'path of least resistance' and do whatever his mom wants.    As I told him, you end up doing it anyway.  So, why dispute her and aggravate yourself before you end up doing it.   One time, at a family gathering,  he, his wife and I were joking about his mother and the other oldsters and I make the point that it's scary to think we may become like that in our dotage.  His mom started up, again and dreamt up something else for him to do for her.  His wife and I were cracking up because she was right on cue.  He turned to his wife and me and said, "If I ever become that way, just shoot me."     If you can't beat ... and you don't want to join them, then, you can save your sanity by laughing about it.  :w00t:

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only 24 hours to go until ep. 31 - I really want to know what Damo going to do with Sa-Ran hair raising and what is he going to say to his dad about Sa-Ran. This I think is the longest week for me.

The drama will go back to its normal time period right?? Sat/Sun.

Check with all of you tomorrow.

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Guest dramaok

Happy Mother's day to all the moms in this thread.

and we're heading closer to the next eppies.

aja aja.

That's my intake on poor RaRa and her Mama's boy.

hee thx for sharing your take on it. yikes marrying a mama's boy sounds um..

but then again

okay mhugh this is where you block your ears and eyes.

if a man isn't a mama boy it don't mean he's good either.

don't you find that there's always a few things wrong with every man?

i mean if he's not in love with his mom, he might be in love with himself,

or some other woman or cars, or you know. the list goes on. lol.


.and, although I thought that washboard ab scene was totally random, I do appreciate it. So yeah, he has that too. Haha

i think it's a very important scene. it establishes (to me) that he's no boy. he's a man. and sign me up. ^^

On Ruby - (from Assorted Gems)- the trouble I have with her marriage to Dr. Yoo is:

1) OK, the fact that she didn't get married to Kyle is,strangely in my mind, perhaps a little less important than the fact that she chose to get married to Dr. Yoo (though given the subject matter - i.e. love/ attraction - it should be the most important aspect).

2) Granted, she was always shown to be a bit mercenary right from the beginning.... But the fact that she was shown getting married to a man for whom she had lost all respect(not to mention how she detested her Mother in Law) somehow didn't ring true in the storyline....That whole marriage bit to Dr. Yoo, seemed contrived to fit the screenplay (if that makes any sense at all).

3) Ruby's character had been shown to be a strong woman all along. She could have gotten along fine being single, even despite the fact that her Monk had gone AWOL... (and we all know now that her Monk would have returned)

4) Somehow I didn't buy that getting married to Dr. Yoo and living happily ever after at all... Moreover her MIL was too old, shallow and set in her ways to change into a loving MIL. Once the honeymoon period was over she would have been back to her wily ways....

i think ruby was hurt and she needed a rebound, and someone to put her on a pedestal.

dr. yoo... right place at the right time.

ruby needs to deal w/ her choice and this is where it saddens me the most...

if you're given the chance to meet your soulmate in life, it is saddest thing when you knowingly let him go.

because the rest of your life you will have to live knowing he exists but not with you.

so the blessing becomes a curse, by the choice you make.

let's not have Saran repeat this mistake.

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