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ever been molested and can't tell anyone?

Guest som3body_somewh3r3

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Guest chobo_co

i can relate to you guys. ALOT.

i was raped twice, and lost my virginity the second time.

this made me afraid of marriage, because i wish i could have my first time with the one i love.

but now, i feel like a used up doll which no one wants.

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i can relate to you guys. ALOT.

i was raped twice, and lost my virginity the second time.

this made me afraid of marriage, because i wish i could have my first time with the one i love.

but now, i feel like a used up doll which no one wants.

I'm sure you'll find somebody who won't see you as a used up doll. These things aren't your fault...

Oh man, reading some of these stories just makes me want to :tears:

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Guest yungkrnblood

When I was 11, my aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins came to America to visit us from Switzerland. One cousin was a girl and she was about 17 or 18 and the other one was a boy. He was 14. This was my first time meeting any of them. My girl cousin slept in my room, my aunt and uncle slept in the guest room, I slept in the living room, and my boy cousin slept in the basement. My parents and my brother slept in their rooms. Every night, my boy cousin would ask me if I wanted to watch TV with him in the basement because it was lonely and kind of creepy down there. I would go and watch TV with him and eventually fall asleep there. He didn't do anything to me for four nights. On the last night, I was laying on the carpet in front of the TV watching and about to fall asleep when he started to hug me from the back and touch me down there and grind me from the back (he had his pants on). I was really scared and didn't understand why he was doing it and pretended I fell asleep. Now that I think back, I don't know why I didn't say anything...

Anyway, I never told anyone... I kind of regret it, but at the time I wanted to tell... but I thought I would never see him again since he lived in Switzerland and he was going to leave the next day. I don't know... I feel really stupid... I'm 16 now so it's been 5 years and I haven't seen him since.

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So much molesting...

Is this all real, or begging for attention? I can't believe you Soompiers.

I bet half of all of you are exaggerating your stories.

Don't kid around with these type of incidents, sheesh.

Sometimes in Asian culture, relatives happen to be really touchy.

It doesn't mean they're pedophiles or molesters. Who wants their relatives to be one?

And yet all of you guys are spouting out stuff on the internet for the world to see. >_>

I've read all the stories... and it's almost as if you want to make these small incidents big.

(I'm not calling out on all the stories... just the ones I find suspicious. Some of guys suffered for real.)

"Oh... my uncle onced slapped my butt. HE'S A FREAK. I HATE HIM."

Blahblahblah... You're a little kid. I doubt every uncle who slapped a butt is pedophile.

There are certain incidents that may make one suspicious, but just because they

touched it does not automatically make it that he's lusting after you. D:


It can be "Hey kid hurry up! -slap butt-"


You know what, I get so john teshing pissed at people who come in here saying we're lying and exaggerating and that it's not that bad. What's the purpose of making the story up? For attention? There's like 580 posts in here and if we wanted attention, we would've made our own topic discussion.

This thread, is kind of like group therapy and you nonbelievers don't belong. I despise your type because the nonbelievers are the ones that we're most afraid of. The ones that tell us we're lying and damage us further. The reason why we don't tell anyone because we're afraid no one will believe us and we're embarrassed to be judged by our looks. For instance: "Oh, you're not that pretty anyways, why would someone rape you?" Online, it's impossible to judge someone by their looks because they're behind a hidden screen so yes, it's easier to confess.

It's not so people can pity us but so people will come to a realization. It's for us to share our stories and our pain. I hope that it will be a lesson for you nonbelievers, and if your own kid gets sexually harassed like this, I hope you won't believe it's a cry for attention but rather a cry for help.

Oh, and by the way, statistics show that 2/3 girls have been sexually harassed by age 14. Shows how much you know. Infact, considering how many soompiers we have, we're short by a lot of stories. I will put my faith in everyone's story because I know that's what I want them to do with mine so don't be afraid, just speak out. Anything a person does that makes you uncomfortable is sexual harassment.

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Guest Amanda Plz

So much molesting...

Is this all real, or begging for attention? I can't believe you Soompiers.

I bet half of all of you are exaggerating your stories.

Don't kid around with these type of incidents, sheesh.

Sometimes in Asian culture, relatives happen to be really touchy.

It doesn't mean they're pedophiles or molesters. Who wants their relatives to be one?

And yet all of you guys are spouting out stuff on the internet for the world to see. >_>

I've read all the stories... and it's almost as if you want to make these small incidents big.

(I'm not calling out on all the stories... just the ones I find suspicious. Some of guys suffered for real.)

"Oh... my uncle onced slapped my butt. HE'S A FREAK. I HATE HIM."

Blahblahblah... You're a little kid. I doubt every uncle who slapped a butt is pedophile.

There are certain incidents that may make one suspicious, but just because they

touched it does not automatically make it that he's lusting after you. D:


It can be "Hey kid hurry up! -slap butt-"


It's crap like this that pisses me off and people like you who make girls who HAVE been sexually harrassed and molested not tell anyone for fear of being blamed or being told that they're "exaggerating. Lucky you for not going through mini cooper like this and who the hell cares if we're spouting out "stuff". Maybe it HELPS to finally get down what we haven't been able to tell anybody else. I don't see what coming into this thread and declaring most of us as liars does for you.

Like Lelaye said, we're not looking for pity, we want realization and confirmnation that it's not just us going through stuff like this.

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Guest blueangel15

^people go through a lot in life. Some have it better than others, but some are just sooo unfortunate. I really hate it when stupid selfish people look down at those less fortunate, saying they should of told this and that to prevent this despicable human crime from happening. When themselves don't understand the situation or experience it first hand to kno what immediate actions to take.

Oh one more thing...

to the victims, I wish you guys with a A way better future than those other idiots and just remember, sooner or later Karma will get back on those who committed these heinous sins with 100x the hurt you r going through.

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Guest Miss Vivienne

You know what, I get so john teshing pissed at people who come in here saying we're lying and exaggerating and that it's not that bad. What's the purpose of making the story up? For attention? There's like 580 posts in here and if we wanted attention, we would've made our own topic discussion.

This thread, is kind of like group therapy and you nonbelievers don't belong. I despise your type because the nonbelievers are the ones that we're most afraid of. The ones that tell us we're lying and damage us further. The reason why we don't tell anyone because we're afraid no one will believe us and we're embarrassed to be judged by our looks. For instance: "Oh, you're not that pretty anyways, why would someone rape you?" Online, it's impossible to judge someone by their looks because they're behind a hidden screen so yes, it's easier to confess.

It's not so people can pity us but so people will come to a realization. It's for us to share our stories and our pain. I hope that it will be a lesson for you nonbelievers, and if your own kid gets sexually harassed like this, I hope you won't believe it's a cry for attention but rather a cry for help.

Oh, and by the way, statistics show that 2/3 girls have been sexually harassed by age 14. Shows how much you know. Infact, considering how many soompiers we have, we're short by a lot of stories. I will put my faith in everyone's story because I know that's what I want them to do with mine so don't be afraid, just speak out. Anything a person does that makes you uncomfortable is sexual harassment.

It's not like I think girls who aren't pretty don't get raped. Of course they do. And guys don't do it for sexual cravings, they do it out of power. And girls with less confidence is who they go for. But it's out of my own instinct that a few of these stories here are exaggerated just for the sake of telling a story.

Why? I don't know. I'm not saying all these stories are lies or anything. I think some of them are true. My comment was just a warning.

I don't like the people who are making it up. I'm reading some of it, and it seems that it happened to me. But I don't consider it molesting. But it's a bit iffy that people are putting it down as molesting.

Who I'm targeting is up to you. It's just for the people who are reading these and want to post something just to fit in with this anonymous group therapy. Consider yourselves lucky that it didn't actually happen. :rolleyes:

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^What I'm trying to say is that even if you believe they are making it up, what makes you so sure it's not real? Yeah, there are some stories I do roll my eyes at but it's not many. Plus, who am I to tell them that they're lying? I wasn't there, I don't know how that person felt and if she felt uncomfortable then it might as well be harassment.

As for the half of everyone exaggerating part, it really is traumatic, it's hard to just sum it up in a few simple words because with all the words in the world, I still can't explain. Only for those who have experienced can empathize and sense it.

I know you didn't mean what I thought you meant, it was english misconception but really, when this type of stuff happens, you want someone to just believe you, nothing more is needed even if it does seem surreal. But even for me, sometimes I don't believe my own story myself so I could see why some others don't. But I'm not just calling you out, I'm calling out everyone who says this is all BS because there are real people suffering and to tell them it's a lie just feels like a mockery of what we've been through.

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I went to a therapist earlier this year.

And I told her some things...

but not all.

The counselors & my therapist told me that if someone harmed me (recently),

then they'd notify my parents and possibly file a police report.

Wheres the "confidentiality" in that?

But after the events occurred (or some years after), I'd eventually tell my best (online) friend.

She was the only one I could tell these things to because she didn't know exactly where I lived, or my last name.

Basically the only person I could ever trust.

Something happened to me last year... and I kept quiet.

Within a week, I have reoccurring nightmares about a future attack...

the same guy and everything in the same clothes.

A month later, the predator attacked again in a local college.

Then within another month,

a man that I've seen before many times was sent to jail for harrassing multiple girls.

I'm still slowly recovering from that last event from last year.

I gave up so much... I know my decisions will definitely hurt my future.

I'd share some stories here, but some Soompiers may know me in real life.

Or at least they will; I plan on attending a local Soompi meet in the future.

But my heart goes out to all those people who have the courage to tell their stories that they've kept to themselves for so many painful years.

What doesn't kill you will only makes you stronger.

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reading this stuff is so sad.. but whenever i see topics like this it makes me wonder about something.

when I was little i had to go to the cardiologist cause I had problems with my heart. One doctor came in, and he wasn't the doctor i had to see, and he stuck his hands down my pants felt my crotch to "check" my pulse... i don't think that's normal.. or is it? I asked my brother and he said I was being weird. what freaked me out was that a few months later I saw that someone got arrested for molestation at that same hospital cause my brothers were explaining to me what it was because there was another case that happened.

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Guest oooJessicaooo

i can relate to you guys. ALOT.

i was raped twice, and lost my virginity the second time.

this made me afraid of marriage, because i wish i could have my first time with the one i love.

but now, i feel like a used up doll which no one wants.

omg that's so horrible. how can feel like a used doll?

it wasn't your fault and you didn't do anything wrong.

did you ever talk about this to anyone?

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something similar to your story happened in my childhood.

i was like 5 or 6 and i used to stay home with my grandma and my cousins would bring his friends over.

i used to like it when they come over because they were older kids and they were nice to me.

but there was this one time where this guy came over and he told my cousin that he was gonna "take care" of me.

my grandma was asleep, so my cousin said sure.

then he brought me downstairs. i thought he was gonna play with me because i had my tricycle downstairs.

when we got to the bottom of the stairs, i sat down on the last step so i can put on my shoes. i had shorts on and i have scar on my thighs. he noticed that and touched it. he asked me if it hurt so i answered no.

then he went and touched further into my shorts and touched my private area.

i didnt know what to do so i just pushed his hand away and walked to the garage. then he picked me up, touching my private area again.

i didnt what was happening but i was scared. i couldnt say anything because i knew that my grandma was asleep and my cousin had something to do.

so i just stayed quiet. then, he took me into my cousin's room and forced me to sit on his laps.

i just sat there quietly and he began to go into my pants again. that's when i got terrified and ran outta the room and upstairs to my cousin.

i didnt know how to tell him what happened. so i just kept all this in..

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Guest catsinheat

i've been molested too many times -.- even once is too many. whenever i'm in crowded space i feel like hands all over me. it sucks so bad. especially because i intern at LexisNexis. and they're elevator is always crowded. and i'm not talking about just accidental touching. like people squeezing my butt and chest -.- and hugging me from behind. and i cant even tell who it was. i told my best friend about this. but i cant really do anything about it. i started taking the stairs :D. it's only on the 4th floor. so it isnt that bad. the only pain is that i have to be in heels all the time. its part of the uniform. ---.-

EDIT: omg. i just read the post above mine O.O.... i'm glad that didnt happen to me... >.< i'm sorry >.<. you should have reported him.

this is not molestation. this is harrassment, which is definitely not harmless, but molestation is more than hands on body parts -- it's manipulative; incapacitating; deeply, sometimes irreversibly, psychologically damaging -- and usually recurring.

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Guest jei kaRRr

Wow a majority of the occurences were around 5-10 yrs old :/ Honestly what is human-kind coming to? To molest little kids is messed up in so many ways. They never once think about the child, only themselves and the satisfaction they can obtain...Seriously they have no idea how traumatizing it can be and what kind of damage they're doing!

I think the worst part is finding out that what happened was actually molestation when you grow older. :angry:

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Guest KaiLien

Interesting story, bukatko. It seems like your cousin wasn't helping the situation. Did she even ask you to stop? It seems like she was just as into it as you were. I think you are being too hard on yourself.

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Guest bukatko

Interesting story, bukatko. It seems like your cousin wasn't helping the situation. Did she even ask you to stop? It seems like she was just as into it as you were. I think you are being too hard on yourself.

I think for whatever reason that led up to that, nothing is going to jutisfy that action. It wrong, period. It's like rapist saying" i raped her because she wore provocative and i couldnt control myself", that doesnt make him right. Hes still super wrong.

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Guest the last hour.

I'm surprised so many people are comfortable speaking up about it, kudos for you guys. :)

I'm still unable to speak about it openly with people, but I have in the past with one friend. I feel the need to talk to someone so I'll do it here. I was molested when I was around seven or eight years old and it was an on and off thing as I can remember .. when he felt like playing a 'game' as he called it. Everything is so vivid to me, I tend to feel like it's happening all over again, makes me feel really sick to my stomach. I tried so hard to push it back when I was younger because when it first happened, and the times it repeated, as a kid I didn't know what was happening, or that it was wrong..? I don't know. It felt so, so, wrong, but I still hate myself for not trying harder to get him off. It was when I was around twelve when it was just really getting to me. I had to pretend to be fine so no one would question me, my parents never knew about it and they still don't. I remember one day I stayed in my room for hours just crying at the foot of my bed and just trying not to throw up. Now and then I would start thinking about it and feel like crying. At school when I'm hanging out with friends, in the car with my parents. Things had always been awkward and silent with that person since I grew up. I can never stand being in the same room with him alone. Living with the man who ruined me doesn't really help with the coping process I'm afraid.

Talking about it makes me want to cry so I'll stop here.

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