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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest iAmTan_1

Times When I Felt Embarrased By Big Bang....

Wow....I have to agree with mirad. I felt embarrased during their Haru, Haru, Last Farewell, and Lollipop eras. I agree I do like those songs but the songs were either too overdramatic [Haru, Haru] or bubblegummy [Lollipop, Last Farewell] Just because Korea is 10 years behind doesn't mean I have to go back to the bubble gum era. I like the Backstreet Boys and Nsync and all the other boybands in the states like years ago. Looking at it in a Korean version was no better.

As far as the members individually...

I fell embarrased for Taeyang during the La, La, La era. I felt that he was OVER DOING it at times with the freestyle dancing, he came off as looking silly to me. :lol:

TOP, when he dance to the bubblegum music they did. He looked very silly doing it. :lol::huh:

Seungri trying to be cocky and he comes off looking stupid :(:mellow::huh: I understand he is the Magnae but when he tries to act cute I cringe <_<

As silly as Daesung is. I don't think he is embarrasing.

When GDragon wears woman's clothing and the SBS 2009 concert when he wore checkered high water pants, checkered blazer, the high plateform black and white shoes, and the spock hair cut. EMBARRASING!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::huh::mellow::mellow::mellow: I still love GD, though, even if I don't agree with his fashion sometimes.

VIP's, please don't fell offended. I love Big Bang and I was just honestly answering the question. I'm not going to lie to myself.

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Guest shinhdeplol


LOL he really looked the same hahahahhaa.

his expression is EPIC


C: partnervi.com // kungkang @ popcornfor2

All my relatives would just look at me and sigh...ㅠㅠ

I feel so bad for him. Remember the documentaries? His dad was like... didnt want to mention his name <_< I adore him for trying hard till the end ^^ And LOL @ the ㅠㅠ. I have never seen it in an interview before :lol:

Studying isnt my path

LOL I KNOW. Dumber isnt cut for studying :lol:

And I find it really strange how Dae did so many kinds of sports but he is like sooooo weak. He cant pick up a shovel properly :lol:

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Guest juang_bb

Link: http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno...030117261972543

[AsiaE Reporter Park So Yeon] When the group Big Bang first appeared to the world, people whispered that they were ‘ugly’ idols.

Daesung (22, Real name: Kang Daesung) in particular, who is famous for his (small) ‘smiling eyes’, flaunts such humble looks that he was once told by Kim Jong Kook on the SBS variety show ‘Family Outing’ that “If you were around in my time, you would never have been able to become an idol”.

But Yang Hyun Seok of YG Entertainment chose him for his ‘smile that lights up the world’ and unique voice, and he definitely did not make a mistake in his choice.

Daesung’s characteristic optimistic personality and friendly looks have earned him the appraisal that to the public, he seems like the friendliest and most easily approachable out of all the current active idol stars.

Asia E has interviewed Daesung and heard about his hidden efforts and the pain behind his smile as he worked towards becoming a singer as well as being accepted on variety shows.

From his childhood to the present, where he is active as a singer and actor, as well as his enormous yet trivial dreams for the future will be revealed through the ‘Star Diary’ [=name of this interview; GD’s was ‘Star Confession’].

”Before I did music, I liked sports. I played soccer in primary school but I had to give it up after stretching a ligiment in my knee. I still liked sports though so I consistently learnt Aikido and Taekwondo.”

The young Daesung was a normal but ambitious boy with many dreams, including becoming a soccer player and a pastor.

”I was born into my religion so there was a time when I even dreamed of becoming a pastor. So I studied really hard but I couldn’t get past the ‘wall of study’ in middle school. No matter how hard I tried, it was just too hard and I couldn’t understand it so I decided that ‘Studying isn’t my path’. (laughs)”

Under a normal office working father and deeply religious mother, he spent his school days faithfully going back and forth from school and cram schools. But like everyone else, he too hit puberty and his hidden talents were put in motion.

”I think it was in my first or second year of middle school, there was this thing called Internet Kareoke. Everyday, I relieved all my stress from school by putting on my headphones and singing. My parents always told me off for being loud so at night I would sing with my face smothered in a pillow.”

Daesung liked singing enough to smother his face in a pillow to do so. In his heart, his desire to sing grew and grew.

”Around about my second or third year of high school, my desire to sing grew so I told my dad. I told him I wanted to major in music in university and asked him to send me to a singing academy. But dad was really against it. There was a relative of ours who tried to become a singer but it didn’t really work out, you see. S/he even got a scholarship when s/he was in university, but didn’t manage to become famous as a singer. My dad had seen that and so he was determined to go against me no matter what when I said I wanted to become a singer too.”

Daesung felt frustrated but after contemplating for a while, he decided that his father would change his mind after seeing his abilities. He auditioned for MBC Academy and passed, then proudly showed his father his certificate [for passing].

”I was young and naïve, I thought he’d let me pursue singing if I was accepted into the academy. But dad said “Isn’t it just like any other academy where you just have to pay to get in?” and after that he wouldn’t even look at me. All my relatives would just look at me and sigh...ㅠㅠ [←this was really there, lol wtf] I think what drove me at the time was determination against my family who wouldn’t accept and my dream, rather than love for music.

Trans Credits: sjay.x @ BBVIP.net


those people who said they were the "ugly" idols must be eating their words now. look at how good looking and hot all our boys have become. daedae, aww..he just loves singing. His family especially his dad must be really proud of him now. Can't wait for the rest of the parts to be released.

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Guest shinhdeplol

LOL im in love with those Big Bang macros









C: http://community.livejournal.com/kpop_macros

Another cute accessory ^^



Polital Animals - Byte Bill by Fat Cat Inc.

C: Angel*Ne // http://big21fashion.blogspot.com/

I think the announcement about the Lollipop Girl and the Lollipop2 MV will be released this week :D Correct me if Im wrong :D

v It was posted last page already ^^

And you think that his eyes before were BIG? :lol:

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{TRANS} Daesung 10 Part AsiaE Interview Part 1- “I sang every night with my face smothered in a pillow”


[AsiaE Reporter Park So Yeon] When the group Big Bang first appeared to the world, people whispered that they were ‘ugly’ idols.

Daesung (22, Real name: Kang Daesung) in particular, who is famous for his (small) ‘smiling eyes’, flaunts such humble looks that he was once told by Kim Jong Kook on the SBS variety show ‘Family Outing’ that “If you were around in my time, you would never have been able to become an idol”.

But Yang Hyun Seok of YG Entertainment chose him for his ‘smile that lights up the world’ and unique voice, and he definitely did not make a mistake in his choice.

Daesung’s characteristic optimistic personality and friendly looks have earned him the appraisal that to the public, he seems like the friendliest and most easily approachable out of all the current active idol stars.

Asia E has interviewed Daesung and heard about his hidden efforts and the pain behind his smile as he worked towards becoming a singer as well as being accepted on variety shows.

From his childhood to the present, where he is active as a singer and actor, as well as his enormous yet trivial dreams for the future will be revealed through the ‘Star Diary’ [=name of this interview; GD’s was ‘Star Confession’].

”Before I did music, I liked sports. I played soccer in primary school but I had to give it up after stretching a ligiment in my knee. I still liked sports though so I consistently learnt Aikido and Taekwondo.”

The young Daesung was a normal but ambitious boy with many dreams, including becoming a soccer player and a pastor.

”I was born into my religion so there was a time when I even dreamed of becoming a pastor. So I studied really hard but I couldn’t get past the ‘wall of study’ in middle school. No matter how hard I tried, it was just too hard and I couldn’t understand it so I decided that ‘Studying isn’t my path’. (laughs)”

Under a normal office working father and deeply religious mother, he spent his school days faithfully going back and forth from school and cram schools. But like everyone else, he too hit puberty and his hidden talents were put in motion.

”I think it was in my first or second year of middle school, there was this thing called Internet Kareoke. Everyday, I relieved all my stress from school by putting on my headphones and singing. My parents always told me off for being loud so at night I would sing with my face smothered in a pillow.”

Daesung liked singing enough to smother his face in a pillow to do so. In his heart, his desire to sing grew and grew.

”Around about my second or third year of high school, my desire to sing grew so I told my dad. I told him I wanted to major in music in university and asked him to send me to a singing academy. But dad was really against it. There was a relative of ours who tried to become a singer but it didn’t really work out, you see. S/he even got a scholarship when s/he was in university, but didn’t manage to become famous as a singer. My dad had seen that and so he was determined to go against me no matter what when I said I wanted to become a singer too.”

Daesung felt frustrated but after contemplating for a while, he decided that his father would change his mind after seeing his abilities. He auditioned for MBC Academy and passed, then proudly showed his father his certificate [for passing].

”I was young and naïve, I thought he’d let me pursue singing if I was accepted into the academy. But dad said “Isn’t it just like any other academy where you just have to pay to get in?” and after that he wouldn’t even look at me. All my relatives would just look at me and sigh...ㅠㅠ [←this was really there, lol wtf] I think what drove me at the time was determination against my family who wouldn’t accept and my dream, rather than love for music.

Trans Credits: sjay.x @ BBVIP.net

Posted by xtlover15@DS's thread

sad interview..=((...the boys might be not that good looking when they debuted,

but now look at how hot and good looking they're..hehehe

I knew that DS's parents didn't support his dream in the beginning,I remember watching his dad was really mad at him and didn't want to see him..but when YG chose him to be in BB,his parents slowly understood and accepted his dream and saw his talent in singing,then,his dad came to see him singing at YG studio,I remember how happy DS was when he saw his dad^^...much love for DS^^


his eyes were big when he was a kid..O_O..now they're very small..-__-...lol

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Guest intelligirl

Oh, Dae's interview... I love him sfm ;___; The image of him singing with his face smothered in a pillow is...i have no words. Really, he's just amazing. His story is one of the reasons that I love Big Bang so much. He put in so much to pursue his dreams and had to overcome many obstacles to get to where he is today. Like looks, for example, it shouldn't even be a prerequisite with so much raw talent :mellow:. I'm sure Dae's beautiful smile and optimism will continue to help him along the way. I'm psyched to read more!

On a side note, I hope that the lollipop2 mv will be released early this week. I was kinda hoping to see it today. I'm excited though, maybe it will be out tomorrow.

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Reading Daedae's interview

can actually inspires anyone

to break out and pursue their

dreams with will & courage.

I do remembered watching

their documentary & that his

dad strongly disagree on his dreams.

But then I bet his parents & families

are proud of him right now being

a part of a group that have so much

influence in this industry.

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Guest ingabogovinanana

Awww. I just finished reading dae's interview. I love how the interviewer added "keke" into the middle of the interview. I guess it fits cuz I can totally imagine dae's laugh.

I wonder if he's gonna talk about the accident, since niether him nor the other members have really talked seriously about it. He's back to normal nowadays, but he did seem a little more serious and reserved when he first started working again.

I remember the interview the came out like a few days after the accident that asked something like "What was your worst experience?" and he had said nothing really bad had ever happened to him. :(

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we all noticed the Daum cafe numbers are slipping slightly right? we can show our support just by joining Daum and their fan cafe! here's instructions on how to sign up for Daum, courtesy of A-OH from the Wonder Girls thread. its really easy. :)

click this link


sorry to cut your post

thanks for this tutorial!!


is it posted??









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Guest miared

@miared Yep Male I is. I like Big Bang, their earlier songs were off the hook but now too much of their songs utilize too much of the American trend via BEP utilizing electronic beats rather than their awesomer Hip Hop and R&B beats like lalala or a fools only tear. The fascination for auto tune still bugs me and I really hope they lay low of that crap. Their choreography is also steadily getting better as well the potential is all their but the music HAS to go along with it to mesh well. But in all I like the group because of the music and the dancing and their personalities are quite the funny because you never know who is gonna act what at certain times like TOP or TY. I'm wishing that they come back stronger but with money at stake im doubting if they will bring it like bring something fresh hip hop or R&B but nonetheless if they do do well all the better fans because we are given better music and just another reason to support the group.

Hehehe----yeah, male you IS for sure, me see. B)

I too dislike autotune. All of the recent songs sound like a mixture of 1990-2001.........and I´ve had enough of that as well!! All the american songs right now sound like a repeat.

Yup, yup..........sadly the money is in their favour............why change the formula if it fills their pockets like this, right? Still-----I won´t give up hope! And I am eagerly awaiting everyones SOLO as well!

(For some reason, BIG BANG never felt- and still doesn´t feel like a typical "boyband" to me. But they have their moments.....)

But do tell me, what where your thoughts during their "Haru Haru" period? And do your male friends listen to "boybands" as well?

Times When I Felt Embarrased By Big Bang....

Wow....I have to agree with mirad. I felt embarrased during their Haru, Haru, Last Farewell, and Lollipop eras. I agree I do like those songs but the songs were either too overdramatic [Haru, Haru] or bubblegummy [Lollipop, Last Farewell] Just because Korea is 10 years behind doesn't mean I have to go back to the bubble gum era. I like the Backstreet Boys and Nsync and all the other boybands in the states like years ago. Looking at it in a Korean version was no better.

VIP's, please don't fell offended. I love Big Bang and I was just honestly answering the question. I'm not going to lie to myself.

Oh my Gooooooood----------------did you just insult me over there????? :ph34r::ph34r:

(But hey, as far as I remember N´SYNC had some pretty epic killerstages in their career)

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[HQ] BIGBANG「Lollipop2」Director's Cut!


TOP is so cute ^^

OMG,thanks for sharing..!!

so this is the director's cut..

is this mean that this is not

the part that are include in the real MV..

if that's so,than its so cool..!!

we gonna got to see more from this

in the real MV..!!!

BTW,why I gotta the feeling the MV is gonna

be release tomorrow or the day after..??


you know YG,he love to drop things out

unexpectedly.. :P

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Guest chaq_momiji

wow... finally unlurk here after years... hoho..

nice to meet all of you amazing VIPs!!!!!


about lollipop2 MV:

hmm... from what I read on bigbangupdates last week,, If I'm not mistaken,, Lollipop2me2day informed that the lollopop2 MV will come out around this week.. early this week I remembered... hehe...

after watching the director's cut and self camera version,,, I have a feeling that the MV will come out tomorrow... :D

well, maybe that was just me desperately wanting them so much.. :D

anyway,, I'd always want to say BIGBIGBIG thanks for all of you who's always here providing VIP anything bout BB...

I'm sooo thankful.. :D:)

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Guest bengala

// random // Some comments here reminded me that I miss the HARU HARU days =), I know some of you feel embarrassed? lol, but man, those days were awesome. Haha, the video, the performances, the song itself of course and maaan, the parodies!! I've lost count of how many parodies (mostly made by male fans) I've seen, xD.

sigh <3.

And Dae's interview <3 ILUSFM Daesung.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Isnt he cute??? ^^ *its PTS-ed, dont misunderstand*


C: MinT // 바콩준 @ DCinside












C: 지용아 _ @ BBVIPZ

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Guest juang_bb

[HQ] BIGBANG「Lollipop2」Director's Cut!


TOP is so cute ^^

100302 BIGBANG「Lollipop2」Self Camera!


Thanks for these. I LOVE the director's cut. I love the close ups and everything. I can't wait for the MV. Hopefully, they'll release it later since they said "early this week."

Btw, i know im biased but there's so much TOP goodness in the vid. Love it!

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