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Are you wearing your glasses?


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Hey, for some reason most Asian people wear glasses.

do you know why?


do glasses look good?

or without?

how many people are wearing contacts because they don't think they look good with glasses?

-I always felt that was the case, the last question there.

funny thing is, I think glasses look good, plain cute on girls, and ace on guys. Sadly I have good eyesight and it seems every Asian is blessed with glasses.

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i think glasses look good on most people, too..but not everyone.

the frame makes a huge difference, too.

hmm but i read something about how asians tend to be nearsighted, and caucasians farsighted. something with genetics i guess.

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Guest hellzyah;D

I used to refuse to wear glasses in public cause I thought I looked like a nerd, so I wore contacts every single day from like..2003-2009 hahahaaa

I'm finally feeling more comfortable in glasses now, so I wear them out when I'm super tired lol

I still think I look better with contacts though! 

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Guest HelloDucky

They're inconvenient for me and get in my way when I try to sleep in class. If I take them off and then sleep, it'll be too obvious <_<. Plus they slip off a lot... don't like that part either :crazy:.

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Guest xDeJaVu

In my opinion, different glasses makes different people looks differently. So not wearing glasses does not makes the difference it is just how you feel about yourself that is the most important thing of all

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Guest Mystrillium

I started wearing glasses at a young age =__= Really depends on the frames, the colour, shape and size of it. I dislike wearing glasses because during school when I have to look at the board, I gotta lift my head up everytime. Copying lecture notes get me sort of dizzy and then they slip off and you gotta prop them up x__x

So to OP, do not get yourself near-sighted/far-sighted.

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I started wearing glasses in 8th grade. During junior-senior year i changed to contacts since i was playing sports. It took awhile to get used to contacts, but once i was used to it, it felt weird seeing myself in glasses.

I wear glasses all the time now but it is because i got a prettier frame and shape that fits my face. Now when i put in contacts for sports, it looks weird. XD

It really depends on the frame, color, and shape when it comes to glasses.

Some people say i look better without glasses and others say i look better with glasses. I dont mind switching it up every now and then.

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Guest kath (^___^)

i wear glasses cause i need them badly. my eyesight is REALLY bad... i really want to wear contact lenses but my mum said i was not responsible enough.i even fall asleep wearing glasses, much more wearing contact lenses. but yeah, it's really annoying sometimes -it clashes with my outfit, limits my make-up techniques, etc. XD

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Guest hunterheart

I wear glasses because I need them and you're lucky to have perfect eyesight tongue2.gif you can always get fake glasses anyhow but trust me, it's not fun being blind! Oh and I think I look terrible with glasses.

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Guest kokoro.

i only have mild astigmatism, so i don't tend to wear my glasses around a lot. however, i have a habit of putting them on if i go out somewhere when it's dark outside.

i actually don't mind my glasses, but i just don't like to wear them most of the time. on some people, they look really nice. i think anybody can look nice in glasses, its just a matter of picking the right frames. (:

if you want glasses for yourself, i know that there are fake ones are available for sale at various stores.

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Yeah I've been wearing glasses for as long as I can remember. Contacts for the past 4 years. And I haven't wore my glasses in public for about a year lol. Yeah, I hate them. They limit my hairstyle options, make up, just...nah.

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

yea I blame anime, manga, netcaf, arcade, WoW, maplestory, starcraft, call of duty, DotA, study, porn.

they all kill ur eyes.

I've been wearing my glasses since like 8 and im nearly 19 now

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Guest emisunshine

i definitely wear contacts in public. maybe it's because i don't wear glasses enough, but when i wear them for over a few hours, i start getting dizzy. i started wearing contacts in the 5th grade (i got glasses in 3rd grade) because i thought i looked like a nerd! tears.gif

i'd give so much to have perfect vision again.

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ahhh!!! do NOT wish for bad eye sight for glasses! >< it is not cooool.

i`ve been wearing glasses since 2nd grade.. got contacts in 7th and i`ve been wearing them ever since.

i absolutely hated wearing them cuz they always made me look nerdy and ugly. T__T ever since, i have never worn my glasses out in public. ppl say i look a lot better in contacts too, so yayy! (x

and asian eyes get worse faster than other ppl`s.

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Guest pandalove

I've had glasses since...grade 1? LOL I remember I looooved glasses; I would always put on my parents' glasses when they were sleeping and read/play games in the dark just to ruin my eyesight.

As weird as this sounds, I think I look better in glasses because it gives more depth to my face? My face looks very flat without glasses and my eyes are small, and I have single eyelids. ):

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seriously how is having glasses a blessing? i'd do soo much for perfect eyesight again! to be able to actually SEE the time in the middle of the night! *sigh*

i wear contacts and glasses now, i alternate between them. usually its contacts whenever i go out and glasses for home and when im feeling lazy. i cannot agree more with bombb_!

frames make so much of a difference, i had these frames that were ugly as hell (imo) and were slightly tilted on my face and i looked horrible. right after that i decided to start using contacts and get a new pair of glasses for home wear (cause the other one was getting blurry and old anyway) and now i actually look decent in glasses. although i do prefer contacts.

man i wish i had perfect vision :/ been wearing glasses since year 3?

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Guest ForgottenReason

I wore glasses for about 8 years. It was impossible to find a frame that would look good on my face because my head/face is simply too small. So I would look like a huge nerd/dork. The kid sizes were always fruity colors and designs and such. Contacts<3 (Regular, clear, simple, contacts--not the circle lenses).

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