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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this =D

Sorry if I shouldn't post this here, but is pretty much Big Bang related.

Recently the Big Bang Vip international forum is acting weird for me one day it works another day it doesn't show up.

I was wondering if any other members of the forum here are having the same problem? Thanks everyone.

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Guest intelligirl



c: 월드피스 @ DCVI

I wish they were HQ-er, but I'll take what I can get. I love to see a happy maknae! :D

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behind the scene of Eversence CF~

kkkkk~ they such a dork in Thailand! I remember reading Nana and Pori's (@TeamBIGBANG) fan account about how dorky ToDae were.. :lol: look at how close they both are, they seems to be enjoying the nice bright weather since at that time Korea was still freezing cold~! ^_^

pay close attention to Tabi's 'sexy' pose at 2:12!! :wub: kkkkk~ and Bae's attempted to cold down himself by putting his head in that 'thing' (I dont know what its call~) around 2:39~ :sweatingbullets:

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Guest propera898

Recently, when did you shed your tears? And Why?

T.O.P: When I attended the Preview of the movie "Into the Fire", which took me 6-months of hardwork during shooting, I was touched by the applause from all the audience and almost cried.

Read more: http://www.bigbangupdates.com/2010/06/hundred-q-about-big-bang-on-television.html#ixzz0r3IBM07v



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A Hundred Q&As about Big Bang on The Television

PART I. A Hundred Different Faces of Big Bang

With our exciting Q&A session that focuses on love, members etc, we will present to you the private side of Big Bang!


⑴ What was your dream career when you were in kindergarten?

GD: I think I have aimed to become a singer since I was born.

T.O.P: Actor. I encountered music only after I attended primary school.

SOL: Though I liked singing, I had not thought about becoming a singer at that time.

D-Lite: A clergyman. Cause I was born in a Christian family.

V.I: A choreographer or a dancer.

⑵ If Big Bang was a family, who would you choose to be the father/mother/eldest son/second son and the yougest child?

GD: Me: father, Seungri: the youngest son, TOP: baby, Taeyang: Mother, Daesung: the eldest son.

T.O.P: GD: father, Seungri: uncle, myself: baby, Taeyang: mother, Daesung: the eldest son.

SOL: GD: Father, Seungri: someone who lives next door, TOP: baby, myself: mother, D-lite: the eldest son.

DL: GD: father, Seungri: the youngest son, TOP: second son, Taeyang: Mother, myself: eldest brother.

V.I: GD: father, myself: second son, TOP: youngest son, Taeyang: Mother, Daesung: eldest brother.

⑶ The five senses, namely sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, together with the sixth sense,besides hearing that is essential for your work, which one do you think is your most sensitive one?

GD: Sight. I'd like to see various things so that's why it is the most developed.

T.O.P: In my opinion, all senses have to be acute to achieve excellence. Thus it's better to train all of my senses as much as possible.

SOL: Sight.

DL: Taste. If I say something is tasty, all the others say so too.

V.I: Sight.

⑷ If you were a female, who would you consider to date among the members?

GD: Myself. If I do not like myself, I will be unable to continue my career.

T.O.P: Each of our members has their own charm. Hence, I want to make friends with all of them.

SOL: Daesung. We share the same room in Japan and he always listen to my consultation.

DL: Taeyang. We can discuss music, and since we have common interests, I find him really easy to talk to.

V.I: GD. He has everything. His charm overflows!

⑸ What kind of pets do you have? What do you call it/them?

GD: I am taking care of my dog called GAHO.

T.O.P: I had kept a dog called HENRY till three years ago.

SOL: I have a dog called BOSS.

DL:I had a cat as my pet two years ago.

V.I: I haven't got any pet yet.

⑹ When you meet a girl for the first time, which part of her would naturally attract you attention?

GD: Her aura.

T.O.P: Her face. Isn't it normal to look at one's face first?

SOL: Her eyes. No matter men or women, I'll look at their eyes first.

DL: Smiles. I would not say its due to attraction, I will make sure to first check her smiling face.

V.I: I like people with beautiful hands. Thus, hands.

⑺ If you were about to receive a proposal from a girl, how would you like it to be?

GD: Proposals should be made by males. I do not want to see girls doing that.

TOP: Please do it at a quiet place! A place where there is no one else.

SOL: Well~~?

DL: We should go to the Han River (a river flows through Seoul) and say it out loud.

V.I: If she says something like "I love you" then I will accept!

⑻ Which member's propose would be the most annoying one? What do you expect him to say?

GD: Seungri. He would talk about many unrelated things and make one totally lost. (:D)

T.O.P: That must be Seungri. Even if he does not say a word, his proposal is deemed to be foppish. (:D)

SOL: TOP. Maybe he will say his lines from a movie!

DL: Seungri, unconditionally!

V.I: I think that would be G-Dragon. Instead of being annoying, he must be the best in proposing. He would consider the whole process beforehand.

⑼ What kind of clothes do you want your date to wear?

GD: Clothes that fit her. Trendy but comfortable dresses would be good.

T.O.P: Suit, coz I am wearing suit as well.

SOL: Denim jeans with flat shoes.

DL: Vintage style.

V.I: Onepiece.

⑽ Recently, when did you shed your tears? And Why?

GD: I went to Fuji-Q Highland and because I was too excited after the ride on FUJIYAMA, my tears came out automatically.

T.O.P: When I attended the Preview of the movie "Into the Fire", which took me 6-months of hardwork during shooting, I was touched by the applause from all the audience and almost cried.

SOL: I was really happy when we received awards at VMAJ but I did not cry.

DL: I did not cry either.

V.I: The time when we won awards at VMAJ. Because I was too glad.


⑾ What is your charm point?

GD: Wrinkle on my forehead.

T.O.P: Eyes.

SOL: Hairstyle.

DL: Smiling face.

V.I: My double teeth.

⑿ Which part do you wash first when you are taking a bath?

GD: Face.

T.O.P: I'll take a Half-body Bath first. 

SOL: Face.

DL: Hair. 

V.I: Face.

⒀ Your ideal bride should be...?

GD: A girl who works seriously for her own job.

T.O.P: A person who can get along with me. A person who understands me.

SOL: I have not thought about it yet. I even do not have a girlfriend.(Smiled bitterly)

DL: Good at cooking.

V.I: When I arrive home after a whole day of work, she is there to cook and wait for me. I hope we can eat together.

⒁ How many mails on average do you send in a day?

GD: I have not counted but roughly 20 messages?

T.O.P: About 10.

SOL: I rarely send mails.

DL: I do not send mails.

V.I: I send quite a number of mails.

⒂ Who are the receivers of your mails?

GD: Mostly people from work.

T.O.P: I usually send mails to my family members.

SOL: I rarely do it.

DL: I do not send mails.

V.I: My friends, since I can seldom meet them.

⒃ What do you usually do when moving from one place to another?

GD: I usually listen to music while simulating the whole day's schedule in my head.

T.O.P: I use the time to think about things.

SOL: I listen to music and sometimes sing along with my favourite songs.

DL: listen to music

V.I: Probably listening to the music and fall into sleep.

⒄ What is the thing that makes you think:" I do not want to keep my hands off this!" ?

GD: IC Recorder, pen and my PC. They enable me to write down lyrics and record the melody once I got inspirations. Nevertheless, nowadays a mobile phone could do all of the above things.

T.O.P: Lighter. I always lost it so I carry several with me.

SOL: Caps, notepad and ipod

DL: I put all of my things in my bag! They are all meaningful things to me.

V.I: I do not have a bag. The thing I will not let go is my mobile phone coz one gets lonely in one's room.

⒅ What's your favourite dish made by your mother?

GD: Gyeran jjim, a Korean steamed egg casserole.

T.O.P: Bulgogi, Korean style yakiniku.

SOL: Doenjang jjigae,a stew-like Korean traditional dish, made with Korean soybean paste.

DL: Kimchi jjigae, a stew made with Kimchi.

V.I: Japchae, a Korean dish made from cellophane noodles.

⒆ Have you tried to make the dish mentioned in 18 by yourself?

GD: I made it for my members.

T.O.P: I have not.

SOL: I haven't but I will certainly try it someday.

DL: Of course I can cook it.

V.I: I tried but failed.

⒇ The Japanese that you learnt most recently is?

GD: I heard staff saying「なんとなく」. So I 'somehow' use it. (:D)

「nan to naku」,somehow

T.O.P: I learnt 「めざまし」from the staff.

「mezamashi」, wake up

SOL: The lyrics from Tell Me Goodbye which say 「抱きしめた手を」. That's beacuse GD always mimics the way Seungri sings. (:D)

「daki shimeta te wo」, the embracing hands

DL: The staff taught me the word 「青空」. I use it when the weather is good.

「ao zora」, bluesky

V.I: I learnt 「すいませんえん」from my friends (:D). I heard this is an outdated gag.

「suimasen en」, I am sorry

Editor's Comment [update to G-Dragon's Part]



I like girls who work hard for their jobs!

He may look shy, but G-Dragon is actually the one with the most number of different poses.

When showing his expressions for a series of emotions:sadness, anger, surprise and happiness, he would do poses such as holding his head, and screaming. (An imitation of the famous painting, 'The Scream' )

When we asked him, 'Please show the expression when you fell in love.'

He replied, 'That (request) is just what I want!' while starting to put his hands together in front of his mouth. Those actions were really cute.

To accompany the monkey softtoy which would shake its head according to the rythm of music, G-Dragon also shook his head left and right~


To Be Continued*

Photos: 週刊ザテレビジョン via DCDG + 권부장@bestiz

Text: Tisya @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Translated by Jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Please credit when re-posting^^


like always Dae and Bae showing off how close they are, they're thinking so much alike! ^_^ they seriously need a women by their side, I mean "I rarely send mails / I dont send mail~" poor boys~ I'll keep u company! I love to text!! kkkkkk~ :P

And Tabi, why do u keep a lighter?? :o I hope its not for smoking! U should stop babe! :tears:

Tabi had a dog name HENRY until 3 years ago~??!! say what, so what happen to CHARLIE~? And Dae have a pet cat?! Wonder if he still have it~ Show that lovely creature to us DaeDae-ah~! ^_^

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Guest propera898

Big Bang tops the Oricon Chart with Tell Me Goodbye

by rameninmybowl on June 16,

“Phenomenal” would perhaps describe this the best – boy group Big Bang’s Tell Me Goodbye has officially risen to number 5 on the Oricon Chart, a major Japanese music chart based on sales and popularity.

The scope of this achievement is undoubtedly huge, as it’s quite rare for K-pop stars to place in the chart at all.

To give a brief description of the track, Tell Me Goodbye is currently being aired weekly on the Japanese-dubbed Korean series, IRIS. The program hasn’t been getting much viewers as anticipated, but its soundtrack sure seems to be garnering quite a lot of interest. Nevertheless, great job to Big Bang!

source www.allkpop.com

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Guest honey_co2315

A Hundred Q&As about Big Bang on The Television

PART I. A Hundred Different Faces of Big Bang

With our exciting Q&A session that focuses on love, members etc, we will present to you the private side of Big Bang!

⑵ If Big Bang was a family, who would you choose to be the father/mother/eldest son/second son and the yougest child?

GD: Me: father, Seungri: the youngest son, TOP: baby, Taeyang: Mother, Daesung: the eldest son.

T.O.P: GD: father, Seungri: uncle, myself: baby, Taeyang: mother, Daesung: the eldest son.

SOL: GD: Father, Seungri: someone who lives next door, TOP: baby, myself: mother, D-lite: the eldest son.

DL: GD: father, Seungri: the youngest son, TOP: second son, Taeyang: Mother, myself: eldest brother.

V.I: GD: father, myself: second son, TOP: youngest son, Taeyang: Mother, Daesung: eldest brother.

⑷ If you were a female, who would you consider to date among the members?

SOL: Daesung. We share the same room in Japan and he always listen to my consultation.

DL: Taeyang. We can discuss music, and since we have common interests, I find him really easy to talk to.

⑼ What kind of clothes do you want your date to wear?

SOL: Denim jeans with flat shoes.

⑾ What is your charm point?

SOL: Hairstyle.

⒀ Your ideal bride should be...?

SOL: I have not thought about it yet. I even do not have a girlfriend.(Smiled bitterly)

⒁ How many mails on average do you send in a day?

SOL: I rarely send mails.

⒅ What's your favourite dish made by your mother?

SOL: Doenjang jjigae,a stew-like Korean traditional dish, made with Korean soybean paste.

question #2, they certainly know their position in the family... just thinking, top should be the hyung right? since he is the eldest.. oh, maybe he doesn't act like his age... gd is the father, yb is the mother... they make such a good looking couple... ok, now i'm imagining,,, gd is the strict father who plays around with his sons and yb is the soft, gentle and caring mother who doesn't seem to get mad at all... :wub:

question #4, what do you call a yb-daesung couple? i've heard about gdyb and gri...

question #9, oh, youngbae,, i actually wear that to school... we can have dates after school just ask me anytime...

question #11, yb, your charm point is your smile... it brightens up a very bad day... believe me! your smile on my phone's frame saves me from breaking down...

question #13, cmon,,, don't be so bitter not having a girlfriend... it will come... just wait for me.. we'll meet soon... wait- you'll meet her soon...

question #14, we're the same yb... i rarely send mails too... we should really get together...

question #18, *googles how to cook it* yb, i'll cook it for you since you hardly find time to spend with your mom...

the boys are oh-so charming in many ways! they charm me everyday with those smiles, expressions... i'm such a fan girl now and it's all because of them!

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Guest karendm

Yup, when I translate it it comes out to "The big bang theory" so I guess they're fans of the show.

As you wish :)

Thank you! Thank you! This made my day :w00t:

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Guest Kushi

Mmm I was browsing youtube and I came across a video, a fancam of Daesung and Hyori's 'How did we get' rehearsal.

Daesung and Lee Hyori How Did We Get Rehearsal Fancam VIDEO

CR : riisecool178 @ YT

* Darn, I love Daesung's ad-libs so much, he did one differently than the broadcasted one, at the end.

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Guest Bongs

question #4, what do you call a yb-daesung couple? i've heard about gdyb and gri...

Taeyang and Dae = SunDae cause y'know Taeyang means sun. :D

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@ honey_co2315

I prefer SunLite called by BBVIP~ its sound so cute and totally suits them~

Bae is the "sun" and Dae is "lite" taken from his Japanese stage name D-Lite~ kkkkk~ :P


[TRANSLATION] TOP’s 10AsiaE Interview – A Boy Like A Flower, A Man Like A Weed (100616)


Before a flower, now a weed,” this phrase was on my mind as I was on my way to interview TOP. It may have been because I could remember TOP’s performance on MBC “College Music Festival” from two years ago. TOP had performed Craig David’s ‘Rise & Fall’ with Kim Hyun Joong, and ‘before a flower, now a weed’ was a verse in his rap. “The homework is a subject on time / you can’t be distracted for even a moment, it’s prideful / if anything, red hot youth is courageous / before a flower, now a weed.”

Rise & fall, before and after, and flower and weed. This rapper was able to show off a self-composed rap on stage with his best friend outside of Big Bang, and show a different a side of himself despite being in a largely popular idol group. He had gained more experience performing underground rather than as a trainee in YG Entertainment (YG), and though he debuted as a member of an idol group, in the documentary series following Big Bang’s debut, he wore an expression of worry about not being able to dance instead of one filled with confidence. The reason for TOP fans’ mania as he performed alongside Uhm Jung Hwa was not because he had donned a sleek suit and had seduced them with the words, “The girls here see my gestures and feel the attraction.” The highlight came soon after when he proclaimed, “Where could truth go,” and “Sometimes you lose yourself as you get pulled along, where is there such a thing as a smooth life.”

24-year-old Choi Seung Hyun, protecting his heart

Of course, you could say everything is for the image-making of this idol star. Or you could say that it’s just a short verse from a rap. You could say that his listening to classical music in order to find that moment to commit to his character Oh Jang Bum of Into the Gunfire was all a useless front. But where could truth go. You can’t make up a fake image, not only for a repetitious interview that lasted for days, but one that has an attitude that doesn’t want to give conventional answers. His effort to answer all questions sincerely and share his personal stories was sometimes to the point where the interview had to be paused for a moment as he fell deep into thought. The conversation with this idol in his twenties, who was able to share that he was emotionally lonely as a child, that because he was a wanderer he enjoys collecting figurines since they are steadfast, and that there had been a time when he would sugarcoat himself because he was afraid the public would dislike him, was fascinating rather than fresh. Like a flower blooming in a field of weeds, for the past two years he had been protecting his heart amidst his activities in Korea and Japan, with singing and acting.

And so when TOP describes acting as “a way to find myself,” as he did with rapping, it doesn’t sound like something he says to sugarcoat himself. His character Chae Moo Shin of KBS “I Am Sam” was a slick high school student who was good at both fighting and school work. But TOP portrayed Chae Moo Shin as a shy boy, unable to freely speak to the girl he liked and unable to freely participate during class. The image of Chae Moo Shin, who expressed himself with rap rather than with words, overlaps with that of TOP in his teens, as he sat at his desk writing rap lyrics in anxiety. Just like Big Bang’s TOP can be considered an artificial character made up of the ideals of rapper Choi Seung Hyun, he played the part of Vic of KBS “IRIS” as if he were an artificial character that could be seen in A Clockwork Orange. Of course, there’s no need to make a fuss saying his acting is better than that of the pros, or that he has a tremendous talent. But there’s also no need to think of his acting as just an idol’s side job.

Whether it be acting or rapping, where could TOP go

And so, apart from criticism or controversy about films, TOP, who plays the part of student solider Oh Jang Bum, shows one of the most exciting moments of his personal career in Into the Gunfire. Not Big Bang but by himself, not with a short rap but in a two-hour long film that centers around him, he is not idol star TOP but a soft and delicate flower that boldly opens up after looking inward for awhile. A story of a young boy, who transforms into a soldier that fires a gun without rest due to a war, is pretty typical. But in Into the Gunfire, the moment where Oh Jang Bum is most noticeable is not at the end when he becomes a war hero as he fires at North Korean soldiers, but when he wears an expression of despair as he is thrown in the middle of a war with bombs detonating at his side. The transformation of an introverted teenage boy, who is unable to say a single word to the nurse taking care of him, into a lieutenant that leads the student soldier troops is reminiscent of TOP, who had put up with anxious teenage years before becoming a top star in his twenties. In Into the Gunfire, TOP’s fans will be able to clearly feel his hardships come through, and everyone else will be able to see a flower-like smile from TOP, who seemed like he fit into a weed-like image.

Obviously, Into the Gunfire won’t give TOP completion or a moment of reaching his peak. It took a long time for him to show himself as Big Bang’s rapper, through various solo stages, and now through his three works in acting. And TOP recently released a teaser of his solo album, in which he is wearing a suit and is surrounded by girls. Now, he is going from actor Choi Seung Hyun back to rapper TOP. But whether it be acting or rapping, where could TOP go. As time goes on, he is slowly showing more of himself that is neither rapper, nor actor, Choi Seung Hyun, nor TOP. Portraying self-written lyrics that are delicate as a flower with an image that is like a persistent weed.

Taken from:: 21BANGS~

Source:: 10.AsiaE

Translated by & Credit:: Seungie Tumblr


this totally reminds me of Tabi's AWESOME speech from 2008 MKMF~ :)

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Guest andloveyelledno

T.O.P: Lighter. I always lost it so I carry several with me.

Well, this puts to rest the question of whether TOP still smokes.

Lots of Gdragon loving from Seungri :D And SunDae, my other OTP <3

LOL they picked Seungri as the neighbor again. From what the other members have said, he seems to always be off doing his own thing apart from the members.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Big Bang debuts as #5 on Oricon chart and #2 on Mnet chart


Previously i reported on how it was a tough battle between ss501′s Love Ya and Big Bang’s Tell Me Goodbye for the #1 spot for most viewed in June. Big Bang is staying strong in the #1 most viewed spot.

Yesterday, ‘Tell Me Goodbye’ has been included in the Oricon chart and Mnet chart. Big Bang comes out strong at #5 on Oricon chart and #2 on Mnet chart. Our boys are doing great!

If you happen to download the screensaver for ‘Tell Me Goodbye’ you can also stay tune to the rankings.

C: xiao de @ ibigbang

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Guest JiAhUiis

And this month continuing on is TOP's MONTH! WOOO!~ Totally <3-ing it! HEE!

Anyway, Could anyone tell me how do I apply for VIP as an Official Club member? As in the KVIP thingy. I really would wanna join as a member. But have no idea how to.

Anyone able to tell me?

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Big Show 2010 Live Album out on June 23


Here's the track list:


01. Lies (Hitchhiker Remix)


03. Koe wo kikasete

04. Hallelujah

05. Strong Baby (Hitchhiker Remix)

06. Where U At

07. How Gee

08. STYLISH - THE FILA (Perry Remix)

09. Cotton Candy

10. A Fool's Only Tears & I Don't Understand

11. Foolish Love & Oh Ma Baby

12. Remember

13. Stay

14. Haru Haru

15. Heartbreaker

16. Heaven & Fool

17. Sunset Glow


01. TURN IT UP - TOP Solo

02. Hallelujah

03. STYLISH - THE FILA (Perry Remix)

04. Lying (Hitchhiker Remix)

Booking period: June 17-22

Reservations via YG E-shop and other on and offline stores

Release date: June 23

Price: 14800 won (depending on point of purchase)

Taken from:: BIGBANGUpdates~

Source: YGBigbang via 권부장@bestiz

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Guest falling5tar

YGEshop is selling "Tell Me Goodbye" single and "Big Show 2010"!! Pre-sale from 6/17-6/22. However, it says everything's soldout at the moment??

Maybe someone who can read korean can clarify?

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Guest missARROGANT

A Hundred Q&As about Big Bang on The Television

Thanks you^^

Like the japanese interview...kawaii

...lots of luvs going on there sunDae, GRi< 333

⑷ If you were a female, who would you consider to date among the members?

GD: Myself. If I do not like myself, I will be unable to continue my career.

...Typical LEO! Confidence overflows <_<






credit: bestiz

Source BSX Naver Blog

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