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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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I agree GD's gonna be a great role father^^

He's always been so carrying and nice to children.

I love seeing him with kids. It always makes me imagine how dedicated father he'll be.

Such warm feelings come to my heart when I think about it.

So, come on, Marry me GD XD

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Guest intelligirl

It just hit me how TOP's bday is in less than 3 days yayyyy! which also means that it's now been a little over a year since I discovered BIGBANG. I've been waiting for their comeback for most of that time, so it feels like it's been a lot longer :lol: I still wish I had been around during 2008, one of KPOP's best years imo, but I know that their comeback is going to be epic- I'm hoping it's this month!!!

The boys look perfect rn


^^ I'm loving my panda's hair as it is atm and I think GD's hair is PERFECT, I love the color so much! TOP's hair is really cute curly, but when it's slicked down it gives him a mature vibe, which I really like too! I hope Dae keeps his long hair :)

:wub: Anyways they look amazing, it's time to comeback!

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Guest toozdae08


That is seriously the cutest thing ever. I feel like TOP and Dae are really close.

I also think that one of the reasons why Dae was feeling so distant from the group earlier this year is because it had been a while since they've all gotten together and none of the hyungs had been in a good/happy mood during those last few months of 2009. YB was depressed and, in his own words, kinda of mean; TOP was also depressed and worn out with filming; GD had problems after problems and none of them felt much like bonding or even had much time for each other. Dae was also in the hospital for a long time and for him to come back to the group as it was then (with 3/4 of the other members depressed or dealing with issues) it must have been hard -esp with all the issues he was dealing with due to the accident. Everyone was probably caught up in their own dramas and Dae must have felt that and it must have been hard for him.

Just thinking about how they all were in 2009, makes me want to cry :tears:

With everyone in a good place most of this year, I'm hoping that they're reaching out to him more. But now Dae's the one that's overworked. But the hyungs seem to really care so I'm sure he's in good hands.

@ sweetflower

Now you're making me more curious. I'm not one to mince words either (and I'm a critical person too) which has gotten me in trouble and a whole bunch of thumb downs too. However, I'm hoping since this is suppose to be a discussion area that ppl would be less scared to post stuff. But if you feel that ppl would be too sensitive to your post, I understand.

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Guest toozdae08

Saw BB's schedule for Nov. and it looks sooooooo bare. Give me something YG, PLEASE!!!!!

They must have something lined up for all those empty days.

So so sad right now. Lack of BB is making me depressed - and I'm hoping YG would rain down some news soon.

My emotions go from this


To this


and now I'm like a mix of these 2



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I think it’s fine if you post your opinions about the hyungs here. If anyone was going to attack you / fork you, they would have already done it after you said all that about DS :P


I think that is by far the best description of Daesung I have ever read. If I had to write a thesis on Daesung’s personality, I would have written exactly the same thing (ok, not as well). Imo, I believe a lot of people confuse his humbleness and propriety for a lack of ambition. The man just doesn’t like to show off, as talented as he is – he tries his best to let the other members shine. (He stays in the back singing the chorus while letting BaeRi do all those fancy spins and hand gestures.)

I think the biggest proof of this is during Family Outing, I mean I can count the times Daesung ‘seriously’ sang in FO with 1 hand. The best example of his humbleness would be in the episode with Hongki and Taeyeon, I personally believe that he’s definitely in the same league as the 2 of them – but when they were asked to showcase their vocal talents before jumping off a cliff, Daesung just randomly (and kind of crappily) sang a chorus from Haru Haru. Instead of trying anything fancy that could potentially outshone either of them.

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RIP to the man with the same name as Dae :(

and yeah i didnt realize that daesung is distant from the bang...:/

his voice is very nice and i disagree to those who thinks he doesn't 'look good'...

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Guest Michala01


MFTE mad.gif I went through a range of emotions when I saw their Nov schedule. 

At first it I was like 


But now I'm like...



Big Bang TV tonight...sigh 

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Guest Meru-Chi

I REALLY want to see Big Bang perform. I sadly discovered them, like, 8 months ago and i REALLY want to see them perform on Music Core/Bank, etc...TT_TT

Quick question: When does Daesung's drama "What's Up?" come out? And if it already has, please excuse my stupidity. :D

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Guest toozdae08


It hasn't come out yet but I'm not sure of the date, sorry.

Every time I see an update I come here hoping that maybe, just maybe, YG posted something about their comeback and I've been left nothing but epic disappointment.



Oh well, I'm excited for (hopefully) some Big Bang TV later today (well tomorrow for me).


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@Michala and Toozdae, LOL you guys cracked me up. But yeah, totally feeling you. I had a dream 2 nights ago that Big Bang released their songs suddenly, like without warning they dropped the album. I woke up thinking it was all real and got really really disappointed. :( So I went on a serious discussion stuff in the VIP lounge. LOL.

Anyway, wow @ the handshake event. GD is precious with the little girl. I'll probably look like those JVIPs who cried and got sentimental after seeing BB in real life. And their crying faces would be my face when BB comes back. How I miss them. T______T Ri looks so tired though. The 4 looked great and Tabi choosing his photo as his favorite is LOL. Bingu Top, stay the same forever. Dae looks rested even if he's working so much. Bae looks like he's more relaxed these days. Seeing those JVIPs swarm the bookstore is epic. The boys are getting more popular in Japan. They just need that hit song to make it huge there. And I so want to see that museum with all their stuff on display.

YG better throw me some bone. Why is he like this? He makes us hate him then love him then hate him again. I hope BBTV's longer...

@Meru-chi, What's up hasn't been shown yet and there's no finalized schedule when it's airing. Oh and a little trivia, it seems that GD's friend Soohyuk will also be starring there.

EDIT: So, I was lurking around in hanteo community and found this:


Most Downloaded Artist: Big Bang

Most Downloaded Album: Heartbreaker - Heartbreaker

Most Streamed Artist: Big Bang

Source: http://hanteo.com/community/board/view.asp?sel_code=1&Num=33002699&block=0&gotopage=1

Our boys are epic ^^

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@Michala and @Toozdae: LMAO AT THOSE GIFS YOU POSTED <3

I feel the exact same way. I just hope YG will drop

something this week or I'm gonna totally rip my hair out

in frustration. :|

So BB-deprived rn that I can't help but be depressed

whenever I come here and there's still no news about

the comeback.

Anyway, are you guys going to join the contest from Mnet?

The one about MAMA? I want to join but...if it's mnet...

I'm not too sure. Remember the scandal about Superstar K?

I'm afraid that might happen in that contest too.

But i really want to make a vid for BIGBANG. @.@


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Guest peppermintsugar


See, seeing that makes me happy. It take very little to make me happy - just seeing the boys will do it.


I can't help but agree with your sentiments. It's such common place for celebrities to not even recognize or take the time out to acknowledge the love from their fans -- and I really can't hold it against them because naturally, they're getting hundreds or thousands of messages every single day and even if they had all day to look through them, they would barely even put a dent in it all, but it shows SO MUCH to just see them standing there, acknowledging them, reading them separately -- taking time out of their schedules to do something that really is, in the grand scheme of things, pretty insignificant.

It's never, ever, a question as to whether or not Big Bang cares for their V.I.P's.

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Updated from Big Bang Japan's mobile site





dscf1233o.th.jpg dscf1240m.th.jpg dscf1239.th.jpg dscf1238e.th.jpg

*Photos are LQ because they can only be accessed via mobile and can't be downloaded.

Photos from Tisya@www.bigbangupdates.com


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