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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest Michala01


At this rate GD seems to have dated half the world lol These rumours make me laugh laugh.gif


Don't let them get to you girl. What does it matter what they think anyway? Daesung still the popstar and they're just haters sitting behind their computers with nothing better to do than to judge someone as lovely as Dae. 

Taeyang &  IU...no comment ph34r.gif

New photos of Seungri at the filming of 'Enjoy Today' (100916)





Source: imbc.com shared by bigbanghaven.blogspot 

He looks cute wub.gif

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i really tried my best to understand

theses haters..but sometimes i can't help it..

i'll just break down and cry..i really love

bigbang.. that's the reason why i easily

get affected with these stuffs..

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Guest Michala01


i really tried my best to understand

theses haters..but sometimes i can't help it..

i'll just break down and cry..i really love

bigbang.. that's the reason why i easily

get affected with these stuffs..

aww I understand how you feel. I went through that last year when GD had so much hate thrown at him. It really made me very depressed. But I stopped responding to the haters and trying to reason with them because people that are intent on hating a person don't really want to listen to reason. Ignoring them is the best way to go *hugs*

Taeyang & IU:


source: Realtaeyang@twitter

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Guest sw8et_vietgurl

100916 TV Asahi 「Ontama:Ototamashii」 Interview

this is epic

haha i guess this is how the boys dance when they go clubbing

TOP wow he enjoys it more than doing group dance

and he's just too dorky

i really hope the boys would invite us VIPz go clubbing with them one day


well the boy is Hot but then again is not like he wasn't hot before

OMG when will What's up ever come out

i had been waiting for it since last year

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aww I understand how you feel. I went through that last year when GD had so much hate thrown at him. It really made me very depressed. But I stopped responding to the haters and trying to reason with them because people that are intent on hating a person don't really want to listen to reason. Ignoring them is the best way to go *hugs*

it's really hard to be a fangirl..

we love them but as we see them being attacked

by those haters we can't do anything...

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im so depressed with all these

haters commenting on allkpop

about daesung...

it has always been like that..

whenever they heard about bigbang..

they always had bad comments bout

daesung..i have already cried 2 times

bec. of these haters...

they didn't even know the person in

real life and they even have not seen

him in person..why do they judge him like

they have already met him.,,

i always defend bigbang and daesung to those

haters..but, guess you cant please everybody..

I stopped replying at those haters on allkpop because i realized that the reason they post malicious comments is not because they care enough to hate the artist but they just want to provoke us. If they hate the members then they would have avoided the article.

Don't give a crap to those allkpop trolls.

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@k-yoz - Don't worry about them. I seldom go to these sites particularly that one because haters really go out and bash the boys. Their comments will really make you cry. I just go to happier places like here. :)

@Michala01 - GD always gets this kind of news, I don’t know why… No comment also on YB’s picture. At first, I thought it was cute but now, she is seriously getting TOO CLOSE to YB already! Hahaha… **jealous fangirl**

Here are my answers to their questions…

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

Eat and hang out!

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

I'm ok with everything since all members have solo and group activities. I can support everyone with all of their activities. I know you always do your best in everything so even if it takes time and patience, we hope to see you in the KPop scene soon! :)

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

I'm a VIP forever!


#1: The weather is really hot~ ㅠㅠ What good food is there that will help me forget about the heat..??

Ice cream or shakes!

#2: The movie that impressed you the most or interests you the most is..??

I still have to watch Tabi's Into The Fire. i bet i'm gonna cry buckets of tears while watching it.

#3: Places to go in the summer! Please recommend one!

Go to any beach to relax and have fun!

TOP asks VIPs

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

Waiting for your comeback... ;)

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Here are my answers:

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

Family Outing or Lotte World for a day (we'll be the only one there) :)

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

Skipped. :P

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

Yep. If Big Bang is still in the KPOP world or wherever...VIPs will follow fo sho'


#1: The weather is really hot~ ㅠㅠ What good food is there that will help me forget about the heat..??

Ice Cream... :)

#2: The movie that impressed you the most or interests you the most is..??

TOP’s Into the fire <- I NEED to watch this

#3: Places to go in the summer! Please recommend one!

Palawan, Philippines

TOP asks VIPs

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

Waiting for you awesome comeback. VIPs miss you so please do come back ^^

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Guest littlevoice

Positive as long as it doesn't involve she who shall not be named or anything like that again tongue.gif

Yeah, hahaha... if a she who shall not be named is exposed.... oh.... hell with break loose... the fan heart definitely do the talking and rational thinking is forgotten... but of course any news is free public promotion... oh well, the world is round...

He's a Heartbreaker for sure, and definitely a Gossip Man despite not really being active...

I'll answer GD's first:

Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

Conceptualize an MV, hahaha-- yes this is a dream of mine since its some thing I can do , though its weird how I want to with you guys in a Professional level... then hopefully I'll be your special friend like Aimee (If I can dance I'll probably dream of choreographing, but not) hahaha...

As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

What's your problem? I can't really pin point one, since your group has somehow tamed me and thought me patience (though i'm protesting on my signature)...

I guess it will be your promotion/visits to other countries and not mine. Citizens of JAPAN, THAILAND and even SINGAPORE --- I'm jealous of you! So, I guess I would like you guys to visit other countries--- especially South East Asian countries... so yah...

After 10 years, still confident?

10 years... Yes... maturity will bring new things into your music, I hope in 10 years you will learn more things and experience life's bountiful moments. Just like U2, Bon Jovi and other groups that tested the waves of time in the music industry, I hope to see you grow more and more!

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Guest juang_bb

here's the rest of my answes:

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

Since i love travelling, i'd probably want to go on an adventure with them. they said they wanted to try Bunjee jumping right?!? i always wanted to try it too (also sky diving) so i'd love to go with them!!! :P

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

i'd get back to this question later. this is the hardest one to answer. lol

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

the fangirlism will probably die down as we all mature, but i will definitely be a proud VIP even after years and years! it's all about the MUSIC, and i'll support them all the way. Big Show 2050 remember!?! ;)

TOP asks VIPs

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

waiting... and waiting... like someone said, i tried appreciating other groups, and i did, BUT... it's not the same. i dont think it will ever be the same. BIGBANG is always #1. :wub::D

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Guest toozdae08

BB'S Questions and my answers

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

Sit down and talk about music, go out and eat.

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

Just do what you guys do and bring something new and fresh to the table, do what no other group is doing and what everyone is afraid to do. In other words just be Big Bang.

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

Never more confident!!! V.I.P. till the day I die, hwaiting!!!


#1: The weather is really hot~ ㅠㅠ What good food is there that will help me forget about the heat..??

Shakes, brownie sundaes, pina colada, ice tea and lemonade

#2: The movie that impressed you the most or interests you the most is..??

Still haven't found time to watch the good movies yet: on my list are TOP's movie, Inception and Toy Story 3

#3: Places to go in the summer! Please recommend one!

Go to the beech, relax and have fun with friend. You're too stressed.

TOP asks VIPs

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

Waiting and listening to other groups that aren't half as good as you. It's becoming difficult.

On YB and IU, and GD and them girls <_<


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^ @toozdae08 :D I ALWAYS crack up when I see that gif...maybe because it's very vivid for me. I can hear it PER.FECT.LY. and thus, giggles :D

Alright, I want to play!

BB'S Questions and my answers

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

Sit & eat..nom nom nom

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

Don't go on hiatus for so long! We will always wait for you, but it's hard not seeing you for such a long time. -_-

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

I chose to be a VIP and have never looked back. Ride or die!!! ^_^


#1: The weather is really hot~ ㅠㅠ What good food is there that will help me forget about the heat..??

Southern Sweet Tea... it's all you need on a hot day!

#2: The movie that impressed you the most or interests you the most is..??

a Romantic Drama.. but I was also really impressed with TOP's Into the Fire

#3: Places to go in the summer! Please recommend one!

the beach! preferably in the USA, specifically in CA, and especially in San Diego ^_^

TOP asks VIPs

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

rewatching old YT performances? anticipating your comeback!

On I.U.... I said this on the TY thread, but I love her. I support her because I feel like she gets to do the things I only get to dream about, but she never oversteps her boundaries. She's a fangirl through and through, and she fangirls in such a way to make other fangirls proud. so do your thing IU.

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Big Bang's Questions & My Answers

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

Go to the amusement park with them, Lotte World. I just want to do something fun ;D

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

Hmm, I'll have to think about this one. >_<

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

Honestly, I can't say how long my fandom can last, but I'll support them until whenever~~~and I hope for Big Bang to be together for a long time ♥


#1: The weather is really hot~ ㅠㅠ What good food is there that will help me forget about the heat..??

Watermelon is refreshing, but I like to drink coconut drinks more than eating something. ^^

#2: The movie that impressed you the most or interests you the most is..??

Hmm, I never really thought about it, but I always love movies that are based on a true story & have very good acting in it.

#3: Places to go in the summer! Please recommend one!

Somewhere far away and relaxing to keep your mind off things, so you can stop worrying to much about every little thing, Bae. ;D

TOP asks VIPs

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

Still keeping myself updated with the boys as much as I can & wishing a BB comeback soon. ;D

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Guest shinhdeplol

Birthday card from V.I. to JVIP




source : pipichi72 @ ameblo

thanks to 셔트리 @ DCVI

Over the years, our pop music has been topped by the girl groups but in the past few years, boy bands also emerged and became popular. This is the description of the last ten years- new idols have been debutting to replace the old ones in order to keep our music industry fresh.

Then,who are the best idols? And who are the worst? We have conducted a survey from editors, reporters, broadcast writters and 20 of the 100 beats members in order to decide who are the best and the worst. They had to do a general survey and had an indiviual meeting each. We totally want to select 5 of each category. The results are as follows.

"BEST 5"

1. Boa

2. Girls

3. Big Bang

4. S.E.S


(Paragraph about Boa is omitted here)

Hip hop style idols are well received too. Starting from their debut, BIGBANG presented a different image from other artists and attracted a lot of attention. That is why they have a huge fan base. They are descibed as 'having different indidual talents but while they worrk together, there is harmony in the team with their own areas of interest and strengths being able to be shown at the same time. (Lee, Ho)

(Descriptions of other artists and the worst 5 omitted)


Many companies produce the best and the worst artists, such as SM Entertainment.The result of our best and worst is not universal; however, such kind of survey and review is expected to be seen more in the near future,undoubtedly.

※ PS

" Basically, I did not participate in this project for three reasons. The first one is I like to write rather than discuss but they do not know about it. Second, I 'm getting old now and my ears cannot hear very well whether they sing well or not and the crucial third is I am still here in the world listening to the infinite music. I must have three times longer of my life if I have to listen to all of their songs. Therefore, I do not judge now. 'Life is too short, dammit!' (Polysulfone)

Source: 100 beats Music http://100beat.hani.co.kr/blog/archives/8295 (See the original article here)

Edited, translated and shared: Rice @Bigbang World

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Guest Michala01

Ontama TV:  Hehehe they're so adorable in that spaceship. Everytime TOP yells something in Japanese I crack up. GD's english pronunciation is so cutie. wub.gif

@toozdae lolol @ the gif because it's true. Still I'm glad the guys are getting love from the ladies. It's only natural celebrities will find them as hot as we do tongue.gif As long as it stays at that though I'm ok 

I'll answer the boy's questions too I guess

BB'S Questions and my answers 

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

I want to go partying with you guys! I want to go out to dinner first, have a nice meal and a few bottles of wine, talk for a bit then go dancing! 

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

I honestly think you guys are as close to perfect as can be lol. I would want Big Bang to keep pushing the boundaries musically and not be afraid to try new things. Some fans might not like it but I have always loved this trait about Big Bang the most. Continue being innovators! 

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

I am as confident now as I have ever been in Big Bang and the fandom. I think after the past year we have ALL come out stronger as a result. I will be here as long as Big Bang is here, supporting and cheering you on all the way. 


#1: The weather is really hot~ ㅠㅠ What good food is there that will help me forget about the heat..??

Watermelon, icecream and some cold beer? My favourite things on a hot summer day  

#2: The movie that impressed you the most or interests you the most is..??

I could never pick just one so I'll choose a movie that impressed the most recently. I really like Inception! I think all of the boys should watch it together 

#3: Places to go in the summer! Please recommend one!

Thailand for a holiday! I love Thailand and I holiday there a lot myself. Nice people, beautiful beaches, heaven on earth imo. 

TOP asks VIPs 

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

Waiting for Big Bang's comeback. lol other than that I've been studying and just enjoying life. But it would be much more enjoyable if you guys came back tongue.gif

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BB'S Questions and my answers

GD asks VIPs

#1: Choose one thing that you would like to do together with us?

BEACH!! MOST DEFINITELY THE BEACH! We would have so much fun and play a game of volleyball (GD on my team of course) than we would watch the sun set and have a couple of drinks around a campfire.

#2: As Big Bang’s fan, what do you think is our problem? Let’s talk about it..I would like to know if there is any need for improvement?

Problem? hahaha NO. There is no problem. However the advice I would give to you is to continue to "think outside of the box" don't worry about what others might think continue to take risk but also don't become generic.

#3: After 10 years, still confident?

I'm in to deep to leave NOW!!! :wub: Of course I still have confidence in Big Bang. I trust you guys are musicians and as performers that you will do your best and always look towards reaching higher goal!! In ten years Big Bang will become the standard for great music! I BELIEVE THAT! Thats how far my confidence in you goes.


#1: The weather is really hot~ ㅠㅠ What good food is there that will help me forget about the heat..??

A Dairy Queen Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard always does the trick for me!!! Try it if you ever get the chance.

#2: The movie that impressed you the most or interests you the most is..??

Inception!! Go see it.

#3: Places to go in the summer! Please recommend one!

Obviously the beach with me! Or a water amusement park

TOP asks VIPs

#1: What have you guys been up to while I was gone?

Waiting for you to comeback SILLY!!! what else. :lol:

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