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Guest mindphase.net

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Guest JaKi


zzzzzzz SNSD.......... they r so friggin overrated.

I use to <3333333 them, until they get wayyyyyyyyyy too overrated.

i dun even know wats so good about their songs... their 1st 2 songs were legendary... but after that.... =_________=

idk about the others, to be honest, im sure they're not bad, its jst that... people change ya know, and u jst kinda listen to different genres.

I think ive changed a lot since HS... even all my 1st yr friends say that >_>

same as Kdrama....... I mean they're same old same old........

I'm still waiting for them to make the Korean Version of Glee.... cmon they gotta make one it will be epic.

1) SNSD... Well, they ARE an idol group. I quite like Mr. Taxi x) But if you take a deeper look at the song, it's really mainstream(?) Like, its very typical. But I still like it xD But for some others, I agree, not as impressive. After the hype of Gee and Genie, everyone's expectations of SNSD were sky high. And then there was Oh!, which was only ok. Then came Run Devil Run which, in my opinion, revived the hype a little, but then Hoot just dipped again. With them taking the Japanese market on, beginning with Mr. Taxi, I think they've made a relatively good start.

Lol.. Strayed off topic. On the whole of things though, they are a bit overrated. I mean, its hard not to be though... They are literally EVERYWHERE.

2) I agree. I think I've changed a lot (maybe not a lot but quite a bit?) since HS. Especially in my case, I reckon. Because I skipped a year, everyone I was comfortable with were literally not available for a year. I had to learn to be more independent, make new friends, and be okay with the fact that its ok to be a loner even when everyone around you are crowded with friends and laughter. Above all, I've learned to cope with the negative feelings that comes associated with it.

I guess I turned out okay though =)

3) AGREED.... But I've got to say, some of the them now are actually better. Producers are starting to recognise people don't want predictable or the traditional story line. Everyone wants fresh and new. I thought IRIS was a good example - trying to break out of the typical Korean drama line and do something like America (trying to make it a continuous drama). Secret Garden was darn good as well =D It broke out of the typical beat-around-the-bush and addressed the issues directly making it tasteful for the audience of our generation. And made it humorous on the way as well, which is a huge plus. And above all, made the characters more realistic. Well, at least I didn't keep calling any characters dumb/stupid for doing something anyway =P

^ but isn't AKB48 theatre based as well? and they divide into like sub-groups too.

Lol... Does it matter? Still too many @.@ I'm not sure, but isn't there an equivalent of AKB48 that starts with S or something? AKB48 targets the teenager market and that other group targets 20s and early 30s? What's worse is the effort put into differentiating them appearance-wise is very minimal because of mainstream trends - whenever something or a style is viewed as cool/pretty/popular EVERYONE uses/does it. Making big groups easy to identify as a group, but difficult as an individual of the group. Gaining the popularity is no longer an issue of individuality or uniqueness, but on mainstream and what is acceptable as a norm in a wider environment.

Gah... Strayed off again... Anyway. Yea. Anything beyond 10 is pushing it, in my opinion. Super Junior only worked because it was the first of its kind. After School and its sub groups work because its the first female group of its kind. And in general, they have relatively good music/performances/member individuality.

Maybe I'm wrong, and every AKB48 member is unique, but I wouldn't know coz I don't follow them at all. All I know is that they exist =\

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Guest Keiyun

Am I the only one who LIKES Lonely and Don't Cry? xD I'm not even a 2NE1 fan. I hated pretty much all their songs up till now apart from Go Away. Yeah, I like depressing songs. However, their live... was disappointing. I think their voices, particularly in lives are far too grating. They don't smoothly blend into their songs... =/ Especially Park Bom's Don't Cry. That was HORRENDOUS. No lie. The comments were even more painful to read... I was like are they for real? I think more than 2NE1's style, their fans are the ones making me dislike them.

I've officially become a B2ST fan. Seriously, they are amazing. On Rainy Days won me over... it's like a Jay Chou song, except with good vocals! (I like Jay Chou, but his voice isn't my cup of tea :X) Fiction's a good song too imo. I can't get enough of Yoseob's voice.

Other new groups... N-train is not bad too, even though their name is seriously lol-worthy. Their rapper makes me crack up every time I watch him since he has this... <:| face. I dunno how to explain xD Go watch their live and you'll probably lol. Block B is worth watching out for if their music style becomes more diverse; they have a good mix of talent in there.

I've hardly listened to music lately, too busy with anime, work and games. :D I only really listen to live performances and on the bus, but half the time I'm asleep... lol.

Ok I just typed half an essay on nothing when I should be sleeping... <_< Blargh.

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

 Secret Garden was darn good as well =D 


I dunno why everyone likes SG so much, and why it has a rly high ratings.

personally to me, this drama is a waste of 13.8gb.

both in my HD and my internet usage.

i dun even know why i still have it on my HD, it feels like a waste if i delete it, but then leaving it is also a waste. zzzzzzzzzz.

i dun even wanna pick a word to describe it,so ill use an emoticon to describe it >>>>  =____________________=

dis is like THE drama that made me lose hope in kdramas.

of course, the girl is hawt as usual (not the short hair one..), but the story is......... lol................

the last good drama ive watched is Kim tak goo, that one has high ratings as well, but I mean, dang that drama is good as hell, so no comment.

I'm not sure, but isn't there an equivalent of AKB48 that starts with S or something? AKB48 targets the teenager market and that other group targets 20s and early 30s



there's akb48, ske48, sdn48

and then from akb48 there r smaller groups like no3b, itano tomomi, etc.

btw itano tomomi's solo... dear J... prob one of the best jpop song u can get now...............................

I've hardly listened to music lately, too busy with anime, work and games. :D I only really listen to live performances and on the bus, but half the time I'm asleep... lol.

lol!!! u should be studying!!!

meh ive been dling shows as well.

gotta dl as much as u can before they make it illegal...

modern family ftw, anyone watch it?

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Guest JaKi


I dunno why everyone likes SG so much, and why it has a rly high ratings.

personally to me, this drama is a waste of 13.8gb.

both in my HD and my internet usage.

i dun even know why i still have it on my HD, it feels like a waste if i delete it, but then leaving it is also a waste. zzzzzzzzzz.

i dun even wanna pick a word to describe it,so ill use an emoticon to describe it >>>>  =____________________=

dis is like THE drama that made me lose hope in kdramas.

of course, the girl is hawt as usual (not the short hair one..), but the story is......... lol................

the last good drama ive watched is Kim tak goo, that one has high ratings as well, but I mean, dang that drama is good as hell, so no comment.

Well, it's probably just not your cup of tea? Saying it was a total waste is kinda harsh, imo. Just coz you don't like it doesn't mean its worthless (which is what your making it sound out to be). This drama is probably a chick-flick type of drama, so if you're not into that kind of drama, then just don't watch it (?)

And there are plenty of good dramas out there, to or not to your taste. Just pick the ones you like =) Yoon Eunhye and Kang Jihwan has a new drama - my mum is watching it. Looks interesting, but again, probably not your cup of tea =\ Since you don't like Secret Garden.

If you liked Kim Tak Goo, then you should go watch dramas like Giant, or Dong Yi. Coz it looks like you favour dramas with tonnes of conspiracy and family "warfare" kinda things, but the main characters end up pulling through for a happy ending.

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ


was gonna download it, but... not enuf seeders........ =[

direct dl is way too slow for me, so... =[

u knw any other similar dramas thats like recent..?

cuz my parents been telling me to dl dramas... but idk any, and cbf looking for any :P.

i jst dun get y such drama can be top.

i dun see anything special.

well its a total waste of my hard drive, 

for someone who luvs it of course it wnt be a total waste of their HD.

chinese dramas r ok as well, they make awsum historic ones, or whatever they are called, my dad luvs them.. he has like heaps.


lol just thought I'd share that :lol:

omg Hans, just give me Secret Garden, I've been trying to take it off my friend but she doesn't go to AU and always forgets her hard drive T_T 

lolol y didnt u told me earlier today could have given it to u then =]

okay, but ur not taking my HD home, my laptop is........... 101% useless without it.

n wat is dis block B dat u speak of??dats the art block in my HS

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Guest xanthep

Hi! :)

I was living in Auckland for the past 2 years and I have NZ permanent residency. Do I count as New Zealander? ^^

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^ Lol you live here, you're a NZer haha

lolol y didnt u told me earlier today could have given it to u then =]

okay, but ur not taking my HD home, my laptop is........... 101% useless without it.

n wat is dis block B dat u speak of??dats the art block in my HS

oh dude, does that mean I have to bring my laptop to uni ._. it's freaking heavy as D:

Lolol Block B, I met so many westlake people since I started uni it's like o_o.... and it's a new hip hop boy group whatever the word is.

I was changing my icon and oi did you guys know that soompi has a relationship status thing and I lol'd :lol:

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Guest Khoaaa.

^ either its my comp or something but I dont think your icon is working...?

And.. it took me awhile to read all your essays lol.

B2st is good haha. Awesome dancing and everything. 

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

Hi! :)

I was living in Auckland for the past 2 years and I have NZ permanent residency. Do I count as New Zealander? ^^ 


best intro ever.... whether its a real question... or an intro.......

I dun usually give out reps but ur intro wins, so..

oh dude, does that mean I have to bring my laptop to uni ._. it's freaking heavy as D:

U play dota now...... so technically ur a guy, n guys can carry their laptops wif no problems ;p

Westlake is gay. ask them about F Block toilets, dats where all duh actions r at.

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Guest ultrabunny

wow whats with all this hate!?

I love SNSD (hello - LEGS?) I don't listen to their music to have an intellectual breakthrough. Same with 2NE1.

I guess the reasons I still respect them is that they're all still really talented (yes, it takes talent to look that good, and dance, and sing - they can sing better than alot of famous western or japanese singers).


but AKB48 whatever is the gayest "band" i've ever seen.

It's a crowd of little girls dressed straight out of some basement dwelling nerds fantasy - dancing really badly.

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Guest ultrabunny

lolllll wow and I thought I was obsessed... @__@

I need to go on a diet. I don't think I can live on McDonalds anymore after looking at Nana!

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haha, nah I just have all the After School MV's cause Orange Caramel MVs are like... kind random... lol

Anyway, wishing all uni students good luck for their final exams! and I'm going to get off to study now :lol:

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Guest Fikachoi

Breaking news!!!! According to some (very) reliable sources, A 13-year old kiwi girl (asian decent) from NZ got scouted by SM Ent. and now under SM Ent's training process. excl:

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Guest nico.kat


lol just thought I'd share that :lol:

omg Hans, just give me Secret Garden, I've been trying to take it off my friend but she doesn't go to AU and always forgets her hard drive T_T

Dude, I only forgot it once.

And you only asked once. xD

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