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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Daily Music Charts:D-10

Dosirak: #5


Bugs: #7


Monkey3: #4


Mnet: #8


Melon: #7


Weekly Music Charts:22/02-28/02

Melon: #4


Dosirak: #4


Bugs: #2


Monkey3: #3


***Mnet hasn't released the latest weekly chart yet

***for Soribada,I need help from ncly or Mehndi^^

Cyworld Award Event:

:o the place was full with VIPs..soooooo many VIPs came to the event

more than 1000 fans I think..hehehe

all I can see is the yellow crown light stick :P

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Guest tetays

I can't join BB's cafe! it says "Time limit exceeded or wrong approach" blah blah. I successfully registered in Daum, just that I can't join BB cafe. Why so? It's sad. They are losing about 500 fans a day. If this continues, they would have to lose about 90,000 fans before they come back. That is soooo sad. Why is this happening?!

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i'm so happy! i just joined Big Bang's cafe in daum. it's easier than i expected! :) thanks for sharing the tutorial on how to join. even though i don't understand anything in daum, i'm still happy that i was able to join the Big Bang cafe. i hope other iVIPs join as well! :)

Congratulations for being included in the Top 5 Forbes ranking and for the award in Cyworld for Hallelujah!

Big Bang Fighting! :)

hopefully, the Lollipop Pt.2 MV will be out soon! :)

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Guest ilovearronyan

On afternoon of the 1st, at the Seoul Olympic Hall at Olympic Park, 2PM members Chansung and Junho attended the Cyworld Digital Music Awards 2009. While receiving their award, they were confounded as the fans shouted out Park Jaebum's name in unison.

Edit from Kpopside: The audio can be heard through this site. It's a VIP blog and she even said it was the VIP's chanting.

Read more: http://bigbangupdates.blogspot.com/#ixzz0gwMCoIVa

Prz Idk how to find the audio link in there,

someone find it??

Is this true?

I mean, come on, 2OD posted this up, they could have just found any scapegoat to blame on for breaking down...

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Guest SunRiseYB

Yay! I successfully joined Big Bang's cafe in Daum!! Kekeke I feel so proud lol. Thanks for the tutorial universe.

Now I'm gonna go inform my BB friends to join the cafe as well xD.. Wow feels good. Can't wait for the Lollipop MV!

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Guest miared

ok...so you don't like Big Bang? lol

Do you mean others as in other kpop artist or what?

Personally I think Big Bang's performances/MVs are the least embarrassing out of some of the other groups.

I'm only embarrassed by GD's short shorts other than that I think they can pull anything off. Maybe Seungri's overconfidence is a little embarassing at times but its ok in small doses. TOP and Tae Yang are too cool to be embarassing and Daesung is just goofy lol so no embarrassment from that.

Hey-----hey-------------- :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: ---------I like them, I do. Why else would I spend time on this board? Believe it or not-B.U.T.-----it takes quite a while to write all those messages, and use all those playful colours------do you honestly think I would bother with all that hard work if I did not like them????

I meant that I would be embarrassed to watch some of their clips with my siblings. But that doesn´t really say much since I hardly ever make them watch specific clips I like. (My siblings and I tend to listen to the same music styles anyways, but still, every one of us has some "dark" secrets, which we don´t bother to show to the others that much. And trust me---if we do, all of us get equally FLAMED :ph34r: )

And even if I do, they make make me watch their gruesome bands as well from time to time.

So trust me, there is hardly a band or musician out there I don´t pick on for whatever reason (while watching). But it´s all in good fun, since I only show that kind of stuff to my siblings (I´m not the kind of person who walks around parading my music.) I get picked on by them and they get teased by me in return.

But yes, BIG BANGs clips and performances are some of the most normal ones out there.

Peace out ;T

to @miared:

I just wanted to ask you since I'm never ever a fan on your opinions.

What is not cheesy to you (music-wise) ? Can you give me an example (performance/song) ?

And what do you like about Big Bang?

OHO--------OHO--------OHO--------------- :excl:

Now you will have to promise me that you won´t use my examples to tear me off and misuse and/or abuse me! One thing first though! I just want to emphasise that everything I write here is merely MY (very personal and subjective) opinion. I am well aware that others dislike certain things I, for example, like and vice versa.So yeah........yeah, yeah..........freedom all over the world.

(Hehehe---I enjoy reading peoples opinions on such matters-----add this to my "Why I like BIG BANG" list as well!)

I am not really sure "clip-wise", since I don´t really watch all that much clips- I am more of a listener myself. But since I assume that you are talking about BIG BANG related stuff anyways I will give you some examples of clips I like.

"Goodbye, Baby"------- A pretty neat clip with a damn nice beat. I liked the beginning, the speed and the outfits. The theme was a good choice as well. AND----the girl wasn´t dying of cancer----as far as I remember.

Of course there were some cheesy moments as well. Daesung singing, and his poses- but it was all kept to a minimum. Though I have to admit......after I finally read the translated lyrics, I could not help but smirk at certain sentences- like TOPs,"You even ripped my soul."....ect.

But hey---------just so you know-----the number of songs which in my opinion do not contain cheesy lyrics, is limited greatly! And I am speaking about international music here.

"LaLaLa"----------------------- Always a good watch. Looked very american to me- and still does. Good melody, good song, neat clothes.

"Forever with you"--------One of my favourites. This one is high on my list, one for being simple, yet powerful in its delivery. And I believe that the lyrics were pretty ok as well.

"Oh My Friend"------------A really cool clip. And one that boys can watch as well.

I will cut the others short, since this would be a rather long list otherwise:

Clips I like:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The ones I don´t like, clip -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and/or music-wise :

"How Gee"------ I like street-settings. The dancing was to my preferences. Cool song.-----------"HaruHaru"....A big NO-NO.

"Where you at"------ Didn´t like it at first, but it grew on me. Nice song.---------------------------------"Last Farewell"...Bits of the ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------clip are allright though.

"Strong Baby"------- polished, expensive-looking clip. I like that.----------------------------------------- "Lies"...The lyrics and ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the overall messege...turn--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- me off.

Don´t have the time to come up with more right now!


As for their performances------------well----------I enjoy most of them. But I very much prefer the ones that don´t have them dancing like an über-boyband.

Their "Wild Wild West" performance was very good for example. They seemed so fresh and full of energy back then. The choreo was minimal and appealed to each members strenghts. PLUS-----------the feeling was just great.

I always enjoy watching their "VIP" and "LaLaLa" performances----and I like them best cimbined.

Their intro-stages are always well done, and pretty much all of those songs appeal to me. I liked their individual performance right after the Wondergirls duets.

Well......to put it simple. I always enjoy them being more freestyle rather than rehearsed. But I really can´t stand watching them dance like a boyband. Watching TOP dance like that is even worse. Lifting their shirts, doing overly cute moves.....stuff like that is a major no-go.

It´s more a matter of style actually.

TY, for example, can lift his shirt and rip his clothes off anytime he wants and it wouldn´t look boybandish on him. And no- I am not saying this because of his fit build. He simply looks cool doing that. It fits him and doesn´t look forced.


As for songs (alone) that I really enjoy listening to---------hmmm......

"Until Whenever", is in my opinion one of their best songs ever. And one of their most underrated as well, it seems. I really like everything about that one. The melody is very unique and fresh. The beat is good as well. The mix of the boys voices is arranged skillfully. I especially enjoy the combination of GDs and TOPs voices. Aaaand---most of all----the screams towards the end! (The "Eh-eh" and "ooh-ohh"s)

(If only it weren´t for the "Oh baby, don´t you cry my lady!"----it would have been perfect.)

I enjoy "How Gee", "Lalala", "WIld Wild West", "Leaders", "She´s Gone", "Friend", "BIG BOI", "Hot Issue", "Lady", "Turn It Up Now", "Sinners"-------------------aaaand every single one of their INTROS.

So.....to put it short again. I enjoy clips which look as though they havn´t been produced for the female audience alone. I like street settings. Hip-hop dancing, cool clothes and simple haircuts. Stuff like that.

And I have to cringe at the "girl has cancer- doesn´t tell her boyfriend" formula. I dislike them wearing too much eyeliner and eyeshadow. Their whole japanese (promotion) look was a single mess to me.

(NO shirt-lifting)


Now on to what I like about BIG BANG:

I like their characters the most. For this was originally the one thing that made me follow them. More than listening to their music or watching their clips, I have followed their interviews first and foremost at the beginning. They appeared so grounded and new back then. I liked watching them beatbox- sing live, and just fool around.

And still do.

They are very talented indeed. It was really fun to have been witness to their changes and breakouts. So yeah............what I enjoyed about them most, was the way they reached for their potential.

I like:

--- Their personas.

----- The funny interviews.

------- The interactions and jokes.

--------- The way they tease Seungri.

----------- Watching them change over the years.

------------- Watching their performances and dances.

--------------- Watching them change so drastically stylewise.

----------------- But I also very much enjoy talking with the people here-----and also talking about the things I DO NOT like about them from time to time. Because there will always be something I will not like. But that doesn´t mean that I hate them, or that my opinion can´t change. And what is so bad about not liking everything a band does? There are always two sides to a medalle. Discussing both is fun to me. And---as far as I know, I have, up to this point, never deliberately insulted anyone here or hurt them personally because of their opinions.(I have not!)

I have said this many times before, and I will say it again. I listen to a lot of music of various countries----BUT-----BIG BANG has so far been the only band I even cared to invest time the way I do now. Korean entertainers in general just have that special something that makes me interested to go beyond the watching on TV alone.

While I listen to bands as "Gorillaz", "Phantom Planet" or "Kings of Leon"-----I dislike almost all of the members. The bands themselves and the music they make are two very different things to me. I´ve simply never cared about the singer as long as the music was alright.

But with BIG BANG it´s kind the other way around. I don´t like a majority of their songs, but still very much like the boys as a whole. There are just a bunch of cool guys hanging around.

It seems that I do complain about a lot of the things they do, but that´s just the way I see things. I have never been to any other singers thread before. Of course there are time when I tend to overreact- but who doesn´t do that every once in a while? My temper gets me from time to time,but....oh well. I don´t come here to praise everything they do. I can´t say that titles such as "GARA GARA GO" are of the same quality as, for example, "Until Whenever". What´s the use of praising every single song they bring out when it doesn´t hold any truth to me?

When they brought out "Hot Issue" I really though that they would go even further with the next album music-wise. But the opposite happened. They were too bussy swimming in their newfound success, and rightfully so, but still, the music was kinda left aside because of that. That´s how I see it.

To use an example. I find myself humming a lot of their earlier songs, but the new ones simply didn´t leave an impression big enough on me to even remember the tune.

GD himself admitted that the previous two/three albums didn´t make quite the impact he had hoped they would- so even he knows that they can´t continue like this. I know that as far as their "idol status" and the korean audience goes, they are limited on certain issues. They have to compromise in order to appeal to the masses. I read that GD had to cut out the number of hip-hop songs even though he would have liked them on the album.

I understand that. I really do. Do you honestly believe that I am as simple minded as to believe that just because I dislike a certain genre others will think about it the same?

The new songs simply don´t appeal to me. But there will be a time when their new songs will hit my taste as well. And I am willing to wait for that. That is the reason why I save my praises. :ph34r:

I want to see if they will be able to really perform the kind of music they want to, regardless of what the masses want.

And that is also the reason why I enjoy their solos much more than anything they have done in the past two years as a band.

@Miared XD kekeke I think BB is your guilty pleasure funny posts I think there are many times I would feel kinda irked or embarrassed but it's all in entertainment fun. But like same as Miared I wouldn't watch BB with some of my friends cause their a bit to on the mainstream side and everything has masculine to them haha so seeing dudes on screen would already constitute as being g*** to them lol. But yeah just cause your embarrassed doesn't mean you appreciate the group any less I believe its just a preference thing.

You have me all figured out :ph34r::ph34r:

Of course I don´t feel embarrassed watching them alone---no matter what they do or wear. I simply love (notice the L word!!) korean (asian industr in general) industry! Their singers and actors just have something that makes them so likeable to me ---and that almost every other nation lacks.

SO you are a guy, right?

Then you would know that from a guys point of view BIG BANG would appear rather funny to watch at times. The "Black Eyed Peas" for example consist of three males, yet they are considered an "unisex" band.

And yeah--------------it´s all in good fun ;T :ph34r:

(Oh GOD-------this post is a monster!!!!Still-----I can´t promise it won´t happen again!!! :ph34r: )

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Guest annefreaks

I, too, have successfully joined their daum cafe. it feels like I made a great achievement by doing so. lmao

who would have thought it was this easy though? ugh! all the pain I went through trying to register before haha.

thank you so much universe + original source. ok VIPs lets get the number to 400,000+. lol

vvv Aw, I just went from :D to D: to |: to ): to ):<

oh well, thanks for clearing it up.

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i was signing up in Daum.. and of course.. as i wanted to sign up in BB's cafe.. there's this pop up thingy in hangul keep saying "to check cafe condition" and i thought all i gotta do is ans the question.. i wrote Gdragon,TOP,Taeyang,D-Lite,VI and i even wrote their names in hangul.. bt tht pop up thing still came out. and upon checkin it... i realise it NEED MORE thn jz the names of the member..it NEEDS the *infamous* SocialSecurity number as a safety precaution... :mellow: i believe most iVIPs hd experience b4 hand with korean fansites.. usually they need the socialsecurity no.. and this was no exception as well..

those who registered.. upon after answering the name of BB's member.. look at ur cafedaum.YGBIGBANG .. do have this showin?


if yes.. meaning ur not registered.. ---> and u click on it.. it will direct u too..

this page..


which u can see..--->

Cafe Register Condition.. and the.. 실명 확인하기▶ u'll see a page with it askin fr ur social security no.. and below.. the mistake, and maybe thts the reason why some of u didnt get the pop up is cz..

확인= OK 취소= Cancel..

*we are register in DAUM bt.. only in DAUM.. not BB's cafe.. =(*

:(as always whn dealing with korean websites. :(

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Guest iAmTan_1

we all noticed the Daum cafe numbers are slipping slightly right? we can show our support just by joining Daum and their fan cafe! here's instructions on how to sign up for Daum, courtesy of A-OH from the Wonder Girls thread. its really easy. :)

once you are all signed up for Daum, go to Big Bang's fan cafe here



you will be brought to this page. its a mini quiz to determine if you are a real Big Bang fan. the question asked was name any Big Bang member. i put Gdragon coz its the easiest to type haha


congratulations!!! you are now a full-fledged VIP :D every member counts. do spread this around, but remember to credit properly

Sorry to rain on anyones parade but 취소 means cancel. I think you have to pay for membership at daum cafe. For the people who "joined" if you pressed 취소, you didn't join you actually cancelled.

However, if you press 확인, that means to join [Hence, it is in BOLD] but then a message saying 가입조건을 확인주세요 which means Please check the sign conditions will appear. Can some who successfully join the Big Bang's Daum Cafe give us an accurate tutorial?

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Guest andloveyelledno

I was just coming to talk to you guys about this because I realized that the "sign up" button was still there after I thought I registered. And not to mention that their members number did not increase once I joined. I kept getting the pop up, thank for clarifying this Jyen. Hopefully someone will be able to help us.

VIPs dominated the awards! Did you see that audience? It looked like a Big Bang concert :D

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Guest yarg707

@miared Yep Male I is. I like Big Bang, their earlier songs were off the hook but now too much of their songs utilize too much of the American trend via BEP utilizing electronic beats rather than their awesomer Hip Hop and R&B beats like lalala or a fools only tear. The fascination for auto tune still bugs me and I really hope they lay low of that crap. Their choreography is also steadily getting better as well the potential is all their but the music HAS to go along with it to mesh well. But in all I like the group because of the music and the dancing and their personalities are quite the funny because you never know who is gonna act what at certain times like TOP or TY. I'm wishing that they come back stronger but with money at stake im doubting if they will bring it like bring something fresh hip hop or R&B but nonetheless if they do do well all the better fans because we are given better music and just another reason to support the group.

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Guest universe

Sorry to rain on anyones parade but 취소 means cancel. I think you have to pay for membership at daum cafe. For the people who "joined" if you pressed 취소, you didn't join you actually cancelled.

ohhh i never realised that! so sorry. i thought i was all registered there because i can access their boards. i will check with the creator of the tutorial and get back to you guys! i don't think we have to pay for membership at Daum though.

i love the Cyworld award show! its like, a YG family concert. haha. i think almost 80% of the audience are VIPs. i shall spazz more in GD's thread though haha. i actually checked the Cyworld yearly rankings for 2009, and Hallelujah wasn't ranked anywhere, if i had not seen wrongly. but Lollipop was #5. maybe they gave the award to Hallelujah coz Lollipop is a CF song?

and regarding the VIPs chanting for Park Jaebum, i think its actually started by a few kHottests, which led to almost everyone joining in. i dunno but i can't picture VIPs and Blackjacks starting this in other's fandoms.

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Guest bengala

Times when i felt embarassed by Big Bang?

Only when they do variety shows/interviews; they don't seem comfortable and end up being too awkward.. so awkward sometimes it's painful to watch... especially when they're in Japan.

It's basically their awkwardness, but I think I'll get used to it sometime. The rest usually makes me lol, not feel embarrassed.

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Guest ooxstacee

Daesung's childhood pictures! :)



cr: asiae/bigbangupdates

Mnet Super 100 Idols

1 – Big bang, Kwon Jiyong

2 – Wonder Girls, Sohee

3 – DBSK, Xiah junsu

4 – Big Bang, TOP

5 – DBSK, U-Know Yunho

6 – SS501, Kim Hyunjoong

7 – Fin.K.L, Lee Hyori

8 – SNSD, Taeyeon

9 – H.O.T, Jang Woohyuk

10 – DBSK, Micky Yoochun

11 – Big Bang, Daesung

15 – Big Bang, Taeyang

31 – Bigbang, Seungri

Original Article

-cr: bigbangupdates/bbvip

Ooh, congrats to the boys! Especially GD. <3

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OMG I think this means that Daesung's interviews are coming up next.

Ji did say Dae is next to be have a set of interviews and its from the same site.

He looks so cute as a kid.

Woo, dae looks cute and dorky when he was younger <3

And yes, the first part of his interview will come out on March 3rd, which is tomorrow

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Guest WintersRain

i tried signing up at daum, but whenever i try, i keep getting this popup on step 4 (this one:


i don't know what it says... but i think it has something to do with the name i put in there? nothing i'm trying is working... help please?


nvm, i put it in all caps and it worked... o.O



it's amazing that big bang won even though they weren't really active in korea (just cf's, and hallelujah wasn't even an official song, it was for the iris ost, right?)

and jiyong is DEFINITELY getting LOTS of <33333 from us!!! ^.^

it kinda surprised me that 2ne1 got so many awards though... o.O call me petty, or jealous, or biased... but i was really hoping jiyong would get one of the best artist/best song awards... :( oh well...


CONGRATS TO BIG BANG AND JIYONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333

that schedule for march... o.O so empty.... i don't know if i'm relieved or very, very sad... T.T i would be relieved, because they would be getting rest... but i know they wouldn't be spending it resting, they'd be working like crazy on their new album... and i wanna see them so badly!!!!!!!! >.< but i hope that if they really don't have anything planned for march, that they take good care of themselves even while working on this new album~~~ big bang fighting!!! <33

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