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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest toozdae08

@ teshagoesblind

Here's the link for the fanvid of A GOOD MAN -totally awesome.


And since the embedding probably won't work, here's the LINK

This was well done and even tells a story. Not sure if you want it ruined b4 you see the mv so I'll put the storyline under spoiler

Basically, TOP is cheating on his girl (buying flowers for another woman). He sees her cheating on him and flips and then confronts her about it. Totally epic.

Just rewatched this fanvid and I swear, it may actually be my favorite. The rest of BB wasn't actually in the MV (just a really angry TOP) but I love the story. And I love that song.

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Guest teshagoesblind

the description says it's a compilation of two vids? what two vids were it from?

TOP looks REALLY good there! his acting is really something! wow, the person that made the MV is good!

I never knew the meaning of the lyrics until just. and the song is now even better than it was before! AMAZING lyrics! I hope TOP contributes some tunes for the comeback :P maybe even sing a little :P I know he rarely sings, but I kinda love his voice when he does. it's low and way unique!

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Guest toozdae08


I may actually be wrong on the story -I think I was thinking of the storyline of one of the 2 vids it's complied from. The Red Roc storyline.

The 2 mvs are 2 songs that TOP was featured in (one as a rapper and actor and one as just the actor for the mv). Both songs are really really really good, esp the song with Gummy. Here's the links to them.

I'm Sorry by Gummy featuring TOP

HELLO by Red Roc

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Guest teshagoesblind

thanks so much! you're so helpful! :D in the video with Dara, she looks so young there with the cute cheeks! but she looks way too innocent for the bad boy TOP :P

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I may actually be wrong on the story -I think I was thinking of the storyline of one of the 2 vids it's complied from. The Red Roc storyline.

The 2 mvs are 2 songs that TOP was featured in (one as a rapper and actor and one as just the actor for the mv). Both songs are really really really good, esp the song with Gummy. Here's the links to them.

I'm Sorry by Gummy featuring TOP

HELLO by Red Roc

^ OMG best TOP MVs everrr. He's so vulnerable in both of them (but in 2 different ways) but still, such a BAMF in both. so awesome.

going through all these MVs, its so weird to hear/see them say "2008" :blink:--all the more reason for Big Bang to come back so they can say "2010" :)

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Guest toozdae08


I KNOW. 2010 - BB needs to comeback.

And yeah, TOP is totally BAMF in those mvs - I so fell in love with him then (not that I wasn't already but still).

I like the Gummy song better but I like the Red Roc video/story better. I love TOP's acting in it, the shaving of his head and then to find out that he was also cheating at the end. EPIC STORY.

I want BB to have a storyline mv like that but one that is decipherable -unlike TMG and BH. And with a plot twist at the end.

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Guest teshagoesblind

yeah! I LOVE MVs with storylines. makes everything seem more meaningful! BLAGHH, I'm totally DYING for their comeback! getting goosebumps every time I think about it. GAHH, I miss them. I mean, I look them up like, everyday and keep up with the news. but there's just this feeling of absence either way! comeback gotta be soooooon. I'm Bigbang deprived!

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I always laugh a little bit when TOP is looking at that broken mirror before he shaves his head... its like after TOP shaves his head, GD reuses that same mirror to smash in Haru Haru :lol:

TOP + a bat = epic. Top climbing on top of a car + a bat = more epicness.

^^and I know what you mean about being deprived. I swear I check my phone every couple hours (even when I'm sleeping) just so I don't miss out on news of their comeback. For some reason, news always drops when I'm sleeping <_< so now I've developed an odd sleeping pattern!

^^^oh and I NEVER know what the lyrics are to Big Bang songs haha. I dont know what they are in korean, nor what their translations are, I just try to sing along. It's so strange...at this point the thought doesn't even enter my head that I don't understand the words. :blink: I just listen, dance, sing, and enjoy. Occasionally, it will dawn on me that I have no clue what the song is about, so at that point I'll look up lyrics/translations but its just so much more enjoyable listening to Big Bang songs--their voices are awesome, the melodies, beats, raps are all so good that it communicates enough to me to enjoy them. :)

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Guest teshagoesblind

EXACTLY! I have nooo clue what they're talking about. but the flow of the song is just amazing, I don't even bother! although when I listen to English songs, I'm VERY sensitive about the lyrics. I HATE stupid lyrics. but I don't even understand the Korean songs. but the beat and flow of the lyrics is good enough for me since I can't do anything about the fact that I don't know Korean. YET.

LOL, I'm a heavy sleeper. so, I rarely wake up within my sleeping time. but I'm CONSTANTLY checking when I'm awake. it's what made me so distracted from my studies! I decided to stop on Soompi for a while since it was just soooo distracting. but I still check the news ALL the time. and now I just got an iPod touch, so, it's literally, I'm checking the news every 10-15 minutes! the thought of their comeback just makes me feel SOO excited when I don't even know when it is! blaghhhhhhh. COME BACK SOOOOOOOOON!

then there was the news about whether they were gonna have the comeback during the YG Family Concert or in 3 weeks or so? on the date of TOP's brthday? I SOO hope they have it on the date of TOP's brithday instead. I'd be SOOO sad if they were to make their comeback during the YG Concert. and I'm not THERE! <_<

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Guest Michala01

Favourite MV?? That is a really hard question. I have to agree that the fan made MV for a Good Man is AMAZING. So well done that at first I honestly thought it was something official. Psycho TOP is one scary dude. 

My favourite MV has to be SUNSET GLOW - it's not even in my Top 5 fave Big Bang songs but that MV is just pure perfection. Honourable mentions go to HARU HARU and LAST FAREWELL. Haru Haru is so dramatic, can't help but love it and Last Farewell has a cute story line that works in the guys beautifully and manages to be funny at the same time. 

Ok since I missed a few posts whilst sleeping I'm going to respond like this lol

1. KVIPs attack plan - LOVE IT. I will try and get involved even though I find navigating Korean websites an absolute nightmare. Makes me happy to see they are getting mobilized (lol it all sounds like strategic army planning) for the comeback. 

2. Shaun's twitter - somehow I doubt it was any international fans, could be antis who knows? But if it was fans then tsk tsk tsk. Shaun is very good to us as fans and disrespecting him like that is no way to pay back those good deeds. Plus he is a friend and colleague of 5 boys we love so much, what would they think about this when they hear about it. Not cool. 

3. Waiting for the comeback - well it isn't getting any easier. At least there are some events in the upcoming week that will provide us with some fancams, pictures etc. That's something to look forward to I guess. 

edit: I saw these on tumblr and thought they were qt 




credit: imusicholic@tumblr

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My fav MV(s):

Haru Haru - I loved how dramatic it was, loved how many HILARIOUS parody videos were made of it and the plot was just really touching.

runner up: Lies - lol again another interesting plot. Plus the transition were TOP rolls in sitting in a shopping cart was just so much EPIC WIN.

Damn I just heard PSY new album (f'ing awesome) and I'm even more excited for BB :wub:

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Guest bluishme

I think Bigbang's comeback will be on November..

i read it in YGladies shoutbox. somebody posted a news article about 2ne1's follow-up track...


at the same time somebody in the shoutboz said that a yg representative that bb's comeback will be on november..

i really do hope this is true..

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Guest juang_bb

Bigbang's comeback will be on November..

i read it in YGladies shoutbox. somebody posted a news article..

i think Seungri's "3-weeks" is true..

where's the article?!? a korean article?!?

my heart's beating so fast and i have not even seen it. they better not be joking...

oh my....

edit: i swear, if they release any info or confirmation about a comeback, i just might lose it. no kidding!

edit2: im more calmer now, well it looks like YG just confirmed 2ne1's follow up promotions starting on Oct. 31st and there was a very small mention about Big Bang's comeback

그는 또 빅뱅의 음반 계획에 대해서도 살짝 언급했다.

양 대표는 "멤버들이 매일 매일 열심히 음반을 녹음하고 있다. 좋은 곡들도 많이 나와 있는 상태"라며 "2년 만에, 오랜만에 나오는 음반인 만큼 다른 어떤 것보다 좋은 음악에 포커스를 두고 작업하고 있다"며 자신을 나타냈다.

maybe someone can translate but it looks like YG only said that the boys are now recording everyday.

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Guest Michala01

Bigbang's comeback will be on November..

i read it in YGladies shoutbox. somebody posted a news article..

i think Seungri's "3-weeks" is true..




credit: imusicholic@tumblr

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Guest Banana Peel

aw, YG only basically talked about how BB's recording new songs everyday, focusing on the qualities of the songs since it's been 2 years of hiatus.



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Guest Michala01

aw, YG only basically talked about how BB's recording new songs everyday, focusing on the qualities of the songs since it's been 2 years of hiatus.



richard simmons. Not happy fury.gif 

I'll just be over here  in my  bitter corner 

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【STYLE】Taeyang × Givenchy



Spotted at

101019 Mnet 「2NE1 TV 2.06」

What Taeyang wore

Givenchy Fall 10 Podium Short Sleeve T-Shirt ¥23,100

Hot or Not

<3 it?Dying?Can’t breathe?YG With photo shoot is heated up when the two K-pop A-Listers and besties do the GDYB sandwich pose.Guess what,I always wish that Taeyang will never find anything to put on.But a new season equals a new start,the man is perfectly pretty with a normal white tee.Taeyang,a tip: stalking on your tweets is thrilling as much as I see you rocking on that top,so keep squeezing it in 140 characters,dear!!

Ahem,VIP,I have a feeling they’re going to come out in a few short weeks.Get ready, kids.BIGBANG's about to take K-Pop to a whole new level!

Let the fun begin…


Taken from: TeamBIGBANG

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Okay...so I totally just had to come out of my lurker status and gahd knows how I have been trying to control myself and not go into full-swing spazzing but THIS. OMFG! OMFG! OMFG!

harharharhar! OKay, just had to edit this post because I read the tweet all wrong! harharhar! I thought it was of BB but 2NE1 - sheesh! Me and my eyes are so lame but that's what happens when I breathe,eat, and sleep with nothing but BB's comeback in my head! LOL! Exag much? But anyways. . .whilst topless Tae will always make me salivate, I really believe that he's at his sexiest / hottest when he's wearing plain white tee and jeans!

Which brings me to my answers that ALWAYS and TMG are my fave BB MVs!

ALWAYS - the video is just so refreshing; part of the appeal of it is that half of the video just shows the boys being their adorkable selves! XD And the dance sequence, while it's so boyband-ish and all, is actually my fave part! WHY? Because they looked so damn phresh in their plain white tees and jeans! And Tabi looked so darn cute dancing! harharhar! Imma let you in on a not-so-secret-anymore secret, it was in this MV that became a Ji stan! Like I was caught, hook, line and sinker!

TMG - just love the aesthetics and the whole feel of the MV! This video just shows how much the BOYS have grown up in the last four years.

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