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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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Guest dramaok

So if SaRan is going to be married by fall per the fortune teller, and RaRa is going to be married by fall, and EoSan and SeonDeok are going to marry soon, we should be expecting lots of wedding scenes.

sunday's episode seemed to suggest it was june 14th, the day saran was left at geum's frontdoors.

i'm looking forward to some weddings. these last couple of episodes have been a bit heavy.

just want to see some ppl liquoring up and dancing like fools, for a change in pace.

though Korean weddings aren't like American weddings (and darn!) sometimes there's no alcohol in sight.

except the newly marrying couple's flutes maybe. it's like you bring your own. lolx.

i am banking on Soondeok getting preggy soon. though i really hope it's not before they find Saran.

that would kind of suck for Saran, for some reason.


Damo and Saran have what you called good compatibility based on fate's pillars, since the man's b-day comes before the woman's and they are 4 years apart (perfect harmony) and i don't know about the other stuff but they say, in Korean culture that a woman's trying number is 5 and a man's is 9. so if a woman can overcome the turbulence in her age that ends with a 5, she will have ten years of bliss and peace. similar for man. i dont' know how much of this stuff anyone actually believes, but Im seems to have a Buddhism background and she's always talking about that stuff, so hopefully they will be fine and hopefully we will have a wedding for Saran and Damo by episode 40, so we can see some of the stuff someone else mentioned earlier about something something.

if the two of them do not end up together, i need to stay off of Im's dramas for a while. it's too much to take. lolx. i'll need to watch sitcoms only.

Yup, in ep3 Jin Ahm bailed out the instant he heard SaRan merely 'looks' rich but lives in a 'cheapo apartment' in Sechong.

His mum is too quick in brushing aside her parent's divorce, too eager to accept her, for sure this is a marriage of convenience (they are eyeing Eo-San's hospital). I wonder what will happen when RaRa's inheritance gets threatened by SaRan's appearance.

yeah, that was :blink:

can't wait to see her meet up with his kids who are high on fast food. Bet you they will be little 'angels' like him, LOLS

btw, is he widowed or divorced?

Jin Ahm and Ra Ra storyline really worries me. I already feel so sad for Ra Ra that she's organizing and arranging her own pending marriage. no one else seems to really care in the household she's living with. it's like she's using marriage to escape her lonliness. i dearly hope she's not setting herself up for some greedy evil stepmom stuff and a pathetic mamaboy rhetorics.

i think the lawywer Joohee's seeing is in the process of divorce. maybe the wife moved out? I dont' know but it sounded like she's staying at her apt for a few months before they can move in together? though i dont' know anymore after the grape seed incident.

just wondering whether saran's singing voice is her real voice? Cuz it sounds a bit different to her talking voice, but I guess that's normal. I must admit she sings quite well for someone who's not a singer.

yes that's her. and yes i agree on the english, but yes you're right, to the untrained Korean ear, the english sounds mighty fine. maybe superb. actually don't you guys find the supposed-americans speaking english rather grinding too? maybe it's the strange, sophomoric dialogue or maybe the bad acting but i'm always like lol hurry and skip this scene.

and Mr. Ginger should be banned from using English.

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

if the two of them do not end up together, i need to stay off of Im's dramas for a while. it's too much to take. lolx. i'll need to watch sitcoms only.

Oh gosh if only that were the case! High Kick Through the Roof? Most DEPRESSING ENDING ever.

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dramaok, I'm thinking of the same thing after watching the preview. Looks like the only way Sa Ran can make Da Mo leave is if she has her hair raised by someone elsetears.gif Seeing as we're only on Episode 26, we have room for more conflicts. If it is what we think it is, that will give this story a lot more complications. Ahhh, but I hope she doesn't. That would be going too low. I like to think Da Mo will just hear Sa Ran being propositioned and flip out. As punishment for hitting a guest, he gets soaked in cold water. And we see wet, naked Da Mo! Muahahaha! 

I am up for angst though. I feel it's more rewarding to see the happy ending after watching all the suffering. Cos, PD, we are getting a happy ending, aren't we?

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just wondering whether saran's singing voice is her real voice?  Cuz it sounds a bit different to her talking voice, but I guess that's normal.  I must admit she sings quite well for someone who's not a singer.

Yeah it is getting really good, but allow me to make one minor complaint:

The use of English in this drama.  It's actually a k-drama pet peeve of mine over the years, but for some reason writers really like to put in English dialogue into their dramas.  It wouldn't be so bad if the actors/actresses delivering the lines have some fluency in English, but more often than not, their English makes me cringe so bad every time.  Having said that, audiences in Korea would probably find it rather impressive.

I HATE all the English usage in these dramas, it just sounds corny and contrived.  BINGO, Ohhh Kay,  KISS-ah, WIFE-ah, etc.  Although the Korean word for "KISS" sounds like an American idiom for poop (poo-poo). There are Korean words for these English words, they stick out like sore thumbs.  I also don't understand the usage of English words in K-pop.  The group will be singing Korean words, then "ooooooo, baby baby" or something like that.  It just sounds corny.  The English-speaking actors do sound contrived in this drama.  The one BG guest who asked for a poem.  RIIIIGHT...  Men to go a gisaeng house and ask to have a poem recited because they just love to hear poetry when they are drinking.  

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@DramaOK: (& any others that could respond)

What is up with "PILLARS?"  I have searched the world over and can't find anything meaningful, probably because I don't read Chinese.  

Perhaps, this may help a bit: .http://www.wofs.com/index.php?option=com_content&Itemid=56&task=view&id=340  or


Actually, there's a contradiction in the drama.  Pillars are the month, date, time and year of the person's birth. If SR doesn't know her birth date and time, the pillars that they are alluding to are inaccurate.

So, the stepmother was talking b.s., when she told SR that her pillars are fierce and that she was destined to marry that year.  And, SR's smart/alertness didn't have her catch onto this logic.  :phew:

Besides, who would have commissioned a pillar reading for SR?  Not her adopted parents because they knew they didn't have the information necessary for the reading.  SR is not as sharp as she usually is.  :wacko:

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Broadcasting Note:

When I saw that your post started with "Broadcasting Note" I was like "oh oh doesn't sound good".... But thank God the re-scheduling was not as bad as it could have been

on Joo Hee. i just LOLed watching her in horrid watching that lawyer dude spit out grape seeds like that.

That was really very funny ;) Her expression was so priceless .... :P

Why on earth did/does Ah Soo-Ra set alarm at 4.20am ?

Yes couldn't quite figure that one out.... Seemed a bit early to head to the Buyonggak (unless one was coming out of there of course ) :phew:

@ Dramaok Thanks once again for your superb recaps, information highlights & of course subtitles. Can't thank you enough....

Btw Saran's belting out the Cliff Richards song was a little funny - and I agree it definitely did sound like she was saying "shiiting" (but then again (tongue firmly in cheek) perhaps she was only alluding to the rather rather infelicitous life she is presently leading :phew: )

And I have never heard so much reference to "pillars" as I have in this drama (come to think of it - don't think I have ever heard of it before). Fate, yes, Pillars, no.....

Anyway, I hope Ra Ra's pillars don't give her a hard time (although I do have this foreboding)....

And finally, taking cues from Im's Assorted Gems - think we will see a Sa-Dam wedding before the 50 eps are up (hope this is not just wishful thinking).... Come on Pillars - lend a hand....

Edit: something very interesting. The word "infelicitous" was not typed by me... The editor just changed the "s" word I had typed to this (I had to go look up what it meant - hee hee) How neat B)

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if I'm not wrong, PILLARS equates 生辰八字 in mandarin.

btw, didn't DaMo promise to buy SaRan sharksfin on her birthday?

or he didn't get the chance to order it at all?

anyway that was one heartwrenching dinner....

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Perhaps, this may help a bit: .http://www.wofs.com/index.php?option=com_content&Itemid=56&task=view&id=340  or


Actually, there's a contradiction in the drama.   Pillars are the month, date, time and year of the person's birth. If SR doesn't know her birth date and time, the pillars that they are alluding to are inaccurate.

So, the stepmother was talking b.s., when she told SR that her pillars are fierce and that she was destined to marry that year.  And, SR's smart/alertness didn't have her catch onto this logic.  :phew:

Besides, who would have commissioned a pillar reading for SR?  Not her adopted parents because they knew they didn't have the information necessary for the reading.  SR is not as sharp as she usually is.  :wacko:

Thank you for the info, I will check it out.

When the stepmother was telling SaRan this, WSM knew she was dating DaMo and was trying to push her to 'close the deal' with the rich guy.  I don't think SaRan knew she was adopted at the time.  Perhaps SaRan thought her father had given the WSM her birth information?   I think there are some logic flaws in this drama, I noticed a couple of others, since forgotten.  Bet you are correct, the WSM was BSing SaRan about the pillar info from the fortune teller.  Hmmmm, does this mean that SaRan won't be leaving the gisaeng house soon?  Are we truly not going to have a happy ending?   

I don't like the way RaRa is telling her bio mother to stay out of her business, then runs over to discuss her marriage prospect.  It's inconsistent.  But involving HyoRi in her marriage plans will definitely add more drama!

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Hey, did you guys miss me - that's okay - I'm still on spring break with my family. I finally got on my husband's laptop and watched the raw version of ep. 25/26. It was killing me to find out what was going on and now that I got a preview of what to see when I get home, I feel a whole lot better.

I was watching the preview for the next ep. and I noticed Damo's dad and then at the very end, is that his Mom? I couldn't get back and watch again because of the wifi interruption here at the condo. Okay all the experts out there, is that his mom I see going into the Gisaeng House???

I love all the spoilers and can't wait to get home to watch the two eps subbed of course.

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Hey, did you guys miss me - that's okay - I'm still on spring break with my family. I finally got on my husband's laptop and watched the raw version of ep. 25/26. It was killing me to find out what was going on and now that I got a preview of what to see when I get home, I feel a whole lot better.

I was watching the preview for the next ep. and I noticed Damo's dad and then at the very end, is that his Mom? I couldn't get back and watch again because of the wifi interruption here at the condo. Okay all the experts out there, is that his mom I see going into the Gisaeng House???

I love all the spoilers and can't wait to get home to watch the two eps subbed of course.

yup, that's DaMo's mum visiting BYG

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Guest fortuneteller68

When you mentioned pillars I immediately thought of the four pillars of destiny (its a chinese horoscope thing).

A simplified explanation is basically there is a zodiac sign for a person's year, month, day and time. For each of these pillars there are 2 words- a total of 8 (the words are not linked to the zodiac sign- they differ so you have to get the words from a book). The position of the words and what sort of words you have together affects your fortune(you also have to compare it with what sort of year it is at the moment because years have zodiac signs and element). Also there other stuff like ying and yang, elements (fire, water, wood, metal and earth), and seasons also affects your destiny. Apparently, you can also see the future of your parents, husband/wife, and children's fortune just by looking at your destiny(its all connected).

Its alot more complicated then that but this is all I can remember. :sweatingbullets:

A true story:

My mum's family friend went to a fortuneteller to check her husbands and her fortune, and he told her that her husband's wife will died but the wife is not her!!!!

A few months later, the husband divorced his wife and then soon after married another woman(he was having an affair) :angry: . He married the other woman because she had cancer and it was her dying wish or something like that! After she died, the husband wanted to get back with the ex-wife but she absolutely refused! :D

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Guest dramaok

WB Kaciemom!

Thx fortuneteller68 and nice nick ^^


In ep. 21, when Saran went and asked Damo to buy her a pin,

maybe in essence she was raising her own hair for him.

though of course, too bad later he went and yanked it off of her and broke it.




yup, that's DaMo's mum visiting BYG

i don't see the mom.

And finally, taking cues from Im's Assorted Gems - think we will see a Sa-Dam wedding before the 50 eps are up (hope this is not just wishful thinking).... Come on Pillars - lend a hand....

yeah the good thing is that in all of Im's drama that i can recall the main couple always ended up together.

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Guest kobe23

i don't see the mom.

It's definitely Damo's mom. You see her in the preview at the end of ep.26 at 1:04:01 HANrel 720p version. I wonder what she's doing there? Checking up on Damo's dad? She did seem rather apprehensive when he told her he's going to BYG.

yeah the good thing is that in all of Im's drama that i can recall the main couple always ended up together.

Hopefully they're get married too. Speaking of which, it looks like there's gonna be a wedding or two - or even three - in this drama. In order I think the marriages will happen:

1/ RaRa & Doctor guy (can't remember his name)

There was a scene back around episode 10-ish when SR/RR and friends were sitting around having a drink and they were playing this game where they had to close their eyes at the same time and point at whoever they thought would get married first. They all pointed to RaRa.

I've noticed in k-dramas a scene that's seemingly insignificant and in jest, is usually carried out, but RaRa doesn't seem to like the guy too much and just wants to push the marriage through because of her circumstances.

2/ Eo San & Soon Duk

Master Jeong has already said in order for them to find their biological daughter they need to get married first. This ensures the long lost couple will try to wed asap, but probably after RaRa's.

3/ DaMo & SaRan

The main couple will get married last because SaRan needs to find out about her real parents first, and that won't happen until wedding 2. Hopefully their marriage happens before the final episode so we get to see them living together for a bit, and perhaps even get to see one of those "Five years later..." scenes to see what their kids look like :)

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May I ask for clarification of what the mystic told ES and SD?   Did he say that they would reunite as a family?  Or, simply that they would meet their daughter?

They could very well meet SR and not even know that she is their daughter.   :tears:

What if they meet her because they are invited to the wedding of DM and SR?  :phew:  :blink:

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Guest kawaiiyuki

OOOOH 3 weddings. I think RR's adoptive dad and kitchen ladies wedding will be the small private type.

RR will be over the top cause she seems like the type or birth mom just wants to throw her one.

And for some reason sr's weddings seems medium. DM's dad seems like he'd want everyone to know his son is getting marred (I'm going with sr and dm pairing.)

I agree with ppl who say we need some weddings. I know i could use some.

Praying that sr and dm will getting married like way before we hit episode 50 I'm hoping by episode 30. So come on DM and find sr's birth parents.

It would be nice if sr went to kitchen lady and rr's adoptive dad's wedding. Even if she doesn't want to go I bet somehow dm gets her to go. (still going wiht sr and dm pairing.)

IF writer Im doesn't pair sr and dm I'm also going to have to stop watching. But i have a feelings it's going to be a happy ending.

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is there no episode 27 this week?

Doesn't it air tomorrow Saturday?

I believe the new schedule is for next week April 30 (Sunday) when both ep.29 and 30 will be aired.

Edit: Geez, I never knew the significance of raising one's hair until watching this drama. I will never see it the same way as before (i.e tying your hair up because it's hot or it doesn't get in your face, etc.)

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