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[Drama 2011] Paradise Ranch 파라다이스 목장

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Otchosais: you are so right!!! That is who he reminds me of. Especially when he was in Down with Love. Also I had no idea she was also in Lucky Star. I only saw the first episode and never finished it but now I might go back and watch it. You are so observant . Thanks. I am glad that you are almost caught up.

Because I LOVE that drama :)

The only thing I don't like is that they "DUBBED" Yoo HaNa's voice since the language they used is mandarin.. :)

wooo.. I'm glad that I am not the only one who see ChangMin looks alike Jerry Yan also..

I am giving a thought if I should have my glasses now for myself.. haha :w00t:

in ep 6, I am so laughing to DJ when she said to ahjussi that she like him MORE because he's a male divorcee.. hmm, I just hope DJ's relation with him and DJ's relation with JY would be not so deep as we all know that DJ and JD will end up.. I just don't want ahjussi and JY to get hurt after.. :phew:

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hi! I'm finished up to ep 8 :)

and I'm already caught up with all of you, ranchers :)

As far as I am enjoying these drama also,

right now, I am really looking forward on what will be DJ's answer about

JD's question on why she hasn't called/contact him before they separate..

hmmm, I am also looking for reasons why the two of them originally separate

and why JD is so bitter towards DJ...


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Guest Ellegirl

Wow. This thread is really moving fast. :lol: I really enjoy reading the discussion going on, though I won't respond to everything ('cause I just wanted to stopped by).

@Meisei - Well, I would agree that his father had a big role in Dong Joo's character especially since his father puts Dong Joo down so much that he believes that he can't do anything (for instance, Dong Joo was scared to do the whole opening party thing). Nobody expected a lot from Dong Joo. His father didn't think he can get the consent letters, telling him to go away for two months. His father haven't really encourage him to do anything.

It's funny to see that when Da Ji comes back into his life, Dong Joo begins to take more of a stand against his father, because Dong Joo seems like he'll just let his father walk all over him.

For me, I am curious about Dong Joo's strange behavior towards women. It just seems...unbelievable, though this is a K-drama. And Da Ji's ignorance, I give her the benefit of the doubt. I feel like by acting indifferent (not sure if that's the right word) to the divorce, Da Ji is trying to look toward the future because there's no point in looking at the past. It will just bring back bad memories. You might disagree.

I wouldn't say she takes the divorce as a joke. More like...she has move pass it and maybe learned from it (though the drama hasn't shown that yet).

@semifly - You make some excellent points, which I can't help but agree. Dong Joo's mother has become a little submissive/passive for my taste, like the writer's decided they won't develop the parents. I thought they would develop her into this sassy woman with a mind of her own, but nope. The parents (Dong Joo's parents and Da Ji's dad) just seem like failures to their kids (minus the Grandfather). It's harsh to say because they are loving (not really Dong Joo's dad).

Dong Joo really seems like a momma's boy because he's like a big baby when he's with his mother (sleeping on her lap, getting feed apples). Those actions implies that she has been babying him, especially after his divorce, which really can't be healthy. Just imagine what that does to his mind.

I had more to say, but crap, I can't remember.

Thank you fellow ranchers for all the updates, discussions, etc...alexus, thank you for your episode summaries! I have yet to catch up on the episodes and have a good read through all the posts but I will soon! Can't believe we're already just passed the halfway mark for this drama...so fast.

One of the things I love about this drama, is its' OST! The songs and instrumentals are so fitting ^_^

[☆] Various Artists - Paradise Ranch OST

Thank you for this! I totally squealed when I pressed on the link. :D

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morning all ranhers

Hooray.. episode 9 is on tonight...

reading all kindly posted from everyone is making think in a different ways this drama will be for the 8 episodes for me I'd like to watch another comedy with lots of surprise without any complicated issue!!

perhaps I had enough with those dramas so I'd like to smile and laugh when funny crazy things are shown in this drama

I don't mind if Daji and YH is kissing or having any sweet moments if it me I bet I will do more..just kidding friends

can't wait for tonight PR fighting!!

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Guest bibidep

Hello all Ranchers,

9 more hours to go until the Episode 9 air, I can't wait ahhhhu.

I hope in this Episode the story behind about DJ's couple getting divorced

will be reveal at least a little so we can guess what's going on with them.

So far I read the preview from Alexus posted, I didn't see any change between

DJ's couple, still agruing. About the scene that Ahjussi going to untight

Da Ji shirt, that one I think Dong Joo is thinking what those 2 going to do,

not the real thing between Ahjussi and Da Ji.

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OMO..bibidep I hope your thought is true..Dongju's imagination nothing else

if its true his imagination is getting close to his own thought, isn't it? Ha Ha he should be there instead of Ajusshi!!

time is getting less now..come on PR

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Guest show2007

HiHi Ranchers, 1st time on this thread and just started watching this drama weeks ago... The writer must be a puzzle lover...I meant after 8 eps, I still do not know or figure out why Daji left Dong (the hint from ep 8, when Dong's mom mentioned sthg that it took Dong a long time to recover after she left...)? (they better come up w/a good reason why she left him otherwise I will be very disappointed) This is a very typical melodrama, not the best one but not the worst either. It is a very light and refeshing drama, it is a little bit slow but hey it's only Feb, i don't need any big rollercoaster ride at this point (not after SG at least). Hopefully people can support it and give it a try.

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Show2007: Missed you!!! I had to do a double check when I saw your name as the last poster for PR. I was thinking it was the SG thread but it wasn't. Welcome and glad that you decided to join us here. Yes, I have been hiding here trying to recover from the SG addiction and it seems to be working very well for me. Did you read hannamanga's recent post at our old thread. She really is amazing. Kudos to her and I will visit there once this drama is completed.

I agree with you 100%. But I guess this would not come to you as a big surprise since we always agree on everything. :lol: But I am totally with you. I don't need a serious, intense overthinking with deep revelations type of K-drama right now. I need light and fluffy. Not to deep but not too shallow. Some meat to the story but not a 12 course Chinese Dinner if you get my drift. This drama has it's own sweet charm and I love it. I am glad that I chose it.

Well let me know what you think after this week's episodes. Chat with you soon.

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hi to all ranchers laugh.gif

im falling more and more in love in this drama with every episodewub.gif.. and im rooting for Ahjussi,Da Ji-Couple, the just look so good together. who is with me??tongue.gif

and hopefully they will explain soon what had really happened between Dong Joo and Da Ji.

Can't hardly wait to watch next episodes.

yayy to paradise ranch!!!!

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Hi! I'm watching it live now..

SADLY, I didn't able to watch the WHOLE CONVERSATION

of DJ and JD.. :(

but I am loving the show :)

here is the LIVE STREAMING LINK :)


channel KBC :)

it ENDED already..

I am not sure but

DID Ahjussi asked DJ to live with him?

then DJoo knew about it????

I am excited to watch ep 10 :)

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Guest charmy19_23

WRITER NIM, PD NIM...... JEBAL,, tears.gif PLEASE... FLASHBACKS ARE NOT ENOUGH!!!! crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Actually today's episode is almost DAE BAK, if writer-nim gives us many memories of DJoo and DJi..

Huhu.. Im crying, and Im soo happy, mixed emotions.. :blink:

No previews for 10,, grr.. Im getting mad,, Probably Djoo followed the two in Japan,, Hahaha :D

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Guest videlchan

Hi Ranchers..

My first post here :P

i just need to spazz about this episode(ep 9) because i LOVE it :wub:

i love the flashback of dongjoo and daji where daji looked at dongjoo while he's asleep..

and i love the way dongjoo look at daji when he woke up in the grandma's house..

it was so tender and so loving..

i think they really do love each other..:wub:

can't wait for Alexus's summary (no pressure of course :P)..

Btw, Alexus, thanks for all the translation/summary of each episode till now..

You're my Angel!!Love ya!!

some of my favorite moments:


so cute :wub:


awwww....dongjoo's gaze was so tender :)

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Guest tukyshinee

Bit Torrent EP09

파라다이스 목장.E09.110221.HDTV.XviD-Baros.avi.torrent


파라다이스 목장.E09.110221.HDTV.XViD-HANrel.avi.torrent


파라다이스 목장.E09.110221.HDTV.X264.450p-HANrel.avi.torrent



Paradiseranch.E09.1080i.HDTV.MPEG2-EuGine [.ts 6.69GB]


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