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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest -forever-

i can't believe something like this would actually happen .

just reading all these stories makes me wish i could have done something to help ...

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Guest ohhblueberry

how do you go about coming to a closure about it because I told people and and i cried for a few days and then i cried again at a pool party with a bunch of people i know over the summer (it happened once when i was 8/9 yrs old).. i can't afford a therapist... and sometimes i think about it during a scene in a movie and it happens to be of a woman getting molested or raped or when i read something similar... i just want to overcome this and let it be part of the past and not continually in my present..

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Guest angels.disguise

^ Try going to a rape & sexual abuse support group. It's totally free and everyone there is willing to listen and help.

Maybe you'll find your closure there.

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Guest Mu-JiGae

(i made a 'new' account)

This isn't my story but i saw it happened:

So my best friend took me to Idaho for a weekend(with her family), On our last night in Idaho they took us to Lucky Peak (a swimming lake) We went with the whole family (her aunts, uncles, cousins, family friends.) Well, she has two cousins Sara and Alexa(during the weekend they would follow us ANYWHERE), during the whole time we didn't seem them; which was odd... We saw the family friend (which was a boy) And the boy  was creepy, He would try to swim near us and when he was near us he would just stare.... we both noted on how he was scary, deiced to avoid him during our time at Lucky Peak. We even joked about how he would try to look down our bathing suit.. It was time to go and no one could find Alexa and Sara... My friend and i found them near the shore of the 'beach' they where muttering about something, but didn't say anything to us.

Later that night my friend and i where packing up, when her little boy cousins came running in telling us Sara was crying and (my friends mom) told them to come down stairs... My friend and  I thought that was odd, her brother told us that Sara got in a fight with her mom and that was why she was crying... Well we wanted to know. So my friend and i went upstairs to 'grab' things We saw Sara and Alexa standing in the kitchen, Alexa was crying.... Honestly i thought Alexa got in a fight with her mom... We took the girls down stairs to tell us what was going on...

Sara told us, the family friend (boy) was touching her (down there) when we where swimming, he would grab her and sit her on his lap and rub her, she said that he tried to pull down her swimsuit but she stopped him. I guess he was looking down Alexa's bathing suit top too (that was why she was crying) I was so upset, these girls where so scared. Alexa cried, she was scared he was going to come over and kill her and her family.... Sara lives right next door to the boy (mind you this boy is at least 17) didn't want to go home. Sara then said the boy told her brother i had 'big boobs' and he was trying to look down my top. Personally i felt gross, i never wear two pieces but, i lost some weight and wanted to show off my new body...

Sara/Alexa/ and my friend sat in our room and cried. We told the girls they where so brave to telling her Mom and her Aunt....  That he was going to jail for a long time. We left Idaho and we didn't know if my friends dad knew. on the ride home her mom was whispering about what happened to the girls. I guess this wasn't the first time for this boy, he touched older lady. We haven't heard what happened after, I'm scared to ask her other cousins I'm friends with on FB. I honestly think Sara's dad beat the sh...it out of the boy.

I'm so sorry what happened to all of you

Your all beautiful Ladies and Gentleman

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i was reading over this and i suddenly remembered what had happened to me 5 years ago. So this was when i was in 5th grade. haha, if you guys are interested in knowing the story then keep on reading but if not then dont bother reading xD

I was overseas in vietnam at the time and it was a hot day so daddy decided to take me and my little cousin to the water theme park. My cousin and I decided to leave my dad and went to the kids section of the pool haha, they had fun little slides and such (: You guys know when you stack slide? Like, you go down the slide with another person behind you with their legs spread apart against your back? Yeah, this guy about 3-4 years older than me did that to me with his arms gripping me tighly and he roughly pushed me down the slide. I mouthed the word "crazy" to my cousin and he saw.. i really shouldnt have done that. I messed with the wrong group :( I guess he wanted to "teach" me a lesson. So I just didnt pay attention and kept on playing in the pool. Then I just keep on feeling him diving into the water against my legs? Like, to make me lose balance and fall over? I just thougth he was being a jerk and i ignored it but then it got serious. He grabbed me and with arms around my neck, he tried to drown me in the water and with his other free arm, he reached down for my.. v@gina.. he would keep on touching me in private areas and i felt like crying. I had nails so i pinched him hard in his arms so he let go. I tried to escape but his group of friends came and surrounded me, watching me getting perved and they were laughing and mocking at how hopeless i was. And the worst feeling is that many people saw but did nothing, like it didnt matter. I tried walking away but he would catch up and put his arms around my neck, asking me to meet him later, where do i live and such.

okay, maybe this isnt a big deal but as a 5th grader, this had scarred me a lot. I never dared to go back to that water theme park again and everytime i walk onto the vietnam pathways, i feel very insecure and i always make sure someone is walking with me.. I never told anyone but DAMN, letting this out feels GOOOD (:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Cossette

My story is almost nothing compared, but here it is anyway:

On a Bus trip with my family my mom insisted on sitting at the window in the bus so I could sit in the middle seat.

This strange man who could sit anywhere, sat besides me, and starts touching my breasts and fondling my nipples. I was 13 I think.

It was very traumatizing. Even today my mom blames herself for wanting the window seat. I can't sit beside men anymore, not even my own dad, even though he would never do such a thing. I know it's racist but the man was Filipino, so they scare me now.

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Guest Jabberer

I haven't been molested, but I've been hit on.

My church was holding a fundraiser in the city, and we were having a yard sale thing. These two middle-aged men came up to my friend and me and started asking us a bunch of questions, and getting really... touchy-feely. Nothing socially inappropriate, but they kept on reaching for our hands and following us around when we tried to politely shake them off.

They asked us if we were Chinese (HAHAHA, wrong move there), and when we told them we were Korean, he did the incredibly creepy eyebrow-waggling thing and said, "I love Koreans."

My friend started talking to them in Spanish to get them to go away, since we thought that they couldn't understand what we meant since their accents were incredibly thick, but apparently they started asking her our ages, where we were from, etc. 

But two of our guy friends were there, and they pretended to be our boyfriends. XD

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erm.. something like that happened to me too o; im turning fourteen ina few days. o-o but back when i was seven? six? or around then. I guess he was an uncle or something. Im not so sure. He came to visit for a few days and he was just sitting on the couch like watching TV and stuff. I had a bottle of chocolate milk and asked him to help me open it, he said he will later and told me to sit on his lap. i was confused but i really wanted my chocolate milk opened to i agreed. then he started touching me -.- i didnt know what was going on. it was terrifying but didnt last long. he smelled his hand too! -.- ew ew ew right? I asked him to open the chocolate milk after and he said he didnt know how.. so i left. the end?

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Okay it's utterly sad that this is one of the most 'popular' threads in the relationship section. And these stories don't really have anything to do with relationships or love =(. I wish more people would tell someone, I wish I did.

I got molested when I was 5 by two boys (sons of the landlords of the room we were renting when we just moved overseas) (who were around 16?) at the time. I believe I had to give them BJS etc.

... I think I blanked out those memories. When I was like 11 or sth, we went to a family friend's house and the daughter asked me about it, cos she knew? Eh. I completely forgot.

I think it screwed up my views on males as well. Besides my ex, I have never told anyone else (and I only told him cos he shared with me something even more private and disturbing =( and it bought back the memory of what happened to me). I just think if you're old enough to know it's wrong, please please tell someone. People that take advantage of you this way should be punished. You shouldn't hold it in.

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  • 2 months later...

I remember reading this thread a few years ago. For those of you who have been able to share your story with the forum, thank you. You guys are brave and things have happened to me but I'm not comfortable enough to share it here. These things mess you up for the rest of your life. It feels better to know you're not alone. My heart goes out to everyone who has had such horrid experiences.

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Guest lala-123

i was reading over this and i suddenly remembered what had happened to me 5 years ago. So this was when i was in 5th grade. haha, if you guys are interested in knowing the story then keep on reading but if not then dont bother reading xD

I was overseas in vietnam at the time and it was a hot day so daddy decided to take me and my little cousin to the water theme park. My cousin and I decided to leave my dad and went to the kids section of the pool haha, they had fun little slides and such (: You guys know when you stack slide? Like, you go down the slide with another person behind you with their legs spread apart against your back? Yeah, this guy about 3-4 years older than me did that to me with his arms gripping me tighly and he roughly pushed me down the slide. I mouthed the word "crazy" to my cousin and he saw.. i really shouldnt have done that. I messed with the wrong group :( I guess he wanted to "teach" me a lesson. So I just didnt pay attention and kept on playing in the pool. Then I just keep on feeling him diving into the water against my legs? Like, to make me lose balance and fall over? I just thougth he was being a jerk and i ignored it but then it got serious. He grabbed me and with arms around my neck, he tried to drown me in the water and with his other free arm, he reached down for my.. v@gina.. he would keep on touching me in private areas and i felt like crying. I had nails so i pinched him hard in his arms so he let go. I tried to escape but his group of friends came and surrounded me, watching me getting perved and they were laughing and mocking at how hopeless i was. And the worst feeling is that many people saw but did nothing, like it didnt matter. I tried walking away but he would catch up and put his arms around my neck, asking me to meet him later, where do i live and such.

okay, maybe this isnt a big deal but as a 5th grader, this had scarred me a lot. I never dared to go back to that water theme park again and everytime i walk onto the vietnam pathways, i feel very insecure and i always make sure someone is walking with me.. I never told anyone but DAMN, letting this out feels GOOOD (:

That sounds so traumatizing :| I can't believe you went through that, I would've been so shaken up too. What's even worse is that no one did anything.

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Guest liquidrose

Me and ppl in our country would consider this as molest..evem more,we dont ever let to reach us if we dont want to,so touching either.maybe thats just i live in europe

And gals tend to defend themselves more

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  • 4 months later...
Guest bonjour tristesse.


like lol. he touched my chest area when I was sleeping, HE DID IT TOO TO MY sister when she was little.


'Like lol'? What is so funny about that?

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Guest Starblazerbon

Guys who make girls cry are the worst. Seriously.


Guess the dudes who make girls cry out of happiness are bad too. :(

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Guest Chearii

same here. i was molested when i was really little, but i never told any of my friends about it. i don't feel comfortable bringing it back up...plus, its really awkward. This boy is a teenager around sophomore/junior..and i was really little at the time..like 1st grade...and my grandpa brought me to his daily hangout place...like a olace with mahjong and stuff. i go there afterschool when i was young. Everytime i see him i'd know hes going to touch me. (down there...like the topic starter)

Right now, i'm 16 and the last time i saw that guy was like last month! man it was hella awkward, becuase i haven't seen him since i moved...and we saw eachother again becuase of a funeral of a friend we both knew. i felt really awkward towards him, and i didn't really talk to him at all..but he was talking to all my sisters. i tried to stay away from him...becuase when i stare at him...i remember everything he did.

oh well. those horny bastards should stay away form little kids

I'm sorry about your experience.  But I really think you should REALLY report this guy.  :(

He did all this stuff to you, traumatized you psychologically and physically.  It is really wrong and I'm so sad that you had to go through that D:

I'm not pressuring you to tell the police or anything, but do it when you're ready on your own terms.  I really hope you well in the future! :>

EDIT:  I just realized this was 5 years ago!  D:  Sorry about quoting you, especially since you made that post such a long time ago...I think staying up in the middle of the night has made me rather slow. >_>

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Guest Kalifia

Although I don't think I've ever been molested before, I feel kind of disgusted that some Asian parents don't seem to care much about their own kids. I come from an Asian family and if something like this ever happens to me, they will do whatever it takes to beat the mini cooper out of her/him, reputation or not. One of the popular mottoes from my dad's side of the family is something like  "kids come first before anything else" meaning your kids are much more important than money, reputation, etc.  So I'm glad not all Asian families care about face more than their children.

For those who already experienced such horrendous things, I hope you become stronger and overcome the bad impact it had on you.

For those who are experiencing these things now, you should stand up for yourself, learn some self-defense (martial arts) and if you're pretty good at it, use it when you need to. Speak up and tell a trusted adult ASAP or it'll just worsen.

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