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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest sryche

If it ain't so bad, I would like to invite vips and blackjacks to become authors, contributors, translators, artists at a new BB fansite that we have that is in HERE

Please leave me a private message if interested. Thanks!

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Guest g-dragon1988

OMG!! I just cannot stop smiling!!*o*~~His hungry face is so adorable that I thik I'm just gonna die right nowㅠㅠAh those eyes..that finger in there..OMG..*___* Eat me, eat me JIYONG!!! I can be your food! ~Or I can make you food, ok? yeeey~~

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

GD's face looks so funny, but HOT at the same time! LOL...

He's hungry for some meat?! hehehe....

DS's rival is TOp's bff Kim Hyung Joong!? LOL...I'm sure he was just trying to be funny...XD

With my limited knowledge of Korean, I believe he's saying something along the lines of he's preparing for Big Bang's album or something like that....I wonder if that's the reason why Shaun came back! (?)! I seriously hope so!~!! OMG! I hope someone would give us a full translation! XD

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Guest evilgary

lol gdragon's hungry looking face is really funny to watch

I can understand the awkwardness between daesung and onew as i don't think the both of them knew each other really well too

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Guest OnJong

Sorry, sorry-------------your post was so damn long that I had to cut the meaty parts out! Don´t be mad now, I´ve left the ones I want to clarify and answer further, since your (very long and good) post represents most of what I´ve read over the last three or four pages ...........so this should not be a problem.


With most songs they (mostly GD) write and compose, BIG BANG has to make sure that the melody, lyrics....ect will appeal to the masses.

I remember hearing GD say so himself. He mentioned how a bunch of the more serious hip-hop, rap-songs got cut because they simply didn´t have the appeal to sell- and that he sometimes feels bad for not being able to do such kind of songs.

(Remember the interview in whch he also mentioned that TY and him were shocked when they found out what YG had in store for them------he even mentioned wanting to change companies himself.)

With compromising their songs, I also meant that they tweak their songs in a way that will appeal to young girls especially. They have started to pursue the romantic route and what I would call really "cheesy" songs. "Haru Haru" is just cringeworthy to me----I can´t watch that video.

Now---before anyone starts with it-----there is nothing wrong with appealing to young girls and such. There are singers who dedicate whole albums to one girl (love) alone- BUT- there is "Haru Haru" romantic and (for example) "Arizona" (Kings of Leon) romantic-----the latter is pure style, while the first is cheesiness overload.(To me)

Simply comparing their solo- albums and songs to everything they´ve done in the past two years shows the stark contrast- to me. Real quality is something else. So of course, I will refrain from praising something like "Gara Gara Go" the same way as "Sinners", "She´s Gone" or "Friend".

The difference in quality shows greatly.

To put it more blunt---------I would have compared BB to the BlackEyedPeas before--------------whereas now they pretty much stand on a Justin Bieber level. To me.

They sell---------oh, no doubt about that. But really now----------I want the quality back.


I am not saying this because I want them to sing a certain way----I mean----hell yeah, I have my preferences, but I don´t mind waiting until they release something more to my liking. It´s really just the whole vibe that sticks out to me right now.

Imagine Britney Spears being all underground rap for example!? That would simply be s.t.r.a.n.g.e.

(Don´t take this too seriously here------this should simply pose as another example of how radicale BB change appears to me)

To close this----------yes, I really like BIG BANG---------I am not a hater or jealous or anything like that. I like to talk, and hear peoples opinions on all kinds of things. I hate writing over the internet, for it clearly takes away the "tone" and colour of a comment------I never get angry over comments left here, I never feel attacked.

I write in peace.........

I basically agree with almost everything you said but I had to cut this post to the main focuses of what I mostly agree with. I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups. Right? Of course thats right. But personally as a music lover. I go for quality as well and I think they have compromised the quality alot over the years. I dont exactly blame them for that. But they went from really great beats (brave brothers) to beats that were just semi ok (teddy) no offense to teddy but they should maybe work with some other people so things can be more precise and crisp. I know they are growing up and cant always do the same type of music. Which is cool with me cause I like change. But please try not to compromise the quality of the music just to sell it. I saw something TaeYang once said that he wanted to do better quality music and not stuff that just makes them popular. I have alot of respect for Tae Yang for doing so. I respect GD for writing the music he does. I just wish he couldve used more of what he wrote that YG wouldnt let him use. Im not starting a fight just wanted to show Miared that he/she isnt alone on this type of thinking. Oh and about Daesung and this is my personal opinion on him. I think he's the best vocalist in the group. Although I prefer Taeyangs soulful style over his. But to me Daesung has the best range.

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Guest Unnursvana

I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups. Right?

sorry to cut your post, this is an interesting question ^^

I am a teenage girl. 18 years old to be exact but I don't like Big Bang because they are hot and that was never the reason for me to get into them. I liked/like the music that they made/make and I love there personalities and that come before looks for me. I didn't start to think that they were hot until I really got into them and saw them on variety and music programs and read there interviews. When you get to know the person better you will find them more attractive right?

That is the reason why I don't get into so many boy band, because I couldn't care about the ab showing or there looks. Looks or hot guys are not the reason for getting into K-pop for me, it was the music that was appealing to me. That is also the reason why I tend to get into girl groups more, I am more for that kind of music and I like many of there personality's.

BTW I am not bashing you if you think that. I just had to point out that I don't like them for there looks ^^

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Guest andloveyelledno

Let's pretty this page up





I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups.

How do you know? hehe...We did an age survey? I'm 25 and while I drool over them just as much as anyone else, ultimately i'm in this for the music. That is why Big Bang is the only Kpop male group I follow even thought others also have the looks. And it's funny because when BB first debuted, everyone called them the ugly ones. They gained the second biggest fanclub in Korea not with looks, abs, or manufactured personalities but with their music.

So i'll just point out that "quality music" is subjective so just because someone many not share your view of it, it doesn't mean they're only here for the superficial.

I think it's obvious that after "Lies" became such a huge hit, they started to incorporate more pop into their songs. Especially the ones that were released as singles like Haru Haru (Whose video is definitely melodramatic but I don't see what that has to do with the song itself) and Last Farewell (The chorus esp). But they still delivered great quality songs like "A good man", "I don't understand", "Remember", "Until Whenever", most recently "Hallelujah", etc. Even when it comes to their Japanese tracks, I think "Stay" alone is one of the most beautiful songs they've ever done. Basically, I think the amount of not-so-great songs they have done are in the minority...otherwise I wouldn't be here.

As I said before, I think they've finally reached a stage in their career where they don't have to try to appeal to the masses. A time where they can experiment and push it to the next level without worrying about getting/losing fans.

YG seems to gives them free reign on their solo projects but he obviously restricts what they can do as Big Bang. So I hope he realizes this and allows the band to continue evolving without compromising ANY of their artistic visions. All in all, i'm really excited to hear their next album.

I agree about Teddy, I love the guy but he's been pretty much doing almost all YG songs lately. From TY's solo work to 2NE1's album. One man can only come up with so much, so fast, before he starts losing his touch. I hope they use their other very talented producers for this one.

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Guest itszmaeee

I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups.

Actually anyone at any age can think Big Bang is hot. Not only teenage girls. Most VIPs, like me, like Big Bang not only for their looks but mostly for their music and talents. Let's say about 10% looks, 40% talents and 50% music is what Big Bang is to meeee. Big Bang is not just why "most teenage girls like boy groups because they're hot". Big Bang is not just any other idol group. They don't need to flaunt their body out in the open to be considered hot or talented. They don't roll that way haha.

Most people here consider Big Bang hot in a sense of their music being HOTTT! Haahaha.

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Agreed with Unnursvanan, itszmaeee & andloveyelledno

BB are definitely good looking guys and TBH i flip out [in agood way] everytime i see their pics but for me,their main appeal is not their appearance but their music. I love how their musics are different from other kpop singers/idols. fashions and other stuff are just a plus point on the side

Taeyang in his recent interview said that he's new album; which is coming out soon, will only consist of songs that is his style [RnB] and i also believe GD's Heartbreaker album was his style. Am pretty sure by now, BigBang can voice their opinion on which songs they want in their album since they compose some of their songs.

Taeyang might have said that he wants to make better quality music and not only the one's that can make them popular but it doesn't mean by that, he meant that the songs they have made in the past did not fit in "good quality" category. It can be interpreted in so many ways right?

edit: haha this time we have a healthy discussion going on ;]

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Guest toozdae08

I too think that Big Bang's quality of music is pretty high -especially compared to other kpop groups. I think they have better Korean songs then Japanese but they do have quality music. Stay, is a great example of an amazing quality song. And the list is endless for their Korean music. I think the problem may be that the songs that they decided to release, in terms of having a music video, isn't always the best and highest quality song on the album. I did see a slight decrease in quality when I compare some of their earlier Korean stuff to the Remember album or their Japanese stuff. However, it wasn't as much a decrease in quality as a change in style - more techno, club beats. However, Stand Up was an amazing mini album and came out around the same time.

I agreed that YG needs to start using different ppl besides Teddy but I think that we will get that with their next album. YG just got about 4-5 new producers this year, plus they have Choice 37, Kush and Perry is back (THANK GOD). I expect great things and a change in style for the next album (especially with Perry back). I personally think that Teddy is a great producer but he is burned out, he was YG's main producer for about 2 years - producing Big Bang, Taeyang and 2ne1.

Also, what has always attracted me about Big Bang is their music and they are the only Kpop group/musician that I follow. If I wanted to go after a group of sexy men with crappy music there is an endless list to chose from (and I wont name names) but I loved Big Bang's music first and then fell in love with them. And I'm 20 by the way.

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Guest andloveyelledno

Perry is actively working again?! Since when? I pray that he's working on BB's stuff. Also, I think Choice 37 is extremely talented and would like to see him get more projects.

Since everyone has different tastes here, what would you like the guys' next album to sound like? I confess, i'd like less pop and more r&b/hiphop. I thought Tell me goodbye was a step in that direction and loved it. And no auto-tune! I know they pretty much started that trend in Korea so I hope they will also be the ones who put an end to it.

How on earth can they cover the concert and not show Big Bang? But you can see TOP with the cast and get a better grasp of what went on. Loved seeing all the VIPs in the audience...although they were probably outnumbered by the dorama loving ajummahs :D

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Guest omgshinshin

I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups.

Personally as a music lover. I go for quality as well and I think they have compromised the quality alot over the years. I dont exactly blame them for that. But they went from really great beats (brave brothers) to beats that were just semi ok (teddy) no offense to teddy but they should maybe work with some other people so things can be more precise and crisp.

Oh and about Daesung and this is my personal opinion on him. I think he's the best vocalist in the group. Although I prefer Taeyangs soulful style over his. But to me Daesung has the best range.

Firstly, I somewhat feel okay after reading that revised post of Miared. It seems that after seeing the hurt reactions of the posters in this thread, she has re-written her entire post. Reading it now, it reads better. This is what the posters in the thread wanted, for her to word her statements differently so as not to cause any misunderstanding in their meaning.

Second, I'm 21. Well, almost. I am 20 and Big Bang is one of the two only Kpop group that I like.

The first time I saw them, I wasn't really hooked. I thought they weren't really marketable because of their not so pleasing looks. If you watch their documentary, you'll get what I mean. Taeyang (Taekwon) still has that hair, GD was cute but not really 'goodlooking', TOP (Tempo) was decent, Daesung was cute but that was only carried by his personality and Seungri was a valid 'cute' without accounting other factors in.

Groups were debuting left and right and I didn't really pretty much care.

But seeing their debut stage got me hooked.

I'll admit it wasn't because of the music.

It was because of their stage presence.

In my opinion, talent can only get you so far. No matter how much talented you are, if you do not have "it", you're not really going to get far. After that, I re-watched their documentary and was surprised to see them in a new light. they really do have the makings of a star.

Now, their stage presence has opened up my liking for their music. They carry their songs with so much of "themselves" that if another group is to perform it without "their flair", it wouldn't be the same.

Imagine if Lies was sung by another group, would it have been as big as a hit?

The songs that they have come out really is just a matter of good choice. They have a lot of quality songs in their albums and mini-albums. You just need to look at who wrote it. And yes, as much as I love Teddy, he needs a Time Out. YG also knows this because they are having open auditions for producers. I'm excited that YG'll be working with other producers this year :) Perry, YES Perry! I didn't know he'll be working this year!

In the matter of vocals, i think this is one of Big Bang's strengths - no two different voices are alike. And I think, this is why GD's songs suits BB a lot, because he knows who he's writing for, and he knows who's vocals is best for this part of the song. He's not only writing for anybody, he's writing for Big Bang.

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Guest piano.1993

I am a bit disappointed too because there is hardly any BB in the clip :( PD nim you missed out on the most exciting part <_<

"Discussion" again :o Hope nothing bad/regretful happens

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Guest andloveyelledno

Okay my last post of the day, I made gifs of the video. LOL what is up with Bae? Being so carefree and goofy in public! I'm shocked ;)




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[star Diary] Taeyang⑩ “Rather than becoming the best, I want to become a singer with meaning”

Smooth charisma, a heart devoted to the stage. Reliable singer Taeyang, what is his dream.

“I don’t really know if this dream is big or small, but I want to stand on stage for a long time and unchangingly always give it my all.”

It may be a simple dream, but his eyes were filled with pride as a singer. If he had gotten to this point only looking ahead, now he has the time to look around him.

“Before I wanted to be someone who anyone could recognize, I wanted to stand on the world’s greatest stage and hear people say, ‘That person is really great” about me. I still want to become like that. But now I’m starting to think that I just want to give it my all. If I do that, then I can become the best to someone.”

He shared that he wishes that the stages that he puts together would be a good influence to people. The idea of putting on a performance with good meaning comes to him often.

“I want to put on a performance that has a good message. Of course it’s something I can do only after I become better and gain more influence… but whether it be for children who are going through a hard time, I want to put on a show with that kind of meaning.”

Like his name, Taeyang is working towards becoming a singer who can shine a light to the world. Rather than becoming a bright shining star, Taeyang is taking one step at a time towards becoming an artist that is like brilliant and warm sunshine that helps grow and enriches all things.

“This year I want to put aside obsession and greed, and relentlessly work. Instead of working with just one song from my solo album, I think I’ll be relentlessly working on showcasing a lot of songs.”

Taeyang brings a smile to the faces of all who are watching him, with the way he leads his life with endless worrying and effort, his passion towards music, and the way he does not forget his heart towards others.

This is the last interview with Taeyang in this series. Stay tuned for T.O.P’s Star Diary interview series with asiae!

Source: Asiae

Translation: seungie@tumblr

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