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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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Guest SakeDon

i'm only ended watch 4 ep.

scene with SR & DM was realy suck. OMG. get rid this blank faces!

I was waiting for their scene from the beginning of ep and when it came I felt disappointed.

When Da Mo take Saran's phone number there was no hint of a smile or happy, maybe joy.

But in horse riding scene we can see first moments of Saran's jealousy.

In any case i'll continue to watch this drama.

Hope dies last.

PS: realy sorry for my engrish) i'm russian, it's difficult for me

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i'm only ended watch 4 ep.

scene with SR & DM was realy suck. OMG. get rid this blank faces!

I was waiting for their scene from the beginning of ep and when it came I felt disappointed.

When Da Mo take Saran's phone number there was no hint of a smile or happy, maybe joy.

But in horse riding scene we can see first moments of Saran's jealousy.

In any case i'll continue to watch this drama.

Hope dies last.

PS: realy sorry for my engrish) i'm russian, it's difficult for me

Don't apologize.  Your English is understandable.  Keep working on it.  :D

I agree with your view on the drama.  Some dramas take longer than others to get moving.  Hopefully, this one will shift into high gear soon.

Actually, I'm hoping they'll show us more of the traditional costumes and cuisines.  And, I really like the soundtrack.:)

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E04_110130_HDTV_X264_720p_HANrel_avi_snapsh.jpg E04_110130_HDTV_X264_720p_HANrel_avi_snapsh.jpg

I don't know about anyone here, but every time I see these two, I keep having a feeling that they are mother and daughter. Though, the drama does kinda make it seems that they are, but they're probably not. Hm.

Da Mo's dad gets on my nerves. I don't know the reason for him loving the dog so much that he pushes Da Mo away, but that's just wrong. Choosing the dog over his own flesh and blood. Da Mo's dad should've just married the dog instead.

Acting wise, like most have said, they lack to express the right emotion during certain scenes.


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omg damo and saran do not get any better. no offense to anyone, but this drama should've been 17 eps and "it's okay, daddy's girl" should have been 50. or i wish they had moved IODG's cast into NTOTG (MCW is plenty pretty [and natural] enough). this drama is taking way too long to develop. just join the gisaeng house already, saran, and try to become a more interesting character. please. but yea, i'm awaiting all the rivalry/jealousy that'll occur once saran joins the other gisaeng (especially w/ the girl who speaks english well b/c she seems to be the top star of the house right now). it'll also be interesting how damo responds to loving a gisaeng. but just when these stories will evolve...is another matter...

so aside from the stiff acting (and stiffer faces) and the numerous pointless scenes, my only complaint is the incredibly SLOOOOW storyline. let's get it movin' along now people...

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Damo's father is unreasonable.. I bet nobody will be wearing pink party hats for Damo's birthday party. I can't believe he even got one for Andre!! :w00t:


The drama is a bit slow.. and the leads are stiff but they both obviously are interested in the other.. Damo was disappointed when Ra Ra told him that Sa Ran left and I'm glad he didn't go drinking with her and just left. Sa Ran was imagining that DM and RR were having a great time without her..

I think like every other second lead, RR is going to butt into SR & DM's relationship. She's already showing signs of possessiveness like when they went horseback riding and RR had to know what DM and SR were talking about.. I do wonder if the doctor guy will play any role in the drama.

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koaha: You're probably right because everything in the drama (so far) is implying that Sa-ran is Soon-deok's daughter with Eo-san. That would make Sa-ran the daughter of the eldest son and Ra-ra the daughter of the younger son. I also agree with you on the matter of Da-mo's father; he really annoys me because he values Andre more than his own son. 

I guess I misinterpreted the written preview. Sorry! sweatingbullets.gif In reality, Do-hwa asked Sa-ran to become a dance instructor because the gisaengs currently have average dancing skills and since some of them are already dance majors, it wouldn't make a difference if Sa-ran coaches them because she's just a dance major too. 

A reversal perhaps from Da-mo looking at Sa-ran when she was dancing to Sa-ran looks at Da-mo in their woodenly mesmerized way when she sees him riding the horse. 





Ra-ra gets jealous when Da-mo stops next to Sa-ran to talk to her. 






Sa-ran sees Da-mo and Ra-ra together and leaves.



Did anyone else crack up when they played the really sad song when Sa-ran was in the subway thinking about Da-mo and Ra-ra together? Sa-ran is relieved because she finds out Da-mo didn't ask Ra-ra out together and Ra-ra was depressed. 



Glum Da-mo during Andre's birthday party.



- Kyu

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GREAT NEWS!! Zealioner has decided to recap New Gisaeng Tales!

Here's a comment that zealioner posted on her blog.

I watched Episode 3 last night and I had so much fun with it – much more than the premiere episodes. And yes, I’m going to recap this, so go ahead and watch. Just that it wouldn’t be the detailed one like SL, but I will try to cover most scenes.

*Note: SL - Stormy Lovers (MBC daily drama)

I like the leads. Yes their acting is wooden-like but so far I like how they're not sure about each other. It's like watching two kids dating for the first time. SR likes DM but is giving way for RR to have a chance with him. She's not happy about doing this as shown in the subway when she was fantasizing about what they were doing on their date. But I like how Da Mo knows that he doesn't like Ra Ra and is not giving her any chances. I can't wait til next week's episodes.. So will Sa Ran take Da Mo's offer to give her a ride?

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Maybe, if Da Mo wore a black and white hairy fur coat, his father would fawn on him????:P

Whoever is actually riding the horse, be it Da Mo or a stuntman, has a very good seat.  That person rides beautifully, in accordance with equestrian standards.

And, I cracked up when I saw "Kyle" in today's episode.  I liked him in "Assorted Gems".  He was great fun.  If they give him more screen time, the atmosphere of his scenes may liven up the entire drama.

BTW, I usually don't make mention of people's 'looks'.  But, there is such a vast disparity between the beauty of the younger and the lack of beauty in the older generation (except in the gisaeng ladies).  This is certainly a most 'unique' cast. :phew:

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I don't know how this is going to get higher ratings with those two leads. Seriously. Okay, say the girl is okay because this writer has cast some bad actresses in the past but usually they are all beautiful enough to pull off the requirements of her characters - all they really need to do is be chilly and elegant, and cry well. But usually the male leads are so much better! I mean in the past, she's had people like actor who played WANG MOOOO and KimSangMin who are both solid actors, at least I wasn't holding my breath nervously because of the bad acting. A good male lead can cover the faults of the female lead, in my opinion, in her dramas. But this guy is so weird, both in looks and acting; I think of a better actor played the role, Damo would be a naughty, appealing personality, but this actor makes him seem so bland and unreadable (in a bad way). And why is the character playing mind games with Saran, so unmanly lol. I think the actor actually kind of looks like Andre, or maybe a swordfish (nose surgery gone wrong).

And they are so lacking in chemistry. I guess.. in Assorted Gems the leads had no chemistry and the drama did well, so there might be hope.

But this drama is way to weird and makjang, even for her!

LOL I'll still watch it though, out of loyalty. I loved Miss Mermaid so much, I wish Saran was more like her. Saran acts way too victimized and is really mean/sly in a way Rara isn't. If I had a friend like Saran, I'd wanna smack her in the face!! =P

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Guest dramaok

i agree w/ you guys the young (and super green) cast is not too pretty on the eyes. Saran is supposed to be super beautiful, and she kind of is, but i end up focusing on her upper lips or nose the whole time wondering what the hell happened.

same with Damo. i think the character could be so fun. not your straight up tender-hearted rich boy, but a realistic guy who could be deviant and hot. too bad i end up watching his lips too. and wondering what the hell happened. i think if he just says his lines w/ a little less pouting he could be good.

it's trademark of Im to make her character kind of childish (but realistic) and that's part of the charm of her stories. the characters say the things people in real-life think but never say. however, in here, both Damo and Saran are way too childish. i mean they act like 7 or 8 year olds. they pout. they pout? they pout. damo acts like a bitter 6 year old sibling whose parents just got a new baby home and he's dying of attention.

Saran acts like a 7 year old who's bitter her friends have better bento boxes and the way she's so embarrassed about her family and her dad and step-mom is annoying as hell. i mean yes, been there done that but oh.. you know.. like in gradeschool!

it's kind of hard to think they can have an adult love when they're acting like this.

i mean i get it that characters will grow after the truths are revealed, but wow they got some growth to go.

but i will still watch this too. lol. she always gives the best romantic lines so i'll wait for that to come.

plus Kyle (Michael Blunck) is here. my favorite non-acting non-korean "actor" in a korean drama.

just pray that he won't be sent to the temple this time. i may never recover from that.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

I just watched the first 2 episodes and find myself really enjoying the drama. Yes the drama is moving slow and SD doesn't really have any expressions but from the story line it seems like she's playing the 'mysterious' role. The family relationship are still a bit confussing hopely i'll get the hang of it as the drama contines.

I couldn't help but smile during the group date at the ski resort because all of DM's friends were in other dramas and it was strange seeing them all in the same drama.

Love how in episode 2 when DM dad said he had to get married soon so he could have a son like him I loved how in his (DM's) head he said he'd be a good husband and father. :)

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Guest kawaiiyuki

One thing is for sure-there are lots of switch births and moms not being biological moms.

makes me wonder why the births were switch. hope they explain it soon.

RR is a pain right now. We're only on episode 4 and she's driving me crazy. LIke why in the world do the other girls have to leave when her gold tooth feel out? I thought the girls should have stayed at the resort.

For a moment i thought the writers were going to have SD and RR be sisters. But looks like they're cousins.

Glad to see DM (who has some expression) not falling for RR's tricks. He clearly knew at the group date the hairpin was not hers. So wanted him to call her out on it. But what fun would that be right? Nope got to pretend not to know then ask for it and then keep it. Bet he's going to stare like it longingly like the lead guy in Family Honor did with the lead girls childhood photo.

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Guest elderflower

Hi, Just wonder, will Sa Rang take up the job as gisaeng? I have been analyzing the poster picture in the first page and not too sure whether the girl in the centre is Sa rang.


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GREAT NEWS!! Zealioner has decided to recap New Gisaeng Tales!

Here's a comment that zealioner posted on her blog.

*Note: SL - Stormy Lovers (MBC daily drama)

I like the leads. Yes their acting is wooden-like but so far I like how they're not sure about each other. It's like watching two kids dating for the first time. SR likes DM but is giving way for RR to have a chance with him. She's not happy about doing this as shown in the subway when she was fantasizing about what they were doing on their date. But I like how Da Mo knows that he doesn't like Ra Ra and is not giving her any chances. I can't wait til next week's episodes.. So will Sa Ran take Da Mo's offer to give her a ride?


what is the address of zealioner's blog...thanks!! i really want to read her recaps...

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so many mothers )))

agree, think Saran is Soondeok's daughter, Ra ra is Hyo Ri's.

i watched Paradise Ranch and saw Im Soo Hyang playing the younger sister of Da Ji, she looked so young like true schoolgirl! and there she's so living & more emotional than in NTOG.

P.S. Does anyone know what the song is playing at the end of each episode?

I think Sa-ran is Soon-Duk's daughter as well, especially after episode 4 when they see each other up close for the first time and Soon-duk clutches her chest and asks Sa-ran who she is


what is the address of zealioner's blog...thanks!! i really want to read her recaps...

I think its http://justdramas.wordpress.com/

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"New Tales of the Gisaeng (2011) ViKi Softsubs"

Subtitles brought to you by the:...

~ Team Gisaeng @ ViKi.com ~

ViKi Link: http://www.viki.com/channels/2238/posts/5320-new-tales-of-the-gisaeng-2011-viki-softsubs/edit

The softsubs are synced to 720p-HANrel videos.

They should work for any resolution HANrel videos.

The softsub links will be in folders...

MU Folder: "New Tales of the Gisaeng (2011) ViKi Softsubs"


MF Folder: "New Tales of the Gisaeng (2011) ViKi Softsubs"


The individual MU links for the softsubs...





SSSNTOTG.E02.X264.720p-HANrel.ViKi.vLyrics.srt (best viewed w/ Media Player Classic)






Special "Thank You" to

DramaOK & Auntie Mame

For translations and editing

The subtitles were completed thanks to your contributions. :)

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Axohan thanks for posting the viki subs . With these subs hopefully more people can watch this drama and discuss about it . the theme of this drama is something new although there's lot of unfamiliar faces .. hopefully the storyline will pick up afterall they need to keep viewers interested since it's a 50 episode drama !

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Guest Trina987

The love story will take a while due to it is a 50 episodes soo it will be a slow love story line... However, I am enjoying watching this drama due to the beautiful hanboks and the music.. Does anyone know when will they release the ost??? omo omo.. i recognize the doctor as he was the DA father in Gloria and King Geunchogo.. He is really good actor.... :D

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