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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol


C: 안블 @ BBVIPZ

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Original message:

지난번 뮤직비디오 파파라치컷에 이은 CF 촬영 파파라치 컷이에요! 롤리팝2를 들고 각자 개성이 보이는 포즈를 취한 다섯남자! 즐거운 금요일 오후 시간 보내용 ^-^

In English:

This is a paparazzi cut from the CF, connected to the last one which was from the music video! The five of them pose in such a way that the Lollipop2 phone is visible! Have a joyful Friday[?] afternoon ^-^

Translated by AA-CHAN: http://aa-chan.net/blog/2010/04/03/me2day-updates-100403/

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Guest shinhdeplol

^ You shoud take out the mediafire link because DL links arent allowed @ this section ^^

New me2day update from Lollipop Girl


HQ: http://me2day.phinf.naver.net/20100403_108...23_me2photo.jpg

Original message:

어제 탑군의 포스터 원본 사진 선물이 나가자 많은 분들이 얘기해 주신 지용군의 포스터 원본 사진입니다~ 멋진 포즈로 점프하고 있군요!! 옷도 너무 상큼해요 헤헤

In English:

Yesterday, I gave you all the original image from TOP’s poster and everyone liked it so much that I’m giving you Ji Yong’s today~ Cool jump pose!! Clothes are so long legged hehe.

Translated by AA-CHAN: http://aa-chan.net/blog/2010/04/03/me2day-updates-100403/





Space Column Jogging Trousers by KTZ

C: http://big21fashion.blogspot.com/



John Galliano High Cut Sneakers in Grey x Black.

C: http://hauteissue.wordpress.com/

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ok,first off. #BIGBANG shot the CM at Chatrium Suites Bangkok today.its EFFING hot today & we spotted Ji Yong oppa looked very ill ;[

Ji Yong kun looks so pale.he ran into the cafeteria after he finished each shoot.he's got a rash on his skin.it went red! *poor Leader sshi*

well GD walked like a legless man.i feel so terrible to see that 'cos am so worry bout his health.tho everyone in #BIGBANG's fine.

but GD DIDNT swoon.I repeat,HE DIDNT SWOON.the guy is sick 'cos of the hot weather.

pori just told me that GD's eyes cant fight the broad daylight in Thailand.she's got this info fr. the staff *wahhh hope u get well soon,GD*

More on GD,he walked in & out of the indoor&outdoor a lot.Like when he finished the shoot outside,he'd rush back to the cooler indoor asap.

credit: TeamBIGBANG twitter

:( i hope he get well soon and i hope the other members take care of themselves.

on the other hand

we spotted T.O.P&DS's having a very good time.they talked to each other & wrapped their arms around each other's neck all the time *nice*

did i tell u bout the storyline in the CM?its #BIGBANG all in white outfit walking on the red carpet w/ tons of bodyguards & all the girls screaming like crazy.that's the for 1st day shoot^^ & #BIGBANG (4 of 'em not GD) will check how do they look on the monitor.

The Sun looks soooooo handsome in the sun.He smiles A LOT A LOT A LOT.I think he's a smiling machine in the Land of Smile,Thailand!

I need to mention TOPDAE.These guys giggled w/ each other a lot.I'm not a shipper but they're sth resemble a soulmate

Motto motto TOPDAE ke ke they're in love!I've never seen TOPDAE's skinship this much for my almost 4yr as a VIP.Kawaii desune!

#BIGBANG shot the CM&then lunched together in the hotel's cafe&went back to get some rest in the suite.

That was about 1:30pm when they went to break.I kept my eyes only on GD.He's still pouting and didnt say a thing to anyone&didnt smile.

credit: TeamBIGBANG twitter

woo, interesting storyline

[Fancam]100402 BigBang Press conference@Parc Paragon[AomwoN]

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_wsM-txE0E...feature=channel

2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9kJlkJzHfk...feature=channel

3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlCG88syy1A...feature=channel

4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shPKc6hxFVQ...amp;feature=sub

thx dlitelover @ YT for the uploads

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Guest syao_sid

^^ i'm also sick bec. of the weather and i feel even sicker after reading on twitter that GD's ill. :[

Read that thailand is like 40 degrees now.. and BB just came from a cold Korea so the sudden weather change really took a toll on GD.

Leadah-sshi always gets sick probably bec. of that thin body of his. I'm so worried for him. He really needs to take vitamins regularly and eat nutritious food. (okay here i am advising and i don't even do that for myself..LOL)

thankfully TeamBIGBANG confirmed that he didn't fainted.

On a brighter note. glad that the others are havin' fun.

And can't wait for the cf! sounds interesting. =D

so is the cf to be shown on thailand only?

love the shoes! BB and their love for JohnGalliano..xD

HANDS UP sounds nice. I hope they release it as a digital single or somethin'.

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- I know GD doesn't feel he's OK today,but he's doing all the best he could in the shoot.That's the responsibility&I love the Leader for that.

- TOPDAE? These guys walking & sharing a good laugh & smiling & teasing on the way to the suite.Like "There's ONLY just the 2 of us"

- #BIGBANG was back to the shoot at bout 4pm. lots of VIPs were flowing in the hotel lobby.I think that's about a 100 of the army of #BIGBANG.

- So #BIGBANG didnt walk around like that in the morning/afternoon anymore.They kept 'emselves busy in the shoot & checked the monitor.

- GD looked a bit better after the approx. 2hrs rest&it was a lil bit cooler&cloudy in the pm.The shoot finished when the sun came down.

- TaeYang wai (Thai greeting),I mean,almost everyone.I think he's like a mother when the father's (GD) not on duty.& I heart him!

- & #BIGBANG keeps bowing every CM crew like we always see after they finish every shoot.Bowing all the BIGBANG Girls,too^^ *cute*

- #SeungRi's still have his face flawless not gets oily even when he did the day long shoot.He's like a Prince of The Kingdom of Pandas!MWAHAH

C: TeamBIGBANG@twitter

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Guest shinhdeplol

^ LOL Seungri is the panda king :lol:


C: omo__嚸の丶 @ baidu

Im loving all the fanaccounts :D Stalkiing the boys must be so much fun :lol:

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22 Members: Mehndi, nurika, djbong, map_lf, mod_wu, rorotop, dorisawq, heartsongs, HTKJY, AUNTIZ, Mietze, saint, Rockie-Lee, nicollette, iVIP-germany, GDBABYBABY, huongduong, r3d_88, Exora, poo321, nisssr3, evilishus

Its been a while since we have this kind of numbers~~ :D

- T.O.P's like jumping around.Unlimited energy flows from his body language&hand gesture.And he talked a lot to people! That's the MONKEY!!

-DaeSung's too good to be true!His angel smile!Gosh,I wanna take him home to brighten my day! haha! He makes me smile :]

- TaeYang's the BEST!Man of the Day!He works hard.he plays hard & he smiles A LOT.WooHoo.Everybody loves TaeYang the Mum!!

- Tho he's not OK.But,I think that's like what we read from the Making of SAL. He's sick,but the show must go on! GDRAGON FTW!! Get well soon^^

- #BIGBANG will continue the CM shoot tmr in the studio & then fly back to Seoul in the pm.I dont know if YG will allow us to get in there ;[

- Again,no pix taken,sweetheart.We dont wanna get into trouble w/ the fancam w/ YG again as in BIGSHOW2010.Oh,no!

C: TeamBIGBANG@twitter

so they flying back tomorrow~

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[NEWS] SHOUTcast Blog :::: Top 10 KPOP Songs

For the most part, the top KPOP songs do not lurk in obscurity, but rather stride the charts. They are the prom kings and queens, the biggest songs that Korean pop music has to offer, because, simply put, they are the most popular. KPOP is often saccharine, sweet, and slick, but it also changes through the years, thanks to innovators who incorporate different genres, most notably hip hop and R&B, into the paradigm of boy and girl bands and Korea's long tradition of trot music. Without further adieu, the indisputable top 10 KPOP songs of all time.

10. Wonder Girls - Nobody

9. Yoon Do Hyun Band - 'Oh! Pilsung, Korea'

8. Kim Bum Soo - 'Bo Go Ship Da' ('I Miss You')

7. S-Blush - 'It's My Life'

6. TVXQ (Dong Bang Shin Gi) - 'The Way U Are'

5. Jewelry - 'One More Time'

4. H.O.T. - 'Candy'

3. Big Bang - 'Lies'

2. Rain - 'It's Raining'

1. Seo Taiji - 'Nan Arayo' ('I Know')

Like the Wonder Girls, Big Bang were launched into the KPOP stratosphere through a TV show about them, called 'Big Bang Documentary.' Unlike Wonder Girls, Big Bang are widely credited for updating KPOP's sound, and signaling its latest interest in electronica, though still filtered through the lense of upbeat hip hop stylings, as evidenced on 'Lies' off their first mini-album, 'Always.'

Full Article can be found here: http://www.shoutcastblog.com/2010/04/03/top-kpop-songs/

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Guest nisssr3

i really enjoy reading the fan accounts, it must be awesome to meet/ stalk them in real life!! i wish i could meet them someday.. yesterday we got to see double seunghyuns in action which was really cute and now reading about todae made me giggle.. i love how taeyang being the mother, he takes care of the member well and i'm super envy with seungri's skin!! poor gd, it must be hard to adapt to the weather changes. to gd, please drink lots of water and take good care of your health!

^ bb made in the top 10, gd must be really proud of it!

Big Bang are widely credited for updating KPOP's sound

i agree! they've made songs from different genres from hip hop to electronics to rock etc and even trot which were really good & help then grow as musicians at the same time. i look forward to hear what kind of songs they will bring to the kpop scene.

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Guest ilovearronyan

And I love the fact that GD wrote this song, composed it,

(and a lot/most of their other songs)

unlike other idol groups which make them blend with each other.

BB must be feeling great in their own achievements


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I want to share this~ coz its so cool~

all the drawings looks so much alike from the original photo~~!

BTW, I post "Into the Gunfire" interview with the cast on Tabi's solo thread

coz its his solo activities, but I'm pretty sure not all VIPs always visit that thread~ :P

so I think u guys should go there and watch Tabi doing AEGYO in fronts of the sunbae hyungs~

its UBERLY CUTE and I heard Kwon Sangwoo called him "Seunghyun-niee"~~ :D

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Guest universe

wow my hand is really aching. i practically saved every single fan pic you guys uploaded!! i'm sooooo envious of GD's skin. it looks soooo smooth and flawless!! and the fancams are awesome as well. i'm sooo happy to see them smiling. and those lucky Thai VIPs!!! i hardly see any fan events where the fans get to hug the boys so tightly. the boys looked so generous with their hugs too!!

and the double Seunghyuns hug (almost) made me ship them instead of G-Ri. hahaha.

it must be fun to stalk the boys haha. poor GD though. wearing white coats in a 40deg temperature with lots of people and screaming fans can take a toll on anyone. they must be switching on the air con to full blast tonight haha. nice to see ToDae back in action!! its almost as if Top and GD has switched places. GD has toned down a whole lot while Top seems to get dorkier and crazier than ever haha. (i do wish to see dorky GD back really soon too...) and YB really loves Thailand doesn't he? he looks so happy in the fancams as well :D

seems like the boys don't have the luxury of shopping in Bkk this time round. if only YG allow them to stay for maybe one more day. i'm sure GD will love to shop there. tomorrow must be a busy day. filming and flying back to Seoul on the same day.

the CF filming seems to overshadown Hands Up song preview haha. i actually find the song pretty average, but i will withheld my judgement tilli hear the song in full. but its for a news show anyway. the genre really fits that :)

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@teamBIGBANG's fanaccount:

GD is sick..T__T..get well soon^^...thank god the others are not sick^^

Bingu Top,panda Ri, mama YB and ToDae<33333

aigoo..teamBIGBANG are so lucky..they can follow wherever BB go..Japan,Korea,Thai

I hope I can be a BB stalker one day><..lol..lol


they really love John Galliano, aren't they?...shoes,boxers..lol

I bet that they bought new John Galliano boxers as well

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