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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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A really old guy hit on my little sister once, and I told him if he ever spoke to someone that age again and I heard about it, I would beat him down. I do NOT take things like this lightly. It's disgusting and wrong.

I know none of you know me well, but if you ever want to talk about something, I'm here and I'll gladly listen.

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Guest supasheep

getting molested and raped sux bad.....but i know some girls who were date raped and stuff actually became liked/addicted to sex after that o_O im serious...not kidding.

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Guest twig*star

tizzy1 - thanks for the reply. i don't think i'm ever going to forget this trial. i've totally lost faith in the justice system as well. god, it hurts so much and i'm not even the victim.

supasheep - i don't think it's quite "addicted" to sex. More like desensitized. Sex no longer holds special meaning. It becomes more like a body function. And they aren't quite as discerning who they have sex with.

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i'm sorry for everyone here..

i didn't realize that family members..

especially grandpas and guy cousins were a big issue..

hm.. i know learned something..

better be caredful of them..

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Guest takemeaway

can i ask ....?

i wouldve created a thread for this but i dont really want pity.. :mellow: just want advice.. so im wanted to ask the people who actually EXPERIENCED this.. if they could help me out. plz.

would u forgive this person?

several yrs ago while my parents were out of town, i stayed with some relatives who took care of me. they had a son that was someone my age (my cousin).. he slept in the same room as me. 1 nite i felt a hand crawling up my chest (under my shirt) & i started freaking out.. didnt kno wat to do. it was in the middle of the night so i pretended i was still sleeping & "shifted" around a bit - he would pull back but den proceed again. so suddenly i JOLTED up & pretended i had to use restroom....

i was so afraid of him after that.. i started wrapping myself up in my blanket VERY tight every nite.

nothing happened afterwards so i started thinking it was just a dream. i was confused.. i srlsly thought i muts've dreamt it, or my imagination was going wacko. but i told myself if he EVER does that again i will SCREAM, KICK, SHOUT WHAT THE F*** ARE U DOING?!?!

but den long after that incident.. i fell asleep while watching tv on da couch. he started doing the same thing!! his hand went up my shirt reaching for my u kno wats and i started shifting again to get him to move .. he hid behind the couch for several minutes and proceeded again.. i FROZE. everything i told myself to do before - didnt happen. i dont know why!??!?!?!! so i just laid there letting him feel my chest cause i was so scared and just frozen.. i wanted to cry.. so i "pretended" to wake up so when i started "waking up" he hid behind the couch again. i asked him what he was doing behind there and he was like "i was looking for ummmm.." *grabs something random* (not evven kidding).. me: ok. i dont understand why i never told him to richard simmons offf or kick him or anything.. i always told myself i would do that if something like this were to ever happen to me.

because of this i became so traumatized. for the rest of my stay @ my relatives house, i locked the room door, and slept in the CLOSET'S CORNER and wrapped myself so tightly in my blanket i woke up sweating the next morning. i wake up at every move i hear.. im such a light sleeper now. i hate it i hate it.. i felt so paranoid for YEARS.

but now..

we r getting along really well.

a little bg info: we used to hate each others guts (yes even during the stay @ his place). we hated each other since we were children :mellow:

hes gotten more mature and even.. more caring.

there was this one incident in the car where he told me i could sit in the front and he brushed against my thigh (last yr, 3 yrs after he molested me - but i could be just being paranoid and it was just accidentall.) but other than that he's been REALLY good.

do u think he has truly changed? can people really change? if your sexual predator suddenly changed .. do u think u would forgive & forget?

i srlsly want to forget he ever did that to me.. cause hes so good now (to the point i can probably call a friend) but then i have this tainted image of him (he has also scarred me).

i didnt tell the full story cause his gf goes on here so i dont want her to happen to come by and see this post.

o, he has a gf now too - & shes made him such a better person.

sometimes i think maybe it was cause he was just a curious teenager?


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^ I think it's different with everyone, the situations are different, our opinions are different.

Some kids may hate their parents because they don't let them do stuff.

Some kids may NOT MIND that their parents don't let them do stuff.

Some kids may not even care.

You know what I mean?

At the same time, he hasn't done anything to you lately. For a long time.

And I think the brush may have just been an accident, you know?

If anything MORE does happen though.. Start paying attention again.

But I feel so bad that you have to psychoanalyze things =( It's so unfair!

Personally, I may be a twisted person. I hold nothing against my molester at all?

But I want to go find my molester & talk to him again.

Sadly, I only remember what he looks like, I have old pics of him, but my mom doesn't remember who he is.... =________________________________=

Also, I really just wanna talk to him like normal people.

I almost swear that he forgot he molested me, since I think he is only a few years older than me when that happened (I WAS A TODDLER. Yes I remember this, no I am not making it up. Some kids remember things from their youth, after when they are older. Due to some memory thing, don't ask, I am not exactly wanting to share my entire story with people I do not know, just briefing on points)

getting molested and raped sux bad.....but i know some girls who were date raped and stuff actually became liked/addicted to sex after that o_O im serious...not kidding.

To me, that is almost 100% understandable.

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Guest Pomegranate


Possibly because the memory was so burned into their mind that they can't forget it.

And people relate sex to pleasure, so they could think about it more than an average human being, and slowly become addicted to it.

I want to ask those who have been molested ..... are the details of the events very clear in your mind what happened even say 1-2 years down the track? Do you have a good memory in general day life?

Because i went to a trial where the victim was very inconsistent and i think it might've affected the outcome ...... i feel like throwing up.

To me, it's very muddy and blurry.

Mostly because I have repressed it so much that I can't even imagine it has happened to me.

Don't sit around and feel bad for yourself. Do something about it.

I know this is supposed to be a positive reinforcement, but some of us just aren't ready to do something like that.

Call it weak or whatever, but it IS scarring and it damages one severely.

A lot of people haven't come forward with this kind of stuff, and it does put others in danger, but surely you can spare us some privacy?

Many of us are embarrased and ashamed that this has happened to us.

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i don't think i've ever been molested by a pedo before

(at least i hope not)

but my best friend's brother has. he's around 3-4 years older than me.

ever since i went to six flags with him and his family whenever his parents aren't around, he slaps my butt.

i can't even sleep over at my friend's house anymore because he comes in her room all the time whenever the both of us are in there. he even held me down and almost went up my shirt until my friend came back.

i don't feel safe going to my friend's house anymore.

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Guest Gofishus

can i ask ....?

i wouldve created a thread for this but i dont really want pity.. :mellow: just want advice.. so im wanted to ask the people who actually EXPERIENCED this.. if they could help me out. plz.

would u forgive this person?

several yrs ago while my parents were out of town, i stayed with some relatives who took care of me. they had a son that was someone my age (my cousin).. he slept in the same room as me. 1 nite i felt a hand crawling up my chest (under my shirt) & i started freaking out.. didnt kno wat to do. it was in the middle of the night so i pretended i was still sleeping & "shifted" around a bit - he would pull back but den proceed again. so suddenly i JOLTED up & pretended i had to use restroom....

i was so afraid of him after that.. i started wrapping myself up in my blanket VERY tight every nite.

nothing happened afterwards so i started thinking it was just a dream. i was confused.. i srlsly thought i muts've dreamt it, or my imagination was going wacko. but i told myself if he EVER does that again i will SCREAM, KICK, SHOUT WHAT THE F*** ARE U DOING?!?!

but den long after that incident.. i fell asleep while watching tv on da couch. he started doing the same thing!! his hand went up my shirt reaching for my u kno wats and i started shifting again to get him to move .. he hid behind the couch for several minutes and proceeded again.. i FROZE. everything i told myself to do before - didnt happen. i dont know why!??!?!?!! so i just laid there letting him feel my chest cause i was so scared and just frozen.. i wanted to cry.. so i "pretended" to wake up so when i started "waking up" he hid behind the couch again. i asked him what he was doing behind there and he was like "i was looking for ummmm.." *grabs something random* (not evven kidding).. me: ok. i dont understand why i never told him to richard simmons offf or kick him or anything.. i always told myself i would do that if something like this were to ever happen to me.

because of this i became so traumatized. for the rest of my stay @ my relatives house, i locked the room door, and slept in the CLOSET'S CORNER and wrapped myself so tightly in my blanket i woke up sweating the next morning. i wake up at every move i hear.. im such a light sleeper now. i hate it i hate it.. i felt so paranoid for YEARS.

but now..

we r getting along really well.

a little bg info: we used to hate each others guts (yes even during the stay @ his place). we hated each other since we were children :mellow:

hes gotten more mature and even.. more caring.

there was this one incident in the car where he told me i could sit in the front and he brushed against my thigh (last yr, 3 yrs after he molested me - but i could be just being paranoid and it was just accidentall.) but other than that he's been REALLY good.

do u think he has truly changed? can people really change? if your sexual predator suddenly changed .. do u think u would forgive & forget?

i srlsly want to forget he ever did that to me.. cause hes so good now (to the point i can probably call a friend) but then i have this tainted image of him (he has also scarred me).

i didnt tell the full story cause his gf goes on here so i dont want her to happen to come by and see this post.

o, he has a gf now too - & shes made him such a better person.

sometimes i think maybe it was cause he was just a curious teenager?


Did you ask him about why he was doing that to you years ago?

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Guest Joisushi

A really old guy hit on my little sister once, and I told him if he ever spoke to someone that age again and I heard about it, I would beat him down. I do NOT take things like this lightly. It's disgusting and wrong.

I know none of you know me well, but if you ever want to talk about something, I'm here and I'll gladly listen.

Wow you're so nice. ^^

To the people have been molested:

Please don't keep it hidden...especially if it's still going on. D= You really need to tell someone (who can help you).

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Guest Sympathetic

:tears: I'm so sorry to everyone that have been.

I myself have been molested/raped too.. though I still plan to not tell anyone. I'm scared, still scared..

But I'm really surprised that people are willing to open up.

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Guest SimplySwt^.^

:tears: I'm so sorry to everyone that have been.

I myself have been molested/raped too.. though I still plan to not tell anyone. I'm scared, still scared..

But I'm really surprised that people are willing to open up.

Aww please don't be scared, that's what the rapist/molesters want you to do. They have the will to do it because they know most girls will NEVER talk about it and keep it a secret, in silence forever. Don't let them have that gratitude!

If you or anyone, needs to get something off their chest or tell someone about what happened to them. Feel free to Private Message me or anyone on this board. Their are some people that are willing to help and take some time to listen.

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Guest 5he_2fly

Whoa this is a really intense thread. I think it's, in a way, really important to have this thread though. It let's others who both have and haven't been sexually abused/harassed become more aware of this issue. To those who have experienced or are still experiencing these traumatizing events, PLEASE tell someone. As hard, embarrassing, shameful, scary and nerve-racking it is, if you don't let someone (of authority) know about the situation your predator can continue to do these things to other unsuspecting victims. Keeping quiet SEEMS like the less difficult choice, but by letting the situation accumulate will only make things worse. Believe me I understand! I was a victim of sexual abuse as well, and I regret it deeply that I wasn't able to inform someone until it was too late. Now, all I can do is make sure others become aware of the situation and to not make the same mistakes I have.

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Guest goomstooms

I deeply sympathize with everyone who posted on this thread and I am so glad that those bastards who got arrested did.

A similar thing happened to me:

My parents invited some people for dinner. I noticed the son kept checking me out and stuff. After dinner, my parents and the guests were doing karaoke. I was really tired that day so I went to shower. After I was done getting dressed and everything, I opened the bathroom door so that that the steam on the mirror would clear up. The son(who had been checking me out at dinner earlier that night) came into my bathroom and said, "I'm Sorry, I can't help myself.' Then he cornered me, and lunged at me like he was about to kiss me(Eww!) or rape me (>_<). I ran like there was tomorrow downstairs and he said this lame-richard simmons statement: "I was only looking for the kids"---> his sister and her children were invited to dinner too. To this day, I haven't told anyone, especially my parents because they trust this dude.

Another incident:

My mom who was interested in opening a salon found an ad for a salon for lease. I was carrying my dog and the owner was scratching my dog's head and moved his hand closer and closer to my boob until he was touching it. Eww! He kept scratching my dog's head while that same hand was against my boob. I couldn't do anything I was frozen in fear. It was so awful. >_<

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This didn't happen to me but I've heard quite a few stories from kids in my old neighborhood when we were all youngin's.

There was this old man..like 60? that lived a couple houses down from my apartment building.

My friends told me that one girl got lured into his house then he made her touch him and he would touch her and stuff. Man that was creepy o_o

Good thing I live like two hours away from that neighbourhood now. Last thing I heard about him was that he got arrested.

There was a time when something happened to me *not to the extreme as everyone else's* but it did scare me..

So me and my friends were on the TTC and we were headed to the movies. The streetcar was pretty crowded and I had to stand. There was this man..that stood behind me. He was getting AWFULLY close so I kept inching away since I was getting really uncomfortable o_o He got close to the point that his private was actually on my butt..I was like o_o .. THANKFULLY there were these ladies that saw what was going on and they were Vietnamese..so they told me to move to where they were standing in Vietnamese. I was hella scared that moment so I like..got to them as quickly as I could.

The man realized that he'd been spotted so he got off at the nearest stop.

D: That's the closest thing that's ever happened to me

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Guest Shadowchan

I am completely shocked by how many people on Soompi have had horrible experiences like that. I personally haven't been molested. But I have had close friends who have been. It is scarring for them. It affects their personalities, and in my best friend's case it made her afraid of sexual intimacy. It makes me so mad to know that people can get away with rape and molestation. It infuriates me beyond any degree.

I just want to echo Derrek's comment, if anyone ever needs anyone to listen or any help then I don't mind giving it. Good luck to all of you. I really believe that you can overcome this. And you'll be stronger because of it.

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Guest yureru132

omggg stupid pedos!!!!!1111111 *throws huge blocky shoes at them*

.__. wow... that sounds so creepy...

I cant imagine a guy wanting to touch 5 year olds really.. > >

@guineapigdi Yes, that is rape... wow... an oral at that age.. THAT IS SO SCARY.. I can't imagine EVER having to do that I think I'd scream and chop the guy's manhood off in reflex. > >

My story isnt as bad as most of u here but i'll say it anyway.

Some Korean guy in my class [1stgrade] always liked touching me and this other guy.. While we had to sit on the floor in our "squares" facing the front, he'd always put his hands on the guy's penis, and he sat behind me, so he'd always pinch at the elastic part of my underwear.. we'd always turn around and yell at him to stop or whatever.. but the teacher kept telling us to be quiet because we needed to pay attention or something..

So once someone was sharing something at the front and I felt his hand at my underwear again.. I just got kinda annoyed, but then I didnt turn around that time because I wanted to hear what the person up front had to say... then the guy reached down into my pants and started feeling my butt. I was kinda shocked/creeped out but I didn't want the whole class to witness it so I waited til the class was loud with laughter [from the person up front] so no one would look back when I told him to stop.

I think that guy woulda touched anyone he could get his hands on.. weird kid..

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Guest angel_cutie

i guess i kinda forget?

i tend to forget things that are scary and things i dont want to think about =P

(and when i do get clips of those stupid memories i hit stop and think about happy stuff~♥♥ aka music)

like..watching this horror movie, i can replace what they look like

and they wont ever appear again. i can do this with how people look like in my head too

and things that happened haha

but...some clips just dont ever go away T___T

i kinda hate it...wish that they would just go away!!!!

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There was a time when something happened to me *not to the extreme as everyone else's* but it did scare me..

So me and my friends were on the TTC and we were headed to the movies. The streetcar was pretty crowded and I had to stand. There was this man..that stood behind me. He was getting AWFULLY close so I kept inching away since I was getting really uncomfortable o_o He got close to the point that his private was actually on my butt..I was like o_o .. THANKFULLY there were these ladies that saw what was going on and they were Vietnamese..so they told me to move to where they were standing in Vietnamese. I was hella scared that moment so I like..got to them as quickly as I could.

The man realized that he'd been spotted so he got off at the nearest stop.

D: That's the closest thing that's ever happened to me

What nice ladies! I want to be like them! :D

I've had no sexual experience as dark as the ones I have read in this thread... I just wanted to say, in a way, thank you for sharing your story. It makes society far more aware of this issue - and it does make a difference. I pray that each of you will be able to regain a complete sense of fullness in your life. May God bless you all!

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