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Guest alicechan

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Guest alicechan

Well, It's not christmas or any special holidays but i just noticed something strange. That's right, I never made gifts for anyone ...much. Somehow, I felt greedy for keeping gift's all by myself. :blink: *stares at siggy* So yeah. Here are some gift's for you soompi buddies! :] I'm going to be updating this often.. So check back if your name is on the list.. <3


Blank! (Bae)

Velvet x Sky (Lynn)

starbrite (Noel)

bloo. (Bloo)

Beejeebo. (Gloria)

Yuusora (Sarah)

kathymon. (Kathy)

. SE7ENMiNE . (Janny)

.Aishi.teru. (Jessica)

baby--s (Sharon)

- s u i k a - (Quynh)

o8/OR;nothing. (Nai)

(Sorry if i dropped you out, I can't remember any anymore.

Please tell if i'm missing you out! T_T)

Blank! (Bae) Bunny wrinkles! Ah, The good times when we used to call each other with our nick names haha. XD You were my first soompi friend when i joined? I might end up being a loner if you didn't join in here. Thank you for being such a good friend through out all the year, It's been like 2 years we've met? Yeah. It was hilarious how we meet each other in the forums all the time LOL! TVXQ-Forever, IN:COMP, Boajjang, and Soompi. I love you bae! T_T <333 Here's Ruki & Saga for you!


(+ Image credit: Soompi's official Gazette thread)

Velvet x Sky (Lynn) Lynnie! Puahahaha. You've always been such a good friend! And you missed out me talking to myself at the convo yesterday too. I was also hyped up. *sigh* If you were there, You would've loved itt. <3 Thank you for being such a sweet, kind, careful, friend. *hugs* ^0^ ..and you deserve Reita for that!


(+ Image credit: Soompi's official Gazette thread)

starbrite (Noel) My lovely Shoe Hoe! You're such a friendly funny person. That's the #1 thing i love about you, Noel. You're such a pro, You shall make me more icons and graphics later hehe. <3 I wish i knew who you exactly liked. *sigh* so.. I just made BoA & Shi won banners. Kaka, I love you Shoe Hoe. Oh, Btw you should rub your foot/back with tofu more. It stinks like woah. >:]


(+ Image credit: Kr.image.yahoo + Boajjang)

bloo. (Bloo) BLOO LOSER~ When will you tell me your name? What's so secretable about your name, Hm? +_+ Forget that. Blooie, Thank you for the birthday present! I can never forget that. :] I also appericate your hard work on it too, Never really knew you will spend 16 hours for just my birthday. In fact, My birthday is nothing special but just a birthday. Wait, Why am i talking about my birthday anyway? o_O I'm moving on. *clears throat* I hate love you bloo! You get to have Ruki (Final Fantasy | Advent Children) from your pantiesssss~! <33


(+ Image credit: Advent-Children + Soompi's stock thread)

Beejeebo. (Gloria) GORILLA MY GLORIA. How can i ever forget you <333 You're like one of my favourite chatter on msn, Except i get sad when you talk unhappily. Don't overflow yourself with depressions, Gloria. You have me and others. Remember that. I love you! Keep up your awesome mad ps skills and make me more icons someday instead of peeling your banana's in the corner, gorilla bwahahaha. I didn't know what/who you liked so i used stocks, If that's okay. :x PM or IM me in msn what or who you like so i can re-make it with something. *loves* x)


(+ Image credit: Soompi's stock thread)

Yuusora (Sarah) Sarahsarah my sweetest unnie. ^0^ <333 How come you never get on msn anymore? We ony chatted for like 30/40 second and you had to go. T_T I want to talk to you on msn for oftenly unnie. *giggles like an idiot* Unnie, You don't need to make me anything anymore. My birthday is over anyways. xD In fact, I got a sweet heart warming birthday message from you. I don't need anything else. Just a "happy birthday" message fullfill me enough than ever. I also just realized i didn't make you anything for your birthday, I didn't know it was your birthday either! I'm a little late but.. Happy belated birthday ^^ I love you Sarah, I'm glad i found a friend/unnie like you! Your dong seng Jenny loves you x100. *sniffles*


(+ Image credit: Soompi's stock thread)

kathymon. (Kathy) KATHY!! sdfyhsdf;'sdfskfhklf <3 I miss you right now when i just chatted with you yesterday T_T.. I don't know, I miss people way too early. Especially youu kathy luff. From all these years you've been one of those best friend of the year (lol). Thank you for being a friend, Kathyyy. I love you kathy luff. See you on msn! kshdakslfyu;dsfjhkfhsjf? jklsdyhsjkgyou;!! ..what am i saying? :'D


(+ Image credit: Kr.image.yahoo + Soompi's stock thread)

. SE7ENMiNE . (Janny) *waves Hey Janny. =D I don't think i've made you anything before..? Well, I guess right now is the perfect time to. :] I never really IM you much, Right? I'm just a busy person psing all day who doesn't i'm people much as i use to. Please understand ._. and don't hate me so much for that ;3 <3 Janny, You've always been a great friend to me. Always make me laugh and smile with you silly idea's on Yunho haha. I'm still going to call your Se7en shrimp until i see a proof that he isn't. -0- All i know was that you liked Se7en, Won Bin, Lee Jun ki, Hyori, and Hyun Joong or Hyung Joon from SS501. I think i'm getting old, I get confused by names so fast. *falls* I love you Janny. Stay sexy like that. Keep that in mind that you're sexier than Se7en~ :]!


(+ Image credit: Kr.image.yahoo)

.Aishi.Teru. (Jessica) *shifty eyes* Jeshikang my lovely dong seng~ ;] Don't be so sad that you didn't recive so many presents, You at least had a family party while i didn't. So be happy. Partying with family is better than reciving from friends presents, no? Jaejoong one of your favourites, Right? Right. Hehe, I know who you like and who you not. Because i stalked you., I mean what?! :'D Stay happy as always and smile for the world! Puahaha, I love you loser pie bum. :3


(+ Image credit: Kr.image.yahoo)

More tomorrow or later today . . .

(P.S. Erm, The KB sizes are huge so if you're going to use them please resize. Sorry, I don't know how to low KB sizes. x_x)

- Jenny

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I love you jenny...T___T so talented, so amazing, so giving :tears: you're gonna make me cry T___T THANK YOU THANK YOU!<3 I heart you with my soul. I love the banners! so beauiful...-can't find any words to say at the moment- ZOMG I LOVE YOU. I missed out?! T__T noooo! I love jenny's personality. So friendly, talks to herself, funny, talks to herself, cute, WHO DOESN'T LOVE HER EH?! I love you, have i told you that? I want to cuddle with jenny :D AHAHAHAHAHAH :)

I am speechless at the moment...THE BANNERS ARE WONDERFUL, YOU TALENTED FOOL!

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Guest satisfaction!

Wow a lot of gift threads here on Soompi ^_^

Makes me wanna make gifts for other Soompiers .___.

LOL :x

ANYWAYS, your filtering's very vibrant and attractive<3

I like it!


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Guest SOUL'd to:GD



Awwww :tears: I'm all teared up now, djkcnds you're too sweet, T_T


Wow, LOL. I'm speechless -__________-;;;;

Well thanks for including me in your list hun! I'm so sorry the gifts I made you were full of KRAP ><'


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Guest hiSHUA!

MAN...i adore your filtering... *bows down* sifu will never see me do this...SHHHH...lol but aww the blending and colors are so pretty <33 AAAHHH SO LUCKY!! haha.

~!@ shua

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Guest o8/OR;nothing.

I'm on the list, thas koo. LOL! I like your filtering, like eryone does. The first two banners for Bae is real kute. ^_^

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Guest danceplaylove

OMG. I love Bae's set and the BoA banner. a;ldfj;alsdjf;lasjfd <3333333 Love the filtering in the first one.

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Guest Sarah.

:w00t: I just spotted my name. Anyhow...

Jenny! My lovely dongseng of all times. You make the hottest & awesome graphics Sarah has ever seen. *falls* Really, it's like you keep getting better and better even when you've reached the can't-get-any-better point. You must share your secret of PS. :ph34r: I love all of them! Can't wait for more to stare at. Ke ke ke.


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Guest starbrite

starbrite (Noel) My lovely Shoe Hoe! You're such a friendly funny person. That's the #1 thing i love about you, Noel. You're such a pro, You shall make me more icons and graphics later hehe. <3 I wish i knew who you exactly liked. *sigh* so.. I just made BoA & Shi won banners. Kaka, I love you Shoe Hoe. Oh, Btw you should rub your foot/back with tofu more. It stinks like woah. >:]

TOFU JUICE~ Aww, you're a wacky person yourself too. And that's why I love you as much as you love me. :D Haha, I'll make more icons and graphics for Jenny. Yes I will. <3 Who I like? I like whatever Jenny makes. I'll like it even if Jenny made me a sexy gorilla banner. More tofu? T___T But that's what makes it stick. Oh well. Anything for my beloved Jenny.

Whoa hoe hoe. Those effects are gorgeous. *Q* You make Boa and Shiwon look awesome! @#(*@()@ Tell me your secrets. o___o;; Gah, you're such a sweet person !! If you were on sell, I'll purchase you. :lol: I LOVE YOU JENNY !!!

I'll lower the KB myself and if you don't mind I'll crop out the banners too. ^_^


What the heck? :tears: -comes after lynn-

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Guest alicechan

Bloo, Gloria, and Sarah's are up! Still making more.. thanks for the comment everyone! and i'm so glad everyone likes their gifts. :D

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Guest Sarah.

OMFG, my beautiful lovely dongseng Jenny! I love you forever and ever! No, more than that! You are the sweetest girl I know. Tee hee. They are so beautiful. :tears: When did you improve this much?! Ah, nobody tells me of these things. T_T I never knew Jenny could improve. She was already too good. Tell me your secret to PS! Anyway, I love the gifts so much! I could hug you so hard right now. -flies in airplane to where Jenny lives- I'll crop these myself, if it is okay with you. :blush:


Oh wait. I don't know how to lower KB myself. T__________T

I'll lower the KB myself and if you don't mind I'll crop out the banners too. ^_^

-runs to find Noel-


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kathymon. (Kathy) KATHY!! sdfyhsdf;'sdfskfhklf <3 I miss you right now when i just chatted with you yesterday T_T.. I don't know, I miss people way too early. Especially youu kathy luff. From all these years you've been one of those best friend of the year (lol). Thank you for being a friend, Kathyyy. I love you kathy luff. See you on msn! kshdakslfyu;dsfjhkfhsjf? jklsdyhsjkgyou;!! ..what am i saying? :'D


(+ Image credit: Kr.image.yahoo + Soompi's stock thread)


Jenny poop did i ever tell you how much i love you. No? Well KATHY LOVES YOU MORE THEN HIROTI&&MIYAVI<3333 (andilovethemheapsandheaps). You're such a young girl but your skills are just so amazing, everything you make turns into a masterpiece TT_TT;; unlike mine. BEST FRIEND OF THE YEAR?!? :tears::tears::tears: I'm seriously tearing up because of you, i wish i could see you and talk to you everyday, you are so beautiful && precious (sounds like an object >O<;;) anyways kathy shall cherish this two banners forever and ever (saves onto usb stick).. 사랑해

... everyone has humungus replies but me so i made something really weird


... rawr the size is like WOW && it looks weird too = . =;;

<33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 kathy

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

. SE7ENMiNE . (Janny) *waves Hey Janny. =D I don't think i've made you anything before..? Well, I guess right now is the perfect time to. :] I never really IM you much, Right? I'm just a busy person psing all day who doesn't i'm people much as i use to. Please understand ._. and don't hate me so much for that ;3 <3 Janny, You've always been a great friend to me. Always make me laugh and smile with you silly idea's on Yunho haha. I'm still going to call your Se7en shrimp until i see a proof that he isn't. -0- All i know was that you liked Se7en, Won Bin, Lee Jun ki, Hyori, and Hyun Joong or Hyung Joon from SS501. I think i'm getting old, I get confused by names so fast. *falls* I love you Janny. Stay sexy like that. Keep that in mind that you're sexier than Se7en~ :]!

- Jenny

X_______________X'' *DIES*

omggshhh jenny! :tears: sdfndjksfndjksf those are some mother effin sexy banners!! *speechless* aww i'm all teared up now, (I'm such a big baby =.=), This morning I watched JunKi read his letter he wrote to his fans at his fanmeeting, and I started crying like crazy, then when I watched it over again like 15 minutes ago I started crying again O_O' His words are so touching, and it's all because he started crying too, his cute little expressions *dies* AND NOW I DIE AGAIN BECAUSE OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL WORK. Thank you so much Jenny! hbfjsd what do i say? I love you so much T_T hey, se7en's no shrimp, puahaha JANNY HAS PROOF (it'll be at the end of this reply), and you stick figure yunho, <.< LOL. I have so much fun chatting with you and playing that role game, even though you tend to kill se7en a lot <___< LOL, you're still so sexy xDDD I LOVE LOVE LOVEE YOU SO MUCHH!! *TACKLE HUGS!* The moment I saw mines, I scrolled back up and clicked "Add Reply", 0_o;; wow...awweee djrkfgndgjkdfn :tears: thank you so much my dear!!! haha, HyunJoong (leader of ss501) xDDD SE7EN & WONBIN = SEXYYY <33333 dfjksnsdjkfn *spazzes* my gawshhh.. i'm going to, *dies* die again -__-;



I'm working on my gift list, haha well.. I'll get to yours soon! -.^

&& NO I CAN NEVER HATE YOU T_T so don't ever think that, lol me sexier than se7en? *smiles* awww fjdkgndfjkgn *runs out of thread with gift before i die again* xDD


*sighs* Janny took like FOREVER to edit this post with her proof <.< because I had to go get my glasses, anywaysss lol



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.Aishi.Teru. (Jessica) *shifty eyes* Jeshikang my lovely dong seng~ ;] Don't be so sad that you didn't recive so many presents, You at least had a family party while i didn't. So be happy. Partying with family is better than reciving from friends presents, no? Jaejoong one of your favourites, Right? Right. Hehe, I know who you like and who you not. Because i stalked you., I mean what?! :'D Stay happy as always and smile for the world! Puahaha, I love you loser pie bum. :3


Omgies!!!!!! :tears: :tears:!! Fdgdjiuswyhdsad j;sa!!! I LOVE YOU. T_T

Jennifel~ my big booty sist-a Jenn-ay! ;D Aww, it's okay..i was bit sad that i've gotten not enough presents but it's fine. ^-^ My birthday's over. Yep, family house party is fine, because our family members are special like that. 8D Aww, i'm sorry that you've got no party for your birthday, atleast you've eat 12 oranges. Ahahaha! XD Orange-lovah. (: Hehe of course family party is better then reiciving gifts from friends. ^^' Jaejoong....*goes chokes him*..T__T why does it have to be him?..:rolleyes: NO, HE'S TOTALLY NOT ONE OF MY FAVOURITES!! <.<; Well, just in case..people, if your reading this right now. Don't think i'm weird. Because there was a situation between me and Jenny's private lives. (; Anyways, haha, yeah you know who i like and not because i don't like much celebrities and it's easy to tell. ^0^ >O DON'T STALK ME < <; BECAUSE I STALK YOUUU. ;D Haha! What!? What!?!? WHAT!!?! :'DD You, micky lovah, i will stay happy and smile all day, till' when i'm sleeping. :'D And when you turn to the side where i sleep, your gonna f.a.i.n.t. :) XD, hehe i'll smile for the world and fart on their face. Puahaha, you stay happy and smile with me! WHEEE~ We're the happy sista's XD; Hehe i love you too. :3..Okies..now *takes big breathe* TIME.TO.SPAZZZZZ.WITH.MY.SUPER.GAINT.LOVELY.INCREDIBLY.LONG.COMMENTS!!!! <33333 WHEEEE I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH! THEIR SO PRETTY AND SIMPLY AMAZING T__T YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME JEALOUS WITH YOUR SECRET INGREDIENTS TT____TT YOU NEED TO TEACH ME ONE DAYY!! Hehe, ladeela. I'm sooo much in love with your filtering!! T__T So, i adore your works so much! & I will bring your favourite and Jenny's secret admiring guy, MICKKYYY YOOOCHUUUNNN~ FOR YOU~ BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU, you moco! :3 Hehe..now, you get to make me more graphics while i get to make you more love!! ^0^!! Jenny-..i'm so speechless now, i've said how much i love your works, i realllyy realllyyy realllyyyy appreciate your hard work on this. :3 Thankiess so much!! <33333333333 Hehe, now i'm gonna put the presents you made me under my siggy! ^0^


Ahhh, i'm in the bad mood right now. <-<; Because i just got trouble..it's all because of the stupid internet connection! All i did was ask him which one was my computer's interner connection but somewhat dad's connection got off too. Sheesh..all he do was blame me -__-;!! It's so NOT my fault but again, thankies. :'D Noww...i talk way too much D: *Runs out of topic*


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Guest dork.sauce

i see my name jenny dear. i'm gonna make something in returrnnN!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!! lol. no really. i will. can't wait to see mine. i'll be back.. sonner or later.

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