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i made a promise to monie

Why hello hello (: So I am opening this artwork thread because I made a promise to Monie,

and I needed to show her how rusty I am LOL,

So Monie & soompiers, please check out my rustiness LOL

This is my newest one: JINO <333 hehe




This one...really random and i had to show my cousin proof that I actually made this >,<





some of these are old while some are new. anyway, i'll post more sometime soon (:

and Monie, I AM RUSTY. :P

haha enjoyy (:

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Guest vangmonie

stop lying to yourself love.

i don't see any rusty-ness anywhere. (;

your posters have gotten better! while

mines still suck; craap. steph you guys

have to teach me how to make posters! ;P

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Guest iammrskwon

yeah right! who you calling rusty lynn? i love your artworks! especially the first one! it's sooooo cute! <33333 Make some mooooooore! (:

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