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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest x stylejjang

wow, sucks D:

It happened like last year, i was walking to koreanschool & this mexican comes up to me &

tapped my butt. i turned around & i saw him getting in to his car i cussed him out & told him to back to mexico.

ever since then i dont really like Mexicans that much.

& when i was in 8th grade, i was @ afterschool & everyone was gone except this guy & i was writing on the bard

& he came up to & lifted shirt & was like touching my back area. After that i quit & never saw him agen. Gagd damn i shouldve have cussed him out. ugh.

i never told this to anyone before. >.<

& theres alot of mexicans where i live just always on the streets even tho i live in koreatown, like WTF ?!

& they always whsitle & say things when i walk down the street, I cuss them out & stare them down HAHA.

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Guest nekonana

just when i thought the world was improving...

oh gosh, i can't believe how many victims there are in soompi.

my prayers goes out to every single one of you.

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Guest musichmi

Similar thing happened to me...

So I was 12y.o, it was autumn break and my family and I recently just got home from interstate but we unfortunately had a car accident (hit a kangaroo) and so our car was at the crash repairs. So my dad was at work and my mum went to the repairs to get the temporary car.

I've been home alone plenty of times, ever since I was maybe even 3-4y.o so I was pretty use to it. I would think I was a smart kid but I guess sometimes my stupidity gets the best of me and even when I was home alone I'd always pick up the phone and answer the door.

Home alone as per usual, then the phone rings and I pick it up, there's a man on the other line and he asks for "Mrs xxxxxx (which is my mum)".

Me: "she's not home right now but did you want to leave a message?"

Him: "nah it's ok but what's your name?"

Me: "xxxxx"

Him: "oh, well it's actually you who I'm looking for"

And he explained that my parents had actually entered me into a modeling competition at our local shopping center and so he had to ask me some questions about me. At this point I was thinking WTF cause my parents would NEVER enter me into any competition but I still didn't hang up.

At first he asked where I lived near and if I could meet him at the local shopping center so he could ask me some questions. But I said I couldn't go and so he just asked me over the phone instead.

So he started with normal basic questions like, how old am I, what school I go to etc etc.

Then he started asking weird questions like, what do I look like, how long's my hair, do I have body hair and what clothes I'd wear. Still I didn't hang up.

Then it got even more weird like, do I have hair down there and what kind of undies do I like to wear.

Him: "do you want to win this competition?"

Me: "I guess? What would I win and what would I be in?"

Him: "You'll be in newspapers. You'll win a new car, money and a vacation to...where do your parents come from?"

Me: "xxxxxxx?"

Him: "Yeah you and your parents win a trip to go to xxxxxxx. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Me: "Ah yeah!"

Him: "Well you have to do something"

Me: "Like what? Draw a picture? Write an essay?"

...and then...

Him: "No. Can you put my xxxx in your mouth?"


Him: "Can I lick your xxxxx?"

Me: "No...(voice starting to shake a lil')"

Him: "Can I put my xxxx in your xxxxx?"

Me: "No..." (long pause) and then he hung up and I just dropped the phone and burst into tears.


I used to get those calls too. when i was six or so.

But i figure i was a pretty sarcastic kid back then also.

*phone rings*

I got up from my lego robot and i walked to the phone.

I picked it up.

The dude: Hello? (in a really deep voice)

Me: Yes?

Him: What's your name?

Me: Minnie.

Him: How old are you?

Me: Old enough.

Him: Just tell me, how old are you?

Me: six.

Him: What do you like doing?

Me: Um, stuff.

Him: What kind of stuff?

Me: I'm six, what do you think?

Him: Do you touch your private areas?

Me: Why? Do you?

(he was getting mad)

Him: So, Where do you live?

Me: *thinks*

Him: HEllO?

Me: 뭐? (What? in korean)

Him: Sorry i cant understand you.

Me: I live next to a this place down that street you know?

Him: Address?

Me: You're so stupid = =;; 멍충이. (retard)

I hung up and went back to my legos.

He called again right after.

So i thought it would be best if my mother picked up.


So she ran from the kitchen and said, "hello?"

And then she told me the person hung up.

I got these calls several times,

but i always did the thing similar to that.

I had a really strong common sense.

My family and the older kids at my church told

me everything at a young age, so i knew how to

be confident when these things happened.

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Guest miyavidoll

i actually got sexually harrassed like beginning of this month.

i walked into subway station then this guy just puts his john teshing hand on my breast and said that wsa the only way to stop me from walking into him..

i totally flipped out and yelled at him non-stop at the train station

and he wouldn't even admit he did anything wrong..

so i just threw this huge pinkberry fight cuz i hate these old pedos.

i just started screaming.. i even filed a complaint but the ocr canceled it cuz they couldn't investigate if it happened to be MTA station.

i was so john teshing pissed off.

i can't believe so many of u let it go at that time without a fight.

i would have been calling the cops if it was a huge deal like touching down there or something.

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Guest k4r3bear

back when i was 12, me and my friend went swimming and then there was this new slide installed..so we decided to go line up for it..so my friend went first..so i was standing there in line on the stairs and there was this man who was probably around 50 behind me...so i was just waiting to go next..but then i felt like his hand sweep against my butt..and i was realli scared..but kept quiet..so i thought it was just a accident so i stood sideways..wishing i could go down the slide now but then he touched my legs...and i was scared realli scared..but i didnt kno wat to do...then it was finally my turn for the slide....i just ran away after that cause i was scared.....back then i didnt reali kno that it wasnt an accident till now...

i hate going to swimming pools now...especially having so less cloth on....plus i wasnt even wearing a bikini or anything i was wearing a one piece at that time..>_>

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Guest insanelyCRAZY

i just came back to this thread...and realized that i wasnt just..molested, i was raped.

oh man..i think im psychologically damaged...

i really worked up when it comes to sex now...help?

i have a hard time deciding whats right and wrong.

my first post here

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Guest mo.NeMo81

This thread makes me really sad....and angry. it bothers me that many girls have some things 'done' to them at least once in their lifetime. I myself have been touched before, over my jeans, by someone i barely knew at the party when i was only 16 (no drinking involved). Thinking back I was so stupid and naive but I think it was because its was the first time a boy pay attention to me and my friends were kinda jealous i caught his attention that sorta lead me trying to get closer to him. I never really thought too much of it until I came across this thread and I actually thought about it if it ever happen to me before and it came to my mind and i was just one of the many victims : (. I never told anyone this before but I moved on. I dont blame myself for what happen, nor so you, because we never ask for it to happen. I really hope karma get a good kick in his butt one day. Until then, keep on fighting!

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Guest cookiechoopyy_201

this might seem like a joke to all of you

but i got molested by my aunt when i was young =/

she kept on trying to pants me O.o

she meant it as a joke.. but i was offended

hahah ...lol..in tat case im a molester too.. :sweatingbullets: i can't help it when i was like 8 years old back in vn whenever i c my lil baby cousin i would always pull his dinddong and play wit it...lol...but not good!..my uncle always have to yell at me..hehe

but aniwaz well i do feel really sad to hear tat becuz although i never experience it myself, my friend told me her story. Well my friend lived wit her dad and her dad let one guy who was about 30 share one of their room. my friend was only 5 at tat time and one day , no one was home except for her n tat guy. tat guy went in her room n forced her to give him oral. he stick his.. into her mouth. eventually she told her dad n tat guy was kicked out of the house but somehow he always wanted tocomback n visit, but they always shout at him n never let him go in. well she told me tat i was the only friend tat she tells this too. wow i dun even noe wat is goin on in this world. i mean wat do those men see in poor lil kids.. i mean.. they're just lil kids...they havent even grow yet.. ...!!!!

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Pedo's are so creepy ...

I can't believe you went through that in your childhood, must have been hard.

During high school, didn't you know anyone that would tell that pedobear off?

There are heaps of pedobears in Japan cuz one of my friends

said there would be signs saying "beware of pedo's or something" :S

NOTE: I like to call pedo's, pedobears cuz it sounds funny yet creepy

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Guest bazelette

well.. my dad never did anything drastic but he molested by butt once when I was teen after leering at it at ever since I was young. He's a complete pedo/pervert over young girls. He's like 50-something and has some serious issues. He always used to leer at my body and face until one day I snapped and went crazy on him b/c it felt like an intrusion. Well, that's why I now have a broken relationship with my parents because my mom took his side even though he used to make comments about my body right in front of her. She is completely blind and financially dependent on him. He said that what he did at first was to help me 'catch a better view of something', and then said it was a joke and said I went overboard. It's my body, and I don't like anyone touching it. It feels completely violating and disgusting. My whole family turned against me when I stood up for myself because they don't believe people in your family would hurt you like that (Koreans don't seem to understand/label pedophiles) even though they all know my dad has serious psychological problems (anger management, child abuse and neglect, narcissim, etc.), but they're actually the ones that end up hurting you the most. I grew up with narcisstic parents who found it hard to empathize with others, even their children, and had a distorted take on reality. I'm not afraid to seek counseling, and it has helped tremendously in helping me overcome and affirming what happened to me. Having great friends also helps because friends are like the family you choose right? Unfortunately, you can't choose your actual family. We barely talk to each other, and my mom hates me, but I don't particularly care or need them so I think it's better this way. Now I understand why some people grow up and never contact their parents again. If I have kids, I'm going to be extra cautious and raise them wisely and be careful even of fellow family members (if I do continue talking to any of them) and make sure I know what kind of person my husband is by knowing him for years before I marry him.


Like someone said, sometimes we NEED to be selfish. Please be selfish for your well-being.. there's going to be people who tell you that you are selfish and need to suck it up to save face, but it's not worth it. Family has criticized me for only "caring about myself", but I just snap and say, "Obviously, maybe I need to take care of myself because no one else will." It's like they want you to suffer silently so they don't have to. It's your life, and you only have one life to live so take care of yourself. I think everyone should speak out about their experience because why should you be afraid? You didn't do anything wrong. By staying quiet, you are helping these abusers and allowing it to become your problem when it's really not. People who have harmed others should be called out upon so they can feel ashamed of themselves and to prevent them from harming others. I have ZERO tolerance for any kind of molestation/pedo crimes. Although you may feel regretful at first for speaking out (mostly because of people's unsupportive responses), you have to keep trying. You will feel liberated and stronger in the end, especially when you find the people who will listen and support you. More importantly, you have to let yourself heal. And the first step to doing that is bringing the whole mess to the front. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in denial.. carrying this deep scar, and maybe have it unconsciously affect your future? Because it will affect you more negatively later on if you don't face it now; built-up anger can rot a person's soul away. One of my worst fears is becoming like my irrational parents, specifically like my mom.. despising the child who speaks out and depending on a man I don't love. It's okay to be angry.. actually, it's better than being depressed because then you will do something about it, but always remember to direct your anger in a positive and healing way. For example, I plan on becoming a child abuse attorney when I'm older because I sincerely believe this is one of the darkest evils in this world. I don't think anyone can truly understand what goes on in the minds of these sick people. I hope everyone knows that they are not alone, and a lot of people are out there who want to help.

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Guest Jentage

well.. my dad never did anything drastic but he molested by butt once when I was teen after leering at it at ever since I was young. He's a complete pedo/pervert over young girls. He's like 50-something and has some serious issues. He always used to leer at my body and face until one day I snapped and went crazy on him b/c it felt like an intrusion. Well, that's why I now have a broken relationship with my parents because my mom took his side even though he used to make comments about my body right in front of her. She is completely blind and financially dependent on him. He said that what he did at first was to help me 'catch a better view of something', and then said it was a joke and said I went overboard. It's my body, and I don't like anyone touching it. It feels completely violating and disgusting. My whole family turned against me when I stood up for myself because they don't believe people in your family would hurt you like that (Koreans don't seem to understand/label pedophiles) even though they all know my dad has serious psychological problems (anger management, child abuse and neglect, narcissim, etc.), but they're actually the ones that end up hurting you the most. I grew up with narcisstic parents who found it hard to empathize with others, even their children, and had a distorted take on reality. I'm not afraid to seek counseling, and it has helped tremendously in helping me overcome and affirming what happened to me. Having great friends also helps because friends are like the family you choose right? Unfortunately, you can't choose your actual family. We barely talk to each other, and my mom hates me, but I don't particularly care or need them so I think it's better this way. Now I understand why some people grow up and never contact their parents again. If I have kids, I'm going to be extra cautious and raise them wisely and be careful even of fellow family members (if I do continue talking to any of them) and make sure I know what kind of person my husband is by knowing him for years before I marry him.

wow ....I think you would love to have my parents...they care way too much about me and my sister lol especially my mom although I never seem to be able to express my feelings and thoughts with my parents... eh =_=" I guess I take everythin for granted.

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Guest vanEIK

It's not really a "can't tell anyone". But more of a, "refusal to tell anyone".

Because yeah, as most of these posts say; One, it's embarrassing. Extremely so.

And it's shameful in a way, even if it's not your fault. There's also the guilt some feel over the incident, like they should have done something different to prevent/fight off.

In my case, I wouldn't say molested (sounds so extreme, and I've associated it with far worse than mine), maybe harassed? or taken advantage of.

My sister's father (not mine) tried to "teach" me how to "french kiss" .. when I was five. (Good thing I immediately found it gross and kept my mouth closed .. *shudder* .. I am forever scarred by the feeling of him trying to, and in my own five-year-old-words, "suck the air out of me". Ew, gross! I'm disgusted just by thinking of it!)

I've found him repulsive ever since :)

And, mm, in terms of acknowledgment, no immediate persons know, no. D; And you people don't know who I am! So bwahaha! ;0

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Guest jj.lim

wow i joined soompi a while back but never felt a need to post... until i saw this topic. i read some other posts that ppl put up and i was so relieved not being the only one, but also shocked that there are more extreme cases. i just never knew how common it could be. damn perverted jerks.

i have to get this off my back, so here's my first post.

i was in middle school and "developed" (i went through puberty at an early age) and there were these 3 guys from my school that would walk the same way i walked home. we all knew each other but we weren't friends. one day, when i was walking home the 3 guys started following me and started spitting sexual jokes at me. then it lead to slapping/grabbing my richard simmons and i was shocked and angry so i swore at them and started speed walking. however, they still followed, caught up and suddenly the guys held me down. each took their turn touching/grabbing private areas, & kissing me. i was so scared and furious so i screamed while attemping to kick, sack and punch them, but they were bigger than me and there was 3 of them and no one in the neighbourhood. when they were done, i felt like breaking down and crying, but i held back my tears and made a run for it home while they laughed.

btw, this wasn't just a one time thing either, it was only the first. this happened several times when i walked home from school. sometimes, i would even hide in the girls bathroom after school because i knew those 3 guys would be waiting for me. and it got to a point where i started carrying a knife to school (& yes this was against the school rules but i felt like i had no choice). i pulled it out once on them and told them that i would report them and they stopped.

at that time i didn't tell anyone because i knew that it would go around the school and involve the police and ppl would know my story and feel sorry for me. i'm in my 2nd year of university and i still didn't forget this. it scarred me for life. i'm glad i never saw them after i was out of middle school.

i only told my 2 ex boyfriends...

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Guest rawwwr

When I was younger, my brother and I were best friends and we did everything together. So one day, he wanted to sleep outside in the living room because he wanted to play with his playstation. We shared a room and I was too afraid to sleep by myself, so I followed him. So, my dad's friend used to live with us at the time, and he slept in the living room for some reason. So my brother and I were playing with the playstation and then we just decided to sleep there too. My dad's friend made me sleep next to him and my brother next to me, so I was in the middle.

We fell asleep, and I woke up and felt the guy's hands in my pants, but I did nothing, because I didn't know what was going on, so I pretended to shift in my sleep, and move away from him. I kinda wished I'd done something now.

I've been molested when I was about 8? And I've never told anyone about it because I feel like they wouldn't believe me, and now that eight years have passed, it would seem like an even bigger lie.

And the guy's my dad's best friend, so I don't know how my dad would handle it. And he still comes around, since they're best friends and all, and I try to avoid him.

I've never told anyone, and it kinda feels nice because I've kept it in for so long.

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Once when I was younger (like 13 or so), I was shopping with my mother at an open air market. We were buying fish and other seafood and there was a huge crowd. I felt something touching my butt so I turned around and saw this tall, middle-eastern-looking man in his 30s and he was right behind me. I assumed it was an accident but I still wanted to move away so I nudged my mother to move a few paces to the left.

Soon after, I felt another stroke on my butt and I furiously turned around and saw the same guy behind me. Being a hot-headed boy, I snapped and yelled madly, 'STOP F******** TOUCHING MY richard simmons!"

Immediately, everyone turns and looks at us and the man has this embarrassed look on his face. He lowered his eyes and was about to say something when my mother (who had also sensed something was wrong) started screaming at him. He chickened out and dashed away.

Yeah, that's my story.

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Very sad stories I am reading so far. I think the best thing parents can do in order to lessen the chances of their children getting molested or raped is to shave the girl's hair off and dress them up in long-sleeved clothing at all times, even during summers. This will at least be a turnoff to some perverts and make them turn to other children to get their fix.

Seriously? If you were a girl and your parents made you shave your hair off and dress you up ugly or like a boy, how would you feel? It's like someone someone asking you grow out your fingernails, paint them and dress up as a girl. Suggesting something so ignorant like that is half as bad.

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Guest Tiffa_xx

I actually got molested just yesterday. I was at a nightclub and dancing with my friends when a guy comes up to me and asks me to dance. I didn't want to dance with him so I said, "no thank you" and he asks, "Why?" I ignore him cuz I mean, why would you ask me that? No means no and it was supposed to be the end of that.

But later when I was dancing, I feel someone's hand go under my dress and grab my butt so I turn around and find the same guy who I rejected earlier standing directly behind me, staring at me along with his friend. I looked around to see if there were any other people around but it was just him and his friend so it was pretty obvious that it was him. I flip out and yell, "what the f***!! don't f****ng grab my a**!!" and he yells back at me a little too quickly, "I didn't f*****g grab your richard simmons!" and runs away.

I mean seriously, just because I rejected him doesn't mean that he could make a grab at it like that. I wanted to rat on him or smack him but I didn't want to let him ruin my night or get kicked out.

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I actually got molested just yesterday. I was at a nightclub and dancing with my friends when a guy comes up to me and asks me to dance. I didn't want to dance with him so I said, "no thank you" and he asks, "Why?" I ignore him cuz I mean, why would you ask me that? No means no and it was supposed to be the end of that.

But later when I was dancing, I feel someone's hand go under my dress and grab my butt so I turn around and find the same guy who I rejected earlier standing directly behind me, staring at me along with his friend. I looked around to see if there were any other people around but it was just him and his friend so it was pretty obvious that it was him. I flip out and yell, "what the f***!! don't f****ng grab my a**!!" and he yells back at me a little too quickly, "I didn't f*****g grab your richard simmons!" and runs away.

I mean seriously, just because I rejected him doesn't mean that he could make a grab at it like that. I wanted to rat on him or smack him but I didn't want to let him ruin my night or get kicked out.

Aww...that's horrible.

One of my female friends had that happen to her and the cops came and all. It was ugly.

But yeah, you don't meet many decent guys from clubbing....

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I am a guy and I was sexually molested by a girl at a young age, i did not know what she did to me until I learned about it in school, I only tell this to my friends that I trust. I think it john teshed me up in getting girls, but I have tried not to let that stop me. Men can get molested to it's not just women.

The world we live in is messed up, but not all people are bad.

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