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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest SimplySwt^.^

What nice ladies! I want to be like them! :D

I've had no sexual experience as dark as the ones I have read in this thread... I just wanted to say, in a way, thank you for sharing your story. It makes society far more aware of this issue - and it does make a difference. I pray that each of you will be able to regain a complete sense of fullness in your life. May God bless you all!

hehe yeah! I'd like to thank them too, seemed like really nice ladies :)

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Guest sophiacherry5

i was 5 and recently moved to America with my family and we stayed with our cousins. my uncle would take me into his room and touch my private area.

once he told me to sit sit on his lap and move around and my mom walked in but i was scared to tell her.

when i turned 8, my babysitter's roomate would come up to me and touch /rub my private area also and he was always drunk. he would even offer me money.

recently when i visit my grandparents house, i slept with my cousin. at night he started grabbing me everywhere and i was so scared. i pretended to move around in me 'sleep'. he forced me to "xxx" him and i almost got raped. =[

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Guest babiiqrlxT

When I read these stories, it makes me feel so sad inside, like what did you guys to do to deserve this? It shows though, you guys are very strong!

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Well, my story is not very serious and extreme, but I just want to share my story.

There was one time when me and my mom were going home by bus. I sat by the window and I felt something pushing and fidgetting my bag from behind (there's a gap between the side of the bus and the seats, and my bag concealed the gap). After it continued for quite some time, I was annoyed so I discreetly lifted my bag and I saw a dude's finger!!! I acted like nothing happen and quickly put down my bag to cover the gap, the guy still continue to stick his finger through the gap and pulling my bag. Thankfully, the bus arrived at the stop. When I went down and looked at the bus, I saw the dude who was sitting behind me. Damn what a creepy experience. But now that I think about it again, maybe he wanted to steal something from my bag... I didn't get molested or anything, just my bag (my poor bag).

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Guest bicycle

Hmm. ^^ That's odd.

I don't know if mine is considered conventional "molestation".

Does getting jerked off by your hot, young, sensual foreign nanny while you were a little boy count?

It was an enjoyable experience. To say the least.

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Guest minyungee

When I was in like, 1st grade my cousin, jeez MY COUSIN (who was like, 20-something) would molest me.

We'd be watching a movie and I'd be on the couch, and he'd be on the ground sitting cross-legged.

He'd tell me to sit on his lap, and even when I refused to, he got more assertive and forceful until I finally I sat on his lap.

Then he'd start rubbing my vagina area and pushing me against his penis.

I mean, we still had our clothes on, but it was so scary and scarring. And to make it even worse, I wasn't even really sure if what he was doing was really "bad".

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Guest AMIbunny

^ ^ wow..>_> I can't believe he did that. I mean he's your cousin =/ and to think he'd have more sense at the age of 20.. *sigh.

These experience are like..so scary because this is our SOOMPI community. =/ I can't believe it actually happened to alot of people. I hope you all overcome these terrible encounters.

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Guest mrsjaejoong

i feel kind of weird posting here because i know some people who personally know me on soompi

but w.e. i doubt they read it, so here goes

i wasn't going to post, but after reading about all these ppl admitting to it, i think i should finally speak out like they did

i wasn't too young like most of the ppl here, it was only actually a few years ago

3-4 to be exact

i was single and i was joking around with a friend about how i wanted a boyfriend, and that week she called me and wanted to set me up with a guy.... like most friends, she said that we'd be 'perfect for eachother' and such, but really, all she wanted was to be able to say 'hah~ told you so! and I set you up~ it was all ME'... i don't blame her, if it works out, that's great, right?

but the truth was, she didn't tell me that she barely knew the guy

they were aquaintances through different friends, and it just so happened that he told her that he wanted a gf

so we met up, just me and him.

and up to that point, i was pretty much whitwashed and i knew almost nothing of korea even though i was korean too

this guy was korean as well and obviously took me to a neighbourhood in canada thats basically koreatown

he took me to a restaurant, and held my hand, and he was really sweet and he was talking about a bracelet that he had on that i noticed.

he said that he made it and it was a cross... so i assumed this guy was really christian... i guess i was wrong

he asked me then what movie we should watch

and i told him that i don't really mind watching any movie

for some reason, even though there was a movie theatre about a block or 2 away, he kept insisting we go to this place called a video room.

i had NO idea what that was, so i asked him

and he said it's like a regular room with a large screen TV and a big sofa for us to watch any movie in.

and i thought that he was just being sweet.. maybe he wanted it to be more romantic

so i was dumb enough to go along with it

i should've known something was up when he covered the window on the door with his jacket and bag

i should've known something was up when he suddenly got too close to me

but i was stupid

and retarded

and i hate myself for it

he kissed me on the cheek as soon as the movie started

i thought it was a sweet gesture, so i kissed him back on the cheek

then it lead to making out...

i was kind of scared, but i just kept thinking 'maybe this guy really likes me... maybe it's not THAT wrong to have a kiss on the first date'

so i kissed him back

but then he made me lie down on my back

and then before i knew it, i couldn't find my bra or t-shirt

and he was insisting that we have sex

and i said no with a smile at first

but he kept pushing it

so i kept saying no

but he just kept saying 'ok then'.... but his actions weren't the same as what he was saying

he nailed my hands down with his and took off my skirt

i was crying at that point, and i was squirming trying to get him off of me

finally, i had an idea and looked around as if i heard something, saying 'what was that? i think i hear someone trying to come in here'

and he finally jumped off of me, and i told him i would go check to see what was going on

when i finally came back into the room, he was sleeping

he got most of what he wanted from me

even though what he did was terrible, my mental state wasn't stable. i thought 'ok, i never went this far with anybody. maybe he'll understnad, and maybe we could even go out.'

i don't even know what i was thinking! this guy made me cry and he left bruises on my wrists, yet i just sat with him until the end of the movie

after the movie was done, we walked out and he said 'oh, um.... i have to go somewhere' and that was it... he was gone

i felt so numb, so dirty, and disgusting, and.. i still can't find the words to describe it.

As soon as i got home, i just jumped in the shower and stayed there with all my clothes on for about 2 hours, scrubbing the myself and the clothes like crazy. and i dind't even notice that the water was cold.... i know it sounds like i'm some korean girl who just wants to make a drama, but i'm just being honest... this is exactly what happened

then i crawled into bed and felt like i didn't ever deserve to go out again. i felt like i was an unworthy richard simmons and that it was all that boys ever saw me for if not an ugly loser. I laughed at myself for ever thinking at anyone could ever like someone like me. I became suicidal too and started cutting myself a little. I dind't cut myself because i wanted to die though, if i wanted to die, i would've probably thought of a quicker way than that. I cut myself because I was always so numb, and I just wanted to feel something. Anything. jokes weren't funny, movies weren't sad, school wasn't serious... i was just so numb and i wanted to feel anything so desperately. desperately enough to think that as long as pain was a feeling, i'll take it. That's why i cut myself

my parents started freaking out after a couple of weeks since i was still in this kind of state, where i always look frozen and not really present. i stopped wearing skirts and t-shirts even though it was summer, and i wore sweatpants and sweaters. i didn't care about the weather, i just wanted to be covered. normally, im pretty much the loudest girl out of all my friends and i'm always laughing and cracking jokes and living a healthy lifestyle. My weight dropped since I never ate, I felt my own body getting weaker, and I never ever smiled. I only spoke when I had to. My parents worried that i was on drugs or something or that I was going to commit suicide. I saw my mom crying, and that's when I knew that if it weren't for me, my mom wouldn't be hurting right now. So I needed to fix my problem

I couldn't go to my friends as much as i love them, because stuff like this isn't really possible to keep as a secret when you're a high schooler just coming out of middle school. My parents would freak out and probably find him, which would traumatize me even more because then i'd have to face everything all over again. My sisters woulnd't understand either.... So I went to my female pastor after a few months.

She prayed for me and made me feel forgiven by god, and she helped so much. But I wasn't able to forgive myself. So she encouraged me to go tell my guidance cousellor.

At that point, I was like a zombie. I never wanted to cause a scene or argument (like i normally would with my siblings), so i just always did as i was told to do. I told my guidance counsellor. She was the one who was able to sum up what i encountered. I wasn't able to find a word for what i experienced, but I was somewhat relieved when she said it. It gave me something absolute to hold on to. Date Rape... And before I knew it, the principal of my school and 2 police officers were informed. They wanted me to press charges again him. I knew his name, and I still do. But I told them that I don't remember his name or what school he goes to. I don't know why I didn't rat him out. I want my revenge so badly, but I just can't do it...

This experience still scars me, and I won't be able to forget it ever. My pastor told me that it's something unfortunate that I'll have to carry on with my for the rest of my life. I don't cut myself anymore and when i'm not alone in my own thoughts, i'm loud and crazy and funny again with my friends and family. School was hard to catch up on, but omehow I managed, and even got into university this year. Time passed by... Years, in fact. I don't think about it as often, but when I do, it still hurts just as bad. I still wonder when I'll be able to permanently move on.

and the sad part is that i saw him again in that neighbourhood a few months later, and he just tried to act like he didn't see me. then he apologized and said that he'll make it up to me... he never did. it was just his escape route, and he took it. He was ultimately a chauvenist pig, but what can I do about it? I can sue him, yeah... but something in me won't allow for it to happen, because then, it'll all come out again.

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Guest mrsjaejoong

Not everyone is you though.

Many of the users post pictures of themselves, usernames are the same as on MySpace or whatever etc.

Also, what do you think anonymous call centers and the like are for? Or psychologists? You know, people that are actually trained to deal with the mental trauma that could possibly result from this type of abuse?

I could type anything I want, and you wouldn't know it from a lie or the truth. I've had a pretty hectic past myself, but I'm not going to go posting it for everyone to see. Look at the way people are treating it, childish. If anything, that's not healthy in itself.

You need to understand the psychological reasoning as to why many people are pedophiles, many were abused themselves or have a family history of domestic violence, mental disease and the like. Saying they should be killed or whatever, you can't make that judgment without knowing the conditions for the individual. Sure, some are screwed up and use this as an excuse, and of course should be punished to utmost possibility the law can do. But those with genuine mental problems should be punished but rehabilitated and not receive shotgun shots to their genitals as some here recommended.

I am not saying it's okay for people to sexually abuse others, of course not. I just don't think that this is a healthy means of letting out some of your deepest and painful secrets.

I didn't bother telling anyone about my experiences, because of the repercussions. But surely I don't think your mother, father or someone of that nature would go and tell others (unless authorities alike the police), so why not tell them if you need to tell someone?

As difficult as it may be, I do care and feel sympathy towards those who were disadvantaged enough to have to experienced what they claimed. I bothered typing all of this as I cared.

Not only girls get molested by the way...

We're fully aware of the fact that there's professional help out there that can be offered. But has it ever struck your mind that perhaps we've already called those places and visited them too? but they don't necessarily help.

sometimes, it's best to let it out to people who actually know what we're talking about.

people who have been through the same stuff as us because they understand

i hate it when im explaining a deep emotion and ppl just bluntly nod and say 'i know what you're talking about' when they obviously don't.

not ever

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Guest rasppery


I thought it was ghost, so i didnt dare to tell anyone.

This incident happened to me when i was 8.

My butt was groped by someone, when i turned behind, i didnt spot any weird people, therefore, i thought it was either ghost's doings or hallucination

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I've never been physically molested or anything, but I think that I could have been just a couple months ago at WORK.

Basically, this guy who looked to be in about his early 40's came into Hollywood Video (the store I work at), and was hanging around the front counters, watching me. I was working alone that morning, since it was still early and the next person wouldn't show up until 1pm. Cutting to the chase, he would constantly watch me while I was doing something, then if I turned around, he'd quickly look away. I helped 2 younger looking guys, and he'd totally glare at them, then proceed to keep staring at me.

I tried running into the back a few times just to watch him from the cameras in back, hoping he'd leave, but he didn't. The at one point, I noticed him turning, and starting walking towards the back where I was, so I ran and hid in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, crying. I opened the door, looked around and saw him standing there, WAITING FOR ME. He told me that there was a customer waiting, and he just stood there, and followed me!! Afterwards I ran over to Game Crazy (their store is connected with ours) and hid in their office, and he came looking for me again!! My coworker finally showed up about an hour later, and he refused to leave. He finally left, and said he was going to Starbucks and that he'd be back because he "wants to ask that girl a question.." and I called the cops. I never saw him again in the store, but I am SO paranoid now. The freaking cops were useless too; on the phone they kept questioning me "uhh, you're a employee...? what IS he doing?" stuff like that, trying to dumb down my situation, grrrr!

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Guest SimplySwt^.^

i feel kind of weird posting here because i know some people who personally know me on soompi

but w.e. i doubt they read it, so here goes

i wasn't going to post, but after reading about all these ppl admitting to it, i think i should finally speak out like they did

i wasn't too young like most of the ppl here, it was only actually a few years ago

3-4 to be exact

i was single and i was joking around with a friend about how i wanted a boyfriend, and that week she called me and wanted to set me up with a guy.... like most friends, she said that we'd be 'perfect for eachother' and such, but really, all she wanted was to be able to say 'hah~ told you so! and I set you up~ it was all ME'... i don't blame her, if it works out, that's great, right?

but the truth was, she didn't tell me that she barely knew the guy

they were aquaintances through different friends, and it just so happened that he told her that he wanted a gf

so we met up, just me and him.

and up to that point, i was pretty much whitwashed and i knew almost nothing of korea even though i was korean too

this guy was korean as well and obviously took me to a neighbourhood in canada thats basically koreatown

he took me to a restaurant, and held my hand, and he was really sweet and he was talking about a bracelet that he had on that i noticed.

he said that he made it and it was a cross... so i assumed this guy was really christian... i guess i was wrong

he asked me then what movie we should watch

and i told him that i don't really mind watching any movie

for some reason, even though there was a movie theatre about a block or 2 away, he kept insisting we go to this place called a video room.

i had NO idea what that was, so i asked him

and he said it's like a regular room with a large screen TV and a big sofa for us to watch any movie in.

and i thought that he was just being sweet.. maybe he wanted it to be more romantic

so i was dumb enough to go along with it

i should've known something was up when he covered the window on the door with his jacket and bag

i should've known something was up when he suddenly got too close to me

but i was stupid

and retarded

and i hate myself for it

he kissed me on the cheek as soon as the movie started

i thought it was a sweet gesture, so i kissed him back on the cheek

then it lead to making out...

i was kind of scared, but i just kept thinking 'maybe this guy really likes me... maybe it's not THAT wrong to have a kiss on the first date'

so i kissed him back

but then he made me lie down on my back

and then before i knew it, i couldn't find my bra or t-shirt

and he was insisting that we have sex

and i said no with a smile at first

but he kept pushing it

so i kept saying no

but he just kept saying 'ok then'.... but his actions weren't the same as what he was saying

he nailed my hands down with his and took off my skirt

i was crying at that point, and i was squirming trying to get him off of me

finally, i had an idea and looked around as if i heard something, saying 'what was that? i think i hear someone trying to come in here'

and he finally jumped off of me, and i told him i would go check to see what was going on

when i finally came back into the room, he was sleeping

he got most of what he wanted from me

even though what he did was terrible, my mental state wasn't stable. i thought 'ok, i never went this far with anybody. maybe he'll understnad, and maybe we could even go out.'

i don't even know what i was thinking! this guy made me cry and he left bruises on my wrists, yet i just sat with him until the end of the movie

after the movie was done, we walked out and he said 'oh, um.... i have to go somewhere' and that was it... he was gone

i felt so numb, so dirty, and disgusting, and.. i still can't find the words to describe it.

As soon as i got home, i just jumped in the shower and stayed there with all my clothes on for about 2 hours, scrubbing the myself and the clothes like crazy. and i dind't even notice that the water was cold.... i know it sounds like i'm some korean girl who just wants to make a drama, but i'm just being honest... this is exactly what happened

then i crawled into bed and felt like i didn't ever deserve to go out again. i felt like i was an unworthy richard simmons and that it was all that boys ever saw me for if not an ugly loser. I laughed at myself for ever thinking at anyone could ever like someone like me. I became suicidal too and started cutting myself a little. I dind't cut myself because i wanted to die though, if i wanted to die, i would've probably thought of a quicker way than that. I cut myself because I was always so numb, and I just wanted to feel something. Anything. jokes weren't funny, movies weren't sad, school wasn't serious... i was just so numb and i wanted to feel anything so desperately. desperately enough to think that as long as pain was a feeling, i'll take it. That's why i cut myself

my parents started freaking out after a couple of weeks since i was still in this kind of state, where i always look frozen and not really present. i stopped wearing skirts and t-shirts even though it was summer, and i wore sweatpants and sweaters. i didn't care about the weather, i just wanted to be covered. normally, im pretty much the loudest girl out of all my friends and i'm always laughing and cracking jokes and living a healthy lifestyle. My weight dropped since I never ate, I felt my own body getting weaker, and I never ever smiled. I only spoke when I had to. My parents worried that i was on drugs or something or that I was going to commit suicide. I saw my mom crying, and that's when I knew that if it weren't for me, my mom wouldn't be hurting right now. So I needed to fix my problem

I couldn't go to my friends as much as i love them, because stuff like this isn't really possible to keep as a secret when you're a high schooler just coming out of middle school. My parents would freak out and probably find him, which would traumatize me even more because then i'd have to face everything all over again. My sisters woulnd't understand either.... So I went to my female pastor after a few months.

She prayed for me and made me feel forgiven by god, and she helped so much. But I wasn't able to forgive myself. So she encouraged me to go tell my guidance cousellor.

At that point, I was like a zombie. I never wanted to cause a scene or argument (like i normally would with my siblings), so i just always did as i was told to do. I told my guidance counsellor. She was the one who was able to sum up what i encountered. I wasn't able to find a word for what i experienced, but I was somewhat relieved when she said it. It gave me something absolute to hold on to. Date Rape... And before I knew it, the principal of my school and 2 police officers were informed. They wanted me to press charges again him. I knew his name, and I still do. But I told them that I don't remember his name or what school he goes to. I don't know why I didn't rat him out. I want my revenge so badly, but I just can't do it...

This experience still scars me, and I won't be able to forget it ever. My pastor told me that it's something unfortunate that I'll have to carry on with my for the rest of my life. I don't cut myself anymore and when i'm not alone in my own thoughts, i'm loud and crazy and funny again with my friends and family. School was hard to catch up on, but omehow I managed, and even got into university this year. Time passed by... Years, in fact. I don't think about it as often, but when I do, it still hurts just as bad. I still wonder when I'll be able to permanently move on.

and the sad part is that i saw him again in that neighbourhood a few months later, and he just tried to act like he didn't see me. then he apologized and said that he'll make it up to me... he never did. it was just his escape route, and he took it. He was ultimately a chauvenist pig, but what can I do about it? I can sue him, yeah... but something in me won't allow for it to happen, because then, it'll all come out again.

I think you should tell the police on him...he needs to know, what he did has severe consequences...even if he did it by "accident" or "in the heat of the moment". You can't honestly let him go scot-free...right? What if he does this to another girl in the future? By your actions of not co-operating with the police and telling them what he did and who he was, another girl "MIGHT" by scarred for life by being raped or molested by him.

Is anyone as outraged as me, that she'd prefer to let this molester/rapist go?

by the way... even til this day, Torento <3 is still getting flamed and being called out.. LOL..that's pretty funny! :rolleyes:

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Guest Shikabane Hime

This is such a sad thread.

There is no solution to any of this that could've prevented anything anyways.

But uh, the thing that got me was the fact that some situations COULD have been prevented if they only spoke up more.

Girls should learn to speak for themselves before stuff happens.

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Guest -anika.

I'm not sure if this is considered as molest but oh well, i just want to tell someone already about this...

My Story:

When I was 10. My cousin Christian loves to touch me on my waist, legs, shoulders, boobs, hands, neck, richard simmons, and sometimes my private area. At times, he loves to talk to me about sexual thing's. It really disturbs me alot, but whenever I walk away from his conversation about sexual stuff. He always grabs my waist, hugs me so tight like on my back or just grinds me? It was very weird cause he's my cousin, and usually alot of my cousin's who are guys never done this. I remembered once that when we were kids, he always go on top of me and sleeps on top of me. God, I was suffocating, and sometimes if I scream or yell out HELP! They just close my mouth with there dirty hands. But when ever he touches me on my waist, legs, shoulders, boobs, hands, neck, richard simmons, and my private area. He just rubs it like non-stop, and he just love to be so close to me. He would also, whisper into my ear saying " I love you'r scent " , " You'r so beautiful " and etc. It was making me very uncomfortable. One time, he lap danced me so hard, when I was still wearing my uniform skirt, I cried. At times, when ever he comes to my house, he always look for me, and just hit my door, and tries to open it.

So now, I just stop going to his house, but he always go to my house. Which I feel unsafe about. Usually, I just lock myself up in my room, until they leave my house!

Like right now, I'm 13 and he's 14. Yea, *phew* finally I told this story now.

But, I really feel sorry for all those children/teenagers who have gone through molest in there life, it must be tough for you guys.

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Guest azngirl19

these are so scary! ><

ive never been really molested before but this scared me so much even though it wasnt that bad...

its recent so like 2 weeks ago?

i was on the bus and it was really crowded so i sat next to some girl i didnt really know and on the seat across from me was this guy i didnt know at all and when i asked the girl if i could sit down hes just like 'NOO!' really loud to be funny i guess...and the bus started to go and (he was like kneeling on the seat) the bus driver told him to sit down so he did but since there wasnt a lot of room he put his knees in the out torwards me and i looked over and he was just starring at me like his face was so close to mine so i just turned my face away and then him and his friend(who was sitting behind me) started talking to me they where all like 'hey your so sexy, hey isnt she sexy?' then they started raping about it 'girl in the red with the coat holding her backpack (i was scared so i was holding my backpack tight) your so finne' then the guy behind me was like 'ah soo sexy' right next to my ear i could feel his breath and i almost started crying but then after awhile they got off oh and i heard them say something about rape but i didnt hear it all

i know that didnt sound so bad but it scared me so much that i didnt eat for awhile and the next time i took the bus i had to ask this bigger person i knew to sit with me...and i thinik he forgot about eveything too which i guess is good but now it makes me scared that anybody could be like that or worse :mellow:

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Guest mrsjaejoong

I think you should tell the police on him...he needs to know, what he did has severe consequences...even if he did it by "accident" or "in the heat of the moment". You can't honestly let him go scot-free...right? What if he does this to another girl in the future? By your actions of not co-operating with the police and telling them what he did and who he was, another girl "MIGHT" by scarred for life by being raped or molested by him.

Is anyone as outraged as me, that she'd prefer to let this molester/rapist go?

by the way... even til this day, Torento <3 is still getting flamed and being called out.. LOL..that's pretty funny! :rolleyes:

i know... i want to report him too because who knows if he might do this to another girl... but i also know that if i tell, then the chances of my parents finding out are way too high. and i know for a fact that this will change everything between me and my parents. the trust, the way they see me, everything... and my parent's aren't exactly the most healthy beings..

my dad has a weak heart and my mom has 2 tumors in her neck that can be enlarged by stress. i don't want to do this to my family all because of my ignorance and inability to fight back when he date raped me.

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Guest greyxsmilesz.

ah i've never shared this with anyone >_____<

and i'm glad im not the only one <3

poor you girls TT________TT

i was 4, this dude a family friend of mine probably 12?

we were SWORD fighting, CMON sword fighting

and then all of a sudden i fell and he fell right on top of me

and he was like wanna go downstairs where we can take our clothes off?

i said no, i was 4 i wanted to play sword fighting

and then he just kissed me and touched me

akwards, but i didn't really know much >______<

and then his sisters walked in

i was 11 i think?, just got my period

my mom was telling my aunts and stuff

blah blah i guess it spread around

i was always close with my HALF "step" cousin

and then he probably heard about it

he was like 17 at the time?

him, and my younger cousins and i were in his room

just fooling around laughing like other cousins do

and then all of a sudden the younglings ran outside

im guessin he chased them out or scared them out

and i was just hanging there playing with his cellphone

all of a sudden he just walked in and locked the door

i never had any bad thoughts that he'd do something

so i was normal and just hanging around

till he got closer to the point where he pinned me down lightly

i didn't really know what was going on cause he was my cousin

someone i trust a loooooooooooottt

luckily his phone rang and i just ran out acting like nothing happen

till today, i act like nothing ever happened and still talk and contact normally

we actually talk about sex

but he tries to sneak in weird sayings in our phone conversations

like "I WANNA PLAY WITH YOU" or when he's talking about condoms "COME OVER AND WE'LL USE ONE TOGETHER"

i don't really know what to do or say, cause i dont want family to fuss about this

so when he says that i'll act like i didnt hear and be like "WHAT?" or say i gottta go =/

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i can relate to this, awwh and it scars me too [ i orginally had a story typed up but i removed it ]

i had very similiar experiences listed here.

but i choose not to share it because i moved on even tho theres a scar

i choose to be happy and live on because i cant just go back to this everytime i am happy.

i cant let it ruin my happiness.

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