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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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looks like the person trailing SR & DM is sent by the stepmom again. she reaches for her phone after hearing her SR's dad told her that SR is learning pitching from gloomy boy when she thought SR should be busy dating DM. what a creepy lady. i think it's the same guy who was trailing SR in the earlier episode except he's gotten a shave & dresses better this time round.

i think while DM is well meaning in wanting his father to appreciate his mom more than his obsession & love for Andre ... i think his efforts are futile and makes life all the more difficult for his mom. some people are just content and happy to live that way. he should just let things be instead of spending so much energy  lashing out at his dad & mom's lifestyle and going around being an richard simmons. he could have just gotten married and show his dad the way things should be done. probably more effective that way. :w00t:

the phone call that RR's grandparents received in the preview about the ad ... that don't sound like SR's dad voice right?

so are SR & DM openly dating now? imagine being seen in departmental store shopping for swimsuit together and at the swimming pool ... won't they run into someone who knows them soon? if she values her friends ... she should at least come clean with them that she's dating DM.

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duh. that was obvious huh? thx michael i'm kinda slow. good to have you and anthony in here giving us the male point of view on things. this is the first time in a Im drama where the male lead is not so idealized and i'm very confused about Damo. sometimes I think he's such a sweetie-in-training but other times i think he's just a big oh richard simmons that needs a big o spanking. and then saran too. sometimes she's goofy and cute but sometimes she can come off as quite 2-faced.

anyways i'm confused but i do like the drama. the awkward acting is fine now. i'm warmed up to all the characters. i even love mr. ginger the old fart and ms. noh who doesn't give a crap about anything except her crush on bacon oppa from assorted gem. ^^

Actually, dramaok, it’s not obvious at all. Translating, as you know, is not an easy task. Sometimes you hear it, and sometimes you don’t. (or see it, in this case). I remember at least a few times in the past when you had to correct my translations. If we consider the fact that getting 30% of the right answer is considered excellent in the baseball world (batting average), our missing translations or not being able to read lips only about 1% of the time, if I say so myself, is pretty darn good. :)

It is strange to see the bacon oppa from assorted gem playing an entirely different character. I like this character.

hi all

DM & SR makes a very handsome couple.

I don't wish for SR to work at the Gisaeng House, not even as a dance instructor, cause that will surely complicate matters, making it harder for both the Ah & Geum family to accept her. I hope the storyline won't take that turn.

Thanks Michael for the recap, if not for you, non-korean viewers like me would have missed out on the logic behind the id "samu-nim" :)

could you also kindly translate the caller id which DM assign to his dad? (see ep9 @ 14:58). It'll be interesting to know what wacky vision DM has conjure up for his dad... :rolleyes:

Hi dotoh,

I also wish Sa-ran doesn't have to work in a gisang house, but I think it may be inevitable. One positive aspect if that happens is that Soon-doek will be closer to her daughter. It warms my heart to see and hear Soon-doek praying to Buddha about her daughter. The old guy who reportedly has never been wrong about his predictions before said that Soon-doek will have a good news about her daughter in the earlier episode(I think that's what he said). In this episode, the gisang madam interpreted the good news as Soon-doek getting to meet her daughter.

Regarding the ID for DM's father on his cell phone, I was going to say to ask dramaok, because she knows much more than me, but she beat me to it. ^_^

Here are my thoughts on today’s episode:

Sa-ran has an idea, “What do you think about pressuring your father to change?”

Tiredly, Da-mo replies, “I got fired for uttering one word too many of (such) pressure.”

“Not that kind of method. I’m talking about a way for him to truly appreciate the importance of his wife.”

That gets his attention, “How?”

“You create a situation where your mother can leave the house. It would be even more effective if you and your mother leave together.”

“That’s a great idea.” But then his expression changes, “But I don’t think my mother would listen.”

“Don’t women listen to their children more so than their husbands?”

“Not my mother. Not after years of getting used to my father.”

She chides him, “You don’t even have that much persuasion ability in you? For your mother (no less)?”

He contemplates what she said, while she goes on, “I’m not talking about separating them for good. We’re just trying to have him realize how important a wife’s position is and how precious she really is. It’s not that a big deal, you know. Just try to do it tactfully.”

She succeeds in the art of persuasion. He makes up his mind, “Okay, (I’ll do it).”

But his mother’s not easy to convince. His mother tells him he doesn’t know his father as well as she does, because he’ll ask for a divorce. So what? Da-mo tells her, which his mother doesn’t react well to. When DM tells her to tell his father when he asks for his usual honey water when he gets home from drinking, she is to tell him that she ran out of honey. When he would surely get angry, DM tells her to cry and tell him that because of his oppression and scolding, she now has heart condition. His mother doesn’t want to listen any further, probably because it’s not in her nature to be devious or calculating.

Sa-ran’s stepmother wants to live in the colorful hair guy’s house to save rent, and when her husband can’t think of a good way to bring the subject up, she tells her husband that she will make him want to stay with them. She means to be nauseatingly nice to him, and she’s banking that he’ll bring up the subject later because he would be so grateful.

The madam’s mother thinks Soon-doek may be pregnant as an explanation for her sudden lack of energy, but when SD denies it, both she and her daughter come to a conclusion that the old guy who has never been wrong about predictions before may be getting old. The old guy has made a comment before to the madam about how SD has an overflowing passion of a mother.

Ra-ra’s grandparents concoct a plan for her grandfather to act as if he has Alzheimer’s disease so that among his unpredictable, off-the-wall demands is for their daughter-in-law to put out a newspaper ad about the previous housekeeper. Not as the daughter-in-law suggested about looking for the baby because the grandmother tells her daughter-in-law that they could take it the wrong way, that the grandparents want the baby back now sort of thing, but just to say that we want to express our gratitude and that we want to see them again.

The grandparents are so cute. The grandmother tells her husband in their bedroom, “I’m so afraid that they may have sent the baby to an orphanage. One moment feels like a lifetime.*” He replies, “It’s not han-si, it’s il-gak, because il-gak means 15 minutes.”

(*한시가 여삼추야: Han-si (한시) means a moment or one time period like a lunch time but it can literally mean an hour. Yuh-sahm-choo (여삼추) means a lifetime or a long time, although literally it means 3 years. il-gak (일각), which literally means 15 minutes, is commonly used to mean a very short time, certainly less time than han-si.)

The grandmother tells her husband somewhat sarcastically, “It must be nice to be so knowledgeable. For someone who banished his own granddaughter.” The grandfather in a pained expression tells his wife, “Because of that, I’m (already) going crazy. Do you really have to harass and irritate someone who’s already suffering? Would you like it if I really get Alzheimer’s disease?”

Ra-ra is very pretty, and she does add a certain pizzazz to the drama, but she’s beginning to get on my nerves. She comes to Sa-ran’s studio to give her old clothes. As a five-minute younger twin, I hated hand-me-downs from my “older” brother growing up, so I can understand Sa-ran’s feelings. A charity donation from a so-called friend is a bit too much, I think.

Still in the studio, Ra-ra gets a call from a friend who has lined up another blind date with guys, but Sa-ran turns down the offer. SR gives RR a work excuse, but RR becomes suspicious and asks SR, “You have someone, don’t you?” When SR denies it, RR persists and tells her about her feeling that SR already has someone.

Da-mo tries again with his mother. He offers her one-third of his fortune (that he’s going to get eventually, I think), but his mother refuses, saying that she has enough already and when she dies, he’s going to inherit everything anyway. Then he says, it’s his request, his fervent wish, but she doesn’t bite. She tells him that initially his father’s personality was difficult, but with time she got used to it, and now it even feels like it’s his charm. She tells him that love is not to change someone but to learn to accept the person as he is. He asks her, “Okay. So you love him, but does he love you?” She doesn’t like that at all, “Do you think your father would live without love?”

“Not to me he isn’t.” Meaning his father is capable living without love.

He tells her that as a son he can’t watch his mother being treated like a maid and not like a woman who should be loved and cherished. He wonders how his father has “trained” a precious only daughter this way. His mother smiles and tells him that she understands what her son is trying to say, but… He interrupts her and tells her that he might come down with hwa-byung (화병), which is a mental or emotional disorder due to repressed anger or stress, because of this.

Da-mo hides the honey jar as well as the surplus honey in the basement, but his mother cannot or more aptly will not go through with what her son wants her to do, which is to stand up to him and demand equal treatment for herself. Da-mo finally gives up, and tells Sa-ran what he went through.

At 50:10, DM and SR are eating out, when SR asks him, “So, (what happened)?”

“What do you mean, so? Now I gave up on my mother (that’s what happened). The two hands have to meet to make a sound.” Meaning he and his mother are not on the same page in this matter.

SR’s disappointed. “That’s too bad. It would’ve been nice if she listened to her son.”

He sighs, “Her personality is her fate. The saving grace here is that at least she doesn’t blame my father or think she’s in an unfortunate situation.”

Relieved, SR smiles, “Then she loves him.”

“The problem is that she is in love all by herself. My father only knows work. And now Andre.”

Remember when SR told DM in the villa that she prefers common food such as dduk-bok-gi (떡볶이), which is spicy rice cake. She seems relieved that he likes it. She tells him that she’ll make it for him later. When he asks her if she can make something like this too, she replies that it can’t be that hard. He asks her if she would like to go to Hong Kong… with his grandmother. She asks him for how long. He replies for 10 days. She tells him she can’t because of (dance) practice. He says, Of course. He then suggests horseback riding, then he changes his mind, “Oh, (maybe) you want to go swim?”

“Why swim, all of sudden?”

“You know how to swim, right?”

As if it’s perfectly natural for land-dwellers not to swim, she replies, “No.”

He offers to teach her, and when he asks her if she has swim suit, she tells him that she’s sure she has it somewhere in her house. They go shopping for her swimsuit, which he picks out for her.

Once in the swimming pool, he’s stretching but she just watches him. He tells her to stretch to which she replies that she knows how to submerge under water. He then asks her it can’t be because she doesn’t have any athletic ability, maybe she doesn’t like water? (as to why she hasn’t learned how to swim) She tells him that it just happened that way because she was too busy living her life. He then goes on to put on a swimming show, and she seems impressed.

At 59:40, after the swim, DM and SR are about to eat in a restaurant, and SR tells DM, “I’m envious because you do so many things well.”

As matter-of-factly, “Because I’m a man.”

“You’re being modest, aren’t you?”

No change in his expression, “Yes.”

She smiles, and he explains, “A man has to be good and skilled in all things.”

“For such a skilled person, how was it that you couldn’t persuade your mother?” Ouch.

Unfazed, “You know how parents say kids don’t behave or turn out the way they want them to? Well, the parents are the same. I wish they would listen to their child, but they absolutely refuse to. My friends say the same things about their parents.”

As SR is folding her napkin into a boat, “It’s a good thing that you mother respects and loves her husband. But what happens when such one side continues to tolerate and sacrifice, and when maybe, just maybe, your mother passes away first? Then your father will realize too late how much your mother loved him, and amidst guilt and regret, he may perish having overcome with loneliness. There are many such stories, even on TV. This one guy, he was so overcome with guilt that in front of her grave…”

She catches herself, “Maybe I shouldn’t talk so harshly before a meal.”

Da-mo appears to be in deep thought, as if thinking why couldn’t he have thought of this brilliant idea.

She goes on, “All I’m saying is that even from now on, it’s good for your father to show affection and love toward your mother.”

He nods assent, “You’re right.”

She doesn’t let him off the hook that easily, “Why didn’t you say something like this to your mother?”

Not ashamed at all, “I know. All guys have no skills in communication.”

Not buying his excuse at all, “You were more than adequate with me.” About his communicative ability to convey his desire to sleep with her. She smiles slightly, “Really, I was determined to never see you again.” She’s referring to their first fight.

“I’m going to talk to my mother again the next chance I get.”

He asks for her napkin art product, and she asks him what it looks like.

He replies, “A yacht.”

While eating their steaks, DM gets a call from his friend, and when he doesn’t answer, she tells him that it’s not a proper etiquette to ignore it. If he’s not in a position to answer, he should have the cell phone off. And unless he’s going to return the call later, he should answer it. He seemingly ignores her advice and turns the call off, and her expression changes. He scoffs mildly, and she asks him why.

He replies, “You didn’t return my call at your whim.” Before, when they had the fight.

“That’s because you hurt my feelings badly.”

“My feelings were severely damaged, too, you know.”

“If there is good incoming mannerism, then likewise would happen to you.”

“(If I were to just) base it on your conversational skills, you’re so smart. How is that you speak so well? And retort well, too.”

Suspiciously, “It’s not a compliment, is it?”

“It’s closer to compliment (than not).”

Later on when she returns from the restroom, she’s pleased to see that he has called the friend back.

The preview:

A man talks on the phone, “Ah, I’m calling you in response to the newspaper ad.”

The grandmother, “Yes?”

“My wife worked at your house back then.”

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i think it did sound like SR's dad especially since he said my wife was the maid (if weren't it'd probably be a woman calling to say she was the maid). if it is SR's dad, anybody surprised as to how fast they got a response? i would think that the would drag it on till the middle at the earliest (like most dramas) but then again, i guess a lot of the plot would span out once SR was found to be the granddaughter (such as RR's fake mom's rejection of SR, RR's character development, possible rejection of DM because he was supposed to be for RR, stepmom getting greedy, etc.). i'm pretty sure the grandparents getting the phone call is going to be the end of the next episode and there will be a possible dragging out. if she finds out soon, i was wondering how SR would end up at the gisaeng house cause this whole time i was thinking something terrible must happen (financial or she doesn't graduate and/or find a dance coupe for some reason). perhaps she gets involved somehow because of her biological mother or RR's fake mom does something to trick her into it? eh i don't know. i do want to see SR go into the gisaeng house. i want to see her perform more. btw, anyone think DM and SR are going to argue again because she paid for dinner?

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I don't think that Saran will be in gisaeng house, bcs there is threat of close for it. How can Hwa-ran brought in new girl, knowing about that threat? It's just illogical from my point of view, with other hand there are 40 eps to go and writers need some impact in story. I only wish that they don't pulled to much secret of Saran birth parents.

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@semi-fly ... i get what you're saying but seeing DM's mom is not unhappy or discontented with her life, it would make more sense if he lashes out at his dad on his own behalf instead of fighting his mom's cause and getting her into awkward and difficult position with the dad. i get DM's frustration because that's how i feel about my own parents at times but then i think one have to accept that people from our parents era show their affection or love differently.

Ra-ra is very pretty, and she does add a certain pizzazz to the drama, but she’s beginning to get on my nerves. She comes to Sa-ran’s studio to give her old clothes. As a five-minute younger twin, I hated hand-me-downs from my “older” brother growing up, so I can understand Sa-ran’s feelings. A charity donation from a so-called friend is a bit too much, I think.

thanks so much for the translation/summary.

do you think though this is the first time RR has given SR her hand me downs in their years of friendship? seems like all the girls are from well to do family with the exception of SR which is why the doctor/assistant guy from the group date was initially interested in SR thinking they are from the same social circles? seeing how he's working with SR's birth dad ... he probably will make a move back on SR once he finds out she's not from some poor family after all?  but i didn't get any impression that the girlfriends treated SR any differently ... that is until RR bring her hand me downs for her. i wonder if the other girls will be genuinely happy for SR if her relationship with DM is make known or thinking she's reaching way above ...

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Guest kawaiiyuki

@meeboThank you for the link. However, the 2nd link seems to be broken. After trying to play it, it only plays for a few seconds and then stops. Can you reupload the link?

So sad today i seem to have bad luck with the links. :( Hopefully it is better tomorrow.really looking forward to watching the raws.

Really slow at watching this drama because of school but i love DM's reaction in episode 7 when he thinks he can get home in time to see SR before/after her 'date' with his grandmother. he looked really happy and his smile brought a smile to my face.

As for someone mentioning too many fantasy scenes i do agree they need to cute that out of a while and then maybe use them mid way again to bring as some change.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Just glanced at the latest episode (epi 11) looks really good as the head giaseng gets to the truth about head chef. but man does it seem like she really wants to end rr's parents' relationship. In hindsight i can see why but that's just mean, even if she's secret inlove with rr's dad and maybe even make a better wife when rr's mom.

darn that dream with sr and dm didn't come from sr's step mom. ha. dm got woken up by andre.

I like how dm and sr are starting to each other's world even more.

so how think that private investigator was hired by rr or was still sent by sr's step mom?

Who thinks he was able to snap a photo of dm's face?

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Update: E09 & E10 ((( with fully 100% completion )))

"New Tales of the Gisaeng (2011) ViKi Softsubs"

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SSSNTOTG.E10.X264.720p-HANrel.ViKi.srt ((( 100% complete )))


The softsubs have been redone when both episodes were 100% complete. :):D:o

Including mhugh's translation of the mouthed conversation in the salon. :D

NOTE: I was planning to post Sunday morning... but my other task is temporarily stalled :o

Thanks Michael. :D

I'll have a better idea of what to look for when I finally watch E11. :)

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thanks so much for the translation/summary.

do you think though this is the first time RR has given SR her hand me downs in their years of friendship? seems like all the girls are from well to do family with the exception of SR which is why the doctor/assistant guy from the group date was initially interested in SR thinking they are from the same social circles? seeing how he's working with SR's birth dad ... he probably will make a move back on SR once he finds out she's not from some poor family after all?  but i didn't get any impression that the girlfriends treated SR any differently ... that is until RR bring her hand me downs for her. i wonder if the other girls will be genuinely happy for SR if her relationship with DM is make known or thinking she's reaching way above ...

Thank you, exupery.

It’s hard to say definitely whether or not this is the first time RR has done this to SR, but I get a feeling that it is. When SR refuses the clothes, RR asks her, “Are your feelings hurt because we’re friends?” And SR begins to say something to RR, “You know, you are…” And then she says, “Never mind.” It’s almost like SR wanted to say something to the effect of RR being superficial, condescending, etc. but she held her tongue. Also, if this was a repeat performance by RR, I think the whole scene may have played out a little differently.

The other girls are also from fairly well-to-do families, but from what one of the girls said when they were all disappointed from the RR’s tooth incident, RR is the most affluent of them all. The other girls don’t seem to treat SR differently, and they dare not treat RR any differently either even though they know that she “only knows herself,” because, I think, they are nice girls and they still think of RR as their friend. So, I think they will be happy for SR if her relationship with DM is made known.

Regarding the doctor guy, I think he was initially interested in SR because she was pretty and witty, but once he found out that she’s from a poor family, he told his friends that he’s not going to pursue her anymore because his mother, “is very difficult and that she would want to have a daughter-in-law who has most of the qualifications most mothers would want (such as good education, beauty, personality, and of course most importantly money).” He sensed from the beginning that SR wasn’t as interested in him as he was with her, and I’m sure that this weighed heavily on his decision not to pursue her as well.

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Update: E09 & E10 ((( with fully 100% completion )))

Wow thank you very much for the 100% completion of eps 9&10, I didn't expect them so soon. Dying to find out what Soon Dook did with her baby and how it came into the hands of Sa Ran's adopted father?

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i start watching this drama and i really like it. i think it's kind of slow at first, but now i'm so attach to it. just finish episode 10 w/ eng. sub and now watching ep. 11 raw. i can't wait for ep. 11 eng sub to be out. i have to admit, the only reason why i'm watching the drama is because of soon duk, san ra's mother. i'm so fascinated by her and her sad story. i want to know how she will find out about her real daughter. also, i think san ra is just so beautiful. i think the main lead actor, on the other hand, is not as handsome at all and doesn't match san ra. in fact, i think his friend, who likes san ra, is much cuter and more handsome. anyhow, i'm really starting to like this drama now. :rolleyes:

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Here are my thoughts on today’s episode:

The cashier tells DM that the tab was already paid for.

DM turns around and tells SR, “Give me your card.”

Smiling, “It already went through, (so don’t worry about it).”

In front of the elevator, DM tells her, “Why did you do that?” <Why do something you weren’t told to do?>

“You always buy, so what’s wrong with me doing it once? I still have the money I saved from my part-time job.”

“Did I say you didn’t?”

“Enjoy when someone else buys you a meal once in a while.”

“If you had told me earlier that you were going to buy, I would’ve enjoyed the meal more.”

She finds the comment cute and smiles.

He tells her sternly, “If you do that again, I’m not going to be happy.”

She smiles happily, “Okay.” <I got it.>

He turns around to look at the elevator that has apparently decided never to come, but then he turns right back to her, “Thank you for the meal.” <That was a good meal.>

He turns back to the elevator, but she continues to look at him with a smile and something more. I think she’s falling for him more here.

So it was SR’s stepmother who had SR & DM tailed some more. The guy tells her that the marriage appears to be just a matter of time. The stepmother calls SR a fox in her mind.

The stepmother is thinking seriously about getting a plastic surgery on her face because she doesn’t want to look… ah… like what she looks now in front of DM’s parents when SR & DM get married. The motive is purely due to personal vanity and not because of SR’s face sake, as she tells the family.

The grandparents get two calls which turn out to be not the one they have been looking for.

Da-mo calls Sa-ran to inform her that he’s leaving for Hong Kong with his grandmother that evening for 10 days. When she tells him that she can’t go with him, he tells her to study hard and don’t stray. She tells him that he’s one who shouldn’t look at Hong Kong beauties, to which he scoffs as if that would be the last thing he would do. He tells her to call if she misses him.

She asks him, “And if I do?” miss him, that is.

“I’ll come right back.”

She can’t help but smile at that, “Really?”


She reassures him that if she does miss him, she’ll look at the pictures she took of him at the livery stable.

He then asks her when her birthday is, and when she won’t say right away, he asks her if the day already passed or not. She tells him that her birthday is coming up.

Da-mo’s father runs into Ra-ra, and he asks her to have dinner with him. At the dinner, when he asks her why she turned Da-mo down, she tells him the truth. She goes further by planting a seed that maybe Da-mo is gay. The father is so distraught over the possibility that in the middle of the night he gets up to pray to God, Dear God, please let Da-mo just lead a normal life by marrying a woman. If he does, then I won’t care if the woman is from a poor family, has deficient education, or is not very attractive. Please don’t let what I’m worrying about and imagining to be the reality. My son has to lead a normal life with a woman.

And then after the prayer, something tells Da-mo’s father to search Da-mo’s room, perhaps looking for any evidence of his homosexuality, and when he finds the Sa-ran’s hairpin, he wonders why he has a woman’s hairpin and he lets his imagination run wild.

While Ra-ra shows her immaturity by gloating over what she has done. In the comfort of her own sofa, she beams while thinking, Ah, that felt so good. Let’s see how you like that, Mr. Ah Da-mo. <Ah, that was so cathartic. Let’s see how you like to suffer, Mr. Ah Da-mo.>

Jung Jae-wan is the name of the old guy whose predictions always come true. He is over 80 years old and is clairvoyant guru of some kind, and Soon-doek tells Ra-ra’s father about him. She asks the doctor not to give up searching for their daughter. The clairvoyant news gives the father and the grandparents some well-needed hope that Soon-doek will soon get to meet her daughter.

Sohn-ja (the colorful haired guy) asks SR if he should sell his house, and SR asks him, “Why (do you want to sell your house)?”

The preview:

In what appears to be a hotel, Da-mo asks Sa-ran if it was good, and she replies that it was so good, it was electrifying. This suggests some intimate body contact and is probably another fantasy scene.

Sitting in a restaurant with his parents, Da-mo asks his father, “Dad, should I pick (a woman based on her) qualifications or love?”

The grandfather finally figures out that it might be Sa-ran who is his granddaughter.

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Okay my imagination, like most of the characters in the show, is running a bit wild now but did Ra Ra out Da Mo to his father or did I misunderstand the scene and the subsequent scenes that followed (i.e., Da Mo in drag with Sa Ran's hair clip - utterly revolting man in drag if I may say)?

I don't know if she directly outed DM.  But, for sure, she gave enough of an impression to have the father's imagination run wild.   (Thank goodness that 'drag' scene was short.)  :wacko:  And, the father is going to notice how 'prickly' DM is about certain aspects that the father finds touchy-feely.  Such as the way the father treats the mother and DM.

I'm very disappointed in the conduct of lady manager of the gisaeng house.  Her outward appearance may be elegant and refined.  But, her sending that picture unanimously revealed a very cheap side to her.  And, it's a side of her personality that doesn't even match with her confidence that the doctor would be hers if she turn on her charms.  -_-

For several episodes now, I've been wondering if SJ is falling for SR.  SR is being polite and kind to SJ.  But, I think he is in such a vulnerable state of mind that he could easily fall in love with her care and concern.  (That should put a damper on the step-mother's plans to move in with SJ.)  However, that may create a rift between GJ and SR because I think GJ likes SJ.  :(

And, I don't know what the writer has in store for the dance instructor of the gisaeng house.  But, that character is sure getting a lot of scenes.  I really find that storyline to be superfluous.  Unless the writer is trying to show us that 'looks'  does and does not always belie the real person within, with the many different characters. :huh:

Oh, mhugh's recap was posted as I was writing my comment.   Thank you!  You've just confirmed that RR planted the seed of doubt into DM's father.

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Guest kawaiiyuki


thanks for the recap of episode 12!!

ha dm dad.bet he'll be eatting his words when 'god' grants him is wish (hehe) And really rr needs a better way to get back at dm. really the 'your son, might be gay' card? it's been done a lot(lately in kdrama land). maybe she's been watching too many dramas. :P she should aleast do something in front of dm.

Dm and Sr are so cute. the 'i'll come right back if you call and say you miss me' now it's dm's turn to have a pic of sr. hair pin isn't enough. :wub:

crazy daydream can either be from sr's stepmom, dm or this time sr. Might be dm again since his last one got ruin by andre. but we really need to cut down on fantasy scenes!

how does grandfather figure out about sr? the only one who knows that sr's her dad's biological child is her dad and mom and mom is dead and dad might just intend to take it to his grave. Does grandfather hire a private investigator?

Dying for next weekend's episode

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