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[Drama 2010] Smile, Dong-hae / Smile Again 웃어라 동해야

Guest fanda4000

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Written preview for ep 145

주주총회가 동해와 봉이의 결혼식과 같은 날에 열리게 되고 도진과 혜숙은 경영권을 넘겨받기 위한 만전을 기한다. 새와는 필용이 시장에 내놓은 주식이 일시에 팔렸다는 사실을 알게 되고 증권사 선배로부터 누군가의 작전세력이 있다는 암시를 받는다. 기남과 대삼은 강재의 집에 함을 팔러 가고, 강재의 식구들은 그들을 맞이하며 신명나는 결혼 준비에 바쁘다. 한편 새와는 도진과 혜숙을 만나 필용의 주식에 대해 따져 묻는데...

Shareholders on the East and Rod's wedding and is open on the same day and Hye-sook also and is handed over to get management rights. Facilitate new and was written by Phil marketed shares sold for pause is the fact that the brokerages seniors that someone's operational forces from implication. And he takes on and the home of the steel arm that going, steel's fam who greet them and exhilaration, I have been busy preparing to get married. On the other hand, a new and even jeans, Hye-sook to meet Phil Dragon shares its compass, asked about ...

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Guest lj3k99

Man this drama is so slow. I have not idea how i watched so much of it. Nothing interesting happened today. It was kind of sad though, YJ tried so hard. We all knew she was going to fail, but hopefully she does not get swayed by DJ. There did not seem to be a conclusion as she kind of ran off.

DH is nit picking the whole presentation. Pretty funny, but I can see where HS says its not that professional.

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Man this drama is so slow. I have not idea how i watched so much of it. Nothing interesting happened today. It was kind of sad though, YJ tried so hard. We all knew she was going to fail, but hopefully she does not get swayed by DJ. There did not seem to be a conclusion as she kind of ran off.

DH is nit picking the whole presentation. Pretty funny, but I can see where HS says its not that professional.

She was probably saying that because she was trying to make DH feel small about asking so many questions that she didn't want DJ to answer or worse, have DH shake DummyJ's cool and have him blow up in front of GP and the other heads.

DH had every right to ask what the emergency budget plan was and where was the budget being allocated, especially since he knows that something is going on with the Trio-Terrible. He was squeezing DummyJ and HS about the money situation and the fact that he wants to go to the site to see for himself if the construction started.

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Guest 21_rain

Does anyone know what did Anna and KJ talked about in car?  I think it was about DH, but I would like to know  their whole conversation and why did both cry?

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Does anyone know what did Anna and KJ talked about in car?  I think it was about DH, but I would like to know  their whole conversation and why did both cry?

Anna wanted to know if just for one day KJ could be Dh's father evern though she know's it's gonna make HS angry. Would that be ok? because she really knows that DH likes KJ and wants his father there even though it's wrong because he's still married to HS. But if only for one day, DH's wedding day- could he be DH's father?

They were crying because KJ wanted to know if she hated him for everything- her hard life, her situation.

Anna answered that she could not hate KJ because he's a good man. He gave her the most precious gift of all, her DH.

And he felt guilty all over again and that's why they cried.

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Guest 21_rain

Anna wanted to know if just for one day KJ could be Dh's father evern though she know's it's gonna make HS angry. Would that be ok? because she really knows that DH likes KJ and wants his father there even though it's wrong because he's still married to HS. But if only for one day, DH's wedding day- could he be DH's father?

They were crying because KJ wanted to know if she hated him for everything- her hard life, her situation.

Anna answered that she could not hate KJ because he's a good man. He gave her the most precious gift of all, her DH.

And he felt guilty all over again and that's why they cried.

Thank you very much noomma.  It's very sad that he can't be DH's father even for one day!

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Man this drama is so slow. I have not idea how i watched so much of it. Nothing interesting happened today. It was kind of sad though, YJ tried so hard. We all knew she was going to fail, but hopefully she does not get swayed by DJ. There did not seem to be a conclusion as she kind of ran off.

DH is nit picking the whole presentation. Pretty funny, but I can see where HS says its not that professional.

The drama is slow in getting to the evildoers being caught. We've seen so much evil being done though out this drama,that I was hoping for a change to come sooner where we could see more happiness.  

I felt sorry for YJ in a way but her feelings were hurt from her own delusions. DH has never given her any indication that he was interested in her. Anything she did for him was done on her own. YJ is another spoiled brat who thinks that money and status should have gotten her what she wanted. She has never been told no before. I do think she will end up doing the right thing as she did the last time when DJ wanted her to set DH up at the cooking contest and she changed her mind and told him she wanted to beat him fare and square.  I think she will realize that there was never anything between them and that it was all in her mind.

DH is a perfectionist when it comes to business and even cooking.  He has to know the ends and outs to be able to put it together in his mind. Look at how he studied analzyed  the hotel kimchi and came up with the solutions to fix the problem.

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Guest farhah1986

The drama is slow in getting to the evildoers being caught. We've seen so much evil being done though out this drama,that I was hoping for a change to come sooner where we could see more happiness.  

I felt sorry for YJ in a way but her feelings were hurt from her own delusions. DH has never given her any indication that he was interested in her. Anything she did for him was done on her own. YJ is another spoiled brat who thinks that money and status should have gotten her what she wanted. She has never been told no before. I do think she will end up doing the right thing as she did the last time when DJ wanted her to set DH up at the cooking contest and she changed her mind and told him she wanted to beat him fare and square.  I think she will realize that there was never anything between them and that it was all in her mind.

DH is a perfectionist when it comes to business and even cooking.  He has to know the ends and outs to be able to put it together in his mind. Look at how he studied analzyed  the hotel kimchi and came up with the solutions to fix the problem.

I also felt sorry for YJ but DH already told her clearly  that he never interested in her.I'll be upset if YJ really give the shares to DJ because all she did is on her own accord and its not that DH and her in a relationship before.I rather like her being DH and BY bestfriend because she's not actually a bad person.She should know why she like DH in the first place,because if DH turn to her because of her money then DH is no longer the man that she love before.

I didn't watch the latest episode because of a few problem but from this forum I think DH already know that there is something wrong with the hainan hotel expansion.The text preview for next episode state that DH wedding and shareholder meeting held in the same day?If HS get the management right then its hard for DH to investigate the truth.

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Ep 144

PY ask Anna you want to ask KJ to DH's wedding. Anna saids yes James is DH father. DH has a father It's the most important day to him. Annas saids to MS can't James be DH's father just for that one day? Can't he see DH's wedding? MS saids we have 2 weeks. Let's take some time to think about this matter. K-Jae saids we undertand. We will follow your decision. MS saids And about the wedding if you don't mind, we'd like to take care of the wedding expenses. And lets think about their house. After we ask their opinion first. K-jae saids You'll provide all the wedding expenses? You don't have to. We don't have much money, but we'll pay a part of it.. PY saids Oh, please. You don't have to. You're not just our future-in-law, but also our value people who has had mercy on Anna and DH. We'd like to to pay it all and we have to do it. SO saids But, still it's my daughter's wedding too. We want to do something for her. It might not be enough for you, but we'll pay a part of it. MS saids By the ways how is your brother? K-jae saids Well he didn't express his feelings but he's probably upset. But he should follow this decision. PY saids Anyways I'm very thankful with the relationship with your family. That's what I want to say. K-jae saids think of my daughter as your own granddaughter. That's what I want to say. PY saids Think of DH as your own son, then he'll do his best.

SN saids to DH A runaway? Why would I? Don't put the blame on me, just let me go. DH saids, I'll ask you directly. Didn't you really know about the tax evasion? SD saids What? DH saids You checked it because of the succession. You should of known it first. SN saids Listen Mangager, I was cleared by everyone during the internal investigation where the president and the assistand manager joined. DH saids, Then where did you get the huge amount of money for your father's lawsuit? SN saids Did you do a background check on me? I don't know what you've heard or had something about me but don't you think it's rude? I don't want to talk with you anymore. I'll give you some advice. I heard you're getting married soon. You shouldn't get married to BY for sake. I think your life is like a roller coaster. You become a manager in one day, you can fall down in a day as well. BY might be in trouble to be with you. I'm worried about that. DH saids BY might be in trouble? What's that mean?

DH saids to PH that SN is to rash. PJ saids he's suspicious. You think so too. Did you find out something?. DH saids No, he persisted in feigning ignorance. But he dropped his phone. PJ saids I was going to track his cellphone. I need to check if he has another phone. SN I'm sure that he's hiding something.

HS tells DJ to keep and I on SN because there's a chance he might change his mind. You shouldn't even trust your shawow at a time like this. DH picks of SN phone when DJ called and asked where he is. Don't turn off your phone wherever you go. DH ask DJ where did SN go all of a sudden? DJ saids it's none of your business. DH saids I'll have to take to you. Lets meet at the office. Lets talk then. DJ tells HS that DH has the phone that he gave SN. He wants to meet me at the office. PJ saids SN must be connected to DJ. PJ saids they should not let them know that I'm working on the case. If it's true he will make and excuse. If it's not he'll hate me more. We need to be more cautious. You should keep looking into SN and when we find critical evidence I'll need to talk with my grandpa.

DH asks DJ where did SN go. DJ ask him why are you asking me that? DH saids because I think you two are very close. You told him to turn on his phone all the time. Oh I'll give this to him. I have somethin to talk with him. DH saids about what? DH saids I think SN did something about the tax audit. DJ saids what makes you think that? DH saids you mean evidence? Of course I have. But I'm not stupid to tell you that. When I find critical evidence I'll let you know. You're probably interested in this. Okay why don't we start to have the briefing about the Hainan project now.

Anna calls KJ and tells him that DH is getting married to BY. So I want to meet you. I have something to tell you.

TH tells his parents that SW is like a different person since she got divorced. When SY said she needed to be out of town for a week SW was willing to take care of the twins. SO saids See people need to fail once, so that they can be humble.

DJ tells DH after the meeting that he will give him an unforgetable present on the day of his wedding.

PY ask HS is there anyone who can bid against you for my stocks? She said no. I couldn't find anything in particular. PY tells HS that she has been having a hard time in many ways. By the way I want to invite KJ to DH wedding. HS saids what are you talking about? Do you want to invite him? PY saids DH is his son. It's his sons wedding so he should be there as a father. HS saids No! I don't want him to do that. KJ who is DJ's father is a famous anchor in Korea. And do you want his secret to become known to everyone? That he's DH father? That he has an illegitmate child? That DJ and DH are brothers? People will make up all kinds of stories about us. How can you handle all of that? I can't do that.

Anna and KJ talk in the car. KJ saids thank you Anna. You're the who accept me as DH's father. By the way DH agreed with you? Anna saids she didn't tell DH yet. You know DH likes you too. I know that because I'm his mom. I'm the one who knows him best. DH doesn't hate you. He misses his father all the time. It's just one day, I'm sorry for HS but, I want you to be DH's father for just one day. KJ saids Don't you hate me? Don't you blame me? Anna saids no I don't you gave me my precious son, DH. Why on earth do I hate you? You're a nice man. Why do I hate you?

DJ tells his mother that he's going to meet YJ. I;ll turn her over to our side. YJ asks DJ what's up? Why did you want to meet me? DJ saids I'll ask you this directly. Why have you been buying hotel shares? You have a lot of shares. YJ saids well I brought it because I worked at the hotel at first. Later. Why should I tell you this? DJ saids did you do that for DH? To help him when he's in trouble? YJ saids you know it well. As a future wife! DJ saids I'm sorry to say this but that man is getting married to other women in two weeks. YJ saids What? DJ saids he's getting married to BY in two weeks.

SN calls his father and tells him he might not be able to call him for awhile. DJ asks SN what happen? Why did DH have your phone? SN tell him that he's going to Hong Cong. DJ tells him he shouldn't come back until the shareholders meeting ends. DH overhears him say SN's name and shareholders meeting.

DH meets KJ and Anna together. Anna tells DH she called KJ to meet. I asked him to come to your wedding. KJ saids DH I haven't done anything for you if you want. DH tells him don't Anna saids. DH don't do that he's your father. Don't be rude to James. KJ saids just one day. I want to be your father just one day. DH saids I'm sorry. I don't want anymore complications.

DH meets BY and she asks is his mother still crying? DH saids Grandmother comforted her so she okey now. BY saids Why don't you listen to your mom. DH said no that could cause a huge impact. If this situation is realed to the public, Chief Kim, the president, and Mr Kim can have a hard time. BY asks what about you? What do you really want? Don't you really think of Chief Kim as your father.? DH said stop lets talk about something nice. YJ comes in and saids is it true? Did you set a wedding date? BY saids yes its true. We're getting married. YJ saids you stay out of it. She ask DH is it true? DH said yes, I'm getting married to BY. It is true. YJ saids how could you. I've laid my pride aside and begged you to love me! Do you know what I did for you to convince my whole family?

HS ask DJ did he send out the letters to the shareholder. He saids that YJ will be on their side. All they have to do now is get Director Park and the labor union heard (the head chef) on their side. He tells his mother not to be shaken they have already gone to far. We can take the hotel soon. You'll become the first major shareholder and the shareholders will have you as a CEO on DH's wedding day.

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I also felt sorry for YJ but DH already told her clearly  that he never interested in her.I'll be upset if YJ really give the shares to DJ because all she did is on her own accord and its not that DH and her in a relationship before.I rather like her being DH and BY bestfriend because she's not actually a bad person.She should know why she like DH in the first place,because if DH turn to her because of her money then DH is no longer the man that she love before.

I didn't watch the latest episode because of a few problem but from this forum I think DH already know that there is something wrong with the hainan hotel expansion.The text preview for next episode state that DH wedding and shareholder meeting held in the same day?If HS get the management right then its hard for DH to investigate the truth.

If HS gets to be CEO of the hotel there is going to be some more suffering going on.  It would seem they would being trying to tie this up with only 15 more ep left. But from her other drama the suffering went on almost to the end of 178 eps. with a dud of a happy ending. I hope BY and DH get to marry in the next eps. Atleast that would soften the blow if HS gets her way.  I was reading some of the post on the KBS site. It seems people are fed up with the dragging and the evil doers getting so much time with very few happy moments. Alot of the post are not so nice either. This writer has been called some very nasty names. I saw a news article where the director says that they were confident that they would reach in the 40% ratings for the rest of the drama. I read this back when Anna found her parents. Since 4/8 the ratings have been going up and down. More downs then ups.

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Guest farhah1986

I can sense that a huge thing gonna happen during DH wedding day.Is it good or bad thing or both?SN word to DH make me nervous,its true that DH life has been like a roller coaster.At first he enter  the Camillia Hotel dreaming to be a top Chef and when he finally achieve that in a blink of an eye he became a chaiman's grandson,become a manager,fight for succession and there is no telling what gonna happen for DH future.As for YJ,DH didn't even know that YJ buy those stock for him...so why should she suddenly want to blame or take revenge on him?I hope the writer don't make out human feeling just for granted.Not all people go to the dark side when he/she get intimidated especially when its clearly  one sided love.She'll be just like other girl who take revenge just for a one-sided love.Or will she help DH get out from this mess?Its likely she'll take revenge but I still hope that she change her mind  and realize  that DH happiness is the most important because looking the previous episode before she always change her mind in at a last  moment.DH looks so happy that he will finally marry BY but if suddenly he get fired because HS become the major shareholder,I cannot think what is the thing that will turnover the situation.

So about KJ being DH's father...so no one know about this..I wonder maybe the news may break out during DH wedding or not. It seems that HS is gonna be the major shareholder and take the management right,so what gonna happen to DH after this?DJ looks so confident when he said to HS that she'll be the major shareholder on DH wedding day and YJ will come to their side.Although the shaman also said that DH-BY wedding may face some trouble,she asked SO to consider it as a luck and do not make them break up,what does it mean?I cannot bear to see GP and GM loss the hotel that they worked so hard for on their grandson wedding day.

About director Park and head chef they hold quite huge shares.Director Park maybe will side with HS and the Head Chef in question.With 11% shares,its alot and if he sided with DH then it will give a great help for DH.Looking at the previous episode,the head chef really look up DH talent and abilities while solving the kimchee business,will he give support to DH?He know very well that DH able to manage the hotel and it seems that all employee like him.I think next week episode maybe revolve around shareholder meeting and DH wedding.

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I can sense that a huge thing gonna happen during DH wedding day.Is it good or bad thing or both?SN word to DH make me nervous,its true that DH life has been like a roller coaster.At first he enter  the Camillia Hotel dreaming to be a top Chef and when he finally achieve that in a blink of an eye he became a chaiman's grandson,become a manager,fight for succession and there is no telling what gonna happen for DH future.As for YJ,DH didn't even know that YJ buy those stock for him...so why should she suddenly want to blame or take revenge on him?I hope the writer don't make out human feeling just for granted.Not all people go to the dark side when he/she get intimidated especially when its clearly  one sided love.She'll be just like other girl who take revenge just for a one-sided love.Or will she help DH get out from this mess?Its likely she'll take revenge but I still hope that she change her mind  and realize  that DH happiness is the most important because looking the previous episode before she always change her mind in at a last  moment.DH looks so happy that he will finally marry BY but if suddenly he get fired because HS become the major shareholder,I cannot think what is the thing that will turnover the situation.

So about KJ being DH's father...so no one know about this..I wonder maybe the news may break out during DH wedding or not. It seems that HS is gonna be the major shareholder and take the management right,so what gonna happen to DH after this?DJ looks so confident when he said to HS that she'll be the major shareholder on DH wedding day and YJ will come to their side.Although the shaman also said that DH-BY wedding may face some trouble,she asked SO to consider it as a luck and do not make them break up,what does it mean?I cannot bear to see GP and GM loss the hotel that they worked so hard for on their grandson wedding day.

About director Park and head chef they hold quite huge shares.Director Park maybe will side with HS and the Head Chef in question.With 11% shares,its alot and if he sided with DH then it will give a great help for DH.Looking at the previous episode,the head chef really look up DH talent and abilities while solving the kimchee business,will he give support to DH?He know very well that DH able to manage the hotel and it seems that all employee like him.I think next week episode maybe revolve around shareholder meeting and DH wedding.

I'm trying to think outside the box here. I think maybe there was a message in the psychic words to SO about something going to happen. The two dates. She sees five things. (They should get married). The 2 week date.  Meaning if they get married on the 2 week date that would change the things that are about to happen. If they waited on the 3 month date things would not change and go bad for a while. (But don't try to break them up) (if something happens to them it's just their luck) because what happen would never change.

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Guest farhah1986

I'm trying to think outside the box here. I think maybe there was a message in the psychic words to SO about something going to happen. The two dates. She sees five things. (They should get married). The 2 week date. Meaning if they get married on the 2 week date that would change the things that are about to happen. If they waited on the 3 month date things would not change and go bad for a while. (But don't try to break them up) (if something happens to them it's just their luck) because what happen would never change.

I'm still trying to figure out what you are trying to say...it mean if they waited the three month date,there will be some bad thing will happen during that time that maybe change SO plan to get them married thats why the psychic said do not break them up.Isn't that means HS plan to takeover the hotel succeed but DH will still eventually get what his right.Maybe it will take longer time for DH to reveal the truth.Is that what you mean?And for the two week date if they get married they'll able to change the thing that are about to happen?Sorry if you think ,I'm thinking too much, but because i'm following this drama faithfully,I want to know exactly what is happening.

Just to make this forum more active,what do you think will happen during DH wedding?I think something is going to happen when HS is trying getting the management right...maybe there is something happen that will turnover the situation?Or maybe someone halt the shareholder meeting? Can you hold a shareholder meeting without one of the main shareholder?!Am I right?Most important is that...no one knows yet about HS and DJ scheme other than DH and PJ and they are still gathering the evidence....I just want to think positively,If DH eventually get the right to manage the hotel then he'll able to investigate about the hainan hotel and stock manipulation easily.These situation will leave HS and DJ in fear and shiver to their spine afraid that all their scheme get exposed and will do anything to get themselves out of trouble.DH may even want to give them chance to admit the truth.Its just my speculation.With DH-BY getting married,it only prove to YJ that they indeed truly love each other and does not care about money and status.

I'm curious about the text preview...I love seeing DH smile looking at BY in a wedding dress.And BY look so beautiful!

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I'm still trying to figure out what you are trying to say...it mean if they waited the three month date,there will be some bad thing will happen during that time that maybe change SO plan to get them married thats why the psychic said do not break them up.Isn't that means HS plan to takeover the hotel succeed but DH will still eventually get what his right.Maybe it will take longer time for DH to reveal the truth.Is that what you mean?And for the two week date if they get married they'll able to change the thing that are about to happen?Sorry if you think ,I'm thinking too much, but because i'm following this drama faithfully,I want to know exactly what is happening.

Just to make this forum more active,what do you think will happen during DH wedding?I think something is going to happen when HS is trying getting the management right...maybe there is something happen that will turnover the situation?Or maybe someone halt the shareholder meeting? Can you hold a shareholder meeting without one of the main shareholder?!Am I right?Most important is that...no one knows yet about HS and DJ scheme other than DH and PJ and they are still gathering the evidence....I just want to think positively,If DH eventually get the right to manage the hotel then he'll able to investigate about the hainan hotel and stock manipulation easily.These situation will leave HS and DJ in fear and shiver to their spine afraid that all their scheme get exposed and will do anything to get themselves out of trouble.DH may even want to give them chance to admit the truth.Its just my speculation.With DH-BY getting married,it only prove to YJ that they indeed truly love each other and does not care about money and status.

I'm curious about the text preview...I love seeing DH smile looking at BY in a wedding dress.And BY look so beautiful!

I'm just taking a guess at this.

The psychic said that DH and BY are an unlucky couple. You will see it soon. I see five things. They should get married. Don't try to break them up. If something happens to them it's their luck.

Both DH and BY have been unlucky in love before. Which makes them and unlucky couple. BY and DH get married (first date). The shareholders meeting being the same date as their wedding. (They should get Married) By them joining in marriage it changes their fate and the course of how things will happen.  A lot of the stockholders are at the wedding not at the meeting. The stockholders meeting is delayed and HS cannot take over the hotel so she will have to wait out her plan. It's discovered that  HS has more stock and could take over the hotel leaving DH, Anna, MS and PY with nothing. The delay will give DH and PJ time to discover the truth and DH will be able to fight back. Also time for them to find SN. (second date) If they wait to get married in 3 months. The stockholders meeting would proceed and things will happen as HS planned and she would take over the hotel and they would lose everything for the time being until they can discover the truth. (Don't make them break up) During the 3 months things will be hard and SO would not want BY to marry DH because he now has nothing. But in that 3 months if they do get married then things would change for them and DH would be able to get back what was lost. (if something happens to them it's just their luck.) If they are broken up things would never change for them they would continue to be unlucky in love.  

Right now PJ and DH only know that DJ and SN had something to do with the tax evasion. They have not figured out yet that HS is involved and it was all about forcing PY to sell his shares. Also the evil doers do not know that PJ is involved in investigating them. They will be watching DH and he will be watching them making DJ start to lose it and make mistakes the DH will catch on to.

As for the stockholders meeting. I would think that in a situation like this all  shareholders would have to be there or send their proxy vote.

I think DH and BY will get married but after they get married the crazyness will start.  Something might even happen to PY when he finds out that HS deceived him. He might collaspe from the shock. Which is going to set MS off. DH and BY won't be able to go on their honeymoon because of everything that's happening. DJ and HS trying to get everyone on their side.  BY will rally the employees to go with DH. YJ will finally realize that her love for DH was one sided and do the right thing.  

While watching ep 144 again. SN looks kind of ruff around the edges. Is he getting sick again. Hmmmm. If he is sick he won't be going to Hong Kong and he won't be able to get in touch with DJ. He won't know that there has been no takeover.  DJ will not be able to get in touch with him making him and HS uneasy thinking he might turn on them. HS told DJ at a time like this you can't trust your shadow.

Then again I could be dead wrong about this. Because of the written preview saying that HS is handed over to get managament rights. Sometimes the words get mixed up in the translation. I hope thats what it is.

Farhah- I had a friend to look over the preview and they came of with this. They are not saying that it's right but this is what they made out of it, 

HS is in the perfect postion as promised to receive the passover of the management rights.

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A friend translated the the written preview for ep 145. Hope it is correct.

Shareholders on the East and Rod's wedding and is open on the same day and Hye-sook also and is handed over to get management rights. Facilitate new and was written by Phil marketed shares sold for pause is the fact that the brokerages seniors that someone's operational forces from implication. And he takes on and the home of the steel arm that going, steel's fam who greet them and exhilaration, I have been busy preparing to get married. On the other hand, a new and even jeans, Hye-sook to meet Phil Dragon shares its compass, asked about ...

DH and BY's wedding is being held on the same day as the stockholders meeting. HS is in the perfect position to as promised to receive the passover of the right of management. SW senior friend from the securities brokerages firm implicates that PY's shares were brought by someone contected to the hotel. DH and family are busy preparing to get married. They go to the steel house and are greeted with exhilaration. SW meets with HS and asks about her position and the suspicious stocks.

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Guest farhah1986

A friend translated the the written preview for ep 145. Hope it is correct.

Shareholders on the East and Rod's wedding and is open on the same day and Hye-sook also and is handed over to get management rights. Facilitate new and was written by Phil marketed shares sold for pause is the fact that the brokerages seniors that someone's operational forces from implication. And he takes on and the home of the steel arm that going, steel's fam who greet them and exhilaration, I have been busy preparing to get married. On the other hand, a new and even jeans, Hye-sook to meet Phil Dragon shares its compass, asked about ...

DH and BY's wedding is being held on the same day as the stockholders meeting. HS is in the perfect position to as promised to receive the passover of the right of management. SW senior friend from the securities brokerages firm implicates that PY's shares were brought by someone contected to the hotel. DH and family are busy preparing to get married. They go to the steel house and are greeted with exhilaration. SW meets with HS and asks about her position and the suspicious stocks.

Don't you think its weird that no one from IRS and brokerages firm can detect their folly to push PY sell his shares and then suddenly someone from the hotel buy PY shares in a huge amount without conducting an investigation? The problem is that the money that HS use to buy those stock coming from the slush fund they created.I know that PY asks HS before if there is any changes in shareholders order since he sell his stock.I'm sure PY still want MS become the main shareholder so that he can ensure DH and Anna future.PY will get really shock if he know it was HS who's buying his stocks.MS already know that HS will not give in to DH but I'm suprised that she didn't do anything to check on HS and her plan.Although MS still has her shares in the hotel but with them losing the management right will make DH in a difficult situation.

Seeing how upset SW with DJ treatment toward her she seems want to take revenge on him.What she gonna do actually with all the information she got.Because she know something suspicious going on with the stock.With HS in perfect position to takeover the hotel,does it mean YJ join hands with her?Seeing how upset she is,its no wonder she want to take revenge.I hope DH-BY get married first before all the problem started with HS ready to takeover the hotel.How much longer we'll need to see all the evildoers get punished?

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Don't you think its weird that no one from IRS and brokerages firm can detect their folly to push PY sell his shares and then suddenly someone from the hotel buy PY shares in a huge amount without conducting an investigation? The problem is that the money that HS use to buy those stock coming from the slush fund they created.I know that PY asks HS before if there is any changes in shareholders order since he sell his stock.I'm sure PY still want MS become the main shareholder so that he can ensure DH and Anna future.PY will get really shock if he know it was HS who's buying his stocks.MS already know that HS will not give in to DH but I'm suprised that she didn't do anything to check on HS and her plan.Although MS still has her shares in the hotel but with them losing the management right will make DH in a difficult situation.

Seeing how upset SW with DJ treatment toward her she seems want to take revenge on him.What she gonna do actually with all the information she got.Because she know something suspicious going on with the stock.With HS in perfect position to takeover the hotel,does it mean YJ join hands with her?Seeing how upset she is,its no wonder she want to take revenge.I hope DH-BY get married first before all the problem started with HS ready to takeover the hotel.How much longer we'll need to see all the evildoers get punished?

Well SW is getting hers now. She started all of this so she was the first to get hers. I'm hoping for the last 15 eps that things get better and DJ, HS and SN get theirs Even if it takes a little more then 5 eps to start to have things cleared up and for the truth to come out that would be alright with me as long as DH and BY get to get married. I really don"t want to see another round of evilness and wrong doing.  

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Guest farhah1986

Well SW is getting hers now. She started all of this so she was the first to get hers. I'm hoping for the last 15 eps that things get better and DJ, HS and SN get theirs Even if it takes a little more then 5 eps to start to have things cleared up and for the truth to come out that would be alright with me as long as DH and BY get to get married. I really don"t want to see another round of evilness and wrong doing.

You're right no matter what,I want to see DH and BY get married first before all the craziness happen.No matter how much we try to guess what happen next,its all depend on the writer but I hope it didn't take more than 5 episode to reveal the truth.We've seen enough of the evil doing and pretend like nothing happen.It isn't fair if they get exposed only on the last couple of episode.It will be nice if we can see the next 5 episode when HS and DJ seems ready to takeover the hotel,something else/someone stop them from getting what they want and make them in fear and insecure their secret and scheme to be revealed.I don't want that the truth revealed only the the last 5 episode like previous drama did.Its not just about to expose the truth, but they also need to show us how DJ and DH finally reconcile...and I'm sure that DH will finally become Kim Dong Hae.

One more thing with HS,DJ and SN involved in this crime will they get sent to prison or not? Eventhough HS buy the stock legally but how she acquire those stock by manipulating the tax evasion till forcing PY sell his stock and using a slush fund to buy those stock,I think its enough to convict them with a crime and all or maybe one of them need to shoulder the responsibility.

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You're right no matter what,I want to see DH and BY get married first before all the craziness happen.No matter how much we try to guess what happen next,its all depend on the writer but I hope it didn't take more than 5 episode to reveal the truth.We've seen enough of the evil doing and pretend like nothing happen.It isn't fair if they get exposed only on the last couple of episode.It will be nice if we can see the next 5 episode when HS and DJ seems ready to takeover the hotel,something else/someone stop them from getting what they want and make them in fear and insecure their secret and scheme to be revealed.I don't want that the truth revealed only the the last 5 episode like previous drama did.Its not just about to expose the truth, but they also need to show us how DJ and DH finally reconcile...and I'm sure that DH will finally become Kim Dong Hae.

One more thing with HS,DJ and SN involved in this crime will they get sent to prison or not? Eventhough HS buy the stock legally but how she acquire those stock by manipulating the tax evasion till forcing PY sell his stock and using a slush fund to buy those stock,I think its enough to convict them with a crime and all or maybe one of them need to shoulder the responsibility.

I haven't seen many dramas where the evil doers go to jail. They usually get off somehow stripped of everything and or leaves the country.  I don't want to see them go to jail in this one. I will be satified with seeing all those little red tickets all over everything in their house. Living in an apartment maybe the same one DH and Anna lived in when they left the Lee house. They need to be made to work in the hotel at the lowest jobs available. But in drama world all will be forgiven. After all DJ is his brother and he's about to become a father and he wouldn't want the child to grow up without it's father as he did.  HS will be forgiven because if it wasn't for them she would never have gone down the path that she did. They will probably end up running the hotel in Hainan. SW and DJ will get back together and she will finally have a hotel just as she wanted.

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I was just on the KBS site. There are 3 pictures of the wedding. The last  picture is of DH and BY standing together both looking shocked. Under the picture is written there will be an unexpected situation that will occur.  I hope this writer did not mess up the wedding we all have been waiting for. 

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