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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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I love reading those fan accounts

about the guys.

TABI jumping around like one

hyper kid.& I was

laughing my heads off upon seeing

the way TABI walked towards Seungri

while pretending that he is a fan of Seungri.

Dorky TABI is back in action!

It is great to know that TODAE is

still as close as always.

Kwon Leadah is one amazing strong

leader & I am proud of him.


They took the #3 spot

for TOP10 K-POP songs of all time.

What's more it is a song that Kwon Leadah

took part in producing & composing it.

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Guest WintersRain

E-Talk with Shaun Evaristo Part 3/3 – “YG Family Family!”

From a man’s point of view, what are the personalities of each Big Bang member?

YB: thinks too much, nice, thoughtful, critical and hardworking. To me it seems like he only lets a few people into his mind.

GD: when I see him he’s always tired. I ask him from what and it’s always a different answer. Producing, recording, commercial, partying, etc. he’s always up to something. Seems like he’s ready to take over in anything he touches.

VI: confident. He believes in himself and that he’s capable of whatever he wants to achieve, at least this is what I see. Willing to help, and interested in anything dance related.

DS: quite. Respectful. Knows how to carry himself around anyone. Charming personality and funny when he comfortable.

TOP: shy, focused, chill, and works hard.

credit: CNBlue Storm

shaun really thinks highly of the boys~~~ XD lol, seungri's still the "confident" one, eh? lol ^.^

but seems like jiyong's really busy still... and he's sick too T.T it makes me so sad, and he looked so skinny at the eversense conference, even though he was still hella hot (XP) and he smiled a lot... take care of yourself, oppa! ^.^

did shaun say "partying"? i hope he's still taking breaks like that!! though now he's sick... so... T.T

SHOUTcast Blog :::: Top 10 KPOP Songs

3. Big Bang - 'Lies'

2. Rain - 'It's Raining'

1. Seo Taiji - 'Nan Arayo' ('I Know')

Like the Wonder Girls, Big Bang were launched into the KPOP stratosphere through a TV show about them, called 'Big Bang Documentary.' Unlike Wonder Girls, Big Bang are widely credited for updating KPOP's sound, and signaling its latest interest in electronica, though still filtered through the lense of upbeat hip hop stylings, as evidenced on 'Lies' off their first mini-album, 'Always.'

OH YEAH!!! BIG BANG FTW!!! i mean, third? that's pretty awesome, especially because they're after only Seo Taiji and Rain, who are pretty much legends!!!! YES!!! ^.^

big bang definitely revolutionize kpop with everything they do! hiphop, rap, electronica and autotune, style, everything!!! XP

thanks so much to everyone who shared the eversense pics!!!! <3333

love top's pants!! is he raiding jiyong's closet? lol ^.^

and taeyang's shirt - MJ!! XD

loved jiyong's outfit~~ they were all wearing such heavy clothing o.O glad jiyong decided just to go with the cardigan... it seems he doesn't handle the heat very well...

and it does seem like top's dorky side is acting up again lately, while jiyong's a bit more reserved, probably because he's sick... top's dorky side coming out is awesome, but jiyong, please get well soon and back to your normal hyper self too!! it makes me happy when all of the big bang boys are happy XP but esp jiyong, cuz i'm biased... lol ^.^

hands up seems nice! love the intro - "brand new world is coming... we are the world" *sigh* i'm so happy that jiyong can say "world" correctly~~ in top of the world... *shudder* i love that song, but... the way they sang world... can't wait for the full release!! i couldn't really hear much of it on the show, so i'm waiting eagerly!! XD

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something to do with MCM opening?

anyhow its tagged as number uno




TOP's Jacket


sorry if this one was not resized





THIS look on TOP's face is simply EPIC!

i actually find their "HUGGING" funny! i was LOLing at TOP's face


LIES @ Number 3 is just ♥♥♥

it was expected though since that was song was just

too popular and good to pass.

I wonder if they'll have a concert in Thailand soon ..kyaaa i hope so.

Mezamashi song was GOOD! HANDS UP for BIGBANG...

thanks everyone for the posts

E-Talk with Shaun Evaristo Part 3/3 – “YG Family Family!”

From a man’s point of view, what are the personalities of each Big Bang member?

YB: thinks too much, nice, thoughtful, critical and hardworking. To me it seems like he only lets a few people into his mind.

GD: when I see him he’s always tired. I ask him from what and it’s always a different answer. Producing, recording, commercial, partying, etc. he’s always up to something. Seems like he’s ready to take over in anything he touches.

credit: CNBlue Storm

Poor GD, i really find this so true. The guy have his hands on everything. JIYONGIE i hope you wont be too workaholic.

Im just wondering why he said YB only allows a few people into his mind..im seeing a different side of YB or maybe he's just the reserve type.

^^THUY!!!! haha.....bring benette and linh-chau back lol

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Guest kpoplover143

omg the boys look soo good in their recent activities abroad. Thank you for posting the pictures! Major hahas on TOP colorful pants and GD really loves his V-necks huh? LOL.. and ooo TY and rubble, hott!

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Guest crayonlines

Hi VIPs I'm a new soompier. Thanks everybody for sharing all the pictures from Thailand. The boys look great! Their bright outfits and playful attitudes made my day. I like seeing their interactions, the tori hug is adorable and Top's expressions are ridiculously, he made me

:lol:. Jiyong looks so good and although skinny he seems pretty healthy (but he had a hard time withstanding the heat, right?). Taeyang surprised me because he seemed direct with his answers to the event interview. I was left wondering if has changed because he no longer seems as shy as he used to be. Daesung looks so bright, I really admire his smile and the happy attitude that he brings wherever Big Bang goes. Seungri is such a cutie :') he has the looks of young boy even if he is growing up. I really like magnae :wub:

I appreciate everybody's effort in this thread. I always come here for updates :)

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Guest vulgarchic

omg the boys look soo good in their recent activities abroad. Thank you for posting the pictures! Major hahas on TOP colorful pants and GD really loves his V-necks huh? LOL.. and ooo TY and rubble, hott!

Oh btw, i was browsing the net bout my favorite member, SR, and i found this awesome article

I don't want to post the whole thing cuz i dont want the blogger to come at me so just read the rest of the article here >> http://tinyurl.com/yzsebkb

You know, I agree with the last part you posted about what the author said. I really got into Big Bang at the end of 2008 and Seungri was my least favourite member. I thought he was useless and had an extrmely irritating and nasally voice.

Then as time went by I just learned to ignore him really, he and Daesung didn't really make much of an impact for me, I just paid attention to TOP, GD and Taeyang.

However, recently, or should I say the day Strong Heart aired with him and GD I just immediately fell in love with him. Weird hey? I don't know, he just cracked me up and it was the time when GD went solo and became my fav member in BB so the chemistry between him and Seungri was just hilarious so I naturally came to love him :)

I find his personality so funny and cute... What Shaun said in his interview really summed up what I thought of him. He's so full of confidence and self belief which can sometimes be seen as arrogance but I don't feel like he's arrogant.

Taeyang always gets the spotlight of being the best dancer in BB which he is lol But Seungri is just as good, albeit in a different way. And I'm impressed with Aimee and Shaun's comments about him, how he always shows interest in anything related to dance and how he picks up the choreography the fastest. He also knows how to choreograph a bit, so I think he needs to be in the spotlight for his dancing a bit more :) I re-watched the dance battle between him and Taeyang. T was definately the best in terms of choreography and sawgger but I love watching Seungri dance too. He kind of reminds me of GD, they move their bodies similarly....Their bodies just flow and Seungri is great with partner work...I saw that in the dance battle and ELT concert. He should learn ballroom or something lol

Anway, I just wrote a whole essay but I should read the full article. I'm looking forward to the next BB album so I can see what Seungri has to offer instead of just ignoring him :)

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Guest shinhdeplol

me2day update from Lollipop Girl


HQ ver: http://me2day.phinf.naver.net/20100404_79/...34_me2photo.jpg

광고 사진으로 쓰였던 원본 사진 스리즈를 완성하려구요 ㅋㅋ 이번에는 멋진 웃음의 주인공 대성군입니다!! 극강화질의 원본 사진이니 크게 확대해서 보면 더 좋을거에요 ㅋㅋ

TOP's Turn It Up dance's preview in a BANGS episode???


C: 모형자 동차 @ BBVIPZ









C: iamsocute (http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/topic/A9076680/A9076680.html)

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* combined preview clips of Hands Up that Alla and Stardaisy212 posted on page 1078

Big Bang - TV Pro OST 'Hands up' (TV 10.04.03) 빅뱅 메자마시 OST

thx 5xrauren @ YT for the upload

V hmm i wonder if it's better to like first post a few photos and then post a link to the page where you got the photos from? Or is it like a forum where people have to register in order to see the posts? Posting all the photos in thumbnails are fine, but the last few pages were full with photos and thumbnails and it kinda slowed down the loading of the pages. Moreover if someone wants to save all of the photos, it kinda takes a long time to click on each thumbnail to see the real size as well.

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