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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Ate Les: Sorry I forgot to answer your question :sweatingbullets:

Are you referring to bigbangfansite.wordpress.com??? Idk, I dont go to that site anymore but it seems to be down now :)

C: miseremeiYT07 @ YT

His wave at the end is toooo cute :w00t:


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Guest g-dragon1988

Now I have seen Jiyong's solo CF for Optimus, I get even more greedy and want all of them to have one each :lol: Imagine TOP the baby doing this kind of cute CF :w00t: I bet he can make it even cuter than Jiyong's :lol:


You insulted me, and GD T.T

He is the cutest boy in the world~~ :wub: :wub:

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Guest shinhdeplol


You insulted me, and GD T.T

He is the cutest boy in the world~~ :wub: :wub:

Andrea how can you see that as an insult? I love them EQUALLY, you should have known that. Please dont be too biased, it hurts the feeling of other fans.


C: 이키윽 @ DCinside

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Guest LadyBee

^ It looks good but TOP's face is a little ... :sweatingbullets:

YB's brother - Finally I can know something about YB's brother. I've known that YB has an older brother and he's an actor but couldn't find anything about him till now. They're really alike, esp when smile :)

And something to make this post isn't useless :wub: My lovely Tabi :wub:



Lucky fan +__+



All credit goes to anyone who made these pics ^_^

Edit: Oh yeah I TOP-ed this page without knowing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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Guest hayakatsu

i, myself, honestly think that there is no reason for MNet to push back MAMA dates other than to allow BIGBANG to have some time to make a comeback. i highly doubt that they would get any awards tho. nor do i want them to get any because of the consequences and backlash from media and knetizens that they'll receive.

in any case, being so late in the game, i sometimes think that maybe it's best if they comeback next year after all. let them promote for the whole year with a MEGA album or something. (with 2-3 long breaks/vaykay in between of course) i dunno. am i the only one who feels it's kinda pointless to comeback with only 2 months left in the year? let them rest and prepare more. i'm sure kwon leadah and his perfectionist self and the other members as well, will appreciate the time to perfect whatever it is that they feel the need to and let them iron out all the wrinkles and then comeback next year BAM!! BANGIN like the fresh BAMF they are.

or maybe, if they did comeback in november (even though my gut tells me december) then the scenario i have in my head is that they reveal their title track (or tracks. YG's crazy like that) before hand, like early-mid november, teaser/hype (hype in a good way. not the overhyped-til-i-can't-back-up-the-hype typa hype. =/) the album to death all of november and BAM! make a comeback stage during MAMA. how effin awesome would THAT be?? (am i allowed to type 'effin' mods?) i dunno. yes, yes. it's bad to speculate because i might end up disappointed, blabla. but you see.... i'm at a point where i love them so much that it'd be impossible for me to be disappointed whatever decision they make abt their comeback. i just want it so bad is all.

end rant. hehe^^ sorry.

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Guest g-dragon1988

@Thuy: It really insult me, because you cannot say TOP is more cute than GDㅠㅠThat is so bad word~~

People who love GD know it! I have no other man beside Jiyong :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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@g-dragon1988: I'M A HUGE FAN OF GD TOO.

But hey, let's not be too biased, okay? XD

It's like you're saying TOP has no right to be cute. You may be offending

some of his stans here =( I mean, I love TOP too. And his aegyo =(

Hope you understand. Though, I agree that GD is cute ^^

And sharing a cute gif of Tabi:


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Guest shinhdeplol






Shared & Screencaps by TOPLvr@BigbangWorld

The only thing I dont like about this CF is at one time, the search bar covers his pretty eye smile :wub:

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Guest toozdae08

@ hayakatsu

Part of me agrees but I think it's too late now. They already said Nov. and YGE has already lied about their comeback once this year (he said a minialbum around August, I remember <_< ). For him (and now BB too cause they've been making promises) to pretty much lie again will hurt a lot of fans who have been waiting a long time. If they had never said anything at all, then yeah, they should wait till next year. At this point they're going to have to close out 2010 with a BIG BANG.


While, I think that GD is 10 kinds of adorable :wub: sad to say is all YB has to do is give me that eye smile and I see nothing else.

Sort of like this


But I think all the boys have their adorable moments. For me, awkward Tabi is like the cutest thing in the world, love him more than I love GQ TOP (and lord knows I love me some GQTOP). Some should post some awkward TOP gifs for me, like the time he was caught not dancing while everyone else was. Also you lack of love for TOP makes the rest of BB sad



Just recently found this gif too, been wanting to use it. And off to class I go.

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This is a Big Bang thread, where all Big Bang fans ought to be able to say what they will about the biases, as long as it doesn't break forum rules. Now, you may not agree with what they have to say, but everyone has a right to say them, so please don't go around saying people are wrong in their opinions. That's not fair to the rest of us. This is not a G-Dragon thread. There will be fans here who have biases other than GD, please respect their right to have a voice in this thread.

Wow. I seriously had to back log like 3 pages since I went to bed!

As far as BB's comeback is concerned, I'm really torn because I agree, I think it's kind of pointless to release this year, except to quench my insatiable Big Bang thirst...and thats a big "except!" so we'll see I suppose. I didn't believe in the 10/10/10 date, but I have some hope for something in Novemeber. But like many of us, I'll wait until whenever. :)

Just watched the MAMA reel...I got goosebumps when they showed that opening shot of hyori & GD ^_^ Funny, because I was watching the MKMF 2007 Big Bang performance of Lies & the 2008 performance with Hyori last night before bed. But! if Big Bang does perform at the MAMAs, that means they'd have to either comeback before that OR perform their new song then. Either way, I'm STOKED.

GD's Optimus CF is :wub: red headed GD + smurfs, throw in a dash of adorableness, and its a recipe for pure love. His bracelets are awesome too. wants it.

and oh my goodness, you all make me feel like I'm an ahjumma. I'm a noona to ALL of Big Bang -_-

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Guest hayakatsu

@ hayakatsu

Part of me agrees but I think it's too late now. They already said Nov. and YGE has already lied about their comeback once this year (he said a minialbum around August, I remember <_< ). For him (and now BB too cause they've been making promises) to pretty much lie again will hurt a lot of fans who have been waiting a long time. If they had never said anything at all, then yeah, they should wait till next year. At this point they're going to have to close out 2010 with a BIG BANG.

As far as BB's comeback is concerned, I'm really torn because I agree, I think it's kind of pointless to release this year, except to quench my insatiable Big Bang thirst...and thats a big "except!" so we'll see I suppose. I didn't believe in the 10/10/10 date, but I have some hope for something in Novemeber. But like many of us, I'll wait until whenever.

Just watched the MAMA reel...I got goosebumps when they showed that opening shot of hyori & GD Funny, because I was watching the MKMF 2007 Big Bang performance of Lies & the 2008 performance with Hyori last night before bed. But! if Big Bang does perform at the MAMAs, that means they'd have to either comeback before that OR perform their new song then. Either way, I'm STOKED.

so my guess is as good as any, really. i guess we all agree that they would either have to comeback by the latest, end of november. since they're already listed on MAMA's attendance...... OR! comeback during MAMA. which i really think is pointless no matter how much i want them to comeback. like, yesterday! hmphh~!!

i just want ONE WORD from YG abt BIGBANG! geez....=___=" i need something. that teaser on YGTV was not enough because it sounded too awesome. left me high and dry demmit. at the very least give us something FUN to talk about. maybe a clue to guess one of the song titles in the album or something like GD did with his pic spam of apples for heartbreaker. gyaaah~ guess my frustration is finally starting to make it's appearance. i've been pretty chill abt this, but GOD!! okay, enough ranting. lol.

and to g-dragon1988..... RESPECT is all i gotta say. you're acting like an immature brat and a lot of us do not appreciate that. this is BIGBANG's thread. other ppl who have a bias for other members might be upset by your statements. so please.... be nice.

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Guest SeungriIsMine

i, myself, honestly think that there is no reason for MNet to push back MAMA dates other than to allow BIGBANG to have some time to make a comeback. i highly doubt that they would get any awards tho. nor do i want them to get any because of the consequences and backlash from media and knetizens that they'll receive.

in any case, being so late in the game, i sometimes think that maybe it's best if they comeback next year after all. let them promote for the whole year with a MEGA album or something. (with 2-3 long breaks/vaykay in between of course) i dunno. am i the only one who feels it's kinda pointless to comeback with only 2 months left in the year? let them rest and prepare more. i'm sure kwon leadah and his perfectionist self and the other members as well, will appreciate the time to perfect whatever it is that they feel the need to and let them iron out all the wrinkles and then comeback next year BAM!! BANGIN like the fresh BAMF they are.

or maybe, if they did comeback in november (even though my gut tells me december) then the scenario i have in my head is that they reveal their title track (or tracks. YG's crazy like that) before hand, like early-mid november, teaser/hype (hype in a good way. not the overhyped-til-i-can't-back-up-the-hype typa hype. =/) the album to death all of november and BAM! make a comeback stage during MAMA. how effin awesome would THAT be?? (am i allowed to type 'effin' mods?) i dunno. yes, yes. it's bad to speculate because i might end up disappointed, blabla. but you see.... i'm at a point where i love them so much that it'd be impossible for me to be disappointed whatever decision they make abt their comeback. i just want it so bad is all.

end rant. hehe^^ sorry.


:) My sentiments exactly! Do you know how glad I am because of your rant? Haha.

This is the thing I've been trying to explain for so long. I mean I totally feel it'll be useless

to comeback this year. Don't we VIPs not want to dominate the year 2011? :))

I mean if they comeback this year, I don't think it will be memorable.

Like, Helloooo! They're coming back after 2 years! Shouldn't it be more special? :|

I also remember saying, if they don't do it on 10.10.10 then do it next year.

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Guest Michala01


:) My sentiments exactly! Do you know how glad I am because of your rant? Haha.

This is the thing I've been trying to explain for so long. I mean I totally feel it'll be useless

to comeback this year. Don't we VIPs not want to dominate the year 2011? :))

I mean if they comeback this year, I don't think it will be memorable.

Like, Helloooo! They're coming back after 2 years! Shouldn't it be more special? :|

I also remember saying, if they don't do it on 10.10.10 then do it next year.

I disagree...this has been the mini cooperiest year in kpop like seriously. Big Bang could save this year from being a complete train wreck. 

I'm not hung up on "dominance" or being "number 1" I know our boys will rule the charts for weeks because well...they are Big Bang after all. 

What I want is for them to do it as they wish, when they want, how they want. Awards shouldn't dictate to them...idk all this award talk is getting me down. Since when did awards equate the worth of a group? 

Blah as I said, I just want them back! With good music and happy! That will make me the happiest VIP in the world, more than any award could make me 

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Big Bang Q&A on AnAn Magazine Japan [NEWS]


September Issue of AnAn Magazine Japan

Q1] I'm unexpectedly _______ (Fill in the blank)

GD: Round (as opposed to being sharp). This is different from what others think of me. But I am actually the type who can get along with other people pretty well.

SOL: Not honest. But I try to be.

TOP: Feels lonely easily and has a weak heart. I feel lonely even when I have my family and the members. But I guess everyone just feels lonely sometimes.

DL: People don't know that I'm actually a shy person.

VI: That I'm just 20 years old but with the mind of a 29-year old. I have 2 attractions. One is cuteness and the other is being manly.

Q2] How do you overcome pressure or "weakness of the mind" (i.e. lack of determination or confidence)?

GD: I really don't have "weakness of the mind" because I love music. I love music therefore I try and work hard to be better at it.

SOL: I just think of the reason why I wanted to be a singer in the first place. Then I control my mind to be happy.

TOP: I don't usually get nervous by nature. If I get nervous, the message I'm trying to communicate won't be conveyed properly. I just concentrate on my performance.

DL: I usually worry until I get to the stage (or the work field). But when I'm there, I just concentrate on enjoying. I want to be a person who doesn't worry about anything.

VI: I don't feel pressured. If I feel pressured, I will only make mistakes while dancing and singing. That's terrible.

Q3] If you can be one of the other members for one day, who would you want to be?

GD: (No answer)

SOL: I wanted to be TOP or VI before. But now, I think I just want to stay as myself. (Laugh)

TOP: Do I want to change personality with DLITE? Well, honestly, I've always wanted to be just myself.

DL: TOP. He seems to be just having fun always and looks like he doesn't feel any stress.

VI: Me!

Q4] One year has passed since your debut in Japan. Do you feel that you're becoming more popular and getting more fans?

GD: I think because of my unique fashion, more and more male fans are supporting us. I appreciate that we're getting more fans. Doesn't matter if they're male or female.

SOL: When I go shopping in Tokyo now, people seem to know who I am.

TOP: (No answer)

DL: I appreciate the love that we're getting very much. I will work hard as long as I can.

VI: I'm really glad that a lot of celebrities came to our concerts. Now, I think want to appear on variety shows more.

Q5] What stuff or activity has gotten your interest recently?

GD: Shoes. My favorite Christian Louboutin sneakers.

SOL: Michael Jackson. I respect him and the influence I got from him when I was a child will remain forever.

TOP: Among designers, I like Tom Brown. Fashion magazines like Vogue Korea and W match my style very well.

DL: Playing darts with members. I played darts for the first time and got high points. I think playing darts is really suitable for me.

VI: I like Japanese dramas and comedy shows. Recently, I memorized W engine's gag, "Horetemauyaro~!" (Means I'll fall in love with you.)

Scans by Tisya @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Translations by Noriko @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Taken from: Big Bang Updates

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YG is making it's harder for Bigbang and VIPs

He broke his promises twice one in 2009 and the other one in Aug this year

His silent isn't helping it worsens the situation and is torturing

and it even worse when he speaks or announce something bc he seldom keeps his promise

asking for bigbang comeback next year means it will be the following year,2012 for YG

bc he keeps giving them new cf, new Japanese release..in the end they have less time to focus on Korean album

remember how the boys said that they wanted to run away in the early 2009 bc YG kept giving them too many CFs

sorry for the ranting..i just want YG to focus one thing at one time..this way they have time to prepare for Korean album..idk what i'm trying to say..i'm lost..lol

but I really want to slap YG on his face with a clock or a calender

i know it sounds harsh..lol..but i'm just not happy with what he has done for BB this year :[

I should be sleeping now..i hope we will get some news in the next few day

maybe just the date without the month or the year..like 4th of ____

I think i'm going crazy now..lol..


each of the boys are adorable & cute..i love them all

-bigbang's fan

VVV...don't worry..i will love YG again when I know the exact date for Bigbang's comeback..lol

don't take my word too serious..i'm just in a frustating and depressing state at the moment..he's a good hyung to them..it's just that sometimes he makes me mad and upset =_=

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Guest Michala01

YG is making it's harder for Bigbang and VIPs

He broke his promises twice one in 2009 and the other one in Aug this year

His silent isn't helping it worsens the situation and is torturing

and it even worse when he speaks or announce something bc he seldom keeps his promise

asking for bigbang comeback next year means it will be the following year,2012 for YG

bc he keeps giving them new cf, new Japanese release..in the end they have less time to focus on Korean album

remember how the boys said that they wanted to run away in the early 2009 bc YG kept giving them too many CFs

sorry for the ranting..i just want YG to focus one thing at one time..this way they have time to prepare for Korean album..idk what i'm trying to say..i'm lost..lol

but I really want to slap YG on his face with a clock or a calender

i know it sounds harsh..lol..but i'm just not happy with what he has done for BB this year :[

I should be sleeping now..i hope we will get some news in the next few day

maybe just the date without the month or the year..like 4th of ____

I think i'm going crazy now..lol..


each of the boys are adorable & cute..i love them all

-bigbang's fan

As much as YG sucksssssssss with his management I wouldn't put all the blame on him. The boys do have a say in what they do. They all wanted to do solo stuff. That takes time... 

I hate waiting too but maybe it's what the boys wanted. They did nothing but WORK for 2 1/2 years after their debut. I remember worrying about GD's sanity at one stage tears.gif  

So yea YG sucks at management but I honestly think the boys have a lot of say in when they comeback or not. 

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this is so awesome !! i do the SAME!!!!!!!!!!! LOl love those glasses too

is this recent? cuz his hair seems different from before

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Guest toozdae08


Honestly, TOP in a suit is :wub:

Sometimes I'm a little dumbfounded by how good looking TOP is, like in that macro. Truly too perfect for words.

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